Prescott's Microbiology ISE

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The author team of Prescott's Microbiology continues the tradition of past editions by providing a balanced, comprehensive introduction to all major areas of microbiology. This balance makes Microbiology appropriate for microbiology majors and mixed majors courses. The authors have introduced a number of pedagogical elements designed to facilitate student learning. They also remain focused on readability, artwork, and the integration of several key themes (including evolution, ecology and diversity) throughout the text, making an already superior text even better.
The author team of Prescott’s Microbiology continues to provide a modern approach to microbiology using evolution as a framework. This new 12th edition integrates impactful new changes to include a fresh new design to engage students and important content updates including SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19 which are prominently featured, taxonomic schemes that have been extensively revised, recent epidemiological data, and mRNA vaccines which just scrapes the surface of this new edition.
- Höfundar: Joanne Willey, Kathleen Sandman, Dorothy Wood
- Útgáfa:12
- Útgáfudagur: 2022-02-15
- Hægt að prenta út 2 bls.
- Hægt að afrita 2 bls.
- Format:ePub
- ISBN 13: 9781265732295
- Print ISBN: 9781265123031
- ISBN 10: 1265732299
- Title Page
- Copyright Page
- Brief Contents
- Connect Page
- Digital Tools for Your Success
- A Modern Approach to Microbiology
- Student-Friendly Organization
- List of Content Changes
- About the Authors
- Acknowledgements
- Contents
- 1 The Evolution of Microorganisms and Microbiology
- Microbiology’s Reach
- 1.1 Members of the Microbial World
- 1.2 Microbes Have Evolved and Diversified for Billions of Years
- Microbial Diversity & Ecology 1.1
- Hydrothermal Vents: Did Life Begin Under the Sea?
- 1.3 Microbiology Advanced as New Tools for Studying Microbes Were Developed
- 1.4 Microbiology Encompasses Many Subdisciplines
- 2 Microscopy
- Anthrax Bioterrorism Attack
- 2.1 Lenses Create Images by Bending Light
- 2.2 There Are Several Types of Light Microscopes
- 2.3 Staining Helps to Visualize and Identify Microbes
- 2.4 Electron Microscopes Use Beams of Electrons to Create Highly Magnified Images
- 2.5 Scanning Probe Microscopy Can Visualize Molecules and Atoms
- 3 Bacterial Cell Structure
- Bacteria Use Rapid Transport
- 3.1 Use of the Term “Prokaryote” Is Controversial
- 3.2 Bacteria Are Diverse but Share Some Common Features
- 3.3 Bacterial Plasma Membranes Control What Enters and Leaves the Cell
- 3.4 Cell Walls Have Many Functions
- 3.5 Extracellular Vesicles Emerge from Bacterial Membranes
- 3.6 The Cell Envelope Often Includes Layers Outside the Cell Wall
- 3.7 The Bacterial Cytoplasm Is More Complex than Once Thought
- Microbial Diversity & Ecology 3.1
- Organelles Without Membranes?
- 3.8 External Structures Are Used for Attachment and Motility
- 3.9 Bacteria Move in Response to Environmental Conditions
- 3.10 Bacterial Endospores Are a Survival Strategy
- 4 Archaeal Cell Structure
- Methane—The Other Greenhouse Gas
- 4.1 Archaea Are Diverse but Share Some Common Features
- 4.2 Archaeal Cell Envelopes Are Structurally Diverse
- 4.3 Archaeal Cytoplasm Is Similar to Bacterial Cytoplasm
- 4.4 Many Archaea Have External Structures Used for Attachment and Motility
- 5 Eukaryotic Cell Structure
- Red Means Dead
- 5.1 Eukaryotic Cells Are Diverse but Share Some Common Features
- 5.2 Eukaryotic Cell Envelopes
- 5.3 The Eukaryotic Cytoplasm Contains a Cytoskeleton and Organelles
- 5.4 Several Organelles Function in the Secretory and Endocytic Pathways
- 5.5 The Nucleus and Ribosomes Are Involved in Genetic Control of the Cell
- 5.6 Mitochondria, Related Organelles, and Chloroplasts Are Involved in Energy Conservation
- Microbial Diversity & Ecology 5.1
- There Was an Old Woman Who Swallowed a Fly
- 5.7 Many Eukaryotic Microbes Have External Structures Used for Motility
- 6 Viruses and Other Acellular Infectious Agents
- Viruses to the Rescue
- 6.1 Viruses Are Acellular
- 6.2 Virion Structure Is Defined by Capsid Symmetry and Presence or Absence of an Envelope
- 6.3 Viral Life Cycles Have Five Steps
- 6.4 There Are Several Types of Viral Infections
- 6.5 Virus Cultivation and Enumeration
- 6.6 Viroids and Satellites: Nucleic Acid-Based Subviral Agents
- 6.7 Prions Are Composed Only of Protein
- 7 Bacterial and Archaeal Growth
- How Low Can You Go?
