Schaum's Outline of Introduction to Mathematical Economics
- STÆ3206 Stærðfræði II
The ideal review for your intro to mathematical economics course More than 40 million students have trusted Schaum’s Outlines for their expert knowledge and helpful solved problems. Written by renowned experts in their respective fields, Schaum’s Outlines cover everything from math to science, nursing to language. The main feature for all these books is the solved problems. Step-by-step, authors walk readers through coming up with solutions to exercises in their topic of choice.
Outline format supplies a concise guide to the standard college courses in mathematical economics 710 solved problems Clear, concise explanations of all mathematical economics concepts Supplements the major bestselling textbooks in economics courses Appropriate for the following courses: Introduction to Economics, Economics, Econometrics, Microeconomics, Macroeconomics, Economics Theories, Mathematical Economics, Math for Economists, Math for Social Sciences Easily understood review of mathematical economics Supports all the major textbooks for mathematical economics courses.
- Höfundur: Edward T. Dowling
- Útgáfa:3
- Útgáfudagur: 2000-09-20
- Engar takmarkanir á útprentun
- Engar takmarkanir afritun
- Format:ePub
- ISBN 13: 9780071610155
- Print ISBN: 9780071762519
- ISBN 10: 0071610154
- Cover Page
- Schaum’s Outline of Introduction to Mathematical Economics
- Copyright Page
- Preface
- Contents
- Chapter 1 Review
- 1.1 Exponents.
- 1.2 Polynomials.
- 1.3 Equations: Linear and Quadratic.
- 1.4 Simultaneous Equations.
- 1.5 Functions.
- 1.6 Graphs, Slopes, and Intercepts.
- Chapter 2 Economic Applications of Graphs and Equations
- 2.1 Isocost Lines.
- 2.2 Supply and Demand Analysis.
- 2.3 Income Determination Models.
- 2.4 IS-LM Analysis.
- Chapter 3 The Derivative and the Rules of Differentiation
- 3.1 Limits.
- 3.2 Continuity.
- 3.3 The Slope of a Curvilinear Function.
- 3.4 The Derivative.
- 3.5 Differentiability and Continuity.
- 3.6 Derivative Notation.
- 3.7 Rules of Differentiation.
- 3.8 Higher-Order Derivatives.
- 3.9 Implicit Differentiation.
- Chapter 4 Uses of the Derivative in Mathematics and Economics
- 4.1 Increasing and Decreasing Functions.
- 4.2 Concavity and Convexity.
- 4.3 Relative Extrema.
- 4.4 Inflection Points.
- 4.5 Optimization of Functions.
- 4.6 Successive-Derivative Test for Optimization.
- 4.7 Marginal Concepts.
- 4.8 Optimizing Economic Functions.
- 4.9 Relationship Among Total, Marginal, and Average Concepts.
- Chapter 5 Calculus of Multivariable Functions
- 5.1 Functions of Several Variables and Partial Derivatives.
- 5.2 Rules of Partial Differentiation.
- 5.3 Second-Order Partial Derivatives.
- 5.4 Optimization of Multivariable Functions.
- 5.5 Constrained Optimization With Lagrange Multipliers.
- 5.6 Significance of the Lagrange Multiplier.
- 5.7 Differentials.
- 5.8 Total and Partial Differentials.
- 5.9 Total Derivatives.
- 5.10 Implicit and Inverse Function Rules.
- Chapter 6 Calculus of Multivariable Functions in Economics
- 6.1 Marginal Productivity.
- 6.2 Income Determination Multipliers and Comparative Statics.
- 6.3 Income and Cross Price Elasticities of Demand.
- 6.4 Differentials and Incremental Changes.
- 6.5 Optimization of Multivariable Functions in Economics.
- 6.6 Constrained Optimization of Multivariable
- 6.7 Homogeneous Production Functions.
- 6.8 Returns to Scale.
- 6.9 Optimization of Cobb-Douglas Production Functions.
- 6.10 Optimization of Constant Elasticity of Substitution Production Functions.
- Chapter 7 Exponential and Logarithmic Functions
- 7.1 Exponential Functions.
- 7.2 Logarithmic Functions.
- 7.3 Properties of Exponents and Logarithms.
- 7.4 Natural Exponential and Logarithmic Functions.
- 7.5 Solving Natural Exponential and Logarithmic Functions.
- 7.6 Logarithmic Transformation of Nonlinear Functions.
- Chapter 8 Exponential and Logarithmic Functions in Economics
- 8.1 Interest Compounding.
- 8.2 Effective vs. Nominal Rates of Interest.
- 8.3 Discounting.
- 8.4 Converting Exponential to Natural Exponential Functions.
- 8.5 Estimating Growth Rates from Data Points.
- Chapter 9 Differentiation of Exponential and Logarithmic Functions
- 9.1 Rules of Differentiation.
- 9.2 Higher-Order Derivatives.
- 9.3 Partial Derivatives.
- 9.4 Optimization of Exponential and Logarithmic Functions.
- 9.5 Logarithmic Differentiation.
- 9.6 Alternative Measures of Growth.
- 9.7 Optimal Timing.
- 9.8 Derivation of a Cobb-Douglas Demand Function Using a Logarithmic Transformation.
- Chapter 10 The Fundamentals of Linear (or Matrix) Algebra
- 10.1 The Role of Linear Algebra.
