Quantum Leadership
7.390 kr.

- Höfundar: Nancy M. Albert, Sharon Pappas, Tim Porter-O'Grady, Kathy Malloch
- Útgáfa:6
- Útgáfudagur: 2020-10-02
- Hægt að prenta út 30 bls.
- Hægt að afrita 10 bls.
- Format:ePub
- ISBN 13: 9781284229066
- Print ISBN: 9781284202250
- ISBN 10: 1284229068
- Cover
- Title Page
- Copyright Page
- Contents
- Preface
- Acknowledgments
- Case Study Instructions
- Chapter One A New Landscape for Leadership: Changing the Health Script in an Age of Value
- Leading in a World of Constant Movement
- Newton and Organizational Design
- Leading in the Postdigital Age
- Change Is
- Postdigital Leadership
- Endless Change
- The Quantum Character of Leadership
- The Compression of Time Will Affect How Work Is Done
- Change and Effectiveness
- Conclusion
- Chapter Two Ten Complexity Principles for Leaders Advancing Value in the Quantum Age
- Chaos and Complexity and the Drive for Value
- Principle 1: Wholes Are Not Just the Sum of Their Parts
- Principle 2: All Health Care Is Local
- Principle 3: Value Is Now the Centerpiece of Service Delivery
- Principle 4: Simple Systems Aggregate to Complex Systems
- Principle 5: Diversity Is Essential to Life
- Principle 6: Error Is Essential to Success
- Principle 7: Systems Thrive When All of Their Functions Intersect and Interact
- Principle 8: Equilibrium and Disequilibrium Are in Constant Tension
- Principle 9: Change Is Generated from the Center Outward
- Principle 10: Revolution Results from the Aggregation of Local Changes
- Conclusion
- Chapter Three Innovation Leadership and Professional Governance: Building the Structure for Transformation
- Definitions and Concepts
- Rationale for Healthcare Innovation
- Innovation Label Versus Innovation Role
- Conclusion
- Chapter Four Innovation and Opportunity: Leading Through the White Water of Change
- Driving the Culture of Innovation
- Equity and Partnership
- Decisions and Structures
- The Centrality of the Point-of-Service
- Alignment, Not Motivation
- Creating Stakeholder Value
- The Contextual/Strategic Role of the Board
- The C-Suite and the Context for Innovation
- First-Line Leaders: The Catalyst for Innovation
- Creating a Context That Supports the Innovator
- Innovation and the Membership Community
- Balancing Innovation with Value
- Differentiating Roles in Innovation
- Leadership and the Will to Innovate
- Conclusion
- Chapter Five From Evidence to Innovation: Measuring the Foundations of Practice and Value
- Key Drivers for Change
- A Very Complex System
- Emergence and Uncertainty
- New Healthcare Valuation Model
- Conclusion
- Chapter Six Diversity and Difference: Managing Conflict in a Transdisciplinary Network
- Growth and Transformation
- Avoiding Unnecessary Conflict
- Team-Based Conflict Issues
- Identity-Based Conflicts
- Interest-Based Conflicts
- People and Behavior
- Conclusion
- Chapter Seven Leading Constant Movement: Transforming Chaos and Crisis
- Normative and Nonnormative Crisis
- The Leader’s Perception of Crisis
- Understanding Crisis
- Complexity and Technology
- Complexity and Organizations
- Adaptive Capacity and Change
- The Human Resources Focus
- Adaptive Capacity in Human Organizations
- Strategic Crisis Management
- Macro Considerations for Organizational Crisis
- Synthesizing External and Internal Factors
- Strategic Core
- Team Performance
- Team Outcomes
- User Expectations
- The Partnership Team Process Factors
- Impact on Outcomes
- Internalization and Externalization
- Ensuring a Strong Service Core
- Crisis and Environmental Scanning
- Crisis Preparedness
- Planning
- Recovery/Salvage Stage
- Adaptive Effectiveness
- Conclusion
- Chapter Eight The Focused Leader: Embracing Vulnerability, Risk Taking, and the Potential to Succeed
- Leadership Fitness in the New Millennium
- Vulnerability
- Power
- The Cycle of Vulnerability
- New Relationships
- Complexity Communication
- Collective Mindfulness
- Strategies for Cultivating Leadership Vulnerability
- Is There a Choice?
- Conclusion
- Chapter Nine Transforming Error and Engaging Failure Toward a Culture of Safety
- Creating the Context for Safety
- Just Culture
- Learning
- Teamwork
- Evidence-Based Practice
- Patient-Centered Care
- Leadership
- Healthcare Leadership: Issues and Opportunities
- Highly Reliable Organizations and Safety Culture
- Conclusion
- Chapter Ten The Fully Engaged Leader: Demonstrating Capacity to Sustain Relationships
- Underpinnings of Emotional Competence
- Nature of Emotional Competence
- Emotional Risks of Leadership
- Benefits of Emotional Competence in Health Care
- Developing Emotional Competence
- Emotionally Incompetent Behaviors
- Team Emotional Competence
- Connecting with Generations of Workers
- Conclusion
- Chapter Eleven Toxic Organizations and People: The Leader as Transformer
- Cultures Depend on Healthy Individuals to Help Patients Heal
- How Does Toxicity Develop?
- How Leaders Shape Culture
- Leadership Polarity Dominates
- Millennial Nurses Crave Connection
- Toxic Behaviors
- Ten Principles for Minimizing Toxic Behavior in Organizations
- Conclusion
- Chapter Twelve Coaching for Unending Change: Transforming the Membership Community
- From Responsibility to Accountability
- Transforming Work and the Transforming Worker
- Evolution and Revolution
- The Learning Organization
- Organizing for Transformation
- Dealing with the Lack of Time
- The Leader as Revolutionary
- Innovation Coaching
- Making Integration Work
- Addressing Problems Head On
- Eliminating Firefighting Altogether
- Conclusion
- Chapter Thirteen The Leader’s Courage to Be Willing: Building a Context for Hope
- A Context for Hope
- Will
- Strategies to Facilitate Willingness
- Relighting the Lamp
- Conclusion
- Chapter Fourteen Engaging the Spirit of Leadership: Becoming a Living Leader
- Chaos and the Call to Leadership
- Self-Management and Creativity
- Creativity and Innovation
- Exercising the Spirit
- Spiritual Intelligence: 10 Mindful Rules of the Road
- Becoming Self
- Listening for the Sounds of Change
- Finding Spirit in the Chaos
- The Compensations of Ignorance
- Mystery
- Synthesis and Synergy
- Appendix: Quiz Answers
- Index
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- Gerð : 208
- Höfundur : 17532
- Útgáfuár : 2020
- Leyfi : 380