Social Psychology
- SÁL503G Félagsleg sálfræði
Gain a broad yet thorough understanding of Social Psychology, exploring both classic and contemporary theory, concepts, issues and research. This trusted, market-leading text offers the most comprehensive coverage of Social Psychology in the market and is an essential resource whether you are studying, teaching or researching this fascinating subject. Now in its ninth edition, Hogg & Vaughan’s Social Psychology provides in-depth scientific coverage of social psychological theory and research.
It places social psychology in a contemporary, real-world context and explores new, cutting-edge research as well as bringing classic theories to life. A key strength of the text is its unique global approach, combining UK, European and North American perspectives. Highly visual and rich with interesting examples and innovative learning features, the book is lively and engaging and encourages you to apply concepts to your own life and understand social issues within the wider world.
Key features: Thoroughly updated to reflect important advances in the field, including discussion of and reference to COVID-19, populism, global warming and the climate crisis throughout the book New material describing the 2010s reproducibility and replication crisis in social psychology, and the Open Science Movement A wealth of in-chapter features, including research highlights, sections focusing on ‘Your Life’, broader global issues in ‘Our World’ and sections on literature, film and TV, help you gain a deeper and applied understanding of concepts and issues Richly illustrated with photos and diagrams to help bring social psychology alive Pearson, the world’s learning company.
- Höfundar: Michael Hogg, Graham Vaughan
- Útgáfa:9
- Útgáfudagur: 2021-11-04
- Hægt að prenta út 2 bls.
- Hægt að afrita 2 bls.
- Format:ePub
- ISBN 13: 9781292409061
- Print ISBN: 9781292352831
- ISBN 10: 1292409061
- Cover Page
- Title
- Copyright
- Contents
- Preface
- About the authors
- 1 Introducing social psychology
- What is social psychology?
- Social psychology and its close neighbours
- Topics of social psychology
- Research methods
- Scientific method
- Experiments
- Non-experimental methods
- Data and analysis
- Research ethics
- Physical welfare of participants
- Respect for privacy
- Use of deception
- Informed consent
- Debriefing
- Theories and theorising
- Theories in social psychology
- Social psychology in crisis
- Reductionism and levels of explanation
- Positivism and post-positivism
- Historical context
- Social psychology in the nineteenth century
- The rise of experimentation
- Later influences
- The journals
- Social psychology in Europe
- About this text
- Summary
- Literature, film and TV
- Learn more
- What is social psychology?
- 2 Social cognition and social thinking
- Social psychology and cognition
- A short history of cognition in social psychology
- Forming impressions of other people
- What information is important?
- Biases in forming impressions
- Cognitive algebra
- Social schemas and categories
- Types of schemas
- Categories and prototypes
- Categorisation and stereotyping
- How we use, acquire and change schemas
- Using schemas
- Acquiring schemas
- Changing schemas
- Social encoding
- Salience
- Vividness
- Accessibility
- Memory for people
- Contents of person memory
- Organisation of person memory
- Using person memory
- Social inference
- Departures from normality
- Heuristics
- Improving social inference
- Affect and emotion
- Antecedents of affect
- Consequences of affect
- Emotion regulation
- Beyond cognition and neuroscience
- Where is the 'social' in social cognition?
- Summary
- Literature, film and TV
- Learn more
- Social psychology and cognition
- 3 Attribution and social explanation
- Seeking the causes of behaviour
- How people attribute causality
- People as naive psychologists
- From acts to dispositions
- People as everyday scientists
- Extensions of attribution theory
- Explaining our emotions
- Attributions for our own behaviour
- Task performance attributions
- Applications of attribution theory
- Individual differences and attributional styles
- Interpersonal relationships
- Attributional biases
- Correspondence bias, the fundamental attribution error, and essentialism
- The actor–observer effect
- The false consensus effect
- Self-serving biases
- Intergroup attribution
- Attribution and stereotyping
- Social knowledge and societal attributions
- Social representations
- Rumour and gossip
- Conspiracy theories
- Societal attributions
- Culture's contribution
- Summary
- Literature, film and TV
- Learn more
- 4 Self and identity
- Who are you?
- Self and identity in historical context
- Psychodynamic self
- Individual versus collective self
- Collective self
- Symbolic interactionist self
- Self-awareness
- Self-knowledge
- Self-schemas
- Regulatory focus theory
- Inferences from our behaviour
- Social comparison and self-knowledge
- Many selves, multiple identities
- Types of self and identity
- Contextual sensitivity of self and identity
- In search of self-coherence
- Social identity theory
- Personal identity and social identity
- Processes of social identity salience
- Consequences of social identity salience
- Self-motives
- Self-assessment and self-verification
- Self-enhancement
- Self-esteem
- Self-esteem and social identity
- Individual differences
- In pursuit of self-esteem
- Self-presentation and impression management
- Strategic self-presentation
- Expressive self-presentation
- Cultural differences in self and identity
- Summary
- Literature, film and TV
- Learn more
- 5 Attitudes
- Structure and function of attitudes
- A short history of attitudes
- Attitude structure
- Attitude functions
- Cognitive consistency
- Cognition and evaluation
- Decision-making and attitudes
- Can attitudes predict behaviour?