- 7.1 Most Bacteria and Archaea Reproduce by Binary Fission
- 7.2 Bacterial Cell Cycles Are Divided into Three Phases
- 7.3 Archaeal Cell Cycles Are Unique
- 7.4 Growth Curves Consist of Five Phases
- 7.5 Environmental Factors Affect Microbial Growth
- Microbial Diversity & Ecology 7.1
- Microbial Sculptors
- 7.6 Microbial Growth in Natural Environments
- 7.7 Laboratory Culture of Microbes Requires Conditions that Mimic Their Normal Habitats
- 7.8 Microbial Population Size Can Be Measured Directly or Indirectly
- 7.9 Chemostats and Turbidostats Are Used for Continuous Culture of Microorganisms
- 8 Control of Microorganisms in the Environment
- To Wipe or Not to Wipe? That Is the Question.
- 8.1 Microbial Growth and Replication: Targets for Control
- 8.2 Microbes Can Be Controlled by Physical Means
- Techniques & Applications 8.1
- Come Fly with Me?
- 8.3 Microorganisms Are Controlled with Chemical Agents
- 8.4 Antimicrobial Agents Must Be Evaluated for Effectiveness
- 8.5 Microorganisms Can Be Controlled by Biological Methods
- 9 Antimicrobial Chemotherapy
- A Gift from Traditional Chinese Medicine
- 9.1 Antimicrobial Chemotherapy Evolved from Antisepsis Efforts
- 9.2 Antimicrobial Drugs Have Selective Toxicity
- 9.3 Antimicrobial Activity Can Be Measured by Specific Tests
- 9.4 Antibacterial Drugs
- 9.5 Antiviral Drugs
- 9.6 Antifungal Drugs
- 9.7 Antiprotozoan Drugs
- Disease 9.1
- Chloroquine and COVID-19: A Cautionary Tale
- 9.8 Antimicrobial Drug Resistance Is a Public Health Threat
- 10 Introduction to Metabolism
- Flushed Away
- 10.1 Metabolism: Important Principles and Concepts
- 10.2 ATP: The Major Energy Currency of Cells
- 10.3 Redox Reactions: Reactions of Central Importance in Metabolism
- 10.4 Electron Transport Chains: Sets of Sequential Redox Reactions
- 10.5 Biochemical Pathways: Sets of Linked Chemical Reactions
- 10.6 Enzymes and Ribozymes Speed Up Cellular Chemical Reactions
- 10.7 Metabolism Must Be Regulated to Maintain Homeostasis
- 11 Catabolism: Energy Release and Conservation
- The Richest Hill on Earth
- 11.1 Metabolic Diversity and Nutritional Types
- 11.2 There Are Two Chemoorganotrophic Fueling Processes
- 11.3 Aerobic Respiration Starts with Glucose Oxidation
- 11.4 Electron Transport and Oxidative Phosphorylation Generate the Most ATP
- 11.5 Anaerobic Respiration Uses the Same Steps as Aerobic Respiration
- 11.6 Fermentation Does Not Involve an Electron Transport Chain
- 11.7 Catabolism of Organic Molecules Other than Glucose
- 11.8 Chemolithotrophy: “Eating Rocks”
- 11.9 Flavin-Based Electron Bifurcation
- 11.10 Phototrophy
- 12 Anabolism: The Use of Energy in Biosynthesis
- Building Penicillin
- 12.1 Principles Governing Biosynthesis
- 12.2 Precursor Metabolites: Starting Molecules for Biosynthesis
- 12.3 CO2 Fixation: Reduction and Assimilation of CO2 Carbon
