Statistical Methods for the Social Sciences, Global Edition

- HJÚ135F Hagnýt tölfræði
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For courses in Statistical Methods for the Social Sciences. Statistical methods applied to social sciences, made accessible to all through an emphasis on concepts Statistical Methods for the Social Sciences introduces statistical methods to students majoring in social science disciplines. With an emphasis on concepts and applications, this book assumes no previous knowledge of statistics and only a minimal mathematical background.
It contains sufficient material for a two-semester course. The 5th Edition uses examples and exercises with a variety of “real data. ” It includes more illustrations of statistical software for computations and takes advantage of the outstanding applets to explain key concepts, such as sampling distributions and conducting basic data analyses. It continues to downplay mathematics—often a stumbling block for students—while avoiding reliance on an overly simplistic recipe-based approach to statistics.
Statistical methods applied to social sciences, made accessible to all through an emphasis on concepts Statistical Methods for the Social Sciences introduces statistical methods to students majoring in social science disciplines. With an emphasis on concepts and applications, this book assumes no previous knowledge of statistics and only a minimal mathematical background. It contains sufficient material for a two-semester course.
The 5th Edition uses examples and exercises with a variety of “real data. ” It includes more illustrations of statistical software for computations and takes advantage of the outstanding applets to explain key concepts, such as sampling distributions and conducting basic data analyses. It continues to downplay mathematics–often a stumbling block for students–while avoiding reliance on an overly simplistic recipe-based approach to statistics.
The full text downloaded to your computer With eBooks you can: search for key concepts, words and phrases make highlights and notes as you study share your notes with friends eBooks are downloaded to your computer and accessible either offline through the Bookshelf (available as a free download), available online and also via the iPad and Android apps. Upon purchase, you'll gain instant access to this eBook.
- Höfundur: Alan Agresti
- Útgáfa:5
- Útgáfudagur: 2018-02-13
- Hægt að prenta út 2 bls.
- Hægt að afrita 2 bls.
- Format:Page Fidelity
- ISBN 13: 9781292220345
- Print ISBN: 9781292220314
- ISBN 10: 1292220341
- Title Page
- Copyright Page
- Dedication
- Contents
- Preface
- Acknowledgments
- Global Edition Acknowledgments
- 1 Introduction
- 1.1 Introduction to Statistical Methodology
- 1.2 Descriptive Statistics and Inferential Statistics
- 1.3 The Role of Computers and Software in Statistics
- 1.4 Chapter Summary
- 2 Sampling and Measurement
- 2.1 Variables and Their Measurement
- 2.2 Randomization
- 2.3 Sampling Variability and Potential Bias
- 2.4 Other Probability Sampling Methods*
- 2.5 Chapter Summary
- 3 Descriptive Statistics
- 3.1 Describing Data with Tables and Graphs
- 3.2 Describing the Center of the Data
- 3.3 Describing Variability of the Data
- 3.4 Measures of Position
- 3.5 Bivariate Descriptive Statistics
- 3.6 Sample Statistics and Population Parameters
- 3.7 Chapter Summary
- 4 Probability Distributions
- 4.1 Introduction to Probability
- 4.2 Probability Distributions for Discrete and Continuous Variables
- 4.3 The Normal Probability Distribution
- 4.4 Sampling Distributions Describe How Statistics Vary
- 4.5 Sampling Distributions of Sample Means
- 4.6 Review: Population, Sample Data, and Sampling Distributions
- 4.7 Chapter Summary
- 5 Statistical Inference: Estimation
- 5.1 Point and Interval Estimation
- 5.2 Confidence Interval for a Proportion
