A Sociology of Family Life

- FRG204G Fjölskyldur og fjölskyldustefna.
Family relations are undergoing dramatic changes globally and locally. At the same time, certain features of family life endure. This popular book, now in a fully updated second edition, presents a comprehensive assessment of recent research on 'family', parenting, childhood and interpersonal ties. A Sociology of Family Life queries assumptions about a disintegration of 'the family' by revealing a remarkable persistence of commitment and reciprocity across cultures, within new as well as traditional family forms.
Yet, while new kinds of intimate relationships such as 'friends as family' and LGBTQ+ intimacies become commonplace, such personal relationships can still be difficult to negotiate in the face of wider structural norms. With a focus on factors such as class, gender, race, ethnicity and sexuality, this new edition highlights inequalities that influence and curb families and personal life transnationally.
Alongside substantial new material on cultural and digital transformations, the book features extensive updates on issues ranging from demography, migration, ageing and government policies to reproductive technologies, employment and care. With a global focus, and blending theory with real-life examples, this insightful and engaging book will remain indispensable to students across the social sciences.
- Höfundar: Deborah Chambers, Pablo Gracia
- Útgáfa:1
- Útgáfudagur: 2021-11-30
- Hægt að prenta út 10 bls.
- Hægt að afrita 2 bls.
- Format:ePub
- ISBN 13: 9781509541379
- Print ISBN: 9781509541355
- ISBN 10: 1509541373
- Cover
- Title Page
- Copyright Page
- Preface and Acknowledgements
- Introduction
- Themes and issues
- Organization of the book
- Notes
- 1 Traditional Approaches to the Family
- Late nineteenth-century sociological perspectives
- Engels: family, private property and the state
- The twentieth-century functional family
- Companionate marriage
- Community and kinship studies
- Race and ethnicity in family studies
- Feminism and families
- Conclusions
- Questions for Reflection and Discussion
- 2 Individualization, Intimacy and Family Life
- Individualization and changing families
- Critiques of the concept of individualization
- Doing and displaying families
- Non-traditional family relationships
- Same-sex intimacies and families of choice
- Black and minority ethnic kinship ties
- Conclusions
- Questions for Reflection and Discussion
- 3 Parenting Practices and Values
- Changing parenthood and parenting
- Morality and motherhood
- Fatherhood: traditional and new models
- Fatherhood after divorce
- Domestic violence in families with children
- Parenting among minority ethnic groups
- Parenting in LGBTQ+ families
- Conclusions
- Questions for Reflection and Discussion
- 4 The Changing Nature of Childhood
- Changing ideas about childhood
- Children’s socialization and agency
- Children and divorced families
- Childhood, social inequalities and consumption
- Children, digital media and the home
- The privatization of childhood
- Conclusions
- Questions for Reflection and Discussion
- Notes
- 5 Families and Ageing Societies
- Changing dynamics in ageing and family life
- Older people and family support
- Gender differences among older people
- Same-sex relationships among older people
- Globalization, old age and kinship in Southeast and East Asian communities
- Conclusions
- Questions for Reflection and Discussion
- 6 Globalization, Migration and Intimate Relations
- Gendered migration patterns
- Globalization, migration and family care
- Marriage strategies and mobility
- Commercially negotiated marriage
- Maintaining cultural traditions in diasporic settings
- Transnational mail-order brides
- Undocumented migrant families
- Conclusions
- Questions for Reflection and Discussion
- 7 Families, Fertility and Populations
- Fertility policies from a global perspective
- The case of Japan: a low-fertility industrialized country
- Romania’s pro-natalist policy under Ceauşescu
- India’s preference for sons
- China’s one-child policy
- Conclusions
- Questions for Reflection and Discussion
- 8 Families and New Reproductive Technologies
- Assisted conception and relatedness
- Approaches to new reproductive technologies
- Donor insemination and the regulation of families
- Infertility treatment from a global perspective: the South Asian diaspora
- Donor technologies in the Muslim Middle East
- Commercial surrogacy in India
- Conclusions
- Questions for Reflection and Discussion
- Notes
- 9 New Directions: The Politics of Family, Intimacy and Personal Life
- The politics of family values
- The politics of family, race and nation
- Black Lives Matter and extended family bonds
- Global and economic dimensions of intimacy, family and caregiving
- New intimacies
- Friends and family
- Personal life
- Notes
- References
- Index
- End User License Agreement
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- Gerð : 208
- Höfundur : 6255
- Útgáfuár : 2012
- Leyfi : 379