Predictive Analytics: The Power to Predict Who Will Click, Buy, Lie, or Die, Revised and Updated

Mesmerizing The Seattle Post-Intelligencer Unleash the Power of Data with the Latest State-of-the-Art Techniques Prediction is booming. It reinvents industries and runs the world. Companies, governments, law enforcement, hospitals, and universities are predicting whether you're going to click, buy, lie, or die. Predicting human behavior combats financial risk, boosts sales, fortifies healthcare, streamlines manufacturing, conquers spam, toughens crime fighting, enhances social networks, and more.
Prediction is powered by the world's most potent, abundant unnatural resource: data. Big data embodies an extraordinary wealth of experience from which to learn. Predictive analytics unleashes the power of data by using computer technology to predict individual behavior. Perfect prediction is not possible, but it is possible to put odds on future outcomes, and use those odds to drive millions of decisions.
In Predictive Analytics, Columbia University professor and Predictive Analytics World founder Eric Siegel reveals the power of prediction. This revised and updated edition features recent case studies that demonstrate how predictive analytics affects everyone, every day. What type of mortgage risk Chase Bank predicted before the recession Predicting who will drop out of school, cancel a subscription, or get divorcedbefore they know it themselves Why early retirement is linked to shorter life expectancy and vegetarians miss fewer flights Five reasons why many organizations, not just insurance companies, predict death How the US Bank, European wireless carrier Telenor, and Obama's 2012 campaign calculated the best way to strongly influence each individual Terrorism, supercomputers, and why the NSA really wants your data How IBM's Watson computer used predictive modeling to beat human contestants on Jeopardy! How companies ascertain untold, private truthshow Target figures out you're pregnant and Hewlett-Packard deduces you're about to quit your job How judges and parole boards use crime-predicting computers to decide how long convicts remain in prison 150+ examples from the BBC, Citibank, ConEd, Facebook, Ford, Google, Hillary for America, IBM, the IRS, LinkedIn, Match.
com, MTV, Netflix, Pandora, PayPal, Pfizer, UPS, Wikipedia, and more Winner of the Nonfiction Book and Small Business Book Awards, and textbook at more than thirty colleges and universities, this book serves experts and novices alike. This text introduces key concepts, breaks down the science, and presents captivating, real-world insights to stimulate and challenge your knowledge of the field. Whether you are a consumer of it, or consumed by it, get a handle on the power of Predictive Analytics.
- Höfundur: Eric Siegel
- Útgáfa:2
- Útgáfudagur: 2016-01-13
- Hægt að prenta út 2 bls.
- Hægt að afrita 10 bls.
- Format:Page Fidelity
- ISBN 13: 9781119145684
- Print ISBN: 9781119145677
- ISBN 10: 1119145686
- Contents
- Foreword
- Preface to the Revised and Updated Edition
- Frequently Asked Questions about Predictive Analytics
- Who Is this Book for?
- Is the Idea of predictive analytics Hard to Understand?
- Is this Book a How-To?
- Not a How-To? Then Why Should Techies Read it?
- What Is the Purpose of this Book?
- How Technical Does this Book Get?
- Is this a University Textbook?
- How Should I Read this Book?
- What's New in the ``Revised and Updated´´ Edition of Predictive Analytics?
- Where Can I Learn More After this Book, Such as a How-To for Hands-On Practice?
- Frequently Asked Questions about Predictive Analytics
- Prediction in Big Business-The Destiny of Assets
- Introducing . . . the Clairvoyant Computer
- ``Feed Me!´´-Food for Thought for the Machine
- I Knew You Were Going to Do That
- The Limits and Potential of Prediction
- The Field of Dreams
- Organizational Learning
- The New Super Geek: Data Scientists
- The Art of Learning
- Going Live
- A Faulty Oracle Everyone Loves
- Predictive Protection
- A Silent Revolution Worth a Million
- The Perils of Personalization
- Deployment's Detours and Delays
- In Flight
- Elementary, My Dear: The Power of Observation
- To Act Is to Decide
- A Perilous Launch
- Houston, We Have a Problem
- The Little Model That Could
- Houston, We Have Liftoff
- A Passionate Scientist
- Launching Prediction into Inner Space
- The Prediction of Target and the Target of Prediction
- A Pregnant Pause
- My 15 Minutes
- Thrust into the Limelight
- You Can't Imprison Something That Can Teleport
- Law and Order: Policies and Policing of Data
- The Battle over Data
- Data Mining Does Not Drill Down
- HP Learns about Itself
- Insight or Intrusion?
