The bestselling 'bible' of project management In today's time-crunched, cost-conscious global business environment, tight project deadlines and stringent expectations are the norm. So how can you juggle all the skills and responsibilities it takes to shine as a project management maven? Updated in a brand-new edition, Project Management For Dummies offers everything you need to successfully manage projects from start to finish—without ever dropping the ball.
Written by a well-known project management expert, this hands-on guide takes the perplexity out of being a successful PM, laying out all the steps to take your organizational, planning, and execution skills to new heights. Whether it's managing distressed projects, embracing the use of social media to drive efficiency and improve socialization, or resolving conflicts that occur during a project, the soup-to-nuts guidance inside will help you wear your project management hat more prominently—and proudly.
- Höfundur: Stanley E. Portny
- Útgáfa:5
- Útgáfudagur: 2017-09-06
- Hægt að prenta út 10 bls.
- Hægt að afrita 2 bls.
- Format:ePub
- ISBN 13: 9781119348894
- Print ISBN: 9781119348900
- ISBN 10: 1119348897
- Cover
- Introduction
- About This Book
- Foolish Assumptions
- Icons Used in This Book
- Beyond the Book
- Where to Go from Here
- Part 1: Getting Started with Project Management
- Chapter 1: Project Management: The Key to Achieving Results
- Determining What Makes a Project a Project
- Defining Project Management
- Knowing the Project Manager’s Role
- Do You Have What It Takes to Be an Effective Project Manager?
- Relating This Chapter to the PMP Exam and PMBOK 6
- Chapter 2: Beginning the Journey: The Genesis of a Project
- Gathering Ideas for Projects
- Developing the Project Charter
- Deciding Which Projects to Move to the Second Phase of Their Life Cycle
- Chapter 3: Knowing Your Project’s Stakeholders: Involving the Right People
- Understanding Your Project’s Stakeholders
- Developing a Stakeholder Register
- Determining Whether Stakeholders Are Drivers, Supporters, or Observers
- Displaying Your Stakeholder Register
- Confirming Your Stakeholders’ Authority
- Assessing Your Stakeholders’ Power and Interest
- Relating This Chapter to the PMP Exam and PMBOK 6
- Chapter 4: Clarifying What You’re Trying to Accomplish — And Why
- Defining Your Project with a Scope Statement
- Looking at the Big Picture: Explaining the Need for Your Project
- Marking Boundaries: Project Constraints
- Facing the Unknowns When Planning: Documenting Your Assumptions
- Presenting Your Scope Statement in a Clear and Concise Document
- Relating This Chapter to the PMP Exam and PMBOK 6
- Chapter 5: Developing Your Game Plan: Getting from Here to There
- Divide and Conquer: Breaking Your Project into Manageable Chunks
- Creating and Displaying Your Work Breakdown Structure
- Identifying Risks While Detailing Your Work
- Documenting What You Need to Know about Your Planned Project Work
- Relating This Chapter to the PMP Exam and PMBOK 6
- Chapter 1: Project Management: The Key to Achieving Results
- Chapter 6: You Want This Project Done When?
