Positive Psychology in Sport and Physical Activity

Positive psychology (PP) is a fast-developing area of research that emphasises personal growth and the positive qualities of life. This is the first book to apply the principles and practice of PP to sport and physical activity. In attempting to help people enjoy sport, sport psychology has paradoxically often focused on topics such as anxiety, stress and burnout. By contrast, this reader-friendly introduction to PP shows how it can improve sporting performance while also enhancing physical and mental well-being.
Demonstrating the practical relevance of PP for all those who participate in sport and physical activity at any level, it covers a variety of topics including: passion, enjoyment and flow positive pedagogy and appreciative inquiry for sport leaders, coaches and teachers gratitude, mindfulness, optimism and hope positive psychology coaching for sport leaders and practitioners character strengths, growth mindset and resilience.
- Útgáfa:1
- Útgáfudagur: 2017-10-16
- Hægt að prenta út 2 bls.
- Hægt að afrita 2 bls.
- Format:ePub
- ISBN 13: 9781315304373
- Print ISBN: 9781138235595
- ISBN 10: 1315304376
- Cover
- Title
- Copyright
- Dedication
- Contents
- List of figures
- List of tables
- List of contributors
- Foreword
- Acknowledgements
- An introduction to positive psychology in sport and physical activity
- Part 1 Why a text on positive psychology in sport and physical activity?
- 1 Introducing positive psychology and its value for sport and physical activity
- 2 The components of well-being
- 3 Contemporary findings about the value of well-being and positive psychology in sport and physical activity settings
- Part 2 Key topics in positive psychology and their value in sport and physical activity
- 4 Positive psychology meets education in the context of passion for sports: implications for sports-study programs
- 5 Character strengths in sport and physical activity
- 6 Hope and optimism in sport
- 7 Mindfulness in sport and physical exercise
- 8 Resilience and growth mindset in sport and physical activity
- 9 As positive as it gets: flow and enjoyment in sport and physical activity
- 10 Gratitude and athletes’ well-being
- 11 Positive psychology of relationships in sport and physical activity
- Part 3 Applying positive psychology in and through sport and physical activity
- 12 My Future Today: reflecting on positive psychology in professional football academies
- 13 LifeMatters: using physical activities and games to enhance the self-concept and well-being of disadvantaged youth
- 14 Positive psychology and physical education in schools
- 15 Positive pedagogy for sports coaching: the influence of positive psychology
- 16 Performance Lifestyle in Olympic and Paralympic sport: where positive psychology informs practice
- 17 Embracing positive psychology ideas and interventions within sport and exercise psychology consultancy
- 18 Coaching the coaches: appreciative reflection and appreciative inquiry in the development of sport coaches
- 19 Positive psychology coaching for sports leaders
- Part 4 Embracing positive psychology in sport and exercise: reflections and considerations
- 20 Embracing positive psychology: implications for practitioners and researchers
- Index
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- Gerð : 208
- Útgáfuár : 2017
- Leyfi : 380