Use scrum in all aspects of life Scrum is an agile project management framework that allows for flexibility and collaboration to be a part of your workflow. Primarily used by software developers, scrum can be used across many job functions and industries. Scrum can also be used in your personal life to help you plan for retirement, a trip, or even a wedding or other big event. Scrum provides a small set of rules that create just enough structure for teams to be able to focus their innovation on solving what might otherwise be an insurmountable challenge.
Scrum For Dummies shows you how to assemble a scrum taskforce and use it to implement this popular Agile methodology to make projects in your professional and personal life run more smoothly--from start to finish. Discover what scrum offers project and product teams Integrate scrum into your agile project management strategy Plan your retirement or a family reunion using scrum Prioritize for releases with sprints No matter your career path or job title, the principles of scrum are designed to make your life easier.
- Höfundar: Mark C. Layton, David Morrow
- Útgáfa:2
- Útgáfudagur: 2018-04-16
- Hægt að prenta út 10 bls.
- Hægt að afrita 2 bls.
- Format:ePub
- ISBN 13: 9781119467694
- Print ISBN: 9781119467649
- ISBN 10: 1119467691
- Cover
- Introduction
- About This Book
- Foolish Assumptions
- Conventions Used in This Book
- Icons Used in This Book
- Beyond the Book
- Where to Go from Here
- Part 1: Getting Started with Scrum
- Chapter 1: The Basics of Scrum
- The Bird’s-Eye Basics
- The Feedback Feast
- Agile Roots
- The Five Scrum Values
- Chapter 1: The Basics of Scrum
- Chapter 2: The First Steps
- Getting Your Scrum On
- The Power in the Product Owner
- Why Product Owners Love Scrum
- The Company Goal and Strategy: Stage 1
- The Scrum Master
- Common Roles Outside Scrum
- Chapter 3: Planning Your Project
- The Product Roadmap: Stage 2
- Breaking Down Requirements
- Your Product Backlog
- Product Backlog Common Practices
- Chapter 4: The Talent and the Timing
- The Development Team
- Getting the Edge on Backlog Estimation
- Your Definition of Done
- Common Practices for Estimating
- Chapter 5: Release and Sprint Planning
- Release Plan Basics: Stage 3
- Sprinting to Your Goals
- Planning Your Sprints: Stage 4
- Your Sprint Backlog
- Chapter 6: Getting the Most Out of Sprints
- The Daily Scrum: Stage 5
- Team Task Board
- The Sprint Review: Stage 6
- The Sprint Retrospective: Stage 7
- Chapter 7: Inspect and Adapt: How to Correct Your Course
- Need for Certainty
- The Feedback Loop
- Transparency
- Antipatterns
- External Forces
- In-Flight Course Correction
- Testing in the Feedback Loop
- Culture of Innovation
- Chapter 8: Software Development
- Scrum and Software Development: A Natural Fit
- Software Flexibility and Refactoring
- Embracing Change
- Scrum Applications in Software
- Chapter 9: Tangible Goods Production
- The Fall of Waterfall
- Construction
- Scrum in Home Building
- Manufacturing
- Hardware Development
- Chapter 10: Services
- Health Care and Scrum
- Education and Scrum
- Military and Law Enforcement
- Chapter 11: Publishing: A Shifting Landscape
- A Changing Landscape in Publishing
- News Media and Scrum
- Chapter 12: IT Management and Operations
- Big Data and Large-Scale Migration
- The Service-versus-Control Conundrum
- The Retiring-Boomer Gap
- Profit-and-Loss Potential
- Innovation versus Stability
- Chapter 13: Portfolio Management
- Portfolio Management Challenges
- Lean Startup
- Scaling Scrum for Large Portfolios
- A Vertical Slicing Overview
- Scrum of Scrums
- Scrum at Scale
- Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe)
- Advantages of the SAFe Model
- Large-Scale Scrum (LeSS)
- Chapter 14: Human Resources and Finance
- Human Resources and Scrum
- Creating the Right Culture
- Finance
- Chapter 15: Business Development
- Scrum and Marketing
- Scrum in Action for Marketing
- Scrum for Sales
- Chapter 16: Customer Service
- Customers: The Most Crucial Stakeholders
- Scrum and Customer Service
- Scrum in Action in Customer Service
- Chapter 17: Dating and Family Life
- Finding Love with Scrum
- Families and Scrum
- Chapter 18: Scrum for Life Goals
- Getting to Retirement
- Achieving Fitness and Weight Goals
- Keeping Life Balance
- Planning Travel
- Studying
- Chapter 19: Ten Steps to Transition to Scrum
- Conduct an Audit
- Identify and Recruit Talent
- Ensure Proper Training
- Mobilize a Transition Team
- Identify Pilot Project
- Maximize Environment Efficiency
- Reduce Single Points of Failure
- Establish Definition of Done
- Kick Off Pilot Project
- Inspect, Adapt, Mature, and Scale
- Chapter 20: Ten Pitfalls to Avoid
- Faux Scrum
- Lack of Training
- Ineffective Product Owner
- Lack of Automated Testing
- Lack of Transition Support
- Inappropriate Environment
- Poor Team Selection
- Lax Discipline
- Lack of Support for Learning
- Watered-Down Process
- Chapter 21: Ten Key Benefits of Scrum
- Better Quality
- Decreased Time to Market
- Increased Return on Investment
- Higher Customer Satisfaction
- Higher Team Morale
- Increased Collaboration and Ownership
- More Relevant Metrics
- Improved Progress Visibility and Exposure
- Increased Project Control
- Reduced Risk
- Chapter 22: Ten Key Metrics for Scrum
- Sprint Goal Success Rates
- Defects
- Time to Market
- Return on Investment
- Capital Redeployment
- Satisfaction Surveys
- Team Member Turnover
- Project Attrition
- Skill Versatility
- Manager:Creator Ratio
- Chapter 23: Ten Key Resources for Scrum
- Scrum Alliance
- The Agile Alliance
- Scrumguides.org
- Scrum.org
- Scruminc.com (Scrum at Scale)
- ScrumPLoP
- Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe)
- LeSS
- InfoQ
- Platinum Edge
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- Gerð : 208
- Höfundur : 10695
- Útgáfuár : 2018
- Leyfi : 379