Your comprehensive guide to speaking, reading, and writing in Spanish! Want to speak Spanish? Looking to improve your Spanish skills? Now you can start today with these minibooks, which give you the expert instruction you need to master Spanish basics and beyond. From numbers and vocabulary to common phrases, conversations, and much more, you'll see how to communicate effectively in Spanish and use it in real-life situations.
The practical exercises will give you greater confidence — and the bonus CD helps you start speaking Spanish from day one! Warm up with the basics — handle greetings and small talk and review pronunciation rules, letters, numbers, and dates Speak in everyday settings — handle greetings and small talk, order food and purchase goods, talk on the phone, ask for directions, and deal with emergencies Grasp grammar essentials — learn to identify and use the various parts of speech while you conjugate verbs in the simple past, present, and future tense Stretch your skills — issue commands with the imperative mood, take action on object pronouns, talk about yourself with the reflexive, and wish and hope with the subjunctive Take Spanish to work — communicate with colleagues or customers at the office, tailor phrases to your line of work, and review example workplace scenarios for common professions Open the book and find: Basic and advanced Spanish grammar Pronunciation tips and vocabulary charts Verb conjugations for regular and irregular verbs Masculine and feminine nouns Tips for using adjectives, adverbs, and prepositional phrases Proper ways to ask questions The inside scoop on the key verb haber Key phrases for numerous work environments Spanish-to-English and English-to-Spanish dictionaries Bonus CD Includes Features dialogues by native Spanish speakers Allows you to hear Spanish as it's really spoken Please see the CD appendix for details and complete system requirements.
- Höfundur: Consumer Dummies
- Útgáfa:1
- Útgáfudagur: 2009-07-30
- Hægt að prenta út 10 bls.
- Hægt að afrita 2 bls.
- Format:Page Fidelity
- ISBN 13: 9780470555262
- Print ISBN: 9780470462447
- ISBN 10: 0470555262
- About the Authors
- Dedication
- Author’s Acknowledgments
- Contents at a Glance
- Table of Contents
- Introduction
- About This Book
- Conventions Used in This Book
- Foolish Assumptions
- How This Book is Organized
- Icons Used in This Book
- Where to Go from Here
- Book I: Speaking in Everyday Settings
- Chapter 1: Warming Up with the Bare Basics
- Starting with What You Already Know
- Reciting Your ABC’s
- Honing Your Pronunciation Skills
- Getting Familiar with Punctuation Rules
- Brushing Up on Basic Phrases
- Chapter 2: Uno, Dos, Tres: Numbers, Colors, Dates, and Time
- Counting with Ordinal and Cardinal Numbers
- Adding a Touch of Color
- Making Dates
- Telling Time
- Exploring Common Expressions of Time
- Chapter 3: Greetings, Salutations, and Farewells
- Greetings in Formal or Friendly Settings
- Talkin’ the Talk
- Talkin’ the Talk
- Talkin’ the Talk
- Talkin’ the Talk
- Addressing Others by Name or Surname
- Asking “How Are You?”
- Talkin’ the Talk
- Talkin’ the Talk
- Saying “¡ Adios!”
- Chapter 4: Engaging in a Little Chitchat
- Sparking Conversations with Questions
- Talkin’ the Talk
- Chatting about the Weather
- Talkin’ the Talk
- Discussing Work, Hobbies, and Activities
- Talkin’ the Talk
- Discussing Family Matters and Relatives
- Talkin’ the Talk
- Talking about Where You Live
- Talkin’ the Talk
- Talkin’ the Talk
- Engaging in “Small” Talk with Diminutives
- Talkin’ the Talk
- Brushing Up on Common Expressions
- Use It or Lose It: Practicing What You Know
- Chapter 5: Speaking of Food . . .
- Getting Up to Speed on Table Talk
- Eating and Drinking: Three Must-Know Verbs
- Sampling the Exotic Cuisine
- Talkin’ the Talk
- Talkin’ the Talk
- Talkin’ the Talk
- Talkin’ the Talk
- Going to Market
- Talkin’ the Talk
- Talkin’ the Talk
- Shopping at the Supermercado
- Chapter 6: Going Shopping
- Checking Out the Local Department Stores
- Talkin’ the Talk
- Sampling the Goods with Probar (to Try)
- Talkin’ the Talk
- Talkin’ the Talk
- Talkin’ the Talk
- Take That! The Verb Llevar
- Talkin’ the Talk
- Comparing Products: Good, Better, Best
- Adding Even More Emphasis
- Shopping in Specialty Stores
- Sticking with Traditional Markets
- Talkin’ the Talk
- Chapter 7: Conversing Over the Phone
- Placing a Call
- Delivering an Effective Opening Line
- Slowing Down and Spelling It Out
- Talkin’ the Talk
- Talkin’ the Talk
- Talkin’ the Talk
- Talkin’ the Talk
- Calling Listening, Hearing, and Other Phone-y Verbs
- Chapter 8: Asking Directions
- Going Places with ¿Dónde?