- 10.2 Definitions and Terms.
- 10.3 Addition and Subtraction of Matrices.
- 10.4 Scalar Multiplication.
- 10.5 Vector Multiplication.
- 10.6 Multiplication of Matrices.
- 10.7 Commutative, Associative, and Distributive Laws in Matrix Algebra.
- 10.8 Identity and Null Matrices.
- 10.9 Matrix Expression of a System of Linear Equations.
- Chapter 11 Matrix Inversion
- 11.1 Determinants and Nonsingularity.
- 11.2 Third-Order Determinants.
- 11.3 Minors and Cofactors.
- 11.4 Laplace Expansion and Higher-Order Determinants.
- 11.5 Properties of a Determinant.
- 11.6 Cofactor and Adjoint Matrices.
- 11.7 Inverse Matrices.
- 11.8 Solving Linear Equations With the Inverse.
- 11.9 Cramer’s Rule for Matrix Solutions.
- Chapter 12 Special Determinants and Matrices and Their Use in Economics
- 12.1 The Jacobian.
- 12.2 The Hessian.
- 12.3 The Discriminant.
- 12.4 Higher-Order Hessians.
- 12.5 The Bordered Hessian for Constrained Optimization.
- 12.6 Input-Output Analysis.
- 12.7 Characteristic Roots and Vectors (Eigenvalues, Eigenvectors).
- Chapter 13 Comparative Statics and Concave Programming
- 13.1 Introduction to Comparative Statics.
- 13.2 Comparative Statics With One Endogenous Variable.
- 13.3 Comparative Statics With More than One Endogenous Variable.
- 13.4 Comparative Statics for Optimization Problems.
- 13.5 Comparative Statics Used in Constrained Optimization.
- 13.6 The Envelope Theorem.
- 13.7 Concave Programming and Inequality Constraints.
- Chapter 14 Integral Calculus: The Indefinite Integral
- 14.1 Integration.
- 14.2 Rules of Integration.
- 14.3 Initial Conditions and Boundary Conditions.
- 14.4 Integration by Substitution.
- 14.5 Integration by Parts.
- 14.6 Economic Applications.
- Chapter 15 Integral Calculus: The Definite Integral
- 15.1 Area Under a Curve.
- 15.2 The Definite Integral.
- 15.3 The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus.
- 15.4 Properties of Definite Integrals.
- 15.5 Area Between Curves.
- 15.6 Improper Integrals.
- 15.7 L’hôpital’s Rule.
- 15.8 Consumers’ and Producers’ Surplus.
- 15.9 The Definite Integral and Probability.
- Chapter 16 First-Order Differential Equations
- 16.1 Definitions and Concepts.
- 16.2 General Formula for First-Order Linear Differential Equations.
- 16.3 Exact Differential Equations and Partial Integration.
- 16.4 Integrating Factors.
- 16.5 Rules for the Integrating Factor.
- 16.6 Separation of Variables.
- 16.7 Economic Applications.
- 16.8 Phase Diagrams for Differential Equations.
- Chapter 17 First-Order Difference Equations
- 17.1 Definitions and Concepts.
- 17.2 General Formula for First-Order Linear Difference Equations.
- 17.3 Stability Conditions.
- 17.4 Lagged Income Determination Model.
- 17.5 The Cobweb Model.
- 17.6 The Harrod Model.
- 17.7 Phase Diagrams for Difference Equations.
- Chapter 18 Second-Order Differential Equations and Difference Equations
- 18.1 Second-Order Differential Equations.
- 18.2 Second-Order Difference Equations.
- 18.3 Characteristic Roots.
- 18.4 Conjugate Complex Numbers.
- 18.5 Trigonometric Functions.
- 18.6 Derivatives of Trigonometric Functions.
- 18.7 Transformation of Imaginary and Complex Numbers.
- 18.8 Stability Conditions.
- Chapter 19 Simultaneous Differential and Difference Equations
- 19.1 Matrix Solution of Simultaneous Differential Equations, Part 1.
- 19.2 Matrix Solution of Simultaneous Differential Equations, Part 2.
- 19.3 Matrix Solution of Simultaneous Difference Equations, Part 1.
- 19.4 Matrix Solution of Simultaneous Difference Equations, Part 2.
- 19.5 Stability and Phase Diagrams for Simultaneous Differential Equations.
- Chapter 20 The Calculus of Variations
- 20.1 Dynamic Optimization.
- 20.2 Distance Between Two Points on a Plane.
- 20.3 Euler’s Equation and the Necessary Condition for Dynamic Optimization.
- 20.4 Finding Candidates for Extremals.
- 20.5 The Sufficiency Conditions for the Calculus of Variations.
- 20.6 Dynamic Optimization Subject to Functional Constraints.
- 20.7 Variational Notation.
- 20.8 Applications to Economics.
- Chapter 21 Optimal Control Theory
- 21.1 Terminology.
- 21.2 The Hamiltonian and the Necessary Conditions for Maximization in Optimal Control Theory.
- 21.3 Sufficiency Conditions for Maximization in Optimal Control.
- 21.4 Optimal Control Theory with a Free Endpoint.
- 21.5 Inequality Constraints in the Endpoints.
- 21.6 The Current-Valued Hamiltonian.
- Index
- Footnote
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- ch08fn
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