Reading for Understanding: How Reading Apprenticeship Improves Disciplinary Learning in Secondary and College Classrooms
2.990 kr.

- Höfundar: Ruth Schoenbach, Cynthia Greenleaf, Lynn Murphy
- Útgáfa:2
- Útgáfudagur: 2012-06-18
- Hægt að prenta út 2 bls.
- Hægt að afrita 10 bls.
- Format:ePub
- ISBN 13: 9781118804902
- Print ISBN: 9780470608319
- ISBN 10: 1118804902
- Front Matter
- More Praise for Reading for Understanding, Second Edition
- Foreword
- Prefece
- Why We Wrote a Second Edition
- Acknowledgments
- Contributing Teachers and Administrators
- The Context for Change
- Literacy in Middle and High School
- Literacy in College and the Workplace
- The Literacy Ceiling
- “Solutions” That Don't Solve the Problem
- Remediation Restart
- Searching for Skills-in-a-Box Solutions
- Teaching Around the Text
- Protecting Them from Boredom
- The Case for Optimism
- Teachers' Untapped Resources
- Students' Untapped Resources
- Signs of Success: Changes in Students' Literacy, Learning, and Identities
- Notes
- What Is Reading?
- About Reading
- BOX 2.1 About Reading
- Reading Is a Complex Process
- Reading Is Problem Solving
- About Reading
- Reading Proficiency Varies with Situation and Experience
- Proficient Readers Share Some Key Characteristics
- BOX 2.2 Good Readers Are ...
- Cognitive Apprenticeships
- Reading Apprenticeships
- Demystifying Reading: Making the Invisible Visible
- Text-Based Discussion: Collaborative Meaning Making
- Developing Engaged, Strategic, and Independent Readers
- Extensive Reading as the Context for Reading Apprenticeship
- Metacognitive Conversation at the Center
- BOX 2.3 The Reading Apprenticeship® Framework
- The Social Dimension
- Creating Safety
- Investigating the Relationship Between Literacy and Power
- Sharing Text Talk
- Sharing Reading Processes, Problems, and Solutions
- Noticing and Appropriating Others' Ways of Reading
- The Personal Dimension
- Developing Reader Identity
- Developing Metacognition
- Developing Reader Fluency and Stamina
- Develop Reader Confidence and Range
- The Cognitive Dimension
- Getting the Big Picture
- Breaking It Down
- Monitoring Comprehension
- Using Problem-Solving Strategies to Assist and Restore Comprehension
- Setting Reading Purposes and Adjusting Reading Processes
- The Knowledge-Building Dimension
- Surfacing, Building, and Refining Schema
- Building Knowledge of Content and the World
- Building Knowledge of Texts
- Building Knowledge of Language
- Building Knowledge of Disciplinary Discourse and Practices
- Starting from Day One
- CLASSROOM CLOSE-UP 3.1 Developing Dispositions for Engagement
- Building the Social Dimension
- BOX 3.1 Sample Day-One Practices for Establishing a Reading Apprenticeship Classroom Community
- Building Relationships and Norms for Classroom Collaboration
- Building Relationships
- BOX 3.2 Interests and Reading Survey Excerpts
- BOX 3.3 Walkabout Bingo Sample
- CLASSROOM CLOSE-UP 3.2 “I Prefer a Name with Encourage Meaning”
- Developing Class Norms
- Teaching Student-to-Student Academic Conversation
- BOX 3.4 Setting Norms for Learning
- BOX 3.5 Scaffolding Academic Conversation
- BOX 3.6 Sentence Frames That Support Academic Conversation
- Building Relationships
- CLASSROOM CLOSE-UP 3.3 “Amidst Familial Gatherings”
- Investigating Relationships Between Literacy and Power
- Exploring Life Goals
- CLASSROOM CLOSE-UP 3.4 “That's Cool. You're Isolating What You Don't Know.”
