Physiological Aspects of Sport Training and Performance With Web Resource
Physiological Aspects of Sport Training and Performance, Second Edition With Web Resource, updates and expands on the popular first edition, providing an in-depth discussion of physiological adaptation to exercise. Students will learn the importance of an evidence-based approach in prescribing exercise, while sports medicine professionals and health care providers will appreciate using the text as a primary reference on conditioning and performance of athletes.
A range of topics are covered, including environmental influences on performance, hydration status, sport nutrition, sport supplements, and performance-enhancing drugs. The book is focused on physiological adaptation to exercise with a goal of providing practical applications to facilitate exercise prescriptions for a variety of athletes. Physiological Aspects of Sport Training and Performance, Second Edition, is organized into five parts.
The first part examines physiological adaptation and the effects of various modes of training on biochemical, hormonal, muscular, cardiovascular, neural, and immunological adaptations. The second part covers principles of exercise training and prescription. The third part discusses nutrition, hydration status, sport supplementation, and performance-enhancing drugs. The fourth part focuses on environmental factors and their influence on sport performance.
The fifth and final part is focused on how certain medical and health conditions influence sport performance. Updates in this second edition focus on cutting-edge knowledge in sport science and sports medicine, including the latest information on physiological adaptations to exercise; current trends for training for power, speed, and agility; eye-opening discussions on sport supplementation and performance-enhancing drugs; data on training with medical conditions such as diabetes and exercise-induced bronchospasm; and groundbreaking information on training in heat and cold and at altitude.
In addition, new chapters offer a practical approach to the yearly training program and sudden death in sport. The second edition also incorporates the following features to enhance practical application and facilitate students’ learning: • A new web resource includes 80 drills and 41 video demonstrations that help readers understand how to implement the various exercises. • Chapter objectives provide an overview of key content in each chapter.
• Chapter review questions help students assess their learning. • In Practice sidebars bring chapter content to life in a practical manner and help students better understand the material. Students and instructors will benefit from the new web resource, which features 80 drills and detailed instruction on performing each drill. The drills can be used for a dynamic warm-up or to enhance speed and agility.
Most drills are accompanied by at least one photo showing how to perform a key movement of the drill. Forty of the drills are accompanied by a video of the drill being performed in its entirety, and a dynamic warm-up routine video features 10 warm-up exercises. Physiological Aspects of Sport Training and Performance, Second Edition, provides a strong basis for understanding adaptation to exercise and appreciating how changes in program variables can alter training adaptations.
- Höfundur: Hoffman, Jay
- Útgáfa:2
- Útgáfudagur: 2014-04-02
- Engar takmarkanir á útprentun
- Engar takmarkanir afritun
- Format:Page Fidelity
- ISBN 13: 9781492578147
- Print ISBN: 9781450442244
- ISBN 10: 1492578142
- Title Page
- Copyright Page
- Preface
- Acknowledgments
- Acessing and Using the Web Resource
- Part I: PhysIologIcal Adaptations To ExercIse
- Chapter 1: Neuromuscular System and Exercise
- Chapter 2: Endocrine System and Exercise
- Chapter 3: Metabolic System and Exercise
- Chapter 4: Cardiovascular System and Exercise
- Chapter 5: Immunological System and Exercise
- Part II: ExercIse TraInIng PrIncIples and Prescriptions
- Chapter 6: Principles of Training
- Chapter 7: Warm-Up, Flexibility, and Balance Training
- Chapter 8: Resistance Training
- Chapter 9: Power Training
- Chapter 10: Anaerobic Conditioning
- Chapter 11: Speed and Agility Development
- Chapter 12: Endurance Training
- Chapter 13: Concurrent Training
- Chapter 14: Periodization
- Chapter 15: Program Development
- Chapter 16: Athletic Performance Testing and Normative Data
- Part III: Nutrition, FluId Regulation, and Nutritional Supplementation
- Chapter 17: Sports Nutrition
- Chapter 18: Hydration
- Chapter 19: Dietary Supplementation
- Chapter 20: Performance-Enhancing Drugs
- Part IV: Environmental Factors
- Chapter 21: Heat
- Chapter 22: Cold
- Chapter 23: Altitude
- Part V: Medical and Health Conditions
- Chapter 24: Overtraining
- Chapter 25: Diabetes
- Chapter 26: Exercise-Induced Bronchospasm
- Chapter 27: Sudden Death in Sport
- References
- Index
- About the Author
- Ad
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- Gerð : 208
- Höfundur : 13440
- Útgáfuár : 2014
- Leyfi : 379