- 12.4 Synthesis of Carbohydrates
- 12.5 Synthesis of Amino Acids Consumes Many Precursor Metabolites
- 12.6 Synthesis of Purines, Pyrimidines, and Nucleotides
- 12.7 Lipid Synthesis
- 13 Bacterial Genome Replication and Expression
- Making Code
- 13.1 Experiments Using Bacteria and Viruses Demonstrated that DNA Is the Genetic Material
- 13.2 Nucleic Acid and Protein Structure
- 13.3 DNA Replication in Bacteria
- 13.4 Bacterial Genes Consist of Coding Regions and Other Sequences Important for Gene Function
- 13.5 Transcription in Bacteria
- 13.6 The Genetic Code Consists of Three-Letter “Words”
- 13.7 Translation in Bacteria
- 13.8 Coordination of Gene Expression Processes
- 13.9 Protein Maturation and Secretion
- 14 Regulation of Cellular Processes
- Promoting Expression
- 14.1 Bacteria Use Many Regulatory Strategies
- 14.2 Regulation of Transcription Initiation Saves Considerable Energy and Materials
- 14.3 Attenuation and Riboswitches Stop Transcription Prematurely
- 14.4 RNA Secondary Structures Control Translation
- 14.5 Mechanisms Used for Global Regulation
- 14.6 Bacteria Combine Several Regulatory Mechanisms to Control Complex Cellular Processes
- 15 Eukaryotic and Archaeal Genome Replication and Expression
- Pharming
- 15.1 Genetic Processes in the Three Domains
- 15.2 DNA Replication: Similar Overall, but with Different Replisome Proteins
- 15.3 Transcription
- 15.4 Translation and Protein Maturation and Localization
- 15.5 Regulation of Cellular Processes
- 16 Mechanisms of Genetic Variation
- Manure Happens
- 16.1 Mutations: Heritable Changes in a Genome
- 16.2 Detection and Isolation of Mutants
- 16.3 DNA Repair Maintains Genome Stability
- 16.4 Microbes Use Mechanisms Other than Mutation to Create Genetic Variability
- 16.5 Mobile Genetic Elements Move Genes Within and Between DNA Molecules
- 16.6 Conjugation Requires Cell-Cell Contact
- 16.7 Transformation Is the Uptake of Free DNA
- 16.8 Transduction Is Virus-Mediated DNA Transfer
- 16.9 Evolution in Action: The Development of Antibiotic Resistance in Bacteria
- 17 Microbial DNA Technologies
- Spinning Stronger Silk
- 17.1 Key Discoveries Led to the Development of DNA Cloning Technology
- Techniques & Applications 17.1
- Gel Electrophoresis
- 17.2 Polymerase Chain Reaction Amplifies Targeted DNA
- 17.3 Genomic and Metagenomic Libraries: Cloning Genomes in Pieces
- 17.4 Expressing Foreign Genes in Host Cells
- 17.5 Cas9 Nuclease Is a Programmable Tool for Genome Editing
- 17.6 Biotechnology Develops Custom Microbes for Industrial Use
- Techniques & Applications 17.2
- How to Build a Microorganism
- 1 The Evolution of Microorganisms and Microbiology
- 18 Microbial Genomics
- What’s in a Genome?
- 18.1 DNA Sequencing Methods
- 18.2 Genome Sequencing
- 18.3 Metagenomics Provides Access to Uncultured Microbes
- 18.4 Bioinformatics: What Does the Sequence Mean?
