Radiologic Science for Technologists

- GSL301G Röntgenbúnaður I
- GSL103G Geislaeðlisfræði 1
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Develop the skills you need to safely and effectively produce high-quality medical images with Radiologic Science for Technologists: Physics, Biology, and Protection, 11th Edition. Reorganized and updated with the latest advances in the field, this new edition aligns with the ASRT curriculum to strengthen your understanding of key concepts, and prepare you for success on the ARRT certification exam and in clinical practice.
Firmly established as a core resource for medical imaging technology courses, this text gives you a strong foundation in the study and practice of radiologic physics, imaging and exposure, radiobiology, radiation protection, and more. Expanded coverage of radiologic science topics, including radiologic physics, imaging, radiobiology, radiation protection, and more, allows this text to be used over several semesters.
Chapter introductions, summaries, outlines, objectives, and key terms help you to organize and pinpoint the most important information. Formulas, conversion tables, and abbreviations are highlighted for easy access to frequently used information. "Penguin" boxes recap the most vital chapter information. End-of-chapter questions include definition exercises, matching, short answer, and calculations to help you review material.
Key terms and expanded glossary enable you to easily reference and study content. Highlighted math formulas call attention to key mathematical information for special focus. NEW! Chapters on Radiography/Fluoroscopy Patient Radiation Dose and Computed Tomography Patient Radiation Dose equip you to use the most current patient dosing technology. NEW! Streamlined physics and math sections ensure you’re prepared to take the ARRT exam and succeed in the clinical setting.
Broad coverage of radiologic science topics includes radiologic physics, imaging, radiobiology, and radiation protection, with special topics including mammography, fluoroscopy, spiral computed tomography, and cardiovascular interventional procedures. Objectives, outlines, chapter introductions, and summaries organize information and emphasize the most important concepts in every chapter. Formulas, conversion tables, and abbreviations provide a quick reference for frequently used information, and math equations are always followed by sample problems with direct clinical application.
Key terms are bolded and defined at first mention in the text, with each bolded term included in the expanded glossary. Math formulas are highlighted in special shaded boxes for quick reference. Penguin icons in shaded boxes represent important facts or bits of information that must be learned to understand the subject. End-of-chapter questions help students review the material with definition exercises, short-answer questions, and calculations.
- Höfundur: Stewart C. Bushong
- Útgáfa:12
- Útgáfudagur: 2020-12-02
- Engar takmarkanir á útprentun
- Engar takmarkanir afritun
- Format:ePub
- ISBN 13: 9780323790291
- Print ISBN: 9780323661348
- ISBN 10: 0323790291
- Cover image
- Title page
- Disclaimer
- Table of Contents
- Review of Basic Physics
- Useful Units in Radiology
- Copyright
- Dedication
- This Book Is Also Dedicated to My Friends Here and Gone
- Dedication for Kraig Emmert
- Preface
- Introduction
- Chapter 1. Essential Concepts of Radiologic Science
- Nature of our Surroundings
- Matter and Energy
- Sources of Ionizing Radiation
- Discovery of X-Rays
- Development of Medical Imaging
- Reports of Radiation Injury
- Basic Radiation Protection
- Terminology for Radiologic Science
- The Medical Imaging Team
- Summary
- Chapter 2. Basic Physics Primer
- Mathematics for Radiologic Science
- Standard Units of Measurement
- Mechanics
- Summary
- Chapter 3. The Structure of Matter
- Centuries of Discovery
- Fundamental Particles
- Atomic Structure
- Atomic Nomenclature
- Combinations of Atoms
- Radioactivity
- Types of Ionizing Radiation
- Summary
- Chapter 4. Electromagnetic Energy
- Photons
- Electromagnetic Spectrum
- Waves and Particles
- Matter and Energy
- Summary
- Chapter 5. Electricity, Magnetism, and Electromagnetism
- Electrostatics
- Electrodynamics
- Magnetism
- Electromagnetism
- Summary
- Introduction
- Chapter 6. The X-Ray Imaging System
- Operating Console
- Autotransformer
- Exposure Timers
- High-Voltage Generator
- Summary
- Chapter 7. The X-Ray Tube
- External Components
- Internal Components
- X-Ray Tube Failure
- Rating Charts
- Summary
- Chapter 8. X-Ray Production
- Electron-Target Interctions
- X-Ray Emission Spectrum
- Factors Affecting the X-Ray Emission Spectrum
- Summary
- Chapter 9. X-Ray Emission
- X-RAY Intensity
- X-Ray Energy
- Types of Filtration
- Summary
- Chapter 10. X-Ray Interaction With Matter
- Five X-RAY Interactions
- Differential Absorption
- Contrast Examinations
- Exponential Attenuation
- Summary
- Introduction
- Chapter 11. Imaging Science
- History of Computers
- Computer Architecture