- Building Relevance with Essential Questions
- BOX 3.7 Research About Education and Economic Power
- BOX 3.8 Sample Essential Questions to Build Motivation and Engagement
- Exploring Life Goals
- Why Read? Setting Authentic Purposes
- CLASSROOM CLOSE-UP 3.5 “I Want to Be a Teacher”
- CLASSROOM CLOSE-UP 3.6 Why Do We Read?
- Building Reader Identity
- Negotiating Success
- CLASSROOM CLOSE-UP 3.7 Choosing Not to Fail
- Investigating Personal Reading Histories
- BOX 3.9 Personal Reading History
- Negotiating Success
- Building Agency
- Fostering a Code-Breaking Stance
- CLASSROOM CLOSE-UP 3.8 “Does It Really Matter What I Think?”
- BOX 3.10 Modeling Thinking Aloud with Out-of-School Texts
- CLASSROOM CLOSE-UP 3.9 Becoming a Student
- Reading Happens in Your Mind
- BOX 4.1 Exploring Students' Concepts of Reading
- Introducing Metacognition
- Thinking About Thinking
- BOX 4.2 Students Practice Thinking Aloud
- CLASSROOM CLOSE-UP 4.1 Metacognition “At Light Speed”
- Capturing the Reading Process
- Building a Reading Strategies List
- BOX 4.3 Capturing the Reading Process
- CLASSROOM CLOSE-UP 4.2 “Don't Freak Out”
- Thinking About Thinking
- BOX 4.4 Questions to Elicit Student Thinking
- BOX 4.5 Confused? Fix-Up Steps
- CLASSROOM CLOSE-UP 4.3 Letting Students Into the Vocabulary of Reading Research
- Think Aloud Routine
- CLASSROOM CLOSE-UP 4.4 Reciprocal Modeling of a Think Aloud
- BOX 4.6 Introducing Think Aloud
- BOX 4.7 Using a Metacognitive Bookmark
- CLASSROOM CLOSE-UP 4.5 Preparing for a “Relationship with Text”
- Talking to the Text Routine
- BOX 4.8 Talking to the Text: Student Work Sample
- BOX 4.9 Introducing Talking to the Text
- Metacognitive Double-Entry Journal Routine
- BOX 4.10 Sample Metacognitive Uses of Double-Entry (and Triple-Entry) Journals
- BOX 4.11 Metacognitive Double-Entry Journals: Student Work Samples
- CLASSROOM CLOSE-UP 4.6 “Okay, What Else Did You Notice?”
- Metacognitive Log Routine
- BOX 4.12 Metacognitive Reading Log Template
- BOX 4.13 Metacognitive Reading Log: Pair Work
- CLASSROOM CLOSE-UP 4.7 Knowing What Hector Knows
- Collaborative Class Discussion
- Partner Work
- BOX 4.14 Introducing Think-Pair-Share and Think-Write-Pair-Share
- CLASSROOM CLOSE-UP 4.8 Scaffolding Partner Work
- CLASSROOM CLOSE-UP 4.9 Partnering to Think Aloud and Get the Gist
- BOX 4.15 The Teacher's Role in Small Group Work
- BOX 4.16 Structuring Small Groups
- BOX 4.17 A Metacognitive Funnel
- Notice Thinking
- Focus on Reading
- Focus on Solving Reading Problems
- Focus on Disciplinary Literacy Practices
- BOX 4.18 Classroom Roles in the Transition to Internalized Metacognitive Conversation
- CLASSROOM CLOSE-UP 4.10 “Is That What I Wrote??”
- The Why of Extensive Academic Reading
- CLASSROOM CLOSE-UP 5.1 Learning to Read Across Multiple Texts
- The What of Extensive Academic Reading
- Extending Time for Reading Disciplinary Texts in Class
- CLASSROOM CLOSE-UP 5.2 Supporting the Textbook with Differentiated Reading
- Extending Levels and Access for Reading
- Vertical Text Sets
- BOX 5.1 What Makes Text Difficult?
