Everything you need to bring home a new puppy Across America and beyond, tails are wagging with anticipation. Why? Because puppies and the people who love them are eager for the update of Puppies for Dummies. Originally released and welcomed as a positive, loving alternative to the alpha dog philosophy of a popular celebrity trainer, Puppies for Dummies is now updated and more relevant than ever.
This new edition covers the latest puppy training gadgets, tricks, and tips and offers expanded coverage on the latest training techniques, including new studies on positive reinforcement methods. This edition continues to provide readers with the trusted and proven advice that has made previous editions a success. Integrate a puppy in your life Explore the latest science of dogs Train a happy, healthy pup Raise and nurture a loving dog Rather than saying: "Uh oh, now what?!" new pet owners can be equipped with the best advice.
- Höfundur: Sarah Hodgson
- Útgáfa:4
- Útgáfudagur: 2019-03-27
- Hægt að prenta út 10 bls.
- Hægt að afrita 2 bls.
- Format:ePub
- ISBN 13: 9781119558507
- Print ISBN: 9781119558477
- ISBN 10: 1119558506
- Cover
- Introduction
- About This Book
- Conventions Used in This Book
- Optional Reading
- Foolish Assumptions
- How This Book Is Organized
- Icons Used in This Book
- Beyond the Book
- Where to Go from Here
- Part 1: Choosing a Dog to Love for a Lifetime
- Chapter 1: Welcome to the Puppy Love Club: Here’s All You Need to Know!
- Looking at All Your Options
- Helping Your Puppy Jump into the Family Groove
- Tackling Training Throughout Your Puppy’s Growth Phases
- Handling Day-to-Day Frustrations — and More Serious Problems
- Ensuring a Clean Bill of Health
- Chapter 2: Finding the Puppy That’s Right for You
- Living Your Dream: Pinpointing What You Really Want
- Considering Your Household
- Chapter 3: Browsing Breeds and Rescues: Choosing One That’s Right for You
- Figuring Out Whether You Want a Purebred, Mixed-Breed, or Designer Dog
- Choosing the Type of Dog That’s Right for You
- Different Breeds for Different Folks
- Chapter 4: Deciding Where to Go to Get Your Puppy
- Searching High and Low for Your Puppy
- Meeting and Assessing Puppies
- Going for an Older Puppy
- Chapter 5: Shopping for Your New Baby and Looking to the Months Ahead
- Shopping for the Early Days with Your Puppy
- Exploring Future Needs, Modern Gadgets, and Training Tools
- Bringing Puppy into the Digital Age
- Chapter 1: Welcome to the Puppy Love Club: Here’s All You Need to Know!
- Chapter 6: Bonding with Your Puppy Using the Science of Modern Dog Parenting
- Domesticated Wolves or Little Children?
- Your Puppy Is Talking — Are You “Listening?”
- Understanding Your Puppy’s Basic Needs
- Chapter 7: Establishing Good Habits from the Start
- Preparing for Your Puppy’s Arrival
- Bringing Puppy Home
- Introducing Puppy to Your Household
- Planning Out the First Days and Weeks
- Bonding with Your Puppy: The First Month
- Chapter 8: Including Everyone in Team Puppy
- Welcoming the Help of Family and Friends
- Encouraging Positive Interactions between Kids and Pups
- Getting Help with Shaping Good Manners from Day One
- Enlisting Outside Help
- Ways to Get Help
- Living in a Neighborhood
- Chapter 9: Socializing Puppy
- Recognizing the Critical Stages of Your Puppy’s Social Calendar
- Focusing on Your Puppy
- Socializing Your Puppy, No Matter Their Age or Experiences
- Adapting to Life Changes
- Traveling with Your Puppy
- Chapter 10: Taking Baby Steps: 8 Weeks to 14 Weeks
- Understanding Your Puppy’s Mindset
- Taking Care of Your Puppy’s Basic Needs
