Principles of Terrestrial Ecosystem Ecology

Ecosystem ecology regards living organisms, including people, and the elements of their environment as components of a single integrated system. The comprehensive coverage in this textbook examines the central processes at work in terrestrial ecosystems, including their freshwater components. It traces the flow of energy, water, carbon, and nutrients from their abiotic origins to their cycles through plants, animals, and decomposer organisms.
As well as detailing the processes themselves, the book goes further to integrate them at various scales of magnitude—those of the ecosystem, the wider landscape and the globe. It synthesizes recent advances in ecology with established and emerging ecosystem theory to offer a wide-ranging survey of ecosystem patterns and processes in our terrestrial environment. Featuring review questions at the end of each chapter, suggestions for further reading, and a glossary of ecological terms, Principles of Terrestrial Ecosystem Ecology is a vitally relevant text suitable for study in all courses in ecosystem ecology.
- Höfundar: F Stuart Chapin III, Pamela A. Matson, Peter Vitousek
- Útgáfa:2
- Útgáfudagur: 2011-09-02
- Engar takmarkanir á útprentun
- Engar takmarkanir afritun
- Format:Page Fidelity
- ISBN 13: 9781441995049
- Print ISBN: 9781441995032
- ISBN 10: 1441995048
- Principles of Terrestrial Ecosystem Ecology
- Preface
- Contents
- Part I: Context
- 1: The Ecosystem Concept
- Introduction
- A Focal Issue
- Overview of Ecosystem Ecology
- History of Ecosystem Ecology
- Ecosystem Structure and Functioning
- Ecosystem Processes
- Ecosystem Structure and Constraints
- Controls Over Ecosystem Processes
- Human-Induced Ecosystem Change
- Human Impacts on Ecosystems
- Resilience and Threshold Changes
- Degradation in Ecosystem Services
- Summary
- Review Questions
- Additional Reading
- 2: Earth’s Climate System
- Introduction
- A Focal Issue
- Earth’s Energy Budget
- The Atmospheric System
- Atmospheric Composition and Chemistry
- Atmospheric Structure
- Atmospheric Circulation
- The Ocean
- Ocean Structure
- Ocean Circulation
- Landform Effects on Climate
- Vegetation Influences on Climate
- Temporal Variability in Climate
- Long-Term Changes
- Anthropogenic Climate Change
- Interannual Climate Variability
- Seasonal and Daily Variation
- Storms and Weather
- Relationship of Climate to Ecosystem Distribution and Structure
- Summary
- Review Questions
- Additional Reading
- 3: Geology, Soils, and Sediments
- Introduction
- A Focal Issue
- Controls Over Soil Formation
- Parent Material
- Climate
- Topography
- Time
- Potential Biota
- Human Activities
- Controls Over Soil Loss
- Development of Soil Profiles
- Additions to Soils
- Soil Transformations
- Soil Transfers
- Losses from Soils
- Soil Horizons and Soil Classification
- Soil Properties and Ecosystem Functioning
- Soil Physical Properties
- Soil Chemical Properties
- Summary
- Review Questions
- Additional Reading
- 1: The Ecosystem Concept
- 4: Water and Energy Balance
- Introduction
- A Focal Issue
- Surface Energy Balance
- Radiation Budget
- Partitioning of Absorbed Radiation
- Box 4.1 The Energetics of Water Movement
- Overview of Ecosystem Water Budgets
- Water Inputs to Ecosystems
- Water Movements Within Ecosystems
- Water Movement from the Canopy to the Soil
- Water Storage and Movement in the Soil
- Water Movement from Soil to Roots
- Water Movement Through Plants
- Roots
- Box 4.2 Tracing Water Flow Through Ecosystems
- Stems
- Leaves
- Water Losses from Ecosystems
- Evaporation from Wet Canopies
- Evapotranspiration from Dry Canopies
- Changes in Storage
- Runoff
- Summary
- Review Questions
- Additional Reading
- Introduction
- A Focal Issue
- Overview of Carbon Inputs to Ecosystems
- Biochemistry of Photosynthesis
- Pelagic Photosynthesis
- Light Limitation
- CO 2 Supply
- Nutrient Limitation
- Pelagic GPP
- Living on the Edge: Streams and Shorelines
- Terrestrial Photosynthesis
- Photosynthetic Structure of Terrestrial Ecosystems
- C 4 Photosynthesis
- Box 5.1 Carbon Isotopes
- Crassulacean Acid Metabolism
- CO 2 Limitation
- Light Limitation
- Nitrogen Limitation and Photosynthetic Capacity
- Water Limitation
- Temperature Effects
- Pollutants
- Terrestrial GPP
- Canopy Processes
- Leaf Area
- Length of the Photosynthetic Season
- Satellite-Based Estimates of GPP
- Summary
- Additional Reading
- Introduction
- A Focal Issue
- Plant Respiration
- What Is NPP?
