The thirteenth edition of Physical Science continues to serve the needs of non-science majors who are required to complete one or more physical science courses. The text offers students complete coverage of the physical sciences with a level of explanation and detail appropriate for all students. This edition is available in Connect with SmartBook. Instructor resources for this title include: An Instructor's Manual, Learning Objectives, Clicker Questions, Animations/Videos, Presentation Tools Table, Test Builder, and an Instructor's Lab Manual.
- Höfundur: Bill Tillery
- Útgáfa:13
- Útgáfudagur: 2022-02-01
- Hægt að prenta út 2 bls.
- Hægt að afrita 2 bls.
- Format:ePub
- ISBN 13: 9781265701031
- Print ISBN: 9781265133351
- ISBN 10: 1265701032
- Cover
- Title Page
- Copyright
- Contents
- Preface
- Acknowledgments
- 1 What Is Science?
- 1.1 Objects and Properties
- 1.2 Quantifying Properties
- 1.3 Measurement Systems
- 1.4 Standard Units for the Metric System
- Length
- Mass
- Time
- 1.5 Metric Prefixes
- 1.6 Understandings from Measurements
- Data
- Ratios and Generalizations
- The Density Ratio
- Symbols and Equations
- How to Solve Problems
- 1.7 The Nature of Science
- The Scientific Method
- Explanations and Investigations
- Science and Society: Basic and Applied Research
- Laws and Principles
- Models and Theories
- Summary
- Key Terms
- Applying the Concepts
- Questions for Thought
- For Further Analysis
- Invitation to Inquiry
- Parallel Exercises
- 2 Motion
- 2.1 Describing Motion
- 2.2 Measuring Motion
- Speed
- Velocity
- Acceleration
- Science and Society: Transportation and the Environment
- Forces
- 2.3 Horizontal Motion on Land
- 2.4 Falling Objects
- A Closer Look: A Bicycle Racer’s Edge
- A Closer Look: Free Fall
- 2.5 Compound Motion
- Vertical Projectiles
- Horizontal Projectiles
- 2.6 Three Laws of Motion
- Newton’s First Law of Motion
- Newton’s Second Law of Motion
- Weight and Mass
- Newton’s Third Law of Motion
- 2.7 Momentum
- Conservation of Momentum
- Impulse
- 2.8 Forces and Circular Motion
- 2.9 Newton’s Law of Gravitation
- Earth Satellites
- A Closer Look: Gravity Problems
- Weightlessness
- Summary
- Key Terms
- Applying the Concepts
- Questions for Thought
- For Further Analysis
- Invitation to Inquiry
- Parallel Exercises
- 3 Energy
- 3.1 Work
- Units of Work
- Power
- A Closer Look: Simple Machines
- 3.2 Motion, Position, and Energy
- Potential Energy
- Kinetic Energy
- 3.3 Energy Flow
- Work and Energy
- Energy Forms
- Energy Conversion
- Energy Conservation
- Energy Transfer
- 3.4 Energy Sources Today
- Science and Society: Grow Your Own Fuel?
- Petroleum
- Coal
- Moving Water
- Nuclear
- Conserving Energy
- 3.5 Energy Sources Tomorrow
- “Solar Power” Plants
- Geothermal Energy
- Hydrogen
- Summary
- Key Terms
- Applying the Concepts
- Questions for Thought
- For Further Analysis
- Invitation to Inquiry
- Parallel Exercises
- 4 Heat and Temperature
- 4.1 The Kinetic Molecular Theory
- Molecules
- Molecules Interact
- Phases of Matter
- Molecules Move
- 4.2 Temperature
- Thermometers
- Temperature Scales
- A Closer Look: Goose Bumps and Shivering
- 4.3 Heat
- Heat as Energy Transfer
- Measures of Heat
- Specific Heat
- Heat Flow
- Science and Society: Require Insulation?
- 4.4 Energy, Heat, and Molecular Theory
- Phase Change
- A Closer Look: Passive Solar Design
- Evaporation and Condensation
- 4.5 Thermodynamics
- The First Law of Thermodynamics
- The Second Law of Thermodynamics
- The Second Law and Natural Processes
- Summary
- Key Terms
- Applying the Concepts
- Questions for Thought
- For Further Analysis
- Invitation to Inquiry
- Parallel Exercises
- 5 Wave Motions and Sound
- 5.1 Forces and Elastic Materials
- Forces and Vibrations
- Describing Vibrations
- 5.2 Waves
- Kinds of Mechanical Waves
- Waves in Air
- 5.3 Describing Waves
- 5.4 Sound Waves
- Sound Waves in Air and Hearing
- Medium Required
- A Closer Look: Hearing Problems
- Velocity of Sound in Air
- Refraction and Reflection
- Interference
- 5.5 Energy of Waves
- How Loud Is That Sound?
