Pearson Baccalaureate for the IB Diploma Higher Level Mathematics Analysis and Approaches uPDF
4.990 kr.

Mathematics Analysis and Approaches for the IB Diploma Higher Level provides comprehensive coverage of the new curriculum, developed for first examinations in 2021. Written by a highly experienced IB author team, this book includes the following features: integrated GeoGebra applets created specifically for the course, worked examples to help you tackle questions and apply concepts and skills, practice questions to help you prepare for the exam, a rich and wide-ranging Theory of Knowledge chapter, and guidance on the Internal Assessment.
- Höfundar: Tim Garry, Ibrahim Wazir
- Útgáfa:1
- Útgáfudagur: 20-07-2020
- Hægt að prenta út 2 bls.
- Hægt að afrita 2 bls.
- Format:Page Fidelity
- ISBN 13: 9781292371696
- ISBN 10: 1292371692
- Contents
- Introduction
- Chapter 1: Algebra and function basics
- 1.1: Equations and formulae
- Equations, identities and formulae
- Equations and graphs
- Equations of lines
- Distances and midpoints
- Systems of linear equations
- 1.2: Definition of a function
- Domain and range of a function
- Function notation
- 1.3: Composite functions
- Composition of functions
- Decomposing a composite function
- 1.4: Inverse functions
- Pairs of inverse functions
- The existence of an inverse function
- Finding the inverse of a function
- 1.5: Transformations of functions
- Graphs of common functions
- Vertical and horizontal translations
- Reflections
- Non-rigid transformations: stretching and shrinking
- Reciprocal and absolute value graphs
- 1.1: Equations and formulae
- 2.1: Polynomial functions
- Graphs of polynomial functions
- 2.2: Quadratic functions
- The graph of f(x) = a(x - h)2 + k
- Completing the square
- Zeros of a quadratic function
- The quadratic formula and the discriminant
- 2.3: Zeros, factors and remainders
- Polynomial division
- 2.4: Rational functions
- 2.5: Solving equations and inequalities
- Equations involving a radical
- Equations involving fractions
- Equations in quadratic form
- Equations involving absolute value (modulus)
- Solving inequalities
- Quadratic inequalities
- Absolute value (modulus) inequalities
- Algebraic and graphical methods
- 2.6: Partial fractions
- 3.1: Sequences
- 3.2: Arithmetic sequences
- 3.3: Geometric sequences
- Compound interest
- 3.4: Series
- Sigma notation
- Arithmetic series
- Geometric series
- Applications of series to compound interest calculations
- 3.5: The binomial theorem
- Using the binomial theorem
- 3.6: Counting principles
- Simple counting problems
- Permutations
- Combinations
- 4.1: Exponential functions
- Characteristics of exponential functions
- 4.2: Exponential growth and decay
- Mathematical models of growth and decay
- 4.3: The number e
- 4.4: Logarithmic functions
- 4.5: Exponential and logarithmic equations
- Solving exponential equations
- Solving logarithmic equations
- Exponential and logarithmic inequalities
- 5.1: Basic laws and simple proofs
- Logic basics
- Valid arguments
- 5.2: Direct proofs
- 5.3: Indirect proofs
- Proof by contradiction
- Proof by contrapositive
- 5.4: Mathematical induction
- 6.1: Angles, circles, arcs and sectors
- Measuring angles: degree measure and radian measure
- The unit circle
- Arc length
- Geometry of a circle
- Sector of a circle
- 6.2: The unit circle and trigonometric functions
- Trigonometric functions
- Evaluating trigonometric functions
- 6.3: Graphs of trigonometric functions
- Graphs of the sine and cosine functions
- Graphs of transformations of the sine and cosine functions
- Graph of the tangent function
- 6.4: Trigonometric equations
- The unit circle and exact solutions to trigonometric equations
- Graphical solutions to trigonometric equations
- Analytic solutions to trigonometric equations
- 6.5: Trigonometric identities
- Compound angle identities (sum and difference identities)
- Double angle identities
- 6.6: Inverse trigonometric functions
- Defining the inverse sine function
- Defining the inverse cosine and inverse tangent functions
- 7.1: Measurements in three dimensions
- 3-dimensional solids: volumes and surface areas
- 7.2: Right-angled triangles and trigonometric functions of acute angles
- Right-angled triangles
- Trigonometric functions of an acute angle
- 7.3: Trigonometric functions of any angle
- Defining trigonometric functions for any angle in standard position
- Areas of triangles
- Equations of lines and angles between two lines
- 7.4: The sine rule and the cosine rule
- Possible triangles constructed from three given parts
- The sine rule
- Finding unknowns given two angles and any side (ASA or AAS)
- Two sides and a non-included angle (SSA) – the ambiguous case
- The cosine rule
- Finding unknowns given two sides and the included angle (SAS)
- Finding unknowns given three sides (SSS)
- 8.1: Complex numbers
- Algebraic structure of complex numbers
- Addition, subtraction and multiplication
- Division
- Conjugate
- Properties of conjugates
- Conjugate zeros of polynomials
- 8.2: The complex plane
- Modulus-argument (trigonometric or polar) form of a complex number
- Multiplication
- Division of complex numbers
- 8.3: Powers and roots of complex numbers
- Uses of de Moivre’s theorem in problem solving
- nth roots of a complex number
- nth roots of unity
- Euler’s formula
- 9.1: Vectors from a geometric viewpoint
- Addition and subtraction of vectors
- Unit vectors
- 9.2: Scalar (dot) product
- Direction angles, direction cosines
- 9.3: Vector (cross) product
- Properties of the vector product
- The scalar triple product
- 9.4: Lines in space
- Vector equation of a line
- Line segments
- Intersecting, parallel, and skew straight lines
- Application of lines to motion
- Distance from a point to a line (optional)
- 9.5: Planes
- Equations of a plane
- Vector equation of a plane
- Unit vector equation of a plane
- Parametric form for the equation of a plane
- Distance between a point and a plane
- The angle between two planes
- The angle between a line and a plane
- Line of intersection of two planes
- 10.1: Graphical tools
- Classification of variables
- Frequency distribution (table)
- 10.2: Measures of central tendency
- 10.3: Measures of variability
- Range
- Variance and standard deviation
- The interquartile range and measures of non-central tendency
- Shape, centre, and spread
- 10.4: Linear regression
- Correlation and covariance
- What to look for in a scatter plot
- Covariance
- Some facts worth knowing about covariance
- Correlation
- Least squares regression
- Why the least-squares regression line?