- Beliefs, intentions and behaviour
- Attitude accessibility
- Attitude strength and direct experience
- Reflecting on the attitude–behaviour link
- Moderator variables
- Forming attitudes
- Behavioural approaches
- Cognitive development
- Sources of learning
- Concepts related to attitudes
- Values
- Ideology
- Social representations
- Measuring attitudes
- Attitude scales
- Using attitude scales today
- Physiological measures
- Measures of overt behaviour
- Measuring covert attitudes
- Concluding thoughts
- Summary
- Literature, film and TV
- Learn more
- Structure and function of attitudes
- 6 Persuasion and attitude change
- Attitudes, arguments and behaviour
- Persuasive communication
- The communicator
- The message
- The audience
- Dual-process models of persuasion
- Elaboration–likelihood model
- Heuristic–systematic model
- Compliance
- Tactics for enhancing compliance
- Action research
- Cognitive dissonance and attitude change
- Effort justification
- Induced compliance
- Free choice
- The role of self
- Vicarious dissonance
- Alternative views to dissonance
- A new look at cognitive dissonance
- Resistance to persuasion
- Reactance
- Forewarning
- Inoculation
- Attitude accessibility and strength
- Summary
- Literature, film and TV
- Learn more
- 7 Social influence
- Types of social influence
- Compliance, obedience, conformity
- Power and influence
- Obedience to authority
- Factors influencing obedience
- The ethical legacy of Milgram's experiments
- Conformity
- The formation and influence of norms
- Yielding to majority group pressure
- Who conforms? Individual and group characteristics
- Situational factors in conformity
- Processes of conformity
- Minority influence and social change
- Beyond conformity
- Behavioural style and the genetic model
- Conversion theory
- Convergent–divergent theory
- Social identity and self-categorisation
- Vested interest and the leniency contract
- Attribution and social impact
- Two processes or one?
- Summary
- Literature, film and TV
- Learn more
- Types of social influence
- 8 People in groups
- What is a group?
- Categories and group entitativity
- Common-bond and common-identity groups
- Groups and aggregates
- Definitions
- Group effects on individual performance
- Mere presence and audience effects: social facilitation
- Classification of group tasks
- Social loafing and social impact
- Group cohesiveness
- Group socialisation
- Norms
- Morality
- Group structure
- Roles
- Status
- Communication networks
- Subgroups and crosscutting categories
- Deviants and marginal members
- Why do people join groups?
- Reasons for joining groups
- Motivations for affiliation and group formation
- Why not join groups?
- Summary
- Literature, film and TV
- Learn more
- What is a group?
- 9 Leadership and group decision-making
- Leaders and group decisions
- Leadership
- Defining leadership
- Personality traits and individual differences
- Situational perspectives
- What leaders do
- Contingency theories
- Transactional leadership
- Transformational leadership
- Charisma and charismatic leadership
- Leader perceptions and leadership schemas
- Social identity and leadership
- Trust and leadership
- Gender gaps, glass ceilings and glass cliffs
- Intergroup leadership
- Group decision-making
- Rules governing group decisions
- Brainstorming
- Group memory
- Groupthink
- Group polarisation
- Jury verdicts
- Summary
- Literature, film and TV
- Learn more
- 10 Prejudice and discrimination
- Nature and dimensions of prejudice
- Prejudiced attitudes and discriminatory behaviour
- Targets of prejudice and discrimination
- Sexism
- Racism
- Ageism
- Discrimination against sexual minorities
- Discrimination based on physical or mental disability
- Forms of discrimination
- Reluctance to help
- Tokenism
- Reverse discrimination
- Stigma and other effects of prejudice
- Stigma
- Self-worth, self-esteem and psychological well-being
- Stereotype threat
- Failure and disadvantage
- Attributional ambiguity
- Self-fulfilling prophecies
- Dehumanisation, violence and genocide
- Explanations of prejudice and discrimination
- Frustration–aggression
- The authoritarian personality
- Dogmatism and closed-mindedness
- Right-wing authoritarianism
- Social dominance theory
- Belief congruence
- Other explanations
- Summary
- Literature, film and TV
- Learn more
- 11 Intergroup behaviour
- What is intergroup behaviour?