- Resonance
- 5.6 Sources of Sounds
- Vibrating Strings
- Science and Society: Laser Bug
- Sounds from Moving Sources
- Case Study: Doppler Radar
- Summary
- Key Terms
- Applying the Concepts
- Questions for Thought
- For Further Analysis
- Invitation to Inquiry
- Parallel Exercises
- 6 Electricity
- 6.1 Concepts of Electricity
- Electron Theory of Charge
- Measuring Electrical Charges
- Electrostatic Forces
- Force Fields
- Electric Potential
- 6.2 Electric Current
- The Electric Circuit
- The Nature of Current
- Electrical Resistance
- Electrical Power and Electrical Work
- 6.3 Magnetism
- Magnetic Poles
- Magnetic Fields
- The Source of Magnetic Fields
- 6.4 Electric Currents and Magnetism
- Current Loops
- Applications of Electromagnets
- 6.5 Electromagnetic Induction
- A Closer Look: Current War
- Generators
- Transformers
- 6.6 Circuit Connections
- Voltage Sources in Circuits
- Science and Society: Blackout Reveals Pollution
- Resistances in Circuits
- A Closer Look: Solar Cells
- Household Circuits
- Summary
- Key Terms
- Applying the Concepts
- Questions for Thought
- For Further Analysis
- Invitation to Inquiry
- Parallel Exercises
- 7 Light
- 7.1 Sources of Light
- Case Study: Bioluminous
- 7.2 Properties of Light
- Light Interacts with Matter
- Reflection
- Refraction
- A Closer Look: Optics
- Dispersion and Color
- A Closer Look: The Rainbow
- 7.3 Evidence for Waves
- Interference
- Polarization
- A Closer Look: Optic Fibers
- A Closer Look: Lasers
- A Closer Look: Why Is the Sky Blue?
- 7.4 Evidence for Particles
- Photoelectric Effect
- Quantization of Energy
- 7.5 The Present Theory
- 7.6 Relativity
- Special Relativity
- General Theory
- Relativity Theory Applied
- Summary
- Key Terms
- Applying the Concepts
- Questions for Thought
- For Further Analysis
- Invitation to Inquiry
- Parallel Exercises
- 8 Atoms and Periodic Properties
- 8.1 Atomic Structure Discovered
- Discovery of the Electron
- Case Study: Discovery of the Electron
- The Nucleus
- Case Study: Oil Drop Experiment
- 8.2 The Bohr Model
- The Quantum Concept
- Atomic Spectra
- Bohr’s Theory
- 8.3 Quantum Mechanics
- Matter Waves
- Wave Mechanics
- The Quantum Mechanics Model
- Science and Society: Atomic Research
- 8.4 Electron Configuration
- 8.5 The Periodic Table
- 8.6 Metals, Nonmetals, and Semiconductors
- A Closer Look: The Rare Earths
- A Closer Look: Semiconductors
- Summary
- Key Terms
- Applying the Concepts
- Questions for Thought
- For Further Analysis
- Invitation to Inquiry
- Parallel Exercises
- 9 Chemical Bonds
- 9.1 Compounds and Chemical Change
- 9.2 Valence Electrons and Ions
- 9.3 Chemical Bonds
- Ionic Bonds
- Covalent Bonds
- 9.4 Bond Polarity
- Case Study: Electronegativity
- 9.5 Composition of Compounds
- Ionic Compound Names
- Ionic Compound Formulas
- Covalent Compound Names
- Science and Society: Microwave Ovens and Molecular Bonds
- Covalent Compound Formulas
- Summary
- Key Terms
- Applying the Concepts
- Questions for Thought
- For Further Analysis
- Invitation to Inquiry
- Parallel Exercises
- 10 Chemical Reactions
- 10.1 Chemical Formulas
- Molecular and Formula Weights
- Percent Composition of Compounds
- 10.2 Chemical Equations
- Balancing Equations
- Case Study: Conservation of Mass
- Generalizing Equations
- 10.3 Types of Chemical Reactions
- Combination Reactions
- Decomposition Reactions
- Replacement Reactions
- Ion Exchange Reactions
- 10.4 Information from Chemical Equations
- Units of Measurement Used with Equations
- Science and Society: The Catalytic Converter
- Quantitative Uses of Equations
- Summary
- Key Terms
- Applying the Concepts
- Questions for Thought
- For Further Analysis
- Invitation to Inquiry
- Parallel Exercises
- 11 Water and Solutions
- 11.1 Household Water
- Science and Society: Who Has the Right?
- 11.2 Properties of Water
- Structure of Water Molecules
- The Dissolving Process
- Concentration of Solutions
- A Closer Look: Decompression Sickness
- Solubility
- Science and Society: What Is BPA?