- 5.3 Confidence Interval for a Mean
- 5.4 Choice of Sample Size
- 5.5 Estimation Methods: Maximum Likelihood and the Bootstrap*
- 5.6 Chapter Summary
- 6 Statistical Inference: Significance Tests
- 6.1 The Five Parts of a Significance Test
- 6.2 Significance Test for a Mean
- 6.3 Significance Test for a Proportion
- 6.4 Decisions and Types of Errors in Tests
- 6.5 Limitations of Significance Tests
- 6.6 Finding P(Type II Error)*
- 6.7 Small-Sample Test for a Proportion—the Binomial Distribution*
- 6.8 Chapter Summary
- 7 Comparison of Two Groups
- 7.1 Preliminaries for Comparing Groups
- 7.2 Categorical Data: Comparing Two Proportions
- 7.3 Quantitative Data: Comparing Two Means
- 7.4 Comparing Means with Dependent Samples
- 7.5 Other Methods for Comparing Means*
- 7.6 Other Methods for Comparing Proportions*
- 7.7 Nonparametric Statistics for Comparing Groups*
- 7.8 Chapter Summary
- 8 Analyzing Association between Categorical Variables
- 8.1 Contingency Tables
- 8.2 Chi-Squared Test of Independence
- 8.3 Residuals: Detecting the Pattern of Association
- 8.4 Measuring Association in Contingency Tables
- 8.5 Association Between Ordinal Variables*
- 8.6 Chapter Summary
- 9 Linear Regression and Correlation
- 9.1 Linear Relationships
- 9.2 Least Squares Prediction Equation
- 9.3 The Linear Regression Model
- 9.4 Measuring Linear Association: The Correlation
- 9.5 Inferences for the Slope and Correlation
- 9.6 Model Assumptions and Violations
- 9.7 Chapter Summary
- 10 Introduction to Multivariate Relationships
- 10.1 Association and Causality
- 10.2 Controlling for Other Variables
- 10.3 Types of Multivariate Relationships
- 10.4 Inferential Issues in Statistical Control
- 10.5 Chapter Summary
- 11 Multiple Regression and Correlation
- 11.1 The Multiple Regression Model
- 11.2 Multiple Correlation and R2
- 11.3 Inferences for Multiple Regression Coefficients
- 11.4 Modeling Interaction Effects
- 11.5 Comparing Regression Models
- 11.6 Partial Correlation*
- 11.7 Standardized Regression Coefficients*
- 11.8 Chapter Summary
- 12 Regression with Categorical Predictors: Analysis of Variance Methods
- 12.1 Regression Modeling with Dummy Variables for Categories
- 12.2 Multiple Comparisons of Means
- 12.3 Comparing Several Means: Analysis of Variance
- 12.4 Two-Way ANOVA and Regression Modeling
- 12.5 Repeated-Measures Analysis of Variance*
- 12.6 Two-Way ANOVA with Repeated Measures on a Factor*
- 12.7 Chapter Summary
- 13 Multiple Regression with Quantitative and Categorical Predictors
- 13.1 Models with Quantitative and Categorical Explanatory Variables
- 13.2 Inference for Regression with Quantitative and Categorical Predictors
- 13.3 Case Studies: Using Multiple Regression in Research
- 13.4 Adjusted Means*
- 13.5 The Linear Mixed Model*
- 13.6 Chapter Summary
- 14 Model Building with Multiple Regression
- 14.1 Model Selection Procedures
- 14.2 Regression Diagnostics
- 14.3 Effects of Multicollinearity
- 14.4 Generalized Linear Models
- 14.5 Nonlinear Relationships: Polynomial Regression
- 14.6 Exponential Regression and Log Transforms*
- 14.7 Robust Variances and Nonparametric Regression*
- 14.8 Chapter Summary
- 15 Logistic Regression: Modeling Categorical Responses
- 15.1 Logistic Regression
- 15.2 Multiple Logistic Regression
- 15.3 Inference for Logistic Regression Models
- 15.4 Logistic Regression Models for Ordinal Variables*
- 15.5 Logistic Models for Nominal Responses*
- 15.6 Loglinear Models for Categorical Variables*
- 15.7 Model Goodness-of-Fit Tests for Contingency Tables*
- 15.8 Chapter Summary
- Appendix: R, Stata, SPSS, and SAS for Statistical Analyses
- Bibliography
- Credits
- Index
- A
- B
- C
- D
- E
- F
- G
- H
- I
- J
- K
- L
- M
- N
- O
- P
- Q
- R
- S
- T
- U
- V
- W
- Y
- Z
- Back Cover
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- Gerð : 208
- Höfundur : 5778
- Útgáfuár : 2018
- Leyfi : 380