- Where Is . . . ? Where Are . . . ?
- Using Yourself as a Reference Point
- Talkin’ the Talk
- Space Travel: Grasping Spatial Directions
- Referring to a Map When All Else Fails
- Talkin’ the Talk
- Dealing with the Normal Ups and Downs: Subir and Bajar
- Being Here, There, and Everywhere
- Knowing How Far to Go with Cerca and Lejos
- Talkin the Talk
- Chapter 9: Dealing with Emergencies
- Hollering for Help
- Dealing with Medical Issues
- Talkin’ the Talk
- Talkin’ the Talk
- Talkin’ the Talk
- Calling the Police
- Talkin’ the Talk
- Talkin’ the Talk
- Looking for Help with Buscar
- Chapter 1: Warming Up with the Bare Basics
- Chapter 1: Getting to Know Your Parts of Speech
- Unveiling the Parts of Speech
- Meeting Subject Pronouns Face to Face
- Chapter 2: Addressing Gender Issues
- Expressing Gender with Definite Articles
- Indicating Gender with Indefinite Articles
- Getting Particular with Demonstrative Adjectives and Pronouns
- Sorting Out Masculine and Feminine Spanish Singular Nouns
- Pluralizing Your Nouns
- Becoming Possessive
- Chapter 3: Dealing with the Here and Now: Present Tense Verbs
- Conjugating Verbs in the Present Tense
- Speaking of the Passive Voice . . .
- Dealing with Irregulars
- Chapter 4: ¿Qué? Asking Questions
- Spanish Inquisitions
- Yes, Sir/No, Ma’am: Answering Questions in Spanish
- Chapter 5: What’s Happening: Present Participles and the Present Progressive Tense
- Using Present Participles: It’s an “ing” Thing
- Turning Regular Verbs into Present Participles
- The Present Participle of Stem-Changing and Irregular Verbs
- Expressing Progress with the Present Progressive
- Chapter 6: Two More Simple Tenses: Future and Conditional
- Peering into the Future
- As If: The Conditional Tense
- Chapter 7: Spicing Up Your Talk with Adjectives and Adverbs
- Describing Stuff with Adjectives
- Describing Actions with Adverbs
- Comparing Stuff
- Chapter 8: Defining Relationships with Prepositions
- Meeting the Most Common Spanish Prepositions
- Telling the Difference between Prepositions
- Combining Prepositions with Infinitives
- Brushing Up on Prepositional Pronouns
- Chapter 1: Getting Bossy with the Imperative Mood
- Issuing Formal Commands
- Delivering Informal Commands
- Chapter 2: Getting Object Pronouns Involved
- Acting Directly on Direct Object Pronouns
- Using Indirect Object Pronouns
- Picking the Right Object Pronoun for the Job
- Putting Object Pronouns in Their Places
- Doubling Up with Object Pronouns
- Chapter 3: Involving Yourself in the Action with the Reflexive
- Grasping the Concept of Reflexive Verbs
- Doing More with Reflexive Verbs
- Reflexivity Not Always Required
- Enlisting the Aid of Reflexive Pronouns
- Putting Reflexive Pronouns in Their Places
- Chapter 4: Been There, Done That: Past (Preterit) Tense
- Conjugating Regular Verbs in the Preterit
- Using the Preterit in a Sentence
- Facing Some Irregularities
- Chapter 5: Continuing in the Past with the Imperfect Tense
- Preterit or Imperfect? You Decide
- Conjugating Regular Verbs in the Imperfect
- Practicing the Imperfect with Timely Expressions
- Meeting the Three Irregular Imperfect Verbs
- Chapter 6: Getting That Subjunctive Feeling
- Conjugating Regular Verbs in the Present Subjunctive
- Confronting Irregularities
- Wishing in the Subjunctive
- Conveying Doubt, Opinion, or Incomplete Action
- Stepping Up to the Imperfect Subjunctive
- Chapter 7: Forming the Compound Tenses
- Laying the Groundwork
- Tackling the Pluperfect and Preterit Perfect
- Forming the Future Perfect and Conditional Perfect
- Encountering the Present Perfect Subjunctive
- Doubting the Past with the Pluperfect Subjunctive
- Chapter 1: Spanish for Healthcare Workers