- Making Learning Fun
- Conditioning Your Puppy to Be Handled
- Remembering the Importance of Early Socialization
- When You’re Feeling Frustrated
- Chapter 11: Teaching Your Preadolescent Puppy: 14 Weeks to 6 Months
- Understanding Your Puppy’s Mindset
- Taking Care of Your Puppy’s Basic Needs
- Making Learning Fun
- The Sequencing Method
- Instilling Household Manners
- Handling Run-Throughs
- Chapter 12: Surviving Puberty: 6 to 9 Months
- Understanding Your Puppy’s Mindset at This Age
- Conditioning Good Habits
- Taking Care of Your Puppy’s Basic Needs
- Making Learning Fun
- Socializing in the World Beyond
- Chapter 13: Striving for Off-Lead Control: 9 Months to 1 Year
- Understanding Your Puppy’s Mindset at This Age
- Training the Off-Lead Dog
- Buying the Right Equipment — and Using It Correctly
- Gauging Your Pup’s Reactions
- Getting the Emergency “Down” Down Pat
- Knowing When to Trust Your Pup and Other FAQs about Off-Lead Training
- Out and About
- Introducing Your Pup to People
- Entering Buildings Peacefully
- Making Friends: Introducing Your Pup to Other Dogs
- Chapter 14: House-Training for Success
- Picking Your Puppy’s Potty Place
- Establishing a Routine
- Helping Your Pup Communicate Their Need to Go
- Quick Tips for Handling and Avoiding Accidents
- Chapter 15: Conquering Common Frustrations
- Understanding What Shapes Your Puppy’s Routines
- Shaping and Redirecting Behavior
- Controlling Mouthing and Nipping
- Chapter 16: Addressing Extreme Reactions — On and Off the Leash
- Recognizing What Aggression Is and What It Isn’t
- Silencing Your Barking (or Whining) Puppy
- Discouraging Mounting
- Getting Control of the Digging
- Remedying Leash Resistance
- Redirecting Your Little Grazer.
- Surviving Isolation Stress and Separation Anxiety
- Dealing with a Stimulated Tinkler
- Chapter 17: Maintaining Healthy Habits
- Puppy Nutrition 101: Your Puppy’s Changing Dietary Needs
- Understanding Food Allergies and Special Needs
- Keeping Your Puppy Looking and Feeling Tip-Top
- Taking Your Pup for Regular Checkups
- Identifying and Remedying Allergies
- Spaying or Neutering Your Puppy
- Playing for Fun and Fitness
- Chapter 18: Identifying and Preventing Common Ailments
- Controlling Diseases with Vaccines
- Day-to-Day Health Concerns
- Bugging Out: External Parasites
- Getting Below the Surface: Internal Parasites
- Chapter 19: Preventing Accidents and Knowing What to Do in an Emergency
- Accidents Happen: Preventing and Preparing Before They Do
- Fences Help
- When Accidents Happen
- Chapter 20: Ten (Or So) Fun Games
- Find It
- Tug
- Give (Or Drop)
- Tug Tug Give
- Wiggle Giggle Freeze
- Two-Toy Toss
- Fishing for Fido
- Swing Toss — Can’t Catch Me
- Toy Along, Tag Along (also known as The Squeak-Toy Shuffle)
- Hide-and-Seek
- Superball Soccer
- Chapter 21: Ten (or So) Crowd-Pleasing Tricks
- If You’re Happy and You Know It, Wag Your Tail
- Give a Kiss
- Stylish Greeting Tricks
- Paw
- High-Five
- Bump It
- Take a Bow
- Go to Sleep, or Time for Bed
- Roll Over
- Ask Nicely
Bókahillan þín er þitt svæði og þar eru bækurnar þínar geymdar. Þú kemst í bókahilluna þína hvar og hvenær sem er í tölvu eða snjalltæki. Einfalt og þægilegt!Rafbók til eignar
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Þú kemst í bækurnar hvar sem er
Þú getur nálgast allar raf(skóla)bækurnar þínar á einu augabragði, hvar og hvenær sem er í bókahillunni þinni. Engin taska, enginn kyndill og ekkert vesen (hvað þá yfirvigt).
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- Gerð : 208
- Höfundur : 16203
- Útgáfuár : 2019
- Leyfi : 379