- Marine NPP
- Lake NPP
- Stream and River NPP
- Terrestrial NPP
- Physiological Controls Over NPP
- Environmental and Species Controls Over NPP
- Allocation
- Allocation of NPP
- Allocation Response to Multiple Resources
- Diurnal and Seasonal Cycles of Allocation
- Tissue Turnover
- Global Distribution of Biomass and NPP
- Biome Differences in Biomass
- Biome Differences in NPP
- Summary
- Review Questions
- Additional Reading
- Introduction
- A Focal Issue
- Overview of Decomposition and Ecosystem Carbon Balance
- Leaching of Litter
- Litter Fragmentation
- Chemical Alteration
- Fungi
- Bacteria and Archaea
- Soil Animals
- Temporal and Spatial Heterogeneity of Decomposition
- Temporal Pattern
- Vertical Distribution
- Box 7.1 Isotopes and Soil Carbon Turnover
- Factors Controlling Decomposition
- Litter Quality
- Rhizosphere Stimulation of Decomposition
- Microbial Community Composition and Enzymatic Capacity
- The Environment
- Moisture
- Temperature
- Soil Organic Matter
- Soil Properties
- Soil Disturbance
- Humus Formation
- Peat Accumulation and Trace Gas Emissions
- Heterotrophic Respiration
- Net Ecosystem Production (NEP)
- Box 7.2 Measuring Carbon Fluxes of Ecosystems and Regions
- Net Ecosystem Carbon Balance
- Gaseous Carbon Fluxes
- Particulate Carbon Fluxes
- Dissolved Carbon Fluxes
- Stream Carbon Fluxes
- Stream Decomposition
- Stream Carbon Budgets
- Lake Carbon Fluxes
- Ocean Carbon Fluxes
- Carbon Exchange at the Global Scale
- Summary
- Review Questions
- Additional Reading
- Introduction
- A Focal Issue
- Overview
- Ocean Ecosystems
- Lake Ecosystems
- Rivers and Streams
- Terrestrial Ecosystems
- Nutrient Movement to the Root
- Diffusion
- Mass Flow
- Root Interception
- Nutrient Absorption
- Nutrient Supply
- Development of Root Length
- Mycorrhizae
- Nitrogen Fixation
- Root Absorption Properties
- Nutrient Use
- Nutrient Loss from Plants
- Senescence
- Leaching Loss from Plants
- Herbivory
- Other Avenues of Nutrient Loss from Plants
- Summary
- Review Questions
- Additional Reading
- Introduction
- A Focal Point
- Overview of Nutrient Cycling
- Marine Nutrient Cycling
- Large-Scale Nutrient Cycles
- Estuaries
- Coastal Currents
- Lake Nutrient Cycling
- Stream Nutrient Cycling
- Nitrogen Inputs to Terrestrial Ecosystems
- Biological Nitrogen Fixation
- Groups of Nitrogen Fixers
- Causes of Variation in Nitrogen Fixation
- Nitrogen Deposition
- Biological Nitrogen Fixation
- Internal Cycling of Nitrogen
- Overview of Mineralization
- Production and Fate of Dissolved Organic Nitrogen
- Production and Fate of Ammonium
- Production and Fate of Nitrate
- Temporal and Spatial Variability
- Pathways of Nitrogen Loss
- Gaseous Losses of Nitrogen
- Ecological Controls
- Atmospheric Roles of Nitrogen Gases
- Solution Losses
- Erosional Losses
- Gaseous Losses of Nitrogen
- Other Element Cycles
- Phosphorus
- Sulfur
- Essential Cations
- Micronutrients and Nonessential Elements
- Nitrogen and Phosphorus Cycling in Agricultural Systems
- Summary
- Review Questions
- Additional Reading
- Introduction
- A Focal Issue
- Overview of Trophic Dynamics
- Controls Over Energy Flow through Ecosystems
- Bottom-Up Controls
- Top-Down Controls
- Trophic Effects on Nutrient Cycling
- Ecological Efficiencies
- Trophic Efficiency and Energy Flow
- Consumption Efficiency
- Assimilation Efficiency
- Production Efficiency
- Food Chain Length
- Seasonal and Interannual Patterns
- Nutrient Transfers
- Detritus-Based Trophic Systems
- Integrated Food Webs
- Summary
- Review Questions
- Additional Reading
- Introduction
- A Focal Issue
- Overview of Species Effects on Ecosystem Processes
- Effect Functional Types
- Species Effects on Biogeochemistry
- Nutrient Supply
- Nutrient Turnover
- Species Effects on Biophysical Processes