- 11.3 Properties of Water Solutions
- Electrolytes
- Boiling Point
- Freezing Point
- 11.4 Acids, Bases, and Salts
- Properties of Acids and Bases
- Explaining Acid-Base Properties
- Strong and Weak Acids and Bases
- The pH Scale
- Properties of Salts
- Hard and Soft Water
- A Closer Look: Acid Rain
- Summary
- Key Terms
- Applying the Concepts
- Questions for Thought
- For Further Analysis
- Invitation to Inquiry
- Parallel Exercises
- 12 Organic Chemistry
- 12.1 Organic Compounds
- 12.2 Hydrocarbons
- Alkanes
- Alkenes and Alkynes
- Cycloalkanes and Aromatic Hydrocarbons
- 12.3 Petroleum
- 12.4 Hydrocarbon Derivatives
- Alcohols
- Ethers, Aldehydes, and Ketones
- Organic Acids and Esters
- Science and Society: Aspirin, a Common Organic Compound
- 12.5 Organic Compounds of Life
- Proteins
- Connections: Protein Structure and Sickle-Cell Anemia
- Carbohydrates
- Fats and Oils
- Synthetic Polymers
- Summary
- Key Terms
- Applying the Concepts
- Questions for Thought
- For Further Analysis
- Invitation to Inquiry
- Parallel Exercises
- 13 Nuclear Reactions
- 13.1 Natural Radioactivity
- Nuclear Equations
- The Nature of the Nucleus
- Types of Radioactive Decay
- Radioactive Decay Series
- 13.2 Measurement of Radiation
- Measurement Methods
- A Closer Look: How Is Half-Life Determined?
- Radiation Units
- A Closer Look: Carbon Dating
- Radiation Exposure
- 13.3 Nuclear Energy
- A Closer Look: Radiation and Food Preservation
- Nuclear Fission
- A Closer Look: Nuclear Medicine
- Nuclear Power Plants
- Nuclear Fusion
- A Closer Look: Three Mile Island, Chernobyl, and Fukushima I
- A Closer Look: Nuclear Waste
- Science and Society: High-Level Nuclear Waste
- The Source of Nuclear Energy
- Summary
- Key Terms
- Applying the Concepts
- Questions for Thought
- For Further Analysis
- Invitation to Inquiry
- Parallel Exercises
- 14 The Universe
- 14.1 The Night Sky
- 14.2 Stars
- Origin of Stars
- Brightness of Stars
- Star Temperature
- Star Types
- The Life of a Star
- A Closer Look: Observing with New Technology
- Science and Society: Light Pollution
- 14.3 Galaxies
- A Closer Look: Extraterrestrials?
- The Milky Way Galaxy
- Other Galaxies
- A Closer Look: Dark Energy
- 14.4 The Universe
- A Closer Look: Dark Matter
- The Age of the Universe
- Summary
- Key Terms
- Applying the Concepts
- Questions for Thought
- For Further Analysis
- Invitation to Inquiry
- Parallel Exercises
- 15 The Solar System
- 15.1 Planets Near the Sun
- Mercury
- Venus
- Mars
- Case Study: Worth the Cost?
- 15.2 Planets Far from the Sun
- Jupiter
- Saturn
- Uranus and Neptune
- 15.3 Small Bodies of the Solar System
- Comets
- Asteroids
- Meteors and Meteorites
- 15.4 Origin of the Solar System
- Stage A
- Stage B
- Stage C
- 15.5 Ideas About the Solar System
- The Geocentric Model
- The Heliocentric Model
- Summary
- Key Terms
- Applying the Concepts
- Questions for Thought
- For Further Analysis
- Invitation to Inquiry
- Parallel Exercises
- 16 Earth in Space
- 16.1 Shape and Size of Earth
- 16.2 Motions of Earth
- Orbit
- Rotation
- Precession
- 16.3 Place and Time
- Identifying Place
- Measuring Time
- Science and Society: Saving Time?
