Strategic Customer Management

- 108.6.0 CRMA Stefnumiðuð stjórnun viðskiptatengsla CRM
Relationship marketing and customer relationship management (CRM) can be jointly utilised to provide a clear roadmap to excellence in customer management: this is the first textbook to demonstrate how it can be done. Written by two acclaimed experts in the field, it shows how an holistic approach to managing relationships with customers and other key stakeholders leads to increased shareholder value.
Taking a practical, step-by-step approach, the authors explain the principles of relationship marketing, apply them to the development of a CRM strategy and discuss key implementation issues. Its up-to-date coverage includes the latest developments in digital marketing and the use of social media. Topical examples and case studies from around the world connect theory with global practice, making this an ideal text for both students and practitioners keen to keep abreast of changes in this fast-moving field.
- Höfundar: Adrian Payne, Pennie Frow
- Útgáfa:1
- Útgáfudagur: 2013-03-28
- Hægt að prenta út 5 bls.
- Hægt að afrita 5 bls.
- Format:ePub
- ISBN 13: 9781107326750
- Print ISBN: 9781107014961
- ISBN 10: 1107326753
- Coverpage
- Strategic Customer Management
- Title page
- Copyright page
- Dedication
- Contents
- List of Figures
- Acknowledgements
- Part I Introduction
- 1 Strategic customer management
- Part II Relationship marketing
- 2 Relationship marketing: Development and key concepts
- Case: 2.1 Myspace – The rise and fall
- Case: 2.2 PlaceMakers – success factors in the building supplies sector
- 3 Customer value creation
- Case: 3.1 British Telecommunications (BT) – creating new customer value propositions
- Case: 3.2 Zurich Financial Services – building value propositions
- 4 Building relationships with multiple stakeholders
- Case: 4.1 AirAsia spreads its wings
- Case: 4.2 The City Car Club, Helsinki – driving sustainable car use
- 5 Relationships and technology: Digital marketing and social media
- Case: 5.1 Hippo in India – using Twitter to manage the supply chain
- Case: 5.2 Blendtec – the ‘will it blend’ viral marketing initiative
- 2 Relationship marketing: Development and key concepts
- 6 Strategy development
- Case: 6.1 Tesco – the relationship strategy superstar
- Case: 6.2 Samsung – from low-cost producer to product leadership
- 7 Enterprise value creation
- Case: 7.1 Coca-Cola in China – bringing fizz to the Chinese beverages market
- Case: 7.2 Sydney Opera House – exploring value creation strategies
- 8 Multi-channel integration
- Case: 8.1 TNT – creating the ‘perfect’ customer transaction
- Case: 8.2 Guinness – delivering the ‘Perfect Pint’
- 9 Information and technology management
- Case: 9.1 Royal Bank of Canada – building client service commitment
- Case: 9.2 The DVLA – innovating with CRM in the public sector
- 10 Performance assessment
- Case: 10.1 Sears – the service profit chain and the Kmart merger
- Case: 10.2 The Multinational Software Company – driving results with a metrics dashboard
- 11 Organising for implementation
- Annex: The comprehensive CRM audit
- Case: 11.1 Nationwide Building Society – fulfilling a CRM vision
- Case: 11.2 Mercedes-Benz – building strategic customer management capability
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- Gerð : 208
- Höfundur : 6427
- Útgáfuár : 2013
- Leyfi : 380