
- LÆK404F Geðlæknisfræði
- LÆK304F Geðlæknisfræði
The fifth edition of Psychiatry introduces medical students and junior doctors to the fundamentals of psychiatric knowledge in a patient centred, digestible, and memorable way. Written by clinicians who deliver front-line patient care and boast years of teaching experience, practical information is informed by theory and research. Written with an underlying philosophy that positive rapport with patients is central to providing successful psychiatric care this is a trustworthy and lauded guide to diagnosis and management.
Organised into 34 chapters on core topics, information is laid out in a concise, user-friendly format with case studies, and scientific research formatted into boxes for easy access, ensuring students can quickly locate key information for revision and examinations. Previous First Prize winner for Psychiatry at the British Medical Association Book Awards, this textbook is ideal for those requiring a grounding in the discipline of patient-centred and evidence-based care.
- Höfundar: Rebecca McKnight, Jonathan Price, John Geddes
- Útgáfa:5
- Útgáfudagur: 2019-05-15
- Hægt að prenta út 2 bls.
- Hægt að afrita 2 bls.
- Format:ePub
- ISBN 13: 9780191068836
- Print ISBN: 9780198754008
- ISBN 10: 0191068837
- Title Page
- Copyright Page
- Contents
- Abbreviations
- Part 1 Introduction
- Chapter 1 Introduction to psychiatry
- Chapter 2 The scale of the problem
- Chapter 3 Mental disorder and you
- Part 2 Assessment
- Chapter 4 Conducting the assessment: setting it up and taking a history
- Chapter 5 Conducting the assessment: examining the patient
- Chapter 6 Thinking about diagnosis
- Chapter 7 Thinking about aetiology
- Chapter 8 Thinking about prognosis
- Chapter 9 Risk assessment and management
- Chapter 10 Communicating your findings
- Part 3 Management
- Chapter 11 General aspects of care: settings of care
- Chapter 12 Psychiatry and the law
- Chapter 13 Drugs and other physical treatments
- Chapter 14 Psychological treatment
- Chapter 15 Social treatments
- Chapter 16 Managing acute behavioural disturbance
- Part 4 Management of specific groups
- Chapter 17 Child and adolescent psychiatry: general aspects of care
- Chapter 18 Psychiatry of older adults
- Chapter 19 Learning disability
- Chapter 20 People presenting with physical disorder
- Part 5 The specific disorders
- Chapter 21 Mood disorders
- Chapter 22 Schizophrenia and related psychotic disorders
- Chapter 23 Reactions to stressful experiences
- Chapter 24 Anxiety and obsessional disorders
- Chapter 25 Medically unexplained physical symptoms
- Chapter 26 Delirium, dementia, and other cognitive disorders
- Chapter 27 Eating disorders
- Chapter 28 Sleep disorders
- Chapter 29 Problems due to use of alcohol and other psychoactive substances
- Chapter 30 Problems of sexuality and gender
- Chapter 31 Personality and its disorders
- Chapter 32 Child and adolescent psychiatry: specific disorders
- Part 6 Psychiatry and you
- Chapter 33 Psychiatry and you
- Index
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- Gerð : 208
- Höfundur : 14515
- Útgáfuár : 2019
- Leyfi : 380