Organizational Change: Perspectives on Theory and Practice

104.6.0 BREY Breytingastjórnun
This is a new, accessible and engaging textbook written by academics who also work as consultants with organizations undergoing change. It offers a unique combination of rigorous theoretical exploration together with practical insights from working with those who are actually responsible for managing change. It aims to offer both breadth and depth, helping you to navigate the landscape of change and, in order to do so, looks at organizational change from multiple perspectives rather than being firmly wedded to one.
It is designed for students and practitioners of of organizational change, particularly upper- level undergraduate students and Masters level programmes (including MBAs). The authors tackle the key issues in this field, such as why change happens, what changes, and how change is achieved. The book takes a fresh approach to organizational change through a coherent, logical, yet challenging framework, helping you to appreciate and question both theory and practice.
- Höfundar: Piers Myers, Sally Hulks, Liz Wiggins
- Útgáfa:1
- Útgáfudagur: 2012-03-01
- Hægt að prenta út 10 bls.
- Hægt að afrita 2 bls.
- Format:Page Fidelity
- ISBN 13: 9780191512902
- Print ISBN: 9780199573783
- ISBN 10: 0191512907
- Contents
- List of Change in Practice Boxes
- List of Integrative Case Studies
- How to Use This Book
- How to Use the Online Resource Centre
- 1 Introduction
- The book structure
- Theory, practice, and you
- Change and transition
- Further reading
- PART A: The Change Process
- 2 Causes of Change
- Introduction
- Section 1: Organizational survival
- Section 2: External environment
- Section 3: Internal causes of change
- Integrative Case Study
- Conclusion
- Change in Practice sources
- Integrative Case Study sources
- Further reading
- 3 Intentions and Realities of Change
- Introduction
- Section 1: The realities of change—scale, span, and timing
- Section 2: What changes?
- Section 3: How intentions and realities of change relate
- Integrative Case Study
- Conclusion
- Change in Practice sources
- Integrative Case Study sources
- Further reading
- 4 Emotions of Change
- Introduction
- Section 1: The relevance of emotions to organizational change
- Section 2: Models of adaptation to transition
- Section 3: Capabilities to support people through transitions
- Integrative Case Study
- Conclusion
- Change in Practice sources
- Integrative Case Study sources
- Further reading
- 5 Sensemaking Processes in Change
- Introduction
- Section 1: ‘What’s going on?’ How transitions are interpreted
- Section 2: Sensemaking—linking understanding and behaviour
- Section 3: Strategy and sensemaking
- Integrative Case Study
- Conclusion
- Change in Practice sources
- Integrative Case Study sources
- Further reading
- 2 Causes of Change
- 6 Change from the Perspective of Organizational Culture
- Introduction
- Section 1: The informal organization—introduction to Part B
- Section 2: Organizational culture
- Section 3: The challenges of change from a culture perspective
- Section 4: How culture changes
- Integrative Case Study
- Conclusion
- Change in Practice sources
- Integrative Case Study sources
- Further reading
- 7 Change from the Perspective of Power and Politics
- Introduction
- Section 1: Power and politics and their relevance to organizational change
- Section 2: Political interventions
- Section 3: Resistance
- Section 4: Interventions to increase commitment or decrease resistance
- Integrative Case Study
- Conclusion
- Change in Practice sources
- Integrative Case Study sources
- Further reading
- 8 Change from the Perspective of Organizational Learning
- Introduction
- Section 1: Knowledge and organizational learning
- Section 2: Key factors in organizational learning
- Section 3: ‘Dynamic capabilities’ and the ‘learning organization’
- Integrative Case Study
- Conclusion
- Change in Practice sources
- Integrative Case Study sources
- Further reading
- 9 Approaches to Change Implementation: Directed Change
- Introduction
- Section 1: Directed or facilitated change implementation?
- Section 2: Directed change methods
- Section 3: A framework for directed change
- Integrative Case Study
- Conclusion
- Change in Practice sources
- Integrative Case Study sources
- Further reading
- 10 Approaches to Change Implementation: Facilitated Change
- Introduction
- Section 1: Why choose a facilitated approach?
- Section 2: Facilitated methods
- Integrative Case Study
- Conclusion
- Change in Practice sources
- Integrative Case Study sources
- Further reading
- 11 Roles People Play in Change
- Introduction
- Section 1: Leaders, managers, and employees
- Section 2: Change agents
- Integrative Case Study
- Conclusion
- Change in Practice sources
- Integrative Case Study sources
- Further Reading
- 12 Communicating Change
- Introduction
- Section 1: Communication strategy
- Section 2: Tensions and choices in practice
- Section 3: Communication in specific change scenarios
- Section 4: The limits of formal communication
- Integrative Case Study
- Conclusion
- Change in Practice sources
- Integrative Case Study sources
- Further reading
- 13 Sustaining Change
- Introduction
- Section 1: Perspectives on sustaining change
- Section 2: Sustaining momentum and institutionalizing change
- Integrative Case Study
- Conclusion
- Change in Practice sources
- Integrative Case Study sources
- Further reading
- 14 Conclusion
- Is more change happening and is it all necessary?
- Getting change ‘right’
- A
- B
- C
- D
- E
- F
- G
- I
- J
- L
- M
- N
- O
- P
- Q
- R
- S
- T
- U
- V
- W
- A
- B
- C
- D
- E
- F
- G
- H
- I
- J
- K
- L
- M
- N
- O
- P
- Q
- R
- S
- T
- U
- V
- W
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- Gerð : 208
- Höfundur : 8218
- Útgáfuár : 2012
- Leyfi : 380