Stefnumótun og framtíðarsýn
Taking a truly international approach, Strategic Management offers you comprehensive coverage of all the core areas of business strategy in a reader-friendly way. Thoroughly updated and with the addition of four brand-new authors, the tenth edition features: • Balanced treatment of prescriptive and emergent models of strategic management. • Application of strategic theory to key areas such as technology and innovation, sustainability, entrepreneurial and public sector strategy.
• Cutting-edge content on navigating change in the strategic environment, digital transformation strategies and the role of strategic groups. • 15 brand new case studies showcasing real-life examples from recognisable brands such as Coca-Cola, Airbnb, Apple, Tesla, Toyota, Alibaba, Samsung, Starbucks and UK banks, plus updated case material throughout. • A range of practical tools to support your learning, including summaries of key strategic principles, strategic project ideas, critical reflections, questions and further reading.
Suitable for both undergraduate and postgraduate study. Professor Richard Lynch is Emeritus Professor of Strategic Management at Middlesex University, London. Dr Oliver Barish is Lecturer in Management at Birkbeck Business School, Birkbeck, University of London. Dr Vinh Sum Chau is Senior Lecturer in Strategy at Kent Business School, University of Kent. Dr Charles Thornton is Lecturer in Service Operations Management and Business Strategy at Plymouth Business School, University of Plymouth.
- Höfundur: Richard Lynch
- Útgáfa:10
- Útgáfudagur: 2024-04-03
- Hægt að prenta út 30 bls.
- Hægt að afrita 30 bls.
- Format:ePub
- ISBN 13: 9781529678604
- Print ISBN: 9781529672565
- ISBN 10: 1529678609
- List of case studies
- About the authors
- Acknowledgements
- About the Tenth Edition
- Guided tour
- Online resources for lecturers
- Tips on writing up strategic projects
- PART 1 Introduction
- 1 Strategic management
- 1.1 What is strategic management?
- 1.2 The main topics covered in strategy
- 1.3 Core areas of strategic management
- 1.4 Process: linking the three core areas
- 2 A review of theory and practice
- 2.1 Prescriptive strategic management in theory and practice
- 2.2 Emergent strategic management in theory and practice
- 2.3 Some prescriptive theories of strategic management
- 2.4 Some emergent theories of strategic management
- 1 Strategic management
- 3 Analysing the strategic environment
- 3.1 Exploring the competitive environment
- 3.2 Strategic environment – the basics
- 3.3 Degree of turbulence in the environment
- 3.4 Analysing the general environment
- 3.5 Analysing the stages of market growth
- 3.6 Key factors for success in an industry
- 3.7 Analysing the competitive industry environment – the contribution of Porter
- 3.8 Analysing the co-operative environment
- 3.9 Analysing one or more immediate competitors in depth
- 3.10 Analysing the customer and market segmentation via strategic groups
- 3.11 Radical changes in industry trends
- 4 Analysing resources and capabilities
- 4.1 Analysing resources and capabilities
- 4.2 Why does an organisation possess any resources at all? The make-or-buy decision
- 4.3 Resource analysis and adding value
- 4.4 Adding value: the value chain and the value system – the contribution of Porter
- 4.5 Resource analysis and competitive advantage – the resource-based view (RBV)
- 4.6 Identifying which resources and capabilities deliver sustainable competitive advantage
- 4.7 Analysing other important company resources: especially human resources
- 5 Strategy dynamics
- 5.1 Dynamics of previous history
- 5.2 Dynamic capabilities
- 5.3 Upgrading capabilities: how to improve competitive advantage
- 5.4 The dynamics of the VUCA environment
- 5.5 Competitive warfare dynamics
- 5.6 Uncertainty-based strategic dynamics
- 6 Prescriptive purpose delivered through mission, objectives and ethics
- 6.1 Shaping the purpose of the organisation
- 6.2 The purpose of the organisation: shareholders, stakeholders and ‘above average returns’
- 6.3 Developing a strategic vision for the future
- 6.4 Stakeholder power analysis
- 6.5 Corporate governance and the purpose of the organisation
- 6.6 Purpose shaped by ethics and corporate social responsibility
- 6.7 Developing the mission
- 6.8 Developing the objectives
- 7 Purpose emerging from innovation, new resources and technologies
- 7.1 The benefits and problems of innovation
- 7.2 Sources of innovation: market pull and technology push
