EBK: Services Marketing: Integrating Customer Service Across the Firm 4e

- VIÐ205G Markaðsfærsla þjónustu
- ÞJS2106170 Þjónustustjórnun
- 134.6.0 ÞJÓN Þjónustustjórnun Lota 1
- ÞJS2106170 Þjónustustjórnun
Successful businesses recognize that the development of strong customer relationships through quality service (and services) as well as implementing service strategies for competitive advantage are key to their success. In its fourth European edition, Services Marketing: Integrating Customer Focus across the Firm provides full coverage of the foundations of services marketing, placing the distinctive Gaps model at the center of this approach.
The new edition draws on the most recent research, and using up-todate and topical examples, the book focuses on the development of customer relationships through service, outlining the core concepts and theories in services marketing today. New and updated material in this new edition includes: • New content related to human resource strategies, including coverage of the role of robots and chatbots for delivering customer-focused services.
• New coverage on listening to customers through research, big data, netnography and monitoring user-generated content. • Increased technology, social media and digital coverage throughout the text, including the delivery of services using mobile and digital platforms, as well as through the Internet of Things. • Brand new examples and case studies added from global and innovative companies including Turkish Airlines, Volvo, EasyJet and McDonalds.
- Höfundar: Alan Wilson, Valarie Zeithaml, Mary Jo Bitner, Dwayne Gremler
- Útgáfa:4
- Útgáfudagur: 2020-10-07
- Hægt að prenta út 2 bls.
- Hægt að afrita 2 bls.
- Format:ePub
- ISBN 13: 9781526847812
- Print ISBN: 9781526847805
- ISBN 10: 1526847817
- Cover
- Halftitle
- Title
- Copyright
- Brief Table of Contents
- Detailed Table of Contents
- About the authors
- Preface
- Acknowledgements
- Guided tour
- Technology to enhance learning and teaching: Connect
- PART 1: Foundations for services marketing
- Chapter 1: Introduction to services
- What are services?
- Service contexts
- Service dominant logic
- Technology and evolution of services
- Why services marketing?
- Characteristics of services impacting on marketing activities
- Services marketing mix
- Staying focused on the customer
- Chapter 2: Conceptual framework of the book: the gaps model of service quality
- The customer gap
- The provider gaps
- Putting it all together: closing the gaps
- Chapter 1: Introduction to services
- Chapter 3: Consumer behaviour in services
- Search, experience and credence properties
- Consumer choice of service
- Consumer experience during service delivery
- Post-experience evaluation
- Understanding differences among consumers
- Chapter 4: Customer expectations of service
- Importance of customer expectations
- Meaning and types of service expectations
- Factors that influence customer expectations of service
- Issues involving the management of customer service expectations
- Chapter 5: Customer perceptions of service
- Customer perceptions
- Customer satisfaction
- Ensuring high customer satisfaction
- Service quality
- Service encounters: the building blocks for customer perceptions
- The evidence of service
- Chapter 6: Listening to customers
- Customer databases and big data analytics
- Monitoring user-generated content and netnography
- Using marketing research to understand customer expectations
- Elements in an effective services marketing research programme
- Analysing and interpreting marketing research findings
- Using marketing research information
- Ethics in marketing research
- Upward communication through employees
- Chapter 7: Building customer relationships
- Relationship marketing
- Relationship value of customers
- Customer profitability segments
- Relationship development strategies
- Relationship challenges
- Chapter 8: Service innovation and design
- Challenges of service innovation policy
- New service development processes
- Types of new services
- Service innovation through the Internet of Things
- Stages in service innovation and development
- Service blueprinting
- High-performance service innovations
- Chapter 9: Customer-defined service standards
- Factors necessary for appropriate service standards
- Types of customer-defined service standards
- Development of customer-defined service standards
- Chapter 10: The physical and virtual servicescape
- Physical and virtual evidence
- Typology of servicescapes
- Strategic roles of the servicescape
- Framework for understanding servicescape effects on behaviour
- Guidelines for physical evidence strategy
- Chapter 11: Employees’ roles in service delivery
- Service culture
- The critical importance of service employees
- Boundary-spanning roles
- Strategies for delivering service quality through people
- Customer-oriented service delivery
- Chapter 12: Customers’ roles in service delivery
- The importance of customers in service co-creation and delivery
- Customers’ roles
- Self-service technologies – the ultimate in customer participation
- Strategies for enhancing customer participation
- Chapter 13: Delivering service through electronic channels and intermediaries
- Multi-channel versus omni-channel delivery
- Delivering service through electronic channels
- Delivering service through mobile channels
- Other forms of service distribution
- Direct or company-owned channels
- Franchising
- Agents and brokers
- Common issues involving intermediaries
- Strategies for effective service delivery through intermediaries
- Chapter 14: Managing demand and capacity
- The underlying issue: lack of inventory capability
- Capacity constraints
- Demand patterns
- Strategies for matching capacity and demand
- Revenue management
- Queuing strategies: when demand and capacity cannot be matched
- Chapter 15: Service recovery
- The impact of service failure and recovery
- How customers respond to service failures
- Customers’ recovery expectations
- Cultural differences in customers’ recovery expectations
- Switching versus loyalty following service recovery
- Service recovery strategies
- Service guarantees
- Chapter 16: Managing external and internal communications
- The need for coordination in online and offline marketing communication channels
- Key service communication challenges
- Five categories of strategy to overcome communication challenges
- Chapter 17: Pricing of services
- Three key ways that service prices are different for consumers
- Approaches to pricing services
- Dynamic pricing
- Adapting the price
- Chapter 18: The financial impact of service quality
- Service and profitability: the direct relationship
- Offensive marketing effects of service: attracting more and better customers
- Defensive marketing effects of service: customer retention
- The key drivers of service quality, customer retention and profits
- Customer equity and return on marketing
- Company performance measurement: the balanced performance scorecard
- 1 CitizenM: redesigning consumers’ hotel experiences
- 2 Amazon: delivering service through electronic channels and intermediaries
- 3 The John Lewis and Partners customer experience
- 4 McDonald’s: designing services processes and innovations
- 5 Music festivals and the price of live performances
- 6 Marriott International: opportunity window for customer experience
- 7 Turkish Airlines: enhancing the customer experience
- 8 Starbucks: key elements of the ‘starbucks experience’
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- Gerð : 208
- Höfundur : 5615
- Útgáfuár : 2016
- Leyfi : 380