Make your data work for you! Tableau For Dummies brings order to the chaotic world of data. Understanding your data and organizing it into formats and visualizations that make sense to you are crucial to making a real impact on your business with the information that's already at your fingertips. This easy-to-use reference explores the user interface, and guides you through the process of connecting your data sources to the software.
Additionally, this approachable, yet comprehensive text shows you how to use graphs, charts, and other images to bring visual interest to your data, how to create dashboards from multiple data sources, and how to export the visualizations that you have developed into multiple formats that translate into positive change for your business. The mission of Tableau Software is to grant you access to data that, when put into action, will help you build your company.
Learning to use the data available to you helps you make informed, grounded business decisions that can spell success for your company. Navigate the user interface to efficiently access the features you need Connect to various spreadsheets, databases, and other data sources to create a multi-dimensional snapshot of your business Develop visualizations with easy to use drag and drop features Start building your data with templates and sample workbooks to spark your creativity and help you organize your information Tableau For Dummies is a step-by-step resource that helps you make sense of the data landscape—and put your data to work in support of your business.
- Höfundar: Molly Monsey, Paul Sochan
- Útgáfa:1
- Útgáfudagur: 14-10-2015
- Hægt að prenta út 10 bls.
- Hægt að afrita 2 bls.
- Format:ePub
- ISBN 13: 9781119134831
- Print ISBN: 9781119134794
- ISBN 10: 1119134838
- Cover
- Introduction
- About This Book
- Conventions Used in This Book
- Foolish Assumptions
- Icons Used in This Book
- Beyond the Book
- Where to Go from Here
- Part I: Getting Started with Tableau Desktop
- Chapter 1: A Brief Introduction to Tableau Desktop
- Starting with Tableau
- Looking at the Tableau Workspace
- Chapter 2: Seeing What You Can Do with Tableau
- Analyzing Data
- Creating Dashboards
- Telling the Story
- Chapter 3: Understanding the Basics
- Getting to Know the Tableau Desktop Environment
- Connecting to Your Data
- Working with Dimensions and Measures
- Choosing Chart Types
- Modifying Your View
- Chapter 1: A Brief Introduction to Tableau Desktop
- Chapter 4: Understanding Data Connections
- Understanding Data Sources
- Understanding Different Editions of Tableau Desktop
- Considering Live Data versus Data Extracts
- Chapter 5: Connecting to Data
- Preparing Your Data
- Establishing a Connection to Your Data Source
- Keeping Your Data Fresh
- Chapter 6: Visualizing Data
- Using the Shelves and Cards
- Modifying the View
- Chapter 7: Understanding the Tableau Desktop Environment
- Looking at the Menus
- Making Use of the Toolbar
- Organizing Sheets
- Chapter 8: Considering Data Display Options
- Using Show Me
- Understanding the Chart Options in Show Me
- Viewing Your Data
- Chapter 9: Adding Worksheets
- Seeing Why Multiple Worksheets Are Useful
- Naming and Organizing Worksheets
- Chapter 10: Creating Dashboards
- Understanding the Purpose of Dashboards
- Adding a Dashboard
- Organizing Your Dashboards
- Ensuring Ease of Use
- Promoting Exploration through Actions
- Chapter 11: Building Stories
- Discovering the Value of Stories
- Telling Stories with Purpose
- Chapter 12: Publishing Workbooks
- Understanding Publishing
- Sharing Your Tableau Workbooks
- Providing Access to Analysis
- Chapter 13: Sharing Files with Tableau Reader
- Looking at the Reader App
- Providing Access
- Chapter 14: Advanced Visual Analytics
- Using Advanced Analytics
- Chapter 15: Creating Calculations
- Seeing How Calculations Can Be Useful
- Creating Calculations and Parameters
- Customizing Your Data with Parameters
- Chapter 16: Unlocking the Language of Calculated Fields
- Looking at Data Types
- Understanding Functions
- Considering Operators
- Chapter 17: Ten Great Tableau Tips
- Don’t Wait for Your Source Data to Be Perfect
- Reuse Data Connections
- When in Doubt, Right-click
- The Undo Button Is Your Friend
- Pay Attention to Visual Cues
- Leverage Your Previous Work
- Visual Best Practices Are Worth Learning
- Test for Performance
- Keep It Simple
- Save Early and Often
- Chapter 18: Ten Tableau Resources
- Free On-Demand Training
- In-Person and Virtual Classroom Training
- Community and Forums
- Knowledge Base
- Support
- Tableau Visual Gallery
- White Papers
- On-Demand and Live Webinars
- Events and Conferences
- Tableau-Related Blogs
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- Gerð : 208
- Höfundur : 10760
- Útgáfuár : 2015
- Leyfi : 380