- Species Effects on Trophic Interactions
- Species Effects on Disturbance Regime
- Species Effects on Biogeochemistry
- Response Functional Types
- Integrating the Effects of Traits on Ecosystems
- Functional Matrix of Multiple Traits
- Linkages Between Response and Effect Traits
- Diversity as Insurance
- Species Interactions and Ecosystem Processes
- Summary
- Review Questions
- Additional Reading
- 12: Temporal Dynamics
- Introduction
- A Focal Issue
- Ecosystem Resilience and Change
- Alternative Stable States
- Resilience and Thresholds
- Sources of Resilience
- Limits to Resilience
- Thresholds and Regime Shifts
- Box 12.1 Resilience and Regime Shifts
- Disturbance
- Conceptual Framework
- Impact of a Disturbance Event
- Recovery and Renewal after Disturbance
- Disturbance Regime
- Succession
- Ecosystem Structure and Composition
- Primary Succession
- Secondary Succession
- Water and Energy Exchange
- Carbon Balance
- Primary Succession
- Secondary Succession
- Nutrient Cycling
- Primary Succession
- Secondary Succession
- Trophic Dynamics
- Ecosystem Structure and Composition
- Temporal Scaling of Ecological Processes
- Summary
- Review Questions
- Additional Reading
- Introduction
- A Focal Issue
- Concepts of Landscape Heterogeneity
- Causes of Spatial Heterogeneity
- Detection and Analysis of Spatial Heterogeneity
- State Factors and Interactive Controls
- Community Processes and Legacies
- Disturbance
- Interactions Among Sources of Heterogeneity
- Patch Interactions on the Landscape
- Topographic and Land–Water Interactions
- Atmospheric Transfers
- Movement of Plants and Animals on the Landscape
- Disturbance Spread
- Human Land-Use Change and Landscape Heterogeneity
- Extensification
- Intensification
- Extrapolation to Larger Scales
- Box 13.1 Spatial Scaling Through Ecological Modeling
- Summary
- Review Questions
- Additional Reading
- 14: Changes in the Earth System
- Introduction
- A Focal Issue
- Human Drivers of Change
- The Global Water Cycle
- Water Pools and Fluxes
- Anthropogenic Changes in the Water Cycle
- Consequences of Changes in the Water Cycle
- The Global Carbon Cycle
- Carbon Pools and Fluxes
- Changes in Atmospheric CO 2
- Marine Sinks for CO 2
- Box 14.1 Partitioning of Carbon Uptake Between the Land and Ocean
- Terrestrial Sinks for CO 2
- CO 2 Effects on Climate
- The Global Methane Budget
- The Global Nitrogen Cycle
- Nitrogen Pools and Fluxes
- Anthropogenic Changes in the Nitrogen Cycle
- The Global Phosphorus Cycle
- Phosphorus Pools and Fluxes
- Anthropogenic Changes in the Phosphorus Cycle
- The Global Sulfur Cycle
- Summary
- Review Questions
- Additional Reading
- 15: Managing and Sustaining Ecosystems
- Introduction
- A Focal Issue
- Sustaining Social–Ecological Systems
- Box 15.1 Social-Ecological Interactions and the Flooding of New Orleans
- Sustainability
- Ecological Dimensions of Sustainability
- Box 15.2 Assessing Tradeoffs Among Ecosystem Services: Hydropower Versus Conservation in New Zealand
- Box 15.3 Water Purification for New York City
- Conceptual Framework for Ecosystem Management
- Sustaining Soil Resources
- Sustaining Biodiversity
- Sustaining Variability and Resilience
- Applying Ecosystem Principles to Management
- Forest Management
- Fisheries Management
- Ecosystem Renewal
- Box 15.4 Everglades Restoration Study
- Management for Endangered Species
- Socioeconomic Contexts of Ecosystem Management
- Meeting Human Needs and Wants
- Managing Flows of Ecosystem Services
- Addressing Political Realities
- Innovation and Adaptive Management
- Sustainable Development: Social–Ecological Transformation
- Summary
- Review Questions
- Additional Reading
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- Gerð : 208
- Höfundur : 14491
- Útgáfuár : 2011
- Leyfi : 380