- BOX 5.2 Exploring a Vertical Text Set
- Horizontal Text Sets
- CLASSROOM CLOSE-UP 5.3 Transboundary Solution
- Textbooks as Text Sets
- CLASSROOM CLOSE-UP 5.4 Disciplinary Inquiry of the Day
- CLASSROOM CLOSE-UP 5.5 Making Textbooks Their Own
- Comparison Text Sets
- Text + One More
- Inquiry Questions for Reading Across Texts
- Vertical Text Sets
- Extending Choice of Reading Material
- Subject Area Sustained Silent Reading (SSR)
- CLASSROOM CLOSE-UP 5.6 Framing an Inquiry into Two Poems
- CLASSROOM CLOSE-UP 5.7 Biology Buffet Tables
- Literature Circles and Book Groups
- CLASSROOM CLOSE-UP 5.8 “We Decided to Read Up to Chapter 26”
- Independent Projects
- BOX 5.3 Student Choice in a Grade 9 Science Curriculum
- BOX 5.4 Science in the News Assignment
- CLASSROOM CLOSE-UP 5.9 Science in the News Reports
- CLASSROOM CLOSE-UP 5.10 Quarterly Science Book Projects
- BOX 5.5 Science Book Project Weekly Check-Ins
- Subject Area Sustained Silent Reading (SSR)
- Extending Time for Reading Disciplinary Texts in Class
- CLASSROOM CLOSE-UP 5.11 Making Time for What Makes a Difference
- BOX 5.6 Making Metacognitive Logs Count
- Getting Real Reading Going
- Previewing Books with Book Pass
- BOX 6.1 Setting Up SSR+
- BOX 6.2 Genre Preferences
- BOX 6.3 Book Pass
- Giving Books a Ten-Page Chance
- Building Book Buzz
- Building Stamina
- CLASSROOM CLOSE-UP 6.1 Book Partying
- Previewing Books with Book Pass
- BOX 6.4 SSR+ Metacognitive Log Sample Template
- BOX 6.5 Sample Metacognitive Log Prompts
- BOX 6.6 SSR+ Content-Based Writing Prompts
- CLASSROOM CLOSE-UP 6.2 Rosie, Grade 8 ELD: SSR+ Metacognitive Log
- CLASSROOM CLOSE-UP 6.3 Zenaida, Grade 8 ELD: SSR+ Metacognitive Log
- BOX 6.7 Discussion Prompts for Debriefing SSR+ Reading
- BOX 6.8 SSR+ Book Poster Assignment
- CLASSROOM CLOSE-UP 6.4 Five Inexperienced Readers
- Making Problem Solving Explicit
- Teaching Problem Solving in Reading
- CLASSROOM CLOSE-UP 7.1 “We're Going to Practice This and Get Better at It”
- BOX 7.1 A Sampling of Reading Strategies
- Applying a Selection of High-Leverage Reading Strategies
- Chunking Text
- CLASSROOM CLOSE-UP 7.2 Chunking Pre-Algebra Text
- Chunking Text
- CLASSROOM CLOSE-UP 7.3 Chunking the First Amendment
- BOX 7.2 Modeling How Text Chunks
- Making Connections
- BOX 7.3 Evaluating Roadblocks
- BOX 7.4 Clarification Chart
- BOX 7.5 Student Work Sample: Clarification Chart
- CLASSROOM CLOSE-UP 7.4 “My Name Is Ricardo, Too”
- BOX 7.6 Diagram Dialogues
- CLASSROOM CLOSE-UP 7.5 Close Reading of Visual Information
- BOX 7.7 Students' Visual Note-Making in a Pre-Algebra Class
- Questioning
- ReQuest
- CLASSROOM CLOSE-UP 7.6 When Students Ask the Questions
- BOX 7.8 ReQuest
- BOX 7.9 Question-Answer Relationships (QAR) Overview
- CLASSROOM CLOSE-UP 7.7 Introducing QAR
- ReQuest
- CLASSROOM CLOSE-UP 7.8 “Because Later in the Story It Says”
- BOX 7.10 Summary Analysis by a Peer
- BOX 7.11 Math Solution Summary Analysis by a Peer
- BOX 7.12 This Is About/This Is Really About
- BOX 7.13 Sample “This Is Really About”
- BOX 7.14 Twenty-Five-Word Abstract
- Reading Signals in the Text
- BOX 7.15 How Are My Predictions Doing?