- Applications to Medical Imaging
- Summary
- Chapter 12. Computed Radiography
- The Computed Radiography Image Receptor
- The Computed Radiography Reader
- Imaging Characteristics
- Patient Radiation Dose
- Summary
- Chapter 13. Digital Radiography
- Scanned Projection Radiography
- Charge-Coupled Device
- Cesium Iodide/Charge-Coupled Device
- Cesium Iodide/Amorphous Silicon
- Amorphous Selenium
- Summary
- Chapter 14. Digital Radiographic Technique
- Spatial Resolution
- Contrast Resolution
- Patient Radiation Dose Considerations
- Summary
- Chapter 15. Image Acquisition
- Exposure Factors
- Imaging System Characteristics
- Automatic Exposure Techniques
- Magnification Radiography
- Summary
- Chapter 16. Patient-Image Optimization
- Patient Factors
- Image-Quality Factors
- Introduction
- Chapter 17. Viewing the Medical Image
- Photometric Quantities
- Hard Copy–Soft Copy
- Liquid Crystal Display
- Light-Emitting Diode Display
- Preprocessing the Digital Medical Image
- Postprocessing the Digital Medical Image
- Summary
- Chapter 18. Picture Archiving and Communication System
- Electronic Programs
- Introduction
- Chapter 19. Image Perception
- Special Demands of Digital Imaging
- Interpretation
- Summary
- Chapter 20. Digital Display Device
- Performance Assessment Standards
- Luminance Meter
- Digital Display Device Quality Control
- Quality Control by the Radiologic Technologist
- Summary
- Chapter 21. Medical Image Descriptors
- Definitions
- Geometric Factors
- Subject Factors
- Tools for Improved Image Quality
- Summary
- Chapter 22. Scatter Radiation
- Production of Scatter Radiation
- Control of Scatter Radiation
- Radiographic Grids
- Grid Types
- Grid Problems
- Grid Selection
- Summary
- Chapter 23. Radiographic Artifacts
- Image Receptor Artifacts
- Software Artifacts
- Object Artifacts
- Introduction
- Chapter 24. Mammography
- Soft Tissue Radiography
- Basis for Mammography
- The Mammographic Imaging System
- Mammography Quality Control
- Quality Control Team
- Summary
- Chapter 25. Fluoroscopy
- An Overview
- Special Demands of Fluoroscopy
- Fluoroscopic Technique
- Image Intensification
- Fluoroscopic Image Monitoring
- Fluoroscopy Quality Control
- Summary
- Chapter 26. Interventional Radiology
- Digital Fluoroscopic Imaging Systems
- Image Receptor
- Image Display
- Types of Interventional Procedures
- Basic Principles
- Interventional Radiology Suite
- Summary
- Chapter 27. Computed Tomography
- Principles of Operation
- Generations of Computed Tomography
- Multislice Helical Computed Tomography
- Imaging System Design
- Image Characteristics
- Image Quality
- Imaging Technique
- Computed Tomography Quality Control
- Summary
- Chapter 28. Tomosynthesis
- Digital Radiographic Tomosynthesis
- X-Ray Source
- Image Receptor
- Image Reconstruction
- Artifacts
- Quality Control
- Patient Radiation Dose
- Summary
- Introduction
- Chapter 29. Human Biology
- Human Radiation Response
- Composition of the Human Body
- The Human Cell
- Tissues and Organs
- Summary
- Chapter 30. Fundamental Principles of Radiobiology
- Law of Bergonie and Tribondeau
- Physical Factors that Affect Radiosensitivity
- Biologic Factors that Affect Radiosensitivity
- Radiation Dose-Response Relationships
- Summary
- Chapter 31. Molecular Radiobiology
- Irradiation of Macromolecules
- Radiolysis of Water
- Direct and Indirect Effects
- Chapter 32. Cellular Radiobiology
- Target Theory
- Cell-Survival Kinetics
- Cell-Cycle Effects
- Radiation Effect Modification
- Summary
- Chapter 33. Deterministic Effects of Radiation
- Acute Radiation Lethality
- Local Tissue Damage
- Hematologic Effects
- Cytogenetic Effects
- The Human Genome
- Chapter 34. Stochastic Effects of Radiation
- Local Tissue Effects
- Life Shortening
- Risk Estimates
- Radiation-Induced Malignancy
- Total Risk of Malignancy
- Radiation and Pregnancy
- Introduction
- Chapter 35. Health Physics
- Radiation and Health
- Cardinal Principles of Radiation Protection
- Effective Dose
- Radiologic Terrorism
- Chapter 36. Designing for Radiation Protection
- Radiographic Protection Features
- Fluoroscopic Protection Features
- Design of Protective Barriers
- Radiation Detection and Measurement
- Chapter 37. Radiography/Fluoroscopy Patient Radiation Dose
- Patient Radiation Dose Descriptions
- Fluoroscopic Patient Radiation Dose
- Dose Area Product
- Effective Dose
- Chapter 38. Computed Tomography Patient Radiation Dose
- Computed Tomography Dose Delivery
- Computed Tomography Dose Index
- Dose Length Product
- Size-Specific Dose Estimates
- Effective Dose
- Chapter 39. Patient Radiation Dose Management
- Patient Radiation Dose in Special Examinations
- Reduction of Unnecessary Patient Radiation Dose
- Specific Area Shielding
- The Pregnant Patient
- Patient Radiation Dose Trends
- Chapter 40. Occupational Radiation Dose Management
- Occupational Radiation Exposure
- Radiation Dose Limits
- Reduction of Occupational Radiation Exposure
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- Gerð : 208
- Höfundur : 5792
- Útgáfuár : 2016
- Leyfi : 380