Psychology for Medicine and Healthcare
5.390 kr.
- NÆR206G Sálfræði
As our understanding of what constitutes ‘good health’ grows, so does our need to understand the psychological aspects of medicine and health, as well as the psychological interventions available in healthcare. This new edition of this bestselling textbook provides a comprehensive overview of the research, theory, application and current practices in the field, covering topics from epigenetics to social determinants of health and transdiagnostic approaches to mental health and everything in between.
- Höfundar: Susan Ayers, Richard de Visser
- Útgáfa:3
- Útgáfudagur: 2021-04-14
- Hægt að prenta út 30 bls.
- Hægt að afrita 30 bls.
- Format:ePub
- ISBN 13: 9781529760521
- Print ISBN: 9781526496829
- ISBN 10: 1529760526
- About the authors
- Acknowledgements
- Guided tour
- Online resources
- 1 Psychology and medicine
- Psychology, health, and medicine
- What is health?
- Why is psychology important?
- The science of mind and body
- Different approaches to medicine and healthcare
- Social diversity and health
- Section I: Psychology and Health
- 2 Motivation, emotion, and health
- Motivation
- Motivation and health
- Emotion
- Emotion and health
- 3 Stress and health
- What is stress?
- Stress and health
- Stress in medicine and healthcare
- Managing stress
- 4 Symptoms and illness
- Symptom perception
- Pain
- Placebo and nocebo effects
- Illness beliefs and representations
- 5 Health and behaviour
- Predicting and changing health behaviour
- Social cognitive models of health behaviour
- Process models of conscious behaviour change
- Non-conscious influences on health behaviour
- 6 Chronic illness, death, and dying
- Chronic illness
- Psychological intervention
- Death and dying
- Death and healthcare practice
- 2 Motivation, emotion, and health
- 7 Brain and behaviour
- Components and organisation of the nervous system
- Communication within and between neurons
- Structure of the brain and central nervous system
- Control of movement
- Sleep, consciousness, and biological clocks
- 8 Psychosocial development across the lifespan
- Childhood
- Adolescence
- Adulthood
- Old age
- 9 Social psychology
- Attitudes
- Self psychology
- Individuals and groups
- Antisocial and prosocial behaviour
- 10 Cognitive psychology
- Perception
- Attention
- Learning
- Memory
- Cognitive biases in healthcare
- 11 Immunity and protection
- Infection, inflammation, and immunity
- Psychological aspects of immune disorders
- Skin
- Cancer
- 12 Cardiovascular and respiratory health
- Cardiovascular health
- Respiratory health
- 13 Gastrointestinal health
- Psychological factors and the GI system
- Lifestyle and GI health
- GI disorders
- 14 Reproduction and endocrinology
- Reproduction
- Endocrine function and psychosocial wellbeing
- 15 Genitourinary medicine
- Sexual health
- Sexually transmitted infections
- Prostate and testicular cancer
- Urinary incontinence and renal failure
- 16 Psychiatry and neurology
- Psychiatry
- Diagnosis and treatment of psychiatric disorders
- Neurological disorders
- Neuropsychological assessment and rehabilitation
- 17 Evidence-based practice
- Evidence-based practice
- Adherence to treatment
- Practitioner–patient communication
- 18 Clinical interviewing
- How we communicate
- Clinical interviewing
- Difficult interviews
- Giving bad news
- 19 Psychological intervention
- Different approaches to psychotherapy
- Which therapy is best?
- Psychological interventions in medical settings
- Technology and psychological intervention
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- Gerð : 208
- Höfundur : 7206
- Útgáfuár : 2021
- Leyfi : 380