- 16.4 The Moon
- Composition and Features
- History of the Moon
- 16.5 The Earth-Moon System
- Phases of the Moon
- Eclipses of the Sun and Moon
- Tides
- Summary
- Key Terms
- Applying the Concepts
- Questions for Thought
- For Further Analysis
- Invitation to Inquiry
- Parallel Exercises
- 17 Rocks and Minerals
- 17.1 Solid Earth Materials
- 17.2 Minerals
- Crystal Structures
- Silicates and Nonsilicates
- Physical Properties of Minerals
- 17.3 Mineral-Forming Processes
- 17.4 Rocks
- Igneous Rocks
- Sedimentary Rocks
- A Closer Look: Asbestos
- Science and Society: Using Mineral Resources
- Metamorphic Rocks
- 17.5 The Rock Cycle
- Summary
- Key Terms
- Applying the Concepts
- Questions for Thought
- For Further Analysis
- Invitation to Inquiry
- Parallel Exercises
- 18 Plate Tectonics
- 18.1 History of Earth’s Interior
- 18.2 Earth’s Internal Structure
- Body Waves
- Surface Waves
- The Crust
- The Mantle
- The Core
- A More Detailed Structure
- A Closer Look: Seismic Tomography
- 18.3 Theory of Plate Tectonics
- Evidence from Earth’s Magnetic Field
- Evidence from the Ocean
- Lithosphere Plates and Boundaries
- A Closer Look: Measuring Plate Movement
- Present-Day Understandings
- Science and Society: Geothermal Energy
- Summary
- Key Terms
- Applying the Concepts
- Questions for Thought
- For Further Analysis
- Invitation to Inquiry
- Parallel Exercises
- 19 Building Earth’s Surface
- 19.1 Interpreting Earth’s Surface
- 19.2 Earth’s Changing Features
- Stress and Strain
- Folding
- Joints and Faults
- 19.3 Earthquakes
- Causes of Earthquakes
- Locating and Measuring Earthquakes
- Measuring Earthquake Strength
- A Closer Look: Earthquake Safety
- 19.4 Origin of Mountains
- Folded and Faulted Mountains
- Volcanic Mountains
- A Closer Look: Volcanoes Change the World
- Summary
- Key Terms
- Applying the Concepts
- Questions for Thought
- For Further Analysis
- Invitation to Inquiry
- Parallel Exercises
- 20 Shaping Earth’s Surface
- 20.1 Changing Rocks into Soil
- Mechanical Weathering
- Chemical Weathering
- Soils
- 20.2 Erosion
- Mass Movement
- Running Water
- Glaciers
- Wind
- Science and Society: Acid Rain
- 20.3 Development of Landscapes
- Rock Structure
- Weathering and Erosion Processes
- Stage of Development
- Summary
- Key Terms
- Applying the Concepts
- Questions for Thought
- For Further Analysis
- Invitation to Inquiry
- Parallel Exercises
- 21 Geologic Time
- 21.1 Fossils
- Early Ideas About Fossils
- Types of Fossilization
- 21.2 Reading Rocks
- Arranging Events in Order
- Correlation
- 21.3 Geologic Time
- Early Attempts at Earth Dating
- Modern Techniques
- The Geologic Time Scale
- Geologic Periods and Typical Fossils
- Mass Extinctions
- Interpreting Geologic History—A Summary
- Summary
- Key Terms
- Applying the Concepts
- Questions for Thought
- For Further Analysis
- Invitation to Inquiry
- Parallel Exercises
- 22 The Atmosphere of Earth
- 22.1 The Atmosphere
- Composition of the Atmosphere
- Atmospheric Pressure
- Warming the Atmosphere
- A Closer Look: Hole in the Ozone Layer?
- Structure of the Atmosphere
- 22.2 The Winds
- A Closer Look: The Windchill Factor
- Local Wind Patterns
- Science and Society: Use Wind Energy?
- Global Wind Patterns
- 22.3 Water and the Atmosphere
- Evaporation and Condensation
- Fog and Clouds
- Summary
- Key Terms
- Applying the Concepts
- Questions for Thought
- For Further Analysis
- Invitation to Inquiry
- Parallel Exercises
- 23 Weather and Climate
- 23.1 Clouds and Precipitation
- Cloud-Forming Processes
- Origin of Precipitation
- 23.2 Weather Producers
- Air Masses
- Weather Fronts
- Science and Society: Urban Heat Islands
- Waves and Cyclones
- Major Storms
- 23.3 Weather Forecasting
- Climate
- Major Climate Groups
- Regional Climatic Influence
- Describing Climates
- 23.4 Climate Change
- Causes of Global Climate Change
- Case Study: El Niño
- Global Warming
- Summary
- Key Terms
- Applying the Concepts
- Questions for Thought
- For Further Analysis
- Invitation to Inquiry
- Parallel Exercises
- 24 Earth’s Waters
- 24.1 Water on Earth
- Freshwater
- Science and Society: Water Quality
- Surface Water
- Groundwater
- Freshwater as a Resource
- A Closer Look: Water Quality and Wastewater Treatment
- 24.2 Seawater
- Oceans and Seas
- The Nature of Seawater
- Movement of Seawater
- A Closer Look: Estuary Pollution
- A Closer Look: Rogue Waves
- 24.3 The Ocean Floor
- Summary
- Key Terms
- Applying the Concepts
- Questions for Thought
- For Further Analysis
- Invitation to Inquiry
- Parallel Exercises
- Appendix A
- Appendix B
- Appendix C
- Appendix D
- Appendix E
- Index
- Table of Atomic Weights
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- Gerð : 208
- Höfundur : 14848
- Útgáfuár : 2019
- Leyfi : 380