- 18.5 Functional Genomics Links Genes to Phenotype
- 18.6 Systems Biology: Making and Testing Complex Predictions
- 18.7 Comparative Genomics
- 19 Archaea
- Methanogens Fuel Domestic Energy Debate
- 19.1 Overview of Archaea
- 19.2 Phyla Asgardarchaeota and Nanoarchaeota Are Known Primarily from Metagenomics
- 19.3 Phylum Thermoproteota: Sulfur-Dependent Thermophiles
- 19.4 Phylum Nitrosphaeria: Mesophilic Ammonia Oxidizers
- 19.5 Phyla Methanobacteriota, Halobacteriota, and Thermoplasmatota: Methanogens, Haloarchaea, and Others
- 20 Nonproteobacterial Gram-Negative Bacteria
- From Food Waste to Fuel
- 20.1 Diderm Cell Envelopes Are Not Uniform
- 20.2 Aquificota and Thermotogota Are Hyperthermophiles
- 20.3 Deinococcota Includes Radiation-Resistant Bacteria
- 20.4 Photosynthetic Bacteria Are Diverse
- 20.5 PVC Superphylum (Planctomycetota and Verrucomicrobiota): Atypical Cell Division
- 20.6 Phylum Spirochaetota: Bacteria with a Corkscrew Morphology
- 20.7 Phylum Bacteroidota Includes Important Gut Microbiota
- 20.8 Phylum Fusobacteriota: Commensal Anaerobes
- 20.9 Phylum Desulfobacterota: Anaerobic Sulfate/Sulfur Reducers
- 20.10 Phyla Bdellovibrionota and Myxococcota: Bacterial Predators
- 20.11 Phylum Campylobacterota: Human and Animal Commensals
- 21 Proteobacteria
- Bison and Brucellosis Spark Controversy
- 21.1 Class Alphaproteobacteria Includes Many Oligotrophs
- 21.2 Gammaproteobacteria Is the Largest Bacterial Class
- Microbial Diversity & Ecology 21.1
- Acid Mine Drainage
- Antibiotic Production: Is It Actually Bacterial Chitchat?
- 22.1 Phylum Actinobacteriota
- 22.2 Phylum Firmicutes, Class Bacilli: Aerobic Endospore-Forming Bacteria
- 22.3 Phylum Firmicutes, Class Clostridia: Anaerobic Endospore-Forming Bacteria
- 22.4 Phylum Firmicutes, Classes Negativicutes and Halanaerobiia: Gram-Positive Bacteria with Outer Membranes
- Setting the Record Straight
- 23.1 Protist Diversity Reflects Broad Phylogeny
- 23.2 Discoba-Metamonada Clade
- 23.3 Amoebozoa Clade Includes Protists with Pseudopodia
- 23.4 TSAR Clade: Protists of Global Importance
- 23.5 Haptista Clade
- 23.6 Archaeplastida Clade Includes Green and Red Algae
- The Complex Story of Caterpillar Fungus
- 24.1 Fungal Biology Reflects Vast Diversity
- 24.2 Zoosporic Fungi Produce Motile Spores
- 24.3 Zygomycetous Fungi Have Coenocytic Hyphae
- 24.4 Dikarya Is the Most Diverse Fungal Group
- Disease 24.1
- White-Nose Syndrome Is Decimating North American Bat Populations
- Disrupting the Viral Life Cycle
- 25.1 Virus Phylogeny Relies on Genomics
- 25.2 Double-Stranded DNA Viruses Infect All Cell Types
- 25.3 Single-Stranded DNA Viruses Use a Double-Stranded Intermediate in Their Life Cycles
- 25.4 Double-Stranded RNA Viruses: RNADependent RNA Polymerase Replicates the Genome and Synthesizes mRNA
- 25.5 Positive-Strand RNA Viruses: Genomes that Are Translated upon Entry
- 25.6 Negative-Strand RNA Viruses: RNA-Dependent RNA Polymerase Is Part of the Virion
- 25.7 Retroviruses: Positive-Strand Viruses that Use Reverse Transcriptase in Their Life Cycles
- 25.8 Reverse Transcribing DNA Viruses
- Scientists Search for Intraterrestrial Life—and Find It
- 26.1 Microbial Biology Relies on Cultures
- Microbial Diversity & Ecology 26.1
- Patience, Hard Work, Luck, and the Evolution of Eukaryotes
- 26.2 Microbial Identification Is Largely Based on Molecular Characterization
- 26.3 Assessing Microbial Populations
- 26.4 Assessing Microbial Community Activity
- Microbes in Community
- 27.1 Many Types of Microbial Interactions Exist
- 27.2 Mutualism: Obligatory Positive Interaction
- 27.3 Cooperation: Nonobligatory Positive Interaction
- 27.4 Antagonistic Interactions Prompt Microbial Responses
- Microbial Diversity & Ecology 27.1
- Wolbachia: The World’s Most Infectious Microbe?