- Picture This: Illustrating a Work Plan with a Network Diagram
- Analyzing a Network Diagram
- Working with Your Project’s Network Diagram
- Developing Your Project’s Schedule
- Estimating Activity Duration
- Displaying Your Project’s Schedule
- Relating This Chapter to the PMP Exam and PMBOK 6
- Chapter 7: Establishing Whom You Need, How Much of Their Time, and When
- Getting the Information You Need to Match People to Tasks
- Estimating Needed Commitment
- Ensuring Your Project Team Members Can Meet Their Resource Commitments
- Relating This Chapter to the PMP Exam and PMBOK 6
- Chapter 8: Planning for Other Resources and Developing the Budget
- Determining Non-Personnel Resource Needs
- Making Sense of the Dollars: Project Costs and Budgets
- Relating This Chapter to the PMP Exam and PMBOK 6
- Chapter 9: Venturing into the Unknown: Dealing with Risk
- Defining Risk and Risk Management
- Focusing on Risk Factors and Risks
- Assessing Risks: Probability and Consequences
- Getting Everything under Control: Managing Risk
- Preparing a Risk-Management Plan
- Relating This Chapter to the PMP Exam and PMBOK 6
- Chapter 10: Aligning the Key Players for Your Project
- Defining Three Organizational Environments
- Recognizing the Key Players in a Matrix Environment
- Working Successfully in a Matrix Environment
- Relating This Chapter to the PMP Exam and PMBOK 6
- Chapter 11: Defining Team Members’ Roles and Responsibilities
- Outlining the Key Roles
- Making Project Assignments
- Picture This: Depicting Roles with a Responsibility Assignment Matrix
- Dealing with Micromanagement
- Relating This Chapter to the PMP Exam and PMBOK 6
- Chapter 12: Starting Your Project Team Off on the Right Foot
- Finalizing Your Project’s Participants
- Developing Your Team
- Laying the Groundwork for Controlling Your Project
- Hear Ye, Hear Ye! Announcing Your Project
- Setting the Stage for Your Post-Project Evaluation
- Relating This Chapter to the PMP Exam and PMBOK 6
- Chapter 13: Tracking Progress and Maintaining Control
- Holding On to the Reins: Project Control
- Establishing Project Management Information Systems
- Putting Your Control Process into Action
- Reacting Responsibly When Changes Are Requested
- Relating This Chapter to the PMP Exam and PMBOK 6
- Chapter 14: Keeping Everyone Informed
- I Said What I Meant and I Meant What I Said: Successful Communication Basics
- Choosing the Appropriate Medium for Project Communication
- Preparing a Written Project-Progress Report
- Holding Key Project Meetings
- Preparing a Project Communications Management Plan
- Relating This Chapter to the PMP Exam and PMBOK 6
- Chapter 15: Encouraging Peak Performance by Providing Effective Leadership
- Exploring the Differences between Leadership and Management
- Recognizing the Traits People Look for in a Leader
- Developing Personal Power and Influence
- You Can Do It! Creating and Sustaining Team Member Motivation
- Relating This Chapter to the PMP Exam and PMBOK 6
- Chapter 16: Bringing Your Project to Closure
- Staying the Course to Completion
- Handling Administrative Issues
- Providing a Smooth Transition for Team Members
- Surveying the Results: The Post-Project Evaluation
- Relating This Chapter to the PMP Exam and PMBOK 6
- Chapter 17: Using Newer Methods and Resources to Enhance Your Project Management
- Taking a Look at the Agile Approach to Project Management
- Using Computer Software Effectively
- Using Social Media to Enhance Project Management
- Relating This Chapter to the PMP Exam and PMBOK 6
- Chapter 18: Monitoring Project Performance with Earned Value Management
- Defining Earned Value Management
- The How-To: Applying Earned Value Management to Your Project
- Determining a Task’s Earned Value
- Relating This Chapter to the PMP Exam and PMBOK 6
- Chapter 19: Ten Questions to Ask Yourself as You Plan Your Project
- What’s the Purpose of Your Project?
- Whom Do You Need to Involve?
- What Results Will You Produce?
- What Constraints Must You Satisfy?
- What Assumptions Are You Making?
- What Work Has to Be Done?
- When Does Each Activity Start and End?
- Who Will Perform the Project Work?
- What Other Resources Do You Need?
- What Can Go Wrong?
- Chapter 20: Ten Tips for Being a Better Project Manager
- Be a “Why” Person
- Be a “Can Do” Person
- Think about the Big Picture
- Think in Detail
- Assume Cautiously
- View People as Allies, Not Adversaries
- Say What You Mean and Mean What You Say
- Respect Other People
- Acknowledge Good Performance
- Be a Manager and a Leader
- Preparing Your Project Plan
- Controlling Your Project during Performance
Bókahillan þín er þitt svæði og þar eru bækurnar þínar geymdar. Þú kemst í bókahilluna þína hvar og hvenær sem er í tölvu eða snjalltæki. Einfalt og þægilegt!Rafbók til eignar
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Þú kemst í bækurnar hvar sem er
Þú getur nálgast allar raf(skóla)bækurnar þínar á einu augabragði, hvar og hvenær sem er í bókahillunni þinni. Engin taska, enginn kyndill og ekkert vesen (hvað þá yfirvigt).
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Fleiri góðir kostir
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- Gerð : 208
- Höfundur : 10802
- Útgáfuár : 2017
- Leyfi : 380