Physiology of Sport and Exercise

- E-201-PHYS Lífeðlisfræði
Combining research with extensive visual aids, Physiology of Sport and Exercise, Ninth Edition With HKPropel Access , offers a simple way for students to explore the body’s response to various types and intensities of exercise and sports. The ninth edition of the text continues its legacy as a top physiology resource and favorite of instructors and students alike. Written by a team of distinguished researchers, all past presidents of the American College of Sports Medicine, this ninth edition has been updated based on the most recent standards and guidelines in the field of exercise physiology.
It continues its rich tradition of offering superior illustrations, photos, and medical artwork with a modern look to encourage a deep understanding of complex topics. Related multimedia components delivered through HKPropel further enrich the learning experience: 26 animations and 66 audio clips offer explanations of elaborate physiological processes. More than 30 video clips feature leaders in the field discussing central topics, including several new clips to help students connect theoretical and practical concepts.
The digital elements have been refreshed and modernized for this edition, and QR codes throughout the text help you reach the content quickly. Various types of online learning activities, key term flash card reviews, and key term quizzes offer interactive opportunities to engage with the content, including the ability for instructors to assign and track progress directly through HKPropel. Chapter quizzes may also be assigned; these are automatically graded in order to test comprehension of critical concepts.
In addition to a refreshed chapter-opening format that draws readers in, Physiology of Sport and Exercise, Ninth Edition , incorporates the latest research in the field: - New content on energy sources used in exercise - Expanded content on fatigue and exercise performance - Expanded coverage of the interactive effects of insulin and exercise - More detail on lactate threshold and lactate shuttle - Content on the role of vascular changes in skeletal muscle health and function - Updated Research Perspective sidebars, including over 60 new sidebars, that emphasize emerging findings in the field As in previous editions, readability and ease of understanding make Physiology of Sport and Exercise different from other physiology resources.
Unique learning aids, including chapter-opening outlines and review boxes, will help students focus on the major concepts addressed. Study questions and a list of key terms at the end of each chapter provide opportunities for recall and self-assessment. A comprehensive glossary and updated lists of common abbreviations and conversions provide easy reference for students. Physiology of Sport and Exercise has been a pivotal textbook in the field of exercise physiology.
- Höfundar: W. Larry Kenney, Jack H. Wilmore, David L. Costill
- Útgáfa:9
- Útgáfudagur: 2024-10-03
- Hægt að prenta út 2 bls.
- Hægt að afrita 2 bls.
- Format:ePub
- ISBN 13: 9781718228443
- Print ISBN: 9781718228436
- ISBN 10: 1718228449
- Title Page
- Copyright
- Contents
- Research Perspectives Finder
- Preface
- Student and Instructor Resources
- Acknowledgments
- Photo Credits
- An Introduction to Exercise and Sport Physiology
- Focus of Exercise and Sport Physiology
- Acute and Chronic Responses to Exercise
- The Evolution of Exercise Physiology
- Exercise Physiology in the 21st Century
- Research: Turning Curiosity Into Science
- Part I: Exercising Muscle
- 1. Structure and Function of Exercising Muscle
- Anatomy of Skeletal Muscle
- Muscle Fiber Contraction
- Muscle Fiber Types
- Skeletal Muscle and Exercise
- 2. Fuel for Exercise: Bioenergetics and Muscle Metabolism
- Energy Substrates
- Controlling the Rate of Energy Production
- Storing Energy: High-Energy Phosphates
- The Basic Energy Systems
- Interaction of the Energy Systems
- The Crossover Concept
- The Oxidative Capacity of Muscle
- 3. Neural Control of Exercising Muscle
- Structure and Function of the Nervous System
- Central Nervous System
- Peripheral Nervous System
- Sensory-Motor Integration
- 4. Hormonal Control During Exercise
- The Endocrine System
- Endocrine Glands and Their Hormones: An Overview
- Hormonal Regulation of Metabolism During Exercise
- Hormonal Regulation of Fluid and Electrolytes During Exercise
- Hormonal Regulation of Caloric Intake
- Growth Hormone and Testosterone
- 1. Structure and Function of Exercising Muscle
- 5. Energy Expenditure