- Global Climate Change; Infectious Disease Change
- 28.1 Biogeochemical Cycling Sustains Life on Earth
- 28.2 Microbes Mediate Nutrient Cycling
- 28.3 Global Climate Change: Infectious Disease Change
- Ocean Death Coming Soon to a Coast Near You
- 29.1 Water Is the Largest Microbial Habitat
- 29.2 Microorganisms in Marine Ecosystems
- 29.3 Microorganisms in Freshwater Ecosystems
- Microbial Diversity & Ecology 29.1
- Attention All Dog Owners!
- Bread for a Hungry World
- 30.1 Soils Are an Important Microbial Habitat
- 30.2 Diverse Microorganisms Inhabit Soil
- 30.3 Microbe-Plant Interactions Can Be Positive, Negative, or Neutral
- Disease 30.1
- Citrus Greening and the Power of “Why?”
- 30.4 The Subsurface Biosphere Is Vast
- The Hygiene Hypothesis
- 31.1 Immunity Arises from Innate Resistance and Adaptive Defenses
- 31.2 Innate Resistance Starts with Barriers
- 31.3 Innate Resistance Relies on Chemical Mediators
- 31.4 Each Type of Innate Immune Cell Has a Specific Function
- 31.5 Organs and Tissues of the Immune System Are Sites of Host Defense
- 31.6 Phagocytosis Destroys Invaders
- 31.7 Inflammation Unites All Components of Immunity
- Killing Cancer, Immunologically
- 32.1 Adaptive Immunity Relies on Recognition and Memory
- 32.2 Antigens Elicit Immunity
- 32.3 Adaptive Immunity Can Be Earned or Borrowed
- 32.4 Recognition of Foreignness Is Critical for a Strong Defense
- 32.5 T Cells Are Critical for Immune Function
- 32.6 B Cells Make Antibodies
- 32.7 Antibodies Bind Specific 3-D Antigens
- Techniques & Applications 32.1
- Monoclonal Antibody Therapy
- 32.8 Antibodies Doom Antigens
- Historical Highlights 32.2
- Convalescent Plasma: An Old Treatment for a New Disease
- 32.9 The Immune System Can Malfunction
- Embrace Your Gut Flora
- 33.1 Humans Are Holobionts
- 33.2 The Microbiome Develops from Birth to Adulthood
- 33.3 A Functional Core Microbiome Is Required for Host Homeostasis
- 33.4 Many Diseases Have a Connection with Dysbiosis
- 33.5 Microbiome Manipulation Can Be Therapeutic
- The Unlikely Tale of Miasmas, Bras, and Masks
- 34.1 The Process of Infection
- 34.2 Transmission and Entry into the Host
- Historical Highlights 34.1
- The First Indications of Person-to-Person Spread of an Infectious Disease
- 34.3 Surviving the Host Defenses
- 34.4 Damage to the Host
- Protecting the Herd
- 35.1 Epidemiology Is an Evidence-Based Science
- Historical Highlights 35.1
- John Snow, the First Epidemiologist
- 35.2 Epidemiology Is Rooted in Well-Tested Methods
- 35.3 Infectious Disease Is Revealed Through Patterns Within a Population
- Historical Highlights 35.2
- “Typhoid Mary”
- 35.4 Infectious Diseases and Pathogens Are Emerging and Reemerging
- 35.5 Healthcare Facilities Harbor Infectious Agents
- 35.6 Coordinated Efforts Are Required to Prevent and Control Epidemics
- Historical Highlights 35.3
- The First Immunizations