- First Things First: Key Words and Emergency Lingo
- Admitting New Patients
- Talkin’ the Talk
- Talkin’ the Talk
- Talkin’ the Talk
- Asking Questions: The Patient Interview
- Talkin’ the Talk
- Examining Your Patient
- Talkin’ the Talk
- Explaining the Diagnosis and Treatment
- Chapter 2: Spanish for Law Enforcement Professionals
- Breaking the Ice with Common Words and Phrases
- Talkin’ the Talk
- Dealing with Traffic Violations
- Interviewing Witnesses
- Taking a Suspect into Custody
- Chapter 3: Spanish for Educators and Administrators
- Admitting New Students
- Talkin’ the Talk
- Communicating with Students
- Communicating with Parents
- Chapter 4: Spanish for Banking and Financing
- Brushing Up on Banker-Speak
- Processing Common Transactions
- Talkin’ the Talk
- Talkin’ the Talk
- Addressing Common Problems
- Chapter 5: Spanish in the Office
- Interviewing Job Candidates
- Talkin’ the Talk
- Explaining Compensation and Benefits
- Describing Buildings, Furniture, Equipment, and Supplies
- Training New Hires
- Chapter 6: Spanish for Hotel and Restaurant Managers
- Greeting Guests and Patrons
- Talkin’ the Talk
- Training the Housekeeping Staff
- Training the Laundry Room Staff
- Managing Spanish in the Kitchen
- Chapter 7: Spanish for Builders, Mechanics, and Factory Workers
- Brushing Up on the Tools of the Trade
- Using the Tools of the Trade
- Issuing Common Commands
- Talkin’ the Talk
- Communicating on the Factory Floor
- Chapter 8: Spanish for Real Estate Professionals
- Setting Appointments
- Understanding Your Clients
- Talkin’ the Talk
- Describing Homes
- Discussing the Financing and Purchase
- Navigating the Closing
- Dealing with Sellers
- Chapter 9: Spanish for Gardening and Landscaping
- Brushing Up on the Tools of the Trade
- Commanding Your Crew
- Prepping the Ground for Planting
- Planting Trees, Shrubs, and Flowers
- Lawn Care Lingo
- Appendix A: Spanish Verbs
- Regular Spanish Verbs
- Irregular Spanish Verbs
- Stem-Changing Spanish Verbs
- Spelling-Changing Spanish Verbs
- Appendix B: Spanish-English Mini Dictionary
- Appendix C: English-Spanish Mini Dictionary
- Appendix D: About the CD
- What You’ll Find on the CD
- Customer Care
Bókahillan þín er þitt svæði og þar eru bækurnar þínar geymdar. Þú kemst í bókahilluna þína hvar og hvenær sem er í tölvu eða snjalltæki. Einfalt og þægilegt!Rafbók til eignar
Rafbók til eignar þarf að hlaða niður á þau tæki sem þú vilt nota innan eins árs frá því bókin er keypt.
Þú kemst í bækurnar hvar sem er
Þú getur nálgast allar raf(skóla)bækurnar þínar á einu augabragði, hvar og hvenær sem er í bókahillunni þinni. Engin taska, enginn kyndill og ekkert vesen (hvað þá yfirvigt).
Auðvelt að fletta og leita
Þú getur flakkað milli síðna og kafla eins og þér hentar best og farið beint í ákveðna kafla úr efnisyfirlitinu. Í leitinni finnur þú orð, kafla eða síður í einum smelli.
Glósur og yfirstrikanir
Þú getur auðkennt textabrot með mismunandi litum og skrifað glósur að vild í rafbókina. Þú getur jafnvel séð glósur og yfirstrikanir hjá bekkjarsystkinum og kennara ef þeir leyfa það. Allt á einum stað.
Hvað viltu sjá? / Þú ræður hvernig síðan lítur út
Þú lagar síðuna að þínum þörfum. Stækkaðu eða minnkaðu myndir og texta með multi-level zoom til að sjá síðuna eins og þér hentar best í þínu námi.
Fleiri góðir kostir
- Þú getur prentað síður úr bókinni (innan þeirra marka sem útgefandinn setur)
- Möguleiki á tengingu við annað stafrænt og gagnvirkt efni, svo sem myndbönd eða spurningar úr efninu
- Auðvelt að afrita og líma efni/texta fyrir t.d. heimaverkefni eða ritgerðir
- Styður tækni sem hjálpar nemendum með sjón- eða heyrnarskerðingu
- Gerð : 208
- Höfundur : 10774
- Útgáfuár : 2009