Rethinking Teacher Supervision and Evaluation: How to Work Smart, Build Collaboration and Close the Achievement Gap

Revision Plan for this new edition. A revision of the section on mini-observations. Some critical thoughts on the plethora of iPad and iPhone apps for classroom observation. Marshall believes that principals are distracted from being good observers by this technology. Hes working on an article on this with major players Charlotte Danielson and Jon Saphier. A new chart showing how manageable doing ten mini-observations per teacher per year is for principals, even in large buildings.
A revisit of merit pay. Includes the authors argument for a radically different approach than the test-score argument being made by Secretary of Education Arne Duncan and others. Additional graphics and photos showing backwards-designed curriculum units, and additional material to enhance that chapter. Evolved versions of the teacher and principal evaluation rubrics. What distinguishes these rubrics from the other rubrics widely used around the country is that these are leaner and more manageable, and each domain fits on one page.
- Höfundur: Kim Marshall
- Útgáfa:2
- Útgáfudagur: 2013-03-28
- Hægt að prenta út 2 bls.
- Hægt að afrita 2 bls.
- Format:Page Fidelity
- ISBN 13: 9781118419977
- Print ISBN: 9781118336724
- ISBN 10: 1118419979
- Title Page
- Copyright
- Contents
- The Author
- Acknowledgments
- Introduction
- Good Teaching Really Matters
- Chapter 1 The Challenge: Closing the Achievement Gap
- Supervision as Seen By a Rookie Teacher
- Out of the Classroom
- My Own Ship
- Low Expectations
- A Resistant Culture
- Teacher Isolation
- Weak Teamwork
- Curriculum Anarchy
- Weak Alignment between Teaching and Assessment
- Mystery Grading Criteria
- Not Focusing on Learning
- The Aha! Moment: State Standards and Tests
- Slim Curriculum Booklets and Achievement Targets
- Necessary but not Sufficient
- Chapter 2 Supervision and Evaluation: Why We Need a New Approach
- There Isn’T a Shared Definition of Good Teaching
- The Principal Sees Only a Tiny Fraction of Teachers’ Work
- The Principal’S Presence Changes What’S Going on in the Classroom
- Full-Lesson Write-Ups Rarely Change Anything
- The Process is Extremely Time-Consuming, Which Keeps Principals out of Classrooms
- Teachers are Passive Recipients of Evaluations and are Evaluated in Isolation from their Colleagues
- Student Learning is not Part of the Process
- The Imperative for Change
- Chapter 3 Mini-Observations 1: A System Is Born
- Supervision Hits a Brick Wall
- Managing by Rushing Around
- An Idea is Born
- Mini-Observations take off
- Developing a Style
- Keeping track of Visits
- Keeping it up
- Closing the Loop with Teachers
- So far, so Good
- Chapter 4 Mini-Observations 2: Doing Them Right
- 1. Unannounced
- 2. Frequent
- 3. Short
- 4. Face-to-Face
- 5. Perceptive
- 6. Humble
- 7. Courageous
- 8. Systematic
- 9. Documented
- 10. Linked to Teacher Teamwork and Schoolwide Improvement
- 11. Linked to End-of-Year Teacher Evaluation
- 12. Explained well
- Necessary but not Sufficient
- Chapter 5 Curriculum Design: The Foundation of Good Teaching
- The Curriculum Planning Gap
- The K–12 Curriculum Plan
- Year-end Learning Expectations
- A Curriculum Calendar
- Curriculum Unit Plans
- Lessons: Where the Rubber Meets the Road
- Taking Stock
- Chapter 6 Interim Assessments: Using During-the-Year Evidence of Learning to Continuously Improve an
- I Taught it, Therefore they Learned it
- Finding the Right Assessments
- On-the-spot Assessments
- Interim Assessments
- What Interim Assessments Add
- Problems Implementing Interim Assessments
- Doing Interim Assessments Right
- Team Value-Added Accountability
- Taking Stock
- Chapter 7 Rubrics: Potent, Efficient End-of-Year Evaluation Tools
- Creating a new set of Rubrics
- Step 1: Deciding on Domains
- Step 2: Deciding on a Rating Scale
- Step 3: Sorting the Criteria
- Step 4: Creating the Rubrics
- Introducing the Rubrics
- Using the Rubrics
- Teachers Scoring below Proficient
- The Bridge to Continuous Improvement
- Professional Learning Community
- Goal Setting
- Midyear Check-In
- Teacher Input in End-of-Year Rubric Evaluation
- Student Input
- Charting Faculty Results
- Taking Stock
- Creating a new set of Rubrics
- Chapter 8 Time Management: Doing First Things First
- Best of best Practices
- Have a Laser-Like Focus on Student Achievement and Your Strategic Plan
- Make Sure Staff Know Exactly What Is Expected in Terms of Classroom Instruction and Discipline
- Use a Good Personal Planning System for the Year, Month, Week, and Day
- Set up a Schedule of Meetings for Key Teams and Make Sure They Happen
- Use a Good System for Writing Things Down, Prioritizing, and Following Up
- Put Competent People in Key Roles and Delegate Maximum Responsibility to Them
- Frequently Visit Classrooms and Team Meetings and Give Teachers Feedback
- Use Good Strategies to Prevent or Deflect Time-Wasting Crises and Activities
- Take Care of Yourself, Including Family, Health, Exercise, Sleep, and Vacations
- Regularly Evaluate Progress and Work on Continuous Improvement
- Taking Stock
- Best of best Practices
- Chapter 9 The Role of the Superintendent
- Principal Evaluation Rubrics
- Mini-Observations
- Curriculum Unit Planning
- Interim Assessments
- End-of-year Rubric Evaluation of Teachers
- Time Management
- Chapter 10 Putting It All Together
- Effective Supervision and Evaluation
- Working Together to Close the Achievement gap
- Appendix A A Slim Curriculum Expectations Booklet: Atlantic Elementary School, Grade 4 Learning Expe
- Mission
- Our Theory of Action
- Introduction to Learning Expectations
- Reading
- Sample Reading Passage
- Writing
- Mathematics
- Science
- Social Studies
- Social Development and Effective Effort
- Other Subjects
- References
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- Gerð : 208
- Höfundur : 11571
- Útgáfuár : 2013
- Leyfi : 379