- 35.7 Bioterrorism Readiness Is an Integral Component of Public Health Microbiology
- Historical Highlights 35.4
- 1346—Early Biological Warfare Attack
- Ebola and Global Health Security
- 36.1 The Clinical Microbiology Laboratory Detects Infectious Agents and Protects Its Workers
- 36.2 Identification of Microorganisms from Specimens
- 36.3 Immune Responses Can Be Exploited to Detect Infections
- Remembering HIV/AIDS
- 37.1 Viruses Can Be Transmitted by Airborne Routes
- 37.2 Arthropods Can Transmit Viral Diseases
- 37.3 Direct Contact Diseases Can Be Caused by Viruses
- 37.4 Food and Water Are Vehicles for Viral Diseases
- Historical Highlights 37.1
- A Brief History of Polio
- 37.5 Zoonotic Diseases Arise from Human-Animal Interactions
- 37.6 Prion Proteins Transmit Disease
- The Plague Family Tree
- 38.1 Bacteria Can Be Transmitted by Airborne Routes
- 38.2 Arthropods Can Transmit Bacterial Diseases
- 38.3 Direct Contact Diseases Can Be Caused by Bacteria
- Disease 38.1
- Syphilis and the Tuskegee Study
- Disease 38.2
- Biofilms
- 38.4 Food and Water Are Vehicles for Bacterial Diseases
- Techniques & Applications 38.3
- Clostridial Toxins as Therapeutic Agents: Benefits of Nature’s Most Toxic Proteins
- 38.5 Zoonotic Diseases Arise from Human-Animal Interactions
- 38.6 Opportunistic Diseases Can Be Caused by Bacteria
- Mushrooms of Death
- 39.1 Relatively Few Fungi and Protists Are Human Pathogens
- 39.2 Fungi Can Be Transmitted by Airborne Routes
- 39.3 Arthropods Can Transmit Protozoal Disease
- Disease 39.1
- A Brief History of Malaria
- 39.4 Direct Contact Diseases Can Be Caused by Fungi and Protists
- 39.5 Food and Water Are Vehicles of Protozoal Diseases
- 39.6 Opportunistic Diseases Can Be Caused by Fungi and Protists
- The Art, Science, and Genetics of Brewing Beer
- 40.1 Microbial Growth Can Cause Food Spoilage
- 40.2 Environmental Factors Control Food Spoilage
- 40.3 Food-Borne Disease Outbreaks
- 40.4 Detection of Food-Borne Pathogens Requires Government-Industry Cooperation
- 40.5 Microbiology of Fermented Foods: Beer, Cheese, and Much More
- Techniques & Applications 40.1
- Chocolate: The Sweet Side of Fermentation
- Where Are the New Antibiotics?
- 41.1 Microbes Are the Source of Many Products of Industrial Importance
- 41.2 Biofuel Production Is a Dynamic Field
- 41.3 Growing Microbes in Industrial Settings Presents Challenges
- 41.4 Agricultural Biotechnology Relies on a Plant Pathogen
- 41.5 Some Microbes Are Products
- Deepwater Horizon Oil Consumed by Microbes
- 42.1 Purification and Sanitary Analysis Ensure Safe Drinking Water
- 42.2 Wastewater Treatment Maintains Human and Environmental Health
- 42.3 Microbial Fuel Cells: Batteries Powered by Microbes
- 42.4 Biodegradation and Bioremediation Harness Microbes to Clean the Environment
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- Gerð : 208
- Höfundur : 5698
- Útgáfuár : 2019
- Leyfi : 380