Service User and Carer Involvement in Health and Social Care

Written by a collection of experts in the field, this important new text provides a critical and constructive analysis of the ways in which service users and carers engage with health and social care services. Covering topics such as the importance of terminology, wellbeing and resilience and the notion of tokenism, and enhanced by a wealth of first-hand experiences and creative work by a range of service users and carers, the text examines how different forms of collaboration, participation and involvement (or lack of it) have contributed, and continue to contribute, to service development and the expansion of participant movements.
With a strong focus on retrospective as well as prospective analysis, it encourages the reader to learn from both historical and current developments in service user and carer involvement in order to anticipate and inform future directions. This engaging and inspiring text is key reading for students on undergraduate and postgraduate social work programmes, as well as practitioners looking for a fresh new perspective.
- Höfundar: Barbara Fawcett, Joy Fillingham, Dawn River, Maureen Smojkis, Nicki Ward
- Útgáfa:1
- Útgáfudagur: 2017-09-14
- Hægt að prenta út 2 bls.
- Hægt að afrita 2 bls.
- Format:ePub
- ISBN 13: 9781137537713
- Print ISBN: 9781137537706
- ISBN 10: 113753771X
- Cover
- Halftitle
- Title
- Copyright
- Contents
- List of figures and tables
- Acknowledgements
- Introduction: setting the scene
- Part 1
- 1 ‘Patients’, ‘clients’, ‘service users’, ‘survivors’ and ‘carers’: backwards, forwards and places in between
- Introduction
- Terminology
- Involvement and participation: the Disability Rights Movement
- Consumerist underpinnings
- Conclusion
- Key questions for reflection
- 2 Bleeding boundaries: homogeneity and heterogeneity in user involvement
- Introduction
- Service user and carer involvement: the importance of belonging
- Homogeneity and heterogeneity – acknowledging experts by experiences or putting us into boxes?
- Carer, service user, professional, academic: shifting and intersectional identities
- Conclusion
- Key questions for reflection
- 3 Visibility and invisibility in service user and carer involvement
- Introduction
- Recognition and involvement in health and social care
- Effective barriers to involvement
- Affective barriers to involvement
- The interaction between effective and affective barriers
- Conclusion
- Key questions for reflection
- 4 International agendas: mirrors and mirages
- Introduction
- Globalisation
- ‘Involvement’ and international contexts
- Involvement and marginalised communities: international perspectives
- Examples of ‘involvement’: international contexts
- The ‘welfare’ ethos
- The importance of the role of professionals in agencies and communities
- Safeguards and risk and impact of privatisation
- Conclusion
- Key questions for reflection
- 1 ‘Patients’, ‘clients’, ‘service users’, ‘survivors’ and ‘carers’: backwards, forwards and places in between
- 5 ‘This could be Rotterdam (or anywhere)’: working in partnership with service users and carers on an international exchange programme
- Introduction
- Rebuilding health and social care within an international context
- Social work
- The global agenda for social work and social development
- The international exchange programme
- Conclusion
- Key questions for reflection
- 6 Exploring resilience and wellbeing: crossing the boundaries between service user and practitioner in mental health
- Introduction
- Wellbeing
- Resilience
- The Inpatient Care Forum
- Working in health and social care: resilience and practitioners
- Interdisciplinary Preceptorship Programme (IPP)
- Discussion
- Conclusion
- Key questions for reflection
- 7 Arts-based practice: learning from survivor artists
- Introduction
- Arts-based practice in health and social care
- The Survivor Arts Project
- The value of adopting a more creative approach
- Survivor artists’ perspectives
- The art of recovery
- Art: the process
- Recovery: the journey
- Mental health services
- Conclusion
- Key questions for reflection
- 8 Building voices: challenging stigma and constructing identities
- Context
- Role allocation and change
- Limitations imposed around roles
- Expectations towards service users, carers and patients as a result of role allocation
- Stereotyping and stigma
- Attitudinal link
- Holding onto yourself
- Conclusion
- Key questions for reflection
- 9 Conclusion: future dilemmas and directions
- We’re not there yet!
- Doing ‘involvement’
- Shared and differential experiences
- Building practices which build voices
- Conclusion
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Fleiri góðir kostir
- Þú getur prentað síður úr bókinni (innan þeirra marka sem útgefandinn setur)
- Möguleiki á tengingu við annað stafrænt og gagnvirkt efni, svo sem myndbönd eða spurningar úr efninu
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- Styður tækni sem hjálpar nemendum með sjón- eða heyrnarskerðingu
- Gerð : 208
- Höfundur : 17477
- Útgáfuár : 2017
- Leyfi : 380