This concise, clear and handy–sized volume, aimed at the undergraduate level, provides an introduction to the observation, description and identifi cation in thin section, using the polarizing microscope, of samples of the commonlyoccurring rocks and minerals. Illustrated with a wealth of full colour thin section photomicrographs, and with the original images enhanced by new examples and a revised text, the book explains how to observe mineral and rock samples under the microscope.
The book highlights the important diagnostic features of minerals and deals with all rock types – igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic – each with equal emphasis and authority, giving students the knowledge and confi dence to begin to identify specimens for themselves. While intended for students in geology, geography, civil engineering and materials science, the book stands on its own as a beautiful collection of photomicrographs and a permanent source of reference and fascination for all those interested in the nature and science of the world of rocks and minerals.
- Höfundar: W.S. MacKenzie, A.E. Adams, K.H. Brodie
- Útgáfa:2
- Útgáfudagur: 2017-11-02
- Hægt að prenta út 2 bls.
- Hægt að afrita 2 bls.
- Format:ePub
- ISBN 13: 9781351650533
- Print ISBN: 9781138091849
- ISBN 10: 135165053X
- Cover
- Title Page
- Copyright
- Table of Contents
- Preface
- Acknowledgments
- About the authors
- Second edition
- Introduction
- Part 1: Optical mineralogy
- The polarizing microscope
- Description of minerals
- Shape and habit of crystals
- Colour and pleochroism
- Cleavage
- Relief
- Birefringence
- Extinction angles
- Twinning and zoning
- Undulose extinction and sub-grain structure
- Alteration
- Grain size
- Part 2: Minerals
- Olivine
- Orthopyroxene
- Clinopyroxene
- Two-pyroxene intergrowth
- Amphibole
- Biotite
- Muscovite
- Chlorite
- Quartz
- Feldspars
- Sanidine
- Microcline
- Plagioclase
- Nepheline
- Calcite
- Garnet
- Opaque minerals
- Part 3: Igneous rocks
- Peridotite
- Basalt
- Olivine basalt
- Basalt
- Dolerite
- Olivine gabbro
- Gabbro
- Andesite
- Diorite
- Granodiorite
- Rhyolite
- Microgranite
- Granite
- Alkali granite
- Phonolite
- Nepheline syenite
- Lamprophyre
- Ignimbrite
- Part 4: Sedimentary rocks
- Terrigenous clastic rocks
- Carbonate rocks
- Quartz arenite
- Feldspars in sedimentary rocks
- Sub-arkose
- Arkose
- Sub-litharenite
- Litharenite
- Wacke/Greywacke
- Micaceous sandstone
- Calcareous sandstone
- Glauconitic sandstone
- Mudstone
- Ooid grainstone
- Ooid packstone
- Bioclast packstone
- Bioclast wackestone
- Intraclast grainstone
- Peloid grainstone
- Carbonate mudstone
- Dolomite
- Radiolarian chert
- Replacement chert
- Evaporite
- Ooidal ironstone
- Banded ironstone
- Volcaniclastic rocks
- Porosity in sedimentary rocks
- Part 5: Metamorphic rocks
- Textures of metamorphic rocks
- Schistosity and schists
- Gneissic foliation and gneisses
- Mylonite
- Cataclasite
- Crenulations
- Lineations
- Reaction textures
- Metamorphosed mudstones (pelites)
- Chloritoid schist
- Garnet mica schist
- Staurolite schist
- Kyanite gneiss
- Garnet-sillimanite gneiss
- Andalusite-cordierite hornfels
- Garnet-cordierite hornfels (Granofels)
- Metamorphosed carbonate rocks
- Forsterite and diopside marble
- Metamorphosed basic rocks
- Garnet epidote amphibolite
- Amphibolite
- Two pyroxene granofels
- Glaucophane-lawsonite-schist (Blueschist)
- Glaucophane-epidote (Blue) schist
- Eclogite
- Ultramafic rocks
- Appendices
- Appendix I
- Appendix II
- Index
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- Gerð : 208
- Höfundur : 8526
- Útgáfuár : 2017
- Leyfi : 380