- Features of the regression line
- 11.1: Randomness and probability
- Basic definitions
- Tree diagrams, tables and grids
- 11.2: Probability assignments
- Probability rules
- Equally likely outcomes
- Geometric probability
- Probability calculation for equally likely outcomes using counting principles
- 11.3: Operations with events
- Conditional probability
- Independence
- 11.4: Bayes’ theorem
- Bayes’ theorem – simple case
- General rule
- 12.1: Limits of functions
- 12.2: The derivative of a function: definition and basic rules
- Tangent lines and the slope (gradient) of a curve
- Differentiating from first principles
- Basic differentiation rules
- Differentiating sin x and cos x using the limit definition for derivatives
- Continuity and differentiability
- 12.3: Maxima and minima: first and second derivatives
- The relationship between a function and its derivative
- The first derivative test
- Change in displacement and velocity
- A function and its second derivative
- The second derivative test
- 12.4: Tangents and normals
- Finding equations of tangents
- The normal to a curve at a point
- 13.1: Derivatives of composite functions, products and quotients
- The chain rule
- The product rule
- The quotient rule
- Higher derivatives
- 13.2: Derivatives of trigonometric and exponential functions
- Derivatives of trigonometric functions
- Derivatives of exponential functions
- 13.3: Implicit differentiation, logarithmic functions and inverse trigonometric functions
- Implicit differentiation
- Derivatives of logarithmic functions
- Derivatives of inverse trigonometric functions
- 13.4: Related rates
- 13.5: Optimisation
- 13.6: l’Hôpital’s rule
- 14.1: Antiderivative
- Notation
- Integration by simple substitution – change of variables
- 14.2: Integration by parts
- Using integration by parts to find unknown integrals
- 14.3: More methods of integration
- 14.4: Area and the definite integral
- Basic properties of the definite integral
- Average value of a function
- Max–min inequality
- The first fundamental theorem of integral calculus
- The second fundamental theorem of integral calculus
- Using substitution with the definite integral
- 14.5: Integration by method of partial fractions
- 14.6: Areas
- Areas between curves of functions of the form y = f(x) and the x-axis
- Areas along the y-axis
- 14.7: Volumes with integrals
- Washers
- An alternative method: volumes by cylindrical shells
- 14.8: Modelling linear motion
- Displacement and total distance travelled
- Position and velocity from acceleration
- Uniformly accelerated motion
- 15.1: Random variables
- Discrete probability distribution
- Probability distribution functions of discrete random variables
- Expected values
- Variance and standard deviation
- 15.2: The binomial distribution
- The binomial distribution
- 15.3: Continuous distributions
- Probability density function
- Cumulative distribution functions
- Measures of centre, position, and spread of a continuous distribution
- 15.4: The normal distribution
- The normal distribution
- The inverse normal distribution
- 15.5: Expectation algebra
- The expected value of a linear function of X
- Linear combinations of random variables
- Interesting application I
- Interesting application II
- Linear combinations of normally distributed random variables
- 16.1: Differential equations
- Solution of a differential equation
- Separable differential equations
- Logistic differential equations
- Homogeneous differential equations
- 16.2: First order linear differential equations – use of integrating factor
- 16.3: Numerical solutions: Euler’s method
- Slope fields
- Euler’s method
- Euler’s numerical method
- 16.4: Power series: Maclaurin’s series
- Local linear approximation
- Maclaurin and Taylor polynomials
- Maclaurin and Taylor series
- Differentiating and integrating power series
- Algebraic operations on power series
- Power series solutions of differential equations
- Mathematical exploration
- Internal assessment criteria
- Perspectives
- Mathematics and number
- Purpose: mathematics for its own sake
- Purpose: mathematical models
- Constructivist view of mathematics
- Platonic view of mathematics
- The methods and tools of mathematics
- The language and concepts of mathematics
- Notation
- Algebra
- Proof
- Sets
- Mappings between sets
- Infinite sets
- Mathematics and the knower
- Beauty by the numbers
- Beauty in numbers
- Mathematics and personal intuitions
- Mathematics and personal qualities
- Conclusion
Bókahillan þín er þitt svæði og þar eru bækurnar þínar geymdar. Þú kemst í bókahilluna þína hvar og hvenær sem er í tölvu eða snjalltæki. Einfalt og þægilegt!Rafbók til eignar
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Þú kemst í bækurnar hvar sem er
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Fleiri góðir kostir
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- Gerð : 208
- Höfundur : 6369
- Útgáfuár : 2020
- Leyfi : 380