- Flight Risk: I Quit!
- Insights: The Factors behind Quitting
- Delivering Dynamite
- The Value Gained from Flight Risk
- Predicting Crime to Stop It Before It Happens
- The Data of Crime and the Crime of Data
- Machine Risk without Measure
- The Cyclicity of Prejudice
- Good Prediction, Bad Prediction
- The Source of Power
- A Cautionary Tale: Orange Lemons
- The Source: Otherwise Boring Logs Fuel Prediction
- Social Media and Mass Public Mood
- Recycling the Data Dump
- The Instrumentation of Everything We Do
- Batten Down the Hatches: TMI
- Who's Your Data?
- The Data Effect: It's Predictive
- The Building Blocks: Predictors
- Far Out, Bizarre, and Surprising Insights
- Caveat #1: Correlation Does Not Imply Causation
- Caveat #2: Securing Sound Discoveries
- What Went Wrong: Accumulating Risk
- The Potential and Danger of Automating Science: Vast Search
- A Failsafe for Sound Results
- A Prevalent Mistake
- Putting All the Predictors Together
- Boy Meets Bank
- Bank Faces Risk
- Prediction Battles Risk
- Risky Business
- The Learning Machine
- Building the Learning Machine
- Learning from Bad Experiences
- How Machine Learning Works
- Decision Trees Grow on You
- Computer, Program Thyself
- Learn Baby Learn
- Bigger Is Better
- Overlearning: Assuming Too Much
- The Conundrum of Induction
- The Art and Science of Machine Learning
- Feeling Validated: Test Data
- Carving out a Work of Art
- Putting Decision Trees to Work for Chase
- Money Grows on Trees
- The Recession-Why Microscopes Can't Detect Asteroid Collisions
- After Math
- Casual Rocket Scientists
- Dark Horses
- Mindsourced: Wealth in Diversity
- Crowdsourcing Gone Wild
- Your Adversary Is Your Amigo
- United Nations
- Meta-Learning
- A Big Fish at the Big Finish
- Collective Intelligence
- The Wisdom of Crowds . . . of Models
- A Bag of Models
- Ensemble Models in Action
- The Generalization Paradox: More Is Less
- The Sky's the Limit
- Text Analytics
- Our Mother Tongue's Trials and Tribulations
- Once You Understand the Question, Answer It
- The Ultimate Knowledge Source
- Artificial Impossibility
- Learning to Answer Questions
- Walk Like a Man, Talk Like a Man
- Putting on the Pressure
- The Answering Machine
- Moneyballing Jeopardy!
- Amassing Evidence for an Answer
- Elementary, My Dear Watson
- Mounting Evidence
- Weighing Evidence with Ensemble Models
- An Ensemble of Ensembles
- Machine Learning Achieves the Potential of Natural Language Processing
- Confidence without Overconfidence
- The Need for Speed
- Double Jeopardy!-Would Watson Win?
- Jeopardy! Jitters: Deploying a Prototype
- For the Win
- After Match: Honor, Accolades, and Awe
- Iambic IBM AI
- Predict the Right Thing
- Churn Baby Churn
- Sleeping Dogs
- A New Thing to Predict
- Eye Can't See It
- Perceiving Persuasion
- Persuasive Choices
- Business Stimulus and Business Response
- The Quantum Human
- Predicting Influence with Uplift Modeling
- Banking on Influence
- Predicting the Wrong Thing
- Response Uplift Modeling
- The Mechanics of Uplift Modeling
- How Uplift Modeling Works
- The Persuasion Effect
- Influence across Industries
- Immobilizing Mobile Customers
- Tomorrow's Just a Day Away
- The Future of Prediction
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- Gerð : 208
- Höfundur : 12232
- Útgáfuár : 2015
- Leyfi : 379