
Expand your vocal technique Make sense of technical singing concepts Improve your performance abilities Let your best voice be heard! Maybe you've dreamed of singing onstage. Maybe your goal is to audition for "The Voice. " Or maybe you just want to qualify for the community choir. The first step toward any of these goals is to take your singing skills to the next level. If a pricey vocal coach isn't in your budget, turn to this book! Written by a veteran performer and voice teacher, it's packed with exercises and drills that help you refine your technique.
- Höfundur: Pamelia S. Phillips
- Útgáfa:1
- Útgáfudagur: 17-07-2020
- Hægt að prenta út 10 bls.
- Hægt að afrita 2 bls.
- Format:ePub
- ISBN 13: 9781119701057
- Print ISBN: 9781119701040
- ISBN 10: 1119701058
- Cover
- Introduction
- About This Book
- Conventions Used in This Book
- What You’re Not to Read
- Foolish Assumptions
- How This Book Is Organized
- Icons Used in This Book
- Where to Go from Here
- Part 1: Preparing Your Body for Practicing
- Chapter 1: Warming Up for Singing
- Preparing Your Instrument: Stretching Out from Head to Toe
- Opening and Positioning the Lower Body
- Positioning the Upper Body for Easy Movement
- Putting It All Together with a Vocal Warm-Up
- Chapter 2: Practicing Breathing Exercises
- Moving the Breathing Muscles for Singing
- Take It In: Shaping Inhalation
- Let It Out: Controlling Exhalation
- Singing Practice Exercises with Long and Short Phrases
- Songs for Extending Breath Control
- Chapter 3: Shaping the Tongue and Lips for Vowels
- Coordinating the Tongue and Lips for Back Vowels
- Positioning the Tongue for Front Vowels
- Alternating between Front and Back Vowels
- Presenting the Middle Vowel, Uh
- Singing Combination Vowels
- Songs for Singing Vowels Precisely
- Chapter 4: Articulating Consonants Accurately
- Touching on the Tip Consonants
- Arching Back for Soft Palate Consonants
- Working on Lip Consonants
- Consonant Combos: Moving the Lips and Tongue
- Songs for Singing Various Consonants
- Chapter 1: Warming Up for Singing
- Chapter 5: Singing Precise Intervals for Musical Accuracy
- Recognizing the Most Common Intervals
- Hearing the Small Intervals
- Finding Perfect Intervals
- Comparing the Larger Intervals
- Discovering Chromatics
- Working on Scales
- Practice Piece: “Singing All the Intervals”
- Songs for Practicing Large Intervals
- Chapter 6: You’ve Got Rhythm: Conquering Rhythmic Notation and Tempo
- Rhythm Basics: Notes and Rests
- Exploring Advanced Rhythms
- Managing Rhythm at Any Tempo
- Songs for Working on Rhythm
- Chapter 7: Adding Diversity with Dynamics, Articulation Marks, and More
- Singing Dynamically
- Articulating What’s Written
- Practice Piece: “I Sing Out!”
- Improvising to Give Songs Your Own Unique Stamp
- Songs for Improving Your Musical Diversity
- Chapter 8: Checking Out Chest Voice
- Getting Familiar with Chest Voice
- Practice Piece: “Finding My Chest Voice”
- Songs That Work Out Your Chest Voice
- Chapter 9: Soaring into Head Voice and Falsetto
- Figuring Out Falsetto
- Discovering Your Head Voice
- Positioning Your Larynx for Fuller Head Voice Sounds
- Developing Your Head Voice Range
- Practice Piece: “A Bejeweled Love Song”
- Chapter 10: Mixing Up Your Sound with Middle Voice
- Discovering Your Middle Voice
- Combining Registers with Mix
- Exploring Your Mix with a Few Practice Pieces
- Chapter 11: Coordinating Register Transitions
- Moving Smoothly between Registers
- Leaping to and from Falsetto
- Refining Your Smooth Transitions
- Practice Piece: “Marching Forth”
- Songs That Require Register Transitions
- Chapter 12: Developing Your Vocal Tone
- Touching on Tone Basics
- Creating Echoing Tone with Resonance
- Varying Tone with Vibrato
- Practice Piece: “Changing Tone”
- Songs for Developing Your Tone
- Chapter 13: Expanding Your Vocal Agility
- Exploring the Art of the Quick Breath
- Howdy, Neighbor! Working on Stepwise Motion
- Mastering Thirds
- Taking Musical Leaps with Larger Intervals
- Practice Piece: “A Joyful Noise”
- Songs for Flaunting Your Agility
- Chapter 14: Belting It Out with Exercises from Beginner to Advanced
- Getting Started with Belting Basics
- Resonating All the Way to the Back Row
- Chatting It Up
- Developing Stamina for Belting
- Comparing Belt and Mix
- Belting Your Face Off
- Testing Out Your Belt Sounds with Practice Pieces
- Cooling Down Your Voice after Belting
- Songs for Beginner Belters Looking to Try Out Their Technique
- Songs for Advanced Belters Looking for a Challenge
- Chapter 15: Ten Tips for Practicing Like a Pro
- Set Aside Time to Focus on Singing
- Plan What to Practice
- Use the Exercises in This Book
- Record Your Practice Sessions
- Track Your Progress
- Cool Down after Practicing
- Know When to Rest
- Get to Know Your Song and Your Story
- Prepare for the Performance
- Find Help from a Voice Teacher
- Chapter 16: Ten Questions Singers Ask Frequently
- What Style of Music Is Right for My Voice?
- When Is a Song out of My Range?
- Am I Tone Deaf or Just Singing Out of Tune?
- How Do I Blend with Other Singers?
- How Do I Blend My Voice with Instruments?
- What’s the Best Way to Develop Vocal Endurance?
- How Can I Maintain Proper Singing Posture While Playing an Instrument?
- When (And What) Should I Eat before a Performance?
- How Do I Get Over Stage Fright?
- What Do I Have to Do to Keep My Voice Healthy?
- Listening to the Audio Tracks
- Customer Care
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- Gerð : 208
- Höfundur : 16098
- Útgáfuár : 2020
- Leyfi : 380