Reduce Change to Increase Improvement

- STM213F Þróunarstarf í menntastofnunum
Too much change, not enough improvement Planned changes often fail because those designing them underestimate the complexity of implementation. Reduce Change to Increase Improvement provides a practical structure for helping system and school leaders increase improvement while reducing ineffective change and innovation. By drilling down to the beliefs and values that inform the actual practice of change leaders, Robinson identifies the mindset, processes, and actual behaviors that contribute to successful reform efforts and, importantly, provide school leaders with concrete tools that enable them to be more effective.
The structures described in the book are illustrated by numerous examples, cases, and conversation extracts and center on four phases of engagement: Agreeing about the problem to be solved Revealing the beliefs that sustain the current practices Evaluating the relative merit of the existing practices and proposed theory Implementing and monitoring the new theory of action "Finally, a serious, evidence-proven book about educational change that takes a different tact – beginning with the impact on the learner.
Reduce Change to Increase Improvement is a treasure-trove of concrete information for educational leaders. Robinson, always cautious about "change for change sake", brilliantly delineates each step of the way for leaders using authentically-documented conversations and practical discussion-starters that guide us through this collective inquiry approach towards student improvement. All leaders need this concise, clearly-stated text to guide their intentional improvement practices.
- Höfundur: Viviane Robinson
- Útgáfa:1
- Útgáfudagur: 2017-07-27
- Hægt að prenta út 2 bls.
- Hægt að afrita 2 bls.
- Format:ePub
- ISBN 13: 9781506325385
- Print ISBN: 9781506325378
- ISBN 10: 1506325386
- List of Tables and Figures
- Preface
- Acknowledgments
- About the Author
- 1. Too Much Change, Not Enough Improvement
- Not All Change Is Desirable
- Distinguish Between Change and Improvement
- The Distinction Between Change and Improvement Increases Leaders’ Accountability
- The Distinction Fosters Vigilance About Whether Change Is Working
- Is the Change Worth It?
- Improvement Means Positive Impact on Learners
- The Impact of Leadership on Student Outcomes
- Reflection and Action
- 2. Understand the Challenge of Improvement
- Understand Theories of Action
- Espoused Theories of Action Versus Theories in Use
- Helping to Change Theories of Action
- Reflection and Action
- 3. Two Approaches to Leading Improvement: Bypass and Engage
- The Limitations of the Bypass Approach
- Double-Loop Learning Is Unlikely
- Too Little Critical Scrutiny of the Alternative Theory
- Bypass May Produce Mutual Mistrust
- The Bypass Approach: A National Initiative
- From Bypass to Engagement
- From Bypass to Engagement: A School Initiative
- Reflection and Action
- The Limitations of the Bypass Approach
- 4. The Four Phases of Theory Engagement
- Phase I. Agree on the Problem to Be Solved
- Data Can Suggest What Is Problematic
- Constructive Problem Talk
- Defensive Problem Talk
- Gain Sufficient Agreement
- Phase II. Inquire Into the Relevant Theory of Action
- Ask Direct and Respectful Questions
- Postpone Evaluation of the Theory
- Inquire Systematically Into Each Component of the Theory of Action
- Phase III. Evaluate the Relative Merit of the Current and Alternative Theories of Action
- Which Values Are Important?
- Theory Evaluation and Interpersonal Behavior
- Communicating Respectful Evaluations
- Phase IV. Implement and Monitor a New, Sufficiently Shared Theory of Action
- Use Implementation and Outcome Indicators
- Embed the Indicators in the Work of Improvement
- Reflection and Action
- Phase I. Agree on the Problem to Be Solved
- 5. Learning How to Lead Improvement: Coaching That Engages Principals
- Excerpt 1: Engage Others’ Thinking
- Layer 1: The Coach Brings Relevant Knowledge
- Layer 2: The Coach Models How to Maintain a Shared Focus
- Layer 3: The Coach Enacts the Interpersonal Values of Respect, Truth-Seeking, and Internal Commitment
- Excerpt 2: The Self-Referential Critique
- How to Provide Self-Referential Critique
- Excerpt 3: Bypass and Reframing
- Reflection and Action
- Excerpt 1: Engage Others’ Thinking
- 6. Learning How to Lead Improvement: Professional Learning That Engages Participants
- The Context
- Phase I. Agree on the Problem to Be Solved
- Phase II. Reveal the Relevant Theories of Action
- Construct a General Theory of Action
- Construct a Personal Theory of Action
- Phase III. Evaluate the Relative Merit of the Current and Alternative Theories of Action
- Construct and Evaluate an Alternative General Theory of Action
- Phase IV. Implement and Monitor a New, Sufficiently Shared Theory of Action
- Reflection and Action
- Afterword by Stephen Dinham
- References
- Index
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- Gerð : 208
- Höfundur : 14529
- Útgáfuár : 2017
- Leyfi : 379