- Building Engagement
- BOX 7.16 Sample Questions for Previewing Informational Text
- Supporting Strategy Integration
- BOX 7.17 Reciprocal Teaching Role Cards in Science
- CLASSROOM CLOSE-UP 7.9 Nutrition-Speak: “What's Up, Apple?”
- Orchestrating Independence
- CLASSROOM CLOSE-UP 7.10 “So, You Are Using a Text Clue There”
- Thinking Metacognitively About Schema
- CLASSROOM CLOSE-UP 8.1 “Give That Schema a Second”
- BOX 8.1 Ambiguous Headlines
- BOX 8.2 Cartoon Schema
- Surfacing, Building, and Refining Schema
- Surfacing Schema
- CLASSROOM CLOSE-UP 8.2 Decisions That Keep Students in Control of Their Learning
- BOX 8.3 Error Response Flow Chart
- Building and Revising Schema
- BOX 8.4 LINK (List, Inquire, Note, Know)*
- BOX 8.5 Give One, Get One
- BOX 8.6 Anticipation Guides
- CLASSROOM CLOSE-UP 8.4 Is West Positive or Negative?
- BOX 8.7 Tracking Concept Development
- BOX 8.8 Monitoring Conceptual Change
- Exploring Different Types of Knowledge
- BOX 8.9 Types of Knowledge
- Building Content and World Knowledge
- CLASSROOM CLOSE-UP 8.5 “It's Like the NAACP or the Black Panthers”
- CLASSROOM CLOSE-UP 8.6 “She Was a First Person”
- Building Knowledge of Texts
- CLASSROOM CLOSE-UP 8.7 “That Looks Like a T-Chart!”
- BOX 8.10 Previewing a Physics Textbook
- BOX 8.11 Standardized Test Schema
- CLASSROOM CLOSE-UP 8.9 “This Word Jumped Out at Me”
- BOX 8.12 Word Detectives
- CLASSROOM CLOSE-UP 8.10 How Did Marx Get That Skateboard?
- BOX 8.13 Survival Words
- BOX 8.14 Word Pattern Investigations
- CLASSROOM CLOSE-UP 8.11 Investigating a Watery Context
- BOX 8.15 Clozing the Gap
- BOX 8.16 Contextual Redefinition
- CLASSROOM CLOSE-UP 8.12 Justifying Focus-Word Instruction
- BOX 8.17 Sentence Detectives
- BOX 8.18 Sentence Detective Practice
- Reading Apprenticeship Goals in Science
- BOX 8.19 Student Goals: Building Knowledge of the Discipline of Science
- Reading Apprenticeship Goals in History
- CLASSROOM CLOSE-UP 8.13 Historians All
- BOX 8.20 Student Goals: Building Knowledge of the Discipline of History*
- Reading Apprenticeship Goals in Literature
- BOX 8.21 Student Goals: Building Knowledge of the Discipline of Literature
- CLASSROOM CLOSE-UP 8.14 “There Is Always a Deeper Meaning”
- Reading Apprenticeship Goals in Mathematics
- BOX 8.22 Student Goals: Building Knowledge of the Discipline of Mathematics
- CLASSROOM CLOSE-UP 8.15 A Sampling of Mathematics Disciplinary Goals in Pre-Algebra
- Apprenticeship into a Technical Community
- CLASSROOM CLOSE-UP 8.16 “I Was Making the Connection to the Lady in the Nursing Home”
- EPILOGUE Collaborating Beyond the Classroom
- Assessment Appendix
- Interests and Reading Survey
- Student Learning Goals
- How to Use Student Learning Goals
- Social Dimension: Collaborating in a Community of Readers and Writers Goals
- Personal Dimension: Building Personal Engagement Goals
- Metacognitive Conversation: Making Thinking Visible Goals
- Cognitive Dimension: Using Cognitive Strategies to Increase Comprehension Goals
- Knowledge-Building Dimension: Knowledge-Building Goals
- Student Learning Goals: Science
- Student Learning Goals: History
- Student Learning Goals: Literature
- Student Learning Goals: Mathematics
- Monitoring and Assessing Student Work
- Monitoring Participation and Contribution to Classroom Learning
- Participation Log
- Discussion Log
- Discussion Record
- How to Use Student Learning Goals
- Assessing Student Growth
- Rubric for Student Self-Assessment of Collaborative Work
- Guidelines for Administering the CERA
- How Is the CERA Administered?