- Relative deprivation and social unrest
- Relative deprivation
- Social protest and collective action
- Realistic conflict
- Realistic conflict theory
- Cooperation, competition and social dilemmas
- Social identity
- Minimal groups
- Social identity theory
- Social cognition
- Categorisation and relative homogeneity
- Memory
- Distinctive stimuli and illusory correlation
- Optimal distinctiveness
- Intergroup emotions
- Collective behaviour and the crowd
- Early theories
- Deindividuation and self-awareness
- Emergent norm theory
- Social identity theory and crowd behaviour
- Improving intergroup relations
- Propaganda and education
- Intergroup contact
- Superordinate goals
- Pluralism and diversity
- Communication and negotiation
- Summary
- Literature, film and TV
- Learn more
- 12 Aggression
- Aggression in our community
- Definitions and measurement
- Defining aggression
- Measuring aggression
- Theoretical perspectives
- Biological explanations
- Social and biosocial explanations
- Personal and situational variations
- Personality and individual differences
- Situational variables
- General aggression model
- Societal influences
- Disadvantaged groups
- Criminality and demographics
- Subculture of violence
- Mass media
- A cognitive analysis
- Rape myths, erotica and aggression
- Domestic and intimate partner violence
- Gender asymmetry?
- Hurting the one we 'love'
- Institutionalised aggression
- Role of society
- War
- Role of the state
- Role of the person
- Levels of explanation
- Reducing aggression
- Summary
- Literature, film and TV
- Learn more
- 13 Prosocial behaviour
- Now for something completely different
- Prosocial behaviour, helping behaviour and altruism
- The Kitty Genovese murder
- Why and when people help
- Biology and evolution
- Empathy and arousal
- Calculating whether to help
- Empathy and altruism
- Learning to be helpful
- The bystander effect
- Latané and Darley's cognitive model
- The person in the equation
- Mood states
- Attributes of the person
- Helping to prevent crime
- Shoplifting
- Exam cheating
- Health support networks
- Receiving help
- Norms, motives and self-sacrifice
- Norms for helping
- Motives and goals
- Volunteers and martyrs
- Summary
- Literature, film and TV
- Learn more
- Now for something completely different
- 14 Attraction and close relationships
- Liking, loving and affiliating
- Attractive people
- Evolution and attraction
- The role of our genes
- Attractive faces
- The search for ideals
- What increases liking?
- Proximity
- Familiarity
- Attitude similarity
- Social matching
- Assortative mating
- Personal characteristics
- Cultural stereotypes
- Attraction and rewards
- Relationships based on reinforcement
- Relationships based on social exchange
- Costs and benefits
- Comparison levels
- Social exchange, equity and justice
- The role of norms
- Attachment
- Social isolation and the need to affiliate
- Isolation and anxiety
- Effects of social deprivation
- Attachment styles
- Close relationships
- What is love?
- Love and romance
- Labels and illusions
- No greater love
- Marriage
- Same-sex romantic relationships
- Relationships that work (and those that don't)
- Maintaining relationships
- For better or for worse
- Relationship breakdown
- Summary
- Literature, film and TV
- Learn more
- 15 Language and communication
- Communication
- Language
- Language, thought and cognition
- Paralanguage and speech style
- Social markers in speech
- Language, identity and ethnicity
- Speech accommodation
- Bilingualism and second-language acquisition
- Intergroup language and communication
- Communicating without words
- Functions of non-verbal communication
- Variations in non-verbal behaviour
- Using the face to express emotions
- Facial display rules
- Gaze and eye contact
- Postures and gestures
- Touch
- Up close and personal
- Impression management and deception
- Conversation and discourse
- Conversation
- Discourse
- Computer-mediated communication
- Summary
- Literature, film and TV
- Learn more
- 16 Culture
- The cultural context
- Locating culture in social psychology
- Has social psychology neglected culture?
- Defining culture
- Culture, history and social psychology
- Origins in cultural anthropology
- Rise of cross-cultural psychology
- Culture, thought and behaviour
- Culture, cognition and attribution
- Culture, conformity and obedience
- Culture and socialisation
- Two psyches: East meets West
- Two kinds of self
- Dimensions for comparing cultures
- Values
- Individualism and collectivism
- Tightness–looseness
- Cooperation, competition and social identity
- Collectivism and prosocial behaviour
- Relationships
- Culture through the lens of norms and identity
- Contact between cultures
- Communication, language and speech style
- Language and understanding
- Acculturation and culture change
- Testing social psychology cross-culturally
- The cross-cultural challenge
- Indigenous social psychologies
- The search for universals
- The multicultural challenge
- Where to from here?
- Summary
- Literature, film and TV
- Learn more
- Glossary
- References
- Publisher's acknowledgements
- Author index
- Subject index
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- Gerð : 208
- Höfundur : 15298
- Útgáfuár : 2018
- Leyfi : 380