- 7.3 Digital transformation: a technology and innovation strategy
- 7.4 How to innovate: the ‘ideas’ process
- 7.5 Paradigm shifts in new resources and technology
- 7.6 General technology standards
- 7.7 New resource development
- 8 Developing business-level strategy options
- 8.1 Purpose and the SWOT analysis – the contribution of Andrews
- 8.2 Environment-based options: generic strategies – the contribution of Porter
- 8.3 Environment-based strategic options: the market options matrix
- 8.4 Environment-based strategic options: the expansion method matrix
- 8.5 Resource-based strategic options: the resource-based view
- 8.6 Resource-based strategic options: cost reduction
- 9 Developing corporate-level strategy options
- 9.1 Corporate-level strategy: the benefits and costs of diversifying
- 9.2 Corporate options: degrees of diversification
- 9.3 Corporate strategy and the role of the centre – the principle of parenting
- 9.4 Corporate strategy: decisions about the company’s diversified portfolio products
- 9.5 The tools of corporate-level options: from acquisitions to restructuring
- 10 Strategy evaluation and development: the prescriptive process
- 10.1 Prescriptive strategy content: evaluation against six criteria
- 10.2 Strategy evaluation: procedures and techniques
- 10.3 Applying empirical evidence and guidelines
- 10.4 The classic prescriptive model of strategic management: exploring the process
- 11 Finding the strategic route forward from knowledge, learning and networks
- 11.1 Knowledge-based strategy
- 11.2 Learning-based strategy
- 11.3 Network-based strategy
- 11.4 Co-operation-based strategies
- 12 Organisational structure, style and people issues
- 12.1 Strategy before structure?
- 12.2 Building the organisation’s structure: basic principles
- 12.3 The choice of management style and culture
- 12.4 Types of organisational structure
- 12.5 Organisational structures for innovation
- 12.6 Motivation and staffing in strategy implementation
- 13 Implementing and controlling the strategic plan
- 13.1 The nature and limitations of the implementation process
- 13.2 Objectives, task setting and communicating the strategy
- 13.3 Resource allocation
- 13.4 Information, monitoring and control
- 13.5 The Balanced Scorecard: the contribution of Kaplan and Norton
- 13.6 Prescriptive strategic planning
- 13.7 What is a business model?
- 14 Green strategy and sustainability
- 14.1 Green strategy and sustainability: the main topics
- 14.2 Green strategy: environmental analysis
- 14.3 Green strategy: analysing resources and capabilities
- 14.4 Green strategy: organisational purpose and stakeholders
- 14.5 Green strategy: knowledge, technology and innovation
- 14.6 Green strategy: strategic options and choice
- 14.7 Implementing green strategies
- 15 Managing strategic change
- 15.1 The basic concept of strategic change
- 15.2 Analysing the causes of strategic change
- 15.3 Prescriptive approaches to managing strategic change
- 15.4 Emergent approaches to managing change
- 15.5 Developing a strategic change programme
- 16 Strategic leadership
- 16.1 What is strategic leadership?
- 16.2 What makes a successful leader?
- 16.3 How leadership roles change over time
- 16.4 How leaders cope with power
- 16.5 Successful strategic leadership
- 17 Entrepreneurial strategy
- 17.1 Entrepreneurial strategy: theory and practice
- 17.2 Entrepreneurial strategy: personal aspects and risk taking
- 17.3 The four drivers of entrepreneurial strategy: imagination, ideas, invention and innovation
- 17.4 Entrepreneurial strategy: competitive advantage and ownership
- 17.5 Implementing entrepreneurial strategy
- 18 Government, public sector and not-for-profit strategies
- 18.1 Analysing the strategic environment in public sector strategy
- 18.2 Analysing resources in the public and not-for-profit sectors
- 18.3 Exploring the purpose of public and not-for-profit organisations
- 18.4 Context, content and process in public sector strategy
- 18.5 Implementation in public sector strategy
- 19 International expansion and globalisation strategies
- 19.1 International expansion and globalisation: their meaning and importance
- 19.2 World trade and the international expansion theories
- 19.3 International and global expansion: the company perspective
- 19.4 Developing international relationships such as alliances and joint ventures
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- Gerð : 208
- Höfundur : 6048
- Útgáfuár : 2024
- Leyfi : 380