Projects need leaders who are able to bring out the best in others, unite their teams, engage business partners and facilitate harmonious delivery. Project Leadership explains the core features of leadership for project managers, enabling them to develop a leadership style that is authentic and transparent, informed by a perspective of psychological understanding and personal growth. This book enables both potential and prominent leaders to dig deeper into the meaning of leadership, fostering personal growth which enables professional development.
It opens with an introductory orientation on leadership and links it with management in general and project management in particular. The reader is then encouraged to take an introspective approach, underpinned by the fundamentals of cognitive-behavioural psychology and theories of personal growth, in order to develop authenticity in their leadership style. To this end, the reader is encouraged to develop an awareness of unconscious aspects of their personality with the help of insights from depth psychology, as well as the fundamentals of creative thinking, ethical thinking and logical thinking.
- Höfundar: Haukur Ingi Jonasson, Helgi Thor Ingason
- Útgáfa:1
- Útgáfudagur: 2018-12-07
- Hægt að prenta út 2 bls.
- Hægt að afrita 2 bls.
- Format:ePub
- ISBN 13: 9780429806360
- Print ISBN: 9781138338661
- ISBN 10: 0429806361
- Cover
- Half-Title
- Title
- Copyright
- Dedication
- Contents
- List of figures
- List of tables
- Acknowledgements
- Preface to the series
- Foreword
- 1 Transparent project leadership
- What is leadership?
- The development of your leadership abilities
- Formative influences
- Leadership or management
- Leadership styles
- Controlling leadership styles
- Participatory leadership styles
- Situational leadership styles
- Transparent leadership
- References
- 2 Strategic growth and development
- Personal strategic planning
- Values
- Mission
- Vision
- Evaluation
- Professional/personal goals
- Personal/professional objectives
- Personal/professional tasks
- Personal/professional journal
- References
- 3 Self-management for leadership
- Habits and cognitive behaviour
- Self-change ten-step method
- Self-help and self-maintenance
- Self-control
- Creative self-management methods
- Stress and its management
- Balanced life
- Rest and sleep
- Willpower and needs
- The unconscious
- References
- 4 Development, health and defences
- Health and morale
- The meaning of health
- Defence mechanisms and anxiety
- Mature defence mechanisms
- Neurotic defence mechanisms
- Immature defence mechanisms
- Unhealthy defence mechanisms
- Other defence mechanisms
- Mental health
- References
- 5 Self and economy of mind
- Energisation and the psyche
- Body and mind
- Self-image
- Inner life
- Feelings and emotions
- Economy of the mind
- Self-management
- More on the unconscious
- Dreams
- References
- 6 Creative leadership
- Thinking
- Higher-order thinking
- Ingenuity
- Creative teamwork
- Structure and order
- Active imagination
- The irrational
- Two methods from de Bono
- Various methods
- Exercises
- References
- 7 Ethical leadership
- Morals and ethics
- Moral leadership
- Moral dilemmas
- Values and moral ideals
- Virtue-based ethics
- Utility-based ethics
- Duty-based ethics
- Rights-based ethics
- The ethical leader
- References
- 8 Critical leadership
- The Greeks
- Socrates
- Intelligence
- Open-mindedness
- Idea
- Critical thinking
- Mind and matter
- The soul
- References
- 9 Project leadership and society
- Self-improvement
- Utility
- Signals
- Vitality
- Knowledge
- Paradox
- Developmental alternatives
- The project leadership mission
- References
- Index
Bókahillan þín er þitt svæði og þar eru bækurnar þínar geymdar. Þú kemst í bókahilluna þína hvar og hvenær sem er í tölvu eða snjalltæki. Einfalt og þægilegt!Rafbók til eignar
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Þú kemst í bækurnar hvar sem er
Þú getur nálgast allar raf(skóla)bækurnar þínar á einu augabragði, hvar og hvenær sem er í bókahillunni þinni. Engin taska, enginn kyndill og ekkert vesen (hvað þá yfirvigt).
Auðvelt að fletta og leita
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Glósur og yfirstrikanir
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Hvað viltu sjá? / Þú ræður hvernig síðan lítur út
Þú lagar síðuna að þínum þörfum. Stækkaðu eða minnkaðu myndir og texta með multi-level zoom til að sjá síðuna eins og þér hentar best í þínu námi.
Fleiri góðir kostir
- Þú getur prentað síður úr bókinni (innan þeirra marka sem útgefandinn setur)
- Möguleiki á tengingu við annað stafrænt og gagnvirkt efni, svo sem myndbönd eða spurningar úr efninu
- Auðvelt að afrita og líma efni/texta fyrir t.d. heimaverkefni eða ritgerðir
- Styður tækni sem hjálpar nemendum með sjón- eða heyrnarskerðingu
- Gerð : 208
- Höfundur : 12174
- Útgáfuár : 2018
- Leyfi : 379