Play, Learning and the Early Childhood Curriculum

- LSS101F Leikur og hlutverk leikskólakennara
The Third Edition of this popular book reflects contemporary research as well as thinking about the role and value of play in learning and development, within and beyond early childhood. The author explores recent developments across international contexts which endorse play, and argues for critical engagement with some aspects of policy discourse in how ′educational play′ is constrructed. This accesible book also reviews contemporary theoretical trends which focus on the meanings and intentions that children bring to their play.
The new edition includes coverage of: - play in education policies; UK and international perspectives - working with parents - social and cultural diversity - children with special educational needs and disabilities - outdoor play Each chapter includes case studies provided by practitioners, along with questions and tasks to promote critical engagement and reflection on key issues and debates. This book is for students on Childhood Studies courses and those on Initial Teacher Education and Masters programmes in early childhood and primary education.
- Höfundur: Elizabeth Wood
- Útgáfa:3
- Útgáfudagur: 2013-03-18
- Blaðsíður: 208
- Hægt að prenta út 30 bls.
- Hægt að afrita 30 bls.
- Format:ePub
- ISBN 13: 9781446289464
- Print ISBN: 9781849201162
- ISBN 10: 144628946X
- Cover Page
- Title
- Copyright
- Dedication
- Contents
- List of figures
- About the Author
- Preface
- A Note from the Author
- Add-on material
- 1 Understanding Play: Complexity and Challenge
- The Ideological Tradition
- The Purposes of Play
- Defining Play
- Children’s Definitions
- The Status of Play
- Rhetoric and Reality
- Contemporary Forms of Play
- Lifelong Playing and Learning
- Linking Play in Childhood and Adulthood
- Summary
- Further Reading
- 2 Understanding Children’s Learning: Contemporary Theoretical Perspectives
- Why Do Children Play?
- What Are the Main Forms of Play in Early Childhood?
- Piagetian Perspectives on Play, Learning and Development
- Dramatic and Socio-Dramatic Play
- Constructive Play
- Rough-and-Tumble and Superhero Play
- The Variability of Play
- The Problems with Play
- Summary
- Further Reading
- 3 Play in National Policies: International Perspectives
- Play and National Curriculum Policies
- Play in the Early Years Foundation Stage (England)
- Play, Quality and Effectiveness Discourses
- Play and Progression – EYFS to Key Stage 1 (Birth to Seven)
- Policy–Practice Dilemmas – Cinderella’s Glass Slipper?
- Curriculum Models
- Summary
- Further Reading
- 4 Play and the Curriculum
- Defining Curriculum
- Integrated Curriculum and Pedagogical Approaches
- Processes that Link Playing, Learning and Teaching
- Play as an Integrating Process
- The Playing–Learning Environment
- The Concept of Affordance
- The Concept of Scaffolding
- Playing with Literacy
- Playing with Numeracy
- Planning for Progression and Continuity
- Further Reading
- 5 Play and Pedagogy
- Linking Play and Pedagogy: Dilemmas and Challenges
- Play as Pedagogy in the EYFS
- Practitioners’ Roles in Play: Pedagogical Framing and Strategies
- So Can We Define a Pedagogy of Play?
- Further Reading
- 6 Play and Learning in Outdoor Environments
- The Principles of Playing and Learning in Outdoor Environments
- The Concept of Affordance in Outdoor Spaces
- Developing Strategies for Working with Children to Manage Risks and Hazards
- Planning for Progression and Continuity
- Planning for Inclusion, Access and Diversity
- Progression and Continuity
- Further Reading
- 7 Assessing Children’s Learning in Play
- The Principles and Purposes of Assessment
- Forms of Assessment
- The Assessment Process
- Individual Development and Play Plans
- Assessing Socio-Dramatic Play
- Developing Individual Play Plans
- Assessment and Evaluation as Ethical Practice
- Further Reading
- 8 Developing Play
- Knowledge Bases for Teaching and Learning
- Learning to Play: Em’s Story
- Plan–Do–Review: Amanda’s Story
- Creativity in a Nursery Class: Cathie’s Story
- Developing a Playful School
- Funds of Knowledge
- Play Memories
- Improving the Quality of Provision for Play
- Future Directions
- Further Reading
- Appendix
- Bibliography
- Author Index
- Subject Index
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- Gerð : 208
- Höfundur : 5758
- Útgáfuár : 2013
- Leyfi : 380