- How Often Is the CERA Administered?
- Text Selection and Question Development
- Materials and Preparation
- CERA Lesson Plan and Rubric
- Curriculum-Embedded Reading Assessment (CERA) Individual Writing Prompts
- Monitoring and Assessing SSR+
- Keeping Track of Student Reading Behaviors
- Checking and Responding to Metacognitive Logs
- Grading SSR+
- Rewarding Effort
- Rewarding Growth and Progress
- Tools for Students
- Setting SSR + Goals
- SSR+ Reflections
- SSR + Reflection Letter
- A Focus on Comprehension
- A Climate of Collaboration
- An Emphasis on Student Independence
- Other Things to Notice
- Materials
- Groupings
- Tasks and Activities
- Teaching and Learning Roles
- Classroom Talk
Bókahillan þín er þitt svæði og þar eru bækurnar þínar geymdar. Þú kemst í bókahilluna þína hvar og hvenær sem er í tölvu eða snjalltæki. Einfalt og þægilegt!Rafbók til eignar
Rafbók til eignar þarf að hlaða niður á þau tæki sem þú vilt nota innan eins árs frá því bókin er keypt.
Þú kemst í bækurnar hvar sem er
Þú getur nálgast allar raf(skóla)bækurnar þínar á einu augabragði, hvar og hvenær sem er í bókahillunni þinni. Engin taska, enginn kyndill og ekkert vesen (hvað þá yfirvigt).
Auðvelt að fletta og leita
Þú getur flakkað milli síðna og kafla eins og þér hentar best og farið beint í ákveðna kafla úr efnisyfirlitinu. Í leitinni finnur þú orð, kafla eða síður í einum smelli.
Glósur og yfirstrikanir
Þú getur auðkennt textabrot með mismunandi litum og skrifað glósur að vild í rafbókina. Þú getur jafnvel séð glósur og yfirstrikanir hjá bekkjarsystkinum og kennara ef þeir leyfa það. Allt á einum stað.
Hvað viltu sjá? / Þú ræður hvernig síðan lítur út
Þú lagar síðuna að þínum þörfum. Stækkaðu eða minnkaðu myndir og texta með multi-level zoom til að sjá síðuna eins og þér hentar best í þínu námi.
Fleiri góðir kostir
- Þú getur prentað síður úr bókinni (innan þeirra marka sem útgefandinn setur)
- Möguleiki á tengingu við annað stafrænt og gagnvirkt efni, svo sem myndbönd eða spurningar úr efninu
- Auðvelt að afrita og líma efni/texta fyrir t.d. heimaverkefni eða ritgerðir
- Styður tækni sem hjálpar nemendum með sjón- eða heyrnarskerðingu
- Gerð : 208
- Höfundur : 12601
- Útgáfuár : 2012
- Leyfi : 379