Studying Education
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- UME101G Inngangur að uppeldis- og menntunarfræði
Your beginners guide to the study and exploration of education. Introducing you to what education is, this book helps you explore the different ways of looking at education, the challenges it faces and how to study it at university and beyond. Guiding you through your course it: · Shows you what you need to study and how to study and develop your understanding · Gets you building your knowledge of essential themes, perspectives and theory from across the education sector · Helps you to see the ‘bigger picture’ of education · Includes support on how to write academically, think critically, evaluate evidence and engage with debates.
- Höfundur: Janet Lord
- Útgáfa:1
- Útgáfudagur: 2020-03-02
- Hægt að prenta út 30 bls.
- Hægt að afrita 30 bls.
- Format:ePub
- ISBN 13: 9781529723441
- Print ISBN: 9781526490476
- ISBN 10: 1529723442
- About the editor and contributors
- Introduction
- Part 1 Background and context
- 1 What is education and what is its purpose? Why study education?
- Everyone knows what education is – don’t they?
- What is the purpose of education?
- Thinking about socialisation and subjectification
- The roots of education studies as a discipline
- The many definitions of education
- The disciplines related to education
- Multidisciplinary or interdisciplinary?
- Education is dynamic
- 2 How does the study of other subjects expand our understanding of education?
- How does philosophy contribute to the study of education?
- How does history contribute to the study of education?
- How does sociology contribute to the study of education?
- How does psychology contribute to the study of education?
- 3 What are the main factors affecting school organisation and the curriculum in England today?
- Thinking about education policy and schools
- Academies and academisation
- Changes to the curriculum
- Performance tables and school inspection
- 4 How does identity shape young people’s experiences of schooling and education?
- Social class and education
- Gender and education
- Race, ‘race’ and ethnicity and education
- Understanding the intersections between aspects of identity
- Identity and types of schooling
- 5 What counts as social justice in education?
- What is social justice?
- What is social justice in education?
- What is social justice-oriented education?
- Why does it matter?
- 1 What is education and what is its purpose? Why study education?
- 6 What makes good teaching and learning?
- Thinking about teaching
- Thinking about learning
- The interplay of teaching and learning
- What does ‘excellent’ teaching mean?
- 7 What’s so great about Finland? An introduction to comparative and international education
- What are comparative and international education?
- Learning to be international or international learning?
- How do we compare apples and oranges?
- An example: comparing teacher education
- Statistics or stories?
- What’s so great about Finland?
- What can we learn from Finland?
- Any more lessons?
- 8 What are theories of learning, and how can we use them?
- What are theories of learning?
- Behaviourism
- Cognitivism
- Social development theory
- Constructivism
- Humanism
- Experiential approaches
- Twenty-first-century skills approaches
- Neuroscientific theories of learning
- Learning theories in the classroom
- 9 What are schools for?
- The emergence of mass schooling
- The purposes of mass education
- Schooling is political
- Children’s experiences of school
- Democracy in schools
- 10 What is learning outside the classroom?
- Learning outside the classroom
- What is learning outside the classroom?
- Places to learn outside of the classroom
- Planning, facilitating and assessing learning outside the classroom
- 11 Why do some children in the UK do better at school than others?
- The education gap in the UK
- How can we start to explain why some pupils outperform others?
- Differentiation according to ethnicity
- Ethnicity and gender
- Ethnicity and social class
- White working-class boys
- 12 How can we provide children with special educational needs with a quality learning experience?
- What do we mean by special educational needs?
- The categories of need
- Integration versus inclusion
- What are teachers’ responsibilities?
- Research
- The graduated approach
- Working in partnership with pupils and parents
- Theory
- Strategies to support children with special educational needs
- 13 Teacher identity, teaching and pedagogical approaches
- Teachers
- Teaching
- Reflecting on practice
- Skills focus for the twenty-first century: necessary or emperor’s new clothes?
- 14 What is vocational learning?
- What is vocational and technical education?
- Is vocational learning seeing a comeback?
- What are the different types of vocational qualifications?
- Who provides vocational and technical learning programmes?
- Who teaches vocational and technical learning programmes?
- Do vocational education programmes need to be taught differently?
- Are there any key things to think about when teaching adults on vocational learning programmes?
- 15 Social justice in education
- 16 Leadership and management in education
- 17 Early years education and play
- 18 Mental health and well-being
- 19 Technology in the classroom
- 20 Global citizenship education (GCE)
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- Gerð : 208
- Höfundur : 17206
- Útgáfuár : 2020
- Leyfi : 380