- Measuring Energy Expenditure
- Estimating Energy Expenditure
- Predicting Energy Expenditure
- Energy Expenditure at Rest and During Exercise
- 6. Fatigue, Muscle Soreness, and Muscle Cramps
- Fatigue and Its Causes
- Critical Power: The Link Between Energy Expenditure and Fatigue
- Muscle Soreness
- Exercise-Induced Muscle Cramps
- 7. The Cardiovascular System and Its Control
- The Heart
- The Vascular System
- Blood
- 8. The Respiratory System and Its Regulation
- Pulmonary Ventilation
- Pulmonary Volumes
- Pulmonary Diffusion
- Transport of Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide in the Blood
- Gas Exchange at the Muscles
- Regulation of Pulmonary Ventilation
- Afferent Feedback From Exercising Limbs
- Exercise Training and Respiratory Function
- 9. Cardiorespiratory Responses to Acute Exercise
- Cardiovascular Responses to Acute Exercise
- Respiratory Responses to Acute Exercise
- Recovery From Acute Exercise
- 10. Principles of Exercise Training
- Terminology
- General Principles of Training
- Resistance Training Programs
- Anaerobic and Aerobic Power Training Programs
- 11. Adaptations to Resistance Training
- Resistance Training and Gains in Muscular Fitness
- Mechanisms of Gains in Muscle Strength
- Interaction Between Resistance Training and Diet
- Resistance Training for Special Populations
- 12. Adaptations to Aerobic and Anaerobic Training
- Adaptations to Aerobic Training
- Adaptations to Anaerobic Training
- Adaptations to High-Intensity Interval Training
- Specificity of Training and Cross-Training
- 13. Prescription of Exercise for Health and Fitness
- Health Benefits of Regular Physical Activity and Exercise
- Exercise and Cognitive Function
- Physical Activity Recommendations
- Health Screening
- Exercise Prescription
- Sedentary Behavior
- Monitoring Exercise Intensity
- Exercise Programming
- Exercise and Rehabilitation of People with Diseases
- 14. Exercise in Hot and Cold Environments
- Body Temperature Regulation
- Physiological Responses to Exercise in the Heat
- Health Risks During Exercise in the Heat
- Acclimation to Exercise in the Heat
- Exercise in the Cold
- Physiological Responses to Exercise in the Cold
- Health Risks During Exercise in the Cold
- 15. Altitude, Hyperbaric Environments, and Microgravity
- Environmental Conditions at Altitude
- Physiological Responses to Acute Altitude Exposure
- Exercise and Sport Performance at Altitude
- Acclimation: Chronic Exposure to Altitude
- Altitude: Optimizing Training and Performance
- Health Risks of Acute Exposure to Altitude
- Hyperbaric Environments
- Microgravity
- 16. Training for Sport
- Optimizing Training
- Periodization of Training
- Overtraining
- Tapering for Peak Performance
- Detraining
- 17. Nutrition, Body Composition, and Obesity
- Classification of Nutrients
- Water and Electrolyte Balance
- Nutrition and Athletic Performance
- Assessing Body Composition
- Body Composition, Weight, and Sport Performance
- Obesity
- Weight Loss Management Guidelines
- Role of Physical Activity in Weight Management and Risk Reduction
- 18. Ergogenic Aids in Sport
- Researching Ergogenic Aids
- Ergogenic Aids with Established Evidence of Efficacy
- Ergogenic Aids with Emerging Evidence of Efficacy
- Prohibited Substances and Techniques
- 19. Children and Adolescents in Sport and Exercise
- Growth, Development, and Maturation
- Physiological Responses to Acute Exercise
- Physiological Adaptations to Exercise Training
- Physical Activity Patterns Among Youth
- Physical Activity Recommendations for Children and Adolescents
- Sport Performance and Specialization
- Special Issues
- 20. Aging in Sport and Exercise
- Height, Weight, and Body Composition
- Physiological Responses to Acute Exercise
- Physiological Adaptations to Exercise Training
- Recommended Physical Activity
- Sport Performance
- Special Issues
- 21. Sex Differences in Sport and Exercise
- Sex Versus Gender in Exercise Physiology
- Body Size and Composition
- Physiological Responses to Acute Exercise
- Physiological Adaptations to Exercise Training
- Sport Performance
- Special Issues
- 22. Cardiovascular Disease and Physical Activity
- Prevalence of Cardiovascular Disease
- Forms of Cardiovascular Disease
- Understanding the Disease Process
- Cardiovascular Disease Risk
- Reducing Risk Through Physical Activity
- Risk of Heart Attack and Death During Exercise
- Exercise Training and Rehabilitation of Patients with Heart Disease
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- Gerð : 208
- Höfundur : 8644
- Útgáfuár : 2024
- Leyfi : 380