
Reflecting the enormous advances made in the field over the past ten years, this text synthesizes the latest developments in the ecology and evolution of animal parasites against a backdrop of parallel advances in parasite systematics, biodiversity and life cycles. This second edition has been thoroughly revised to meet the needs of a new generation of parasitology students. Balancing traditional approaches in parasitology with modern studies in parasite ecology and evolution, the authors present basic ecological principles as a unifying framework to help students understand the complex phenomenon of parasitism.
Richly illustrated with over 250 figures, the text is accompanied by case study boxes designed to help students appreciate the complexity and diversity of parasites and the scientists who study them. This unique approach, presented clearly and with a minimum of jargon and mathematical detail, encourages students from diverse backgrounds to think generally and conceptually about parasites and parasitism.
- Höfundar: Timothy M. Goater, Cameron P. Goater, Gerald W. Esch
- Útgáfa:2
- Útgáfudagur: 2013-12-16
- Hægt að prenta út 5 bls.
- Hægt að afrita 5 bls.
- Format:ePub
- ISBN 13: 9781107702196
- Print ISBN: 9780521190282
- ISBN 10: 1107702194
- Coverpage
- Parasitism
- Reviews
- Title page
- Copyright page
- Dedication
- Contents
- List of boxes
- Foreword by John C. Holmes
- Preface and acknowledgments
- 1 Introduction
- 1.1 Encounters with parasites
- 1.2 Scope
- 1.3 Terminology
- 1.4 Overview
- 2 Immunological aspects of parasitism
- 2.1 General considerations
- 2.2 Vertebrate immunity
- 2.3 Invertebrate immunity
- 2.4 Ecological immunology
- 3 Protista: the unicellular eukaryotes
- 3.1 General considerations
- 3.2 Form and function
- 3.3 Biodiversity and life-cycle variation
- 3.4 Phylogenetic relationships and classification
- 4 Microsporida: the intracellular, spore-forming fungi
- 4.1 General considerations
- 4.2 Form and function
- 4.3 Development and general life cycle
- 4.4 Biodiversity and life-cycle variation
- 4.5 Phylogenetic relationships and classification
- 5 Myxozoa: the spore-forming cnidarians
- 5.1 General considerations
- 5.2 Form and function
- 5.3 Development and general life cycle
- 5.4 Biodiversity and life-cycle variation
- 5.5 Phylogenetic relationships and classification
- 6 Platyhelminthes: the flatworms
- 6.1 General considerations
- 6.2 Temnocephalidea
- 6.3 Udonellida
- 6.4 Aspidobothrea
- 6.5 Digenea
- 6.6 Monogenea
- 6.7 Gyrocotylidea
- 6.8 Amphilinidea
- 6.9 Eucestoda
- 6.10 Phylogenetic relationships and classification
- 7 Acanthocephala: the thorny-headed worms
- 7.1 General considerations
- 7.2 Form and function
- 7.3 Nutrient uptake and metabolism
- 7.4 Development and general life cycle
- 7.5 Biodiversity and life-cycle variation
- 7.6 Phylogenetic relationships and classification
- 8 Nematoda: the roundworms
- 8.1 General considerations
- 8.2 Form and function
- 8.3 Nutrient uptake and metabolism
- 8.4 Development and general life cycle
- 8.5 Biodiversity and life-cycle variation
- 8.6 Phylogenetic relationships and classification
- 9 Nematomorpha: the hairworms
- 9.1 General considerations
- 9.2 Form and function
- 9.3 Development and general life cycle
- 9.4 Biodiversity and ecology
- 9.5 Phylogenetic relationships and classification
- 10 Pentastomida: the tongue worms
- 10.1 General considerations
- 10.2 Form and function
- 10.3 Nutrient uptake and metabolism
- 10.4 Development and general life cycle
- 10.5 Biodiversity and life-cycle variation
- 10.6 Phylogenetic relationships and classification
- 11 Arthropoda: the joint-legged animals
- 11.1 General considerations
- 11.2 Crustacea
- 11.3 Chelicerata
- 11.4 Hexapoda
- 11.5 Phylogenetic relationships and classification
- 12 Parasite population ecology
- 12.1 General considerations
- 12.2 Terminology and general approaches
- 12.3 Introduction to parasite population ecology
- 13 Parasite community ecology
- 13.1 General considerations
- 13.2 Introduction to parasite community ecology
- 13.3 The structure of parasite infracommunities: restricted niches
- 13.4 The structure of parasite communities: species richness
- 14 Parasite biogeography and phylogeography
- 14.1 General considerations
- 14.2 Historical biogeography
- 14.3 Ecological biogeography
- 14.4 Applied aspects of parasite biogeography and phylogeography
- 15 Effects of parasites on their hosts: from individuals to ecosystems
- 15.1 General considerations
- 15.2 Effects of parasites on host individuals
- 15.3 Effects of parasites on host populations
- 15.4 Effects of parasites on host communities and ecosystems
- 16 Evolution of host–parasite interactions
- 16.1 General considerations
- 16.2 Parasite-mediated natural selection and evolution
- 16.3 Genetic structure of parasite populations
- 16.4 Introduction to host–parasite coevolution
- 17 Environmental parasitology: parasites as bioindicators of ecosystem health
- 17.1 General considerations
- 17.2 Parasites as effect indicators of pollutant stress
- 17.3 Parasites as environmental sentinels
- Glossary
- Index
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- Gerð : 208
- Höfundur : 18454
- Útgáfuár : 2013
- Leyfi : 380