Organic Chemistry I For Dummies, 2nd Edition (9781119293378) was previously published as Organic Chemistry I For Dummies, 2nd Edition (9781118828076). While this version features a new Dummies cover and design, the content is the same as the prior release and should not be considered a new or updated product. The easy way to take the confusion out of organic chemistry Organic chemistry has a long-standing reputation as a difficult course.
Organic Chemistry I For Dummies takes a simple approach to the topic, allowing you to grasp concepts at your own pace. This fun, easy-to-understand guide explains the basic principles of organic chemistry in simple terms, providing insight into the language of organic chemists, the major classes of compounds, and top trouble spots. You'll also get the nuts and bolts of tackling organic chemistry problems, from knowing where to start to spotting sneaky tricks that professors like to incorporate.
- Höfundur: Arthur Winter
- Útgáfa:2
- Útgáfudagur: 2016-05-13
- Hægt að prenta út 10 bls.
- Hægt að afrita 2 bls.
- Format:ePub
- ISBN 13: 9781119296577
- Print ISBN: 9781119293378
- ISBN 10: 1119296579
- Cover
- Introduction
- About This Book
- Foolish Assumptions
- Icons Used in This Book
- Beyond the Book
- Where to Go from Here
- Part 1: Getting Started with Organic Chemistry
- Chapter 1: The Wonderful World of Organic Chemistry
- Shaking Hands with Organic Chemistry
- What Are Organic Molecules, Exactly?
- An Organic Chemist by Any Other Name …
- Chapter 2: Dissecting Atoms: Atomic Structure and Bonding
- Electron House Arrest: Shells and Orbitals
- Atom Marriage: Bonding
- To Share or Not to Share: Ionic and Covalent Bonding
- Separating Charge: Dipole Moments
- Seeing Molecular Geometries
- It’s All Greek to Me: Sigma and Pi Bonding
- Chapter 3: Speaking with Pictures: Drawing Structures
- Picture-Talk: Lewis Structures
- Problem Solving: Arrow Pushing
- Drawing Resonance Structures
- Chapter 4: Covering the Bases (And the Acids)
- A Defining Moment: Acid-Base Definitions
- Comparing Acidities of Organic Molecules
- Defining pKa: A Quantitative Scale of Acidity
- Problem Solving: Predicting the Direction of Acid-Base Reactions at Equilibrium
- Chapter 5: Reactivity Centers: Functional Groups
- Hydrocarbons
- Singly Bonded Heteroatoms
- Carbonyl Compounds
- Test Your Knowledge
- Chapter 6: Seeing in 3-D: Stereochemistry
- Drawing Molecules in 3-D
- Comparing Stereoisomers and Constitutional Isomers
- Mirror Image Molecules: Enantiomers
- Seeing Chiral Centers
- Assigning Configurations to Chiral Centers: The R/S Nomenclature
- Problem Solving: Determining R/S Configuration
- The Consequences of Symmetry: Meso Compounds
- Rotating Plane-Polarized Light
- Multiple Chiral Centers: Diastereomers
- Representing 3-D Structures on Paper: Fischer Projections
- Keeping the Jargon Straight
- Chapter 1: The Wonderful World of Organic Chemistry
- Chapter 7: What’s in a Name? Alkane Nomenclature
- All in a Line: Straight-Chain Alkanes
- Reaching Out: Branching Alkanes
- Chapter 8: Drawing Alkanes
- Converting a Name to a Structure
- Conformation of Straight-Chain Alkanes
- Full Circle: Cycloalkanes
- Problem Solving: Drawing the Most Stable Chair Conformation
- Reacting Alkanes: Free-Radical Halogenation
- Chapter 9: Seeing Double: The Alkenes
- Defining Alkenes
- Taking Away Hydrogens: Degrees of Unsaturation
- The Nomenclature of Alkenes
- The Stereochemistry of Alkenes
- Stabilities of Alkenes
- Formation of Alkenes
- Chapter 10: Reactions of Alkenes
- Adding Hydrohalic Acids across Double Bonds
- I’m Positive: Carbocations
- Adding Water across Double Bonds
- Chopping Up Double Bonds: Ozonolysis
- Double-Bond Cleavage: Permanganate Oxidation
- Making Cyclopropanes with Carbenes
- Making Cyclopropanes: The Simmons–Smith Reaction
- Making Epoxides
- Adding Hydrogen: Hydrogenation
- Chapter 11: It Takes Alkynes: The Carbon-Carbon Triple Bond
- Naming Alkynes
- Seeing Alkyne Orbitals
- Alkynes in Rings
- Making Alkynes
- Chapter 12: Replacing and Removing: Substitution and Elimination Reactions
- Group Swap: Substitution Reactions
- Seeing Second-Order Substitution: The SN2 Mechanism
- First-Order Substitution: The SN1 Reaction
- Seeing Elimination Reactions
- Help! Distinguishing Substitution from Elimination
- Chapter 13: Getting Drunk on Organic Molecules: The Alcohols
- Classifying Alcohols
- An Alcohol by Any Other Name: Naming Alcohols
- Alcohol-Making Reactions
- Reactions of Alcohols
- Chapter 14: Side-by-Side: Conjugated Alkenes and the Diels–Alder Reaction
- Seeing Conjugated Double Bonds
- Addition of Hydrohalic Acids to Conjugated Alkenes
- The Diels–Alder Reaction
- Problem Solving: Determining Products of Diels–Alder Reactions
- Chapter 15: Lord of the Rings: Aromatic Compounds
- Defining Aromatic Compounds
- Explaining Aromaticity: Molecular Orbital Theory
- Problem Solving: Determining Aromaticity
- Problem Solving: Predicting Acidities and Basicities
- Naming Benzenes and Aromatics
- Chapter 16: Bringing Out the Howitzers: Reactions of Aromatic Compounds
- Electrophilic Aromatic Substitution of Benzene
- Adding Two: Synthesis of Disubstituted Benzenes
- Problem Solving: Synthesis of Substituted Benzenes
- Nucleophiles Attack! Nucleophilic Aromatic Substitution
- Chapter 17: A Smashing Time: Mass Spectrometry
- Defining Mass Spectrometry
- Taking Apart a Mass Spectrometer
- The Mass Spectrum
- Kind and Caring: Sensitivity of Mass Spec
- Resolving the Problem: Resolution
- Changing the Weight: Isotopes
- The Nitrogen Rule
- Identifying Common Fragmentation Patterns
- Key Ideas Checklist
- Chapter 18: Seeing Good Vibrations: IR Spectroscopy
- Bond Calisthenics: Infrared Absorption
- Dissecting an IR Spectrum
- Identifying the Functional Groups
- Seeing to the Left of the C-H Absorptions
- Seeing to the Right of the C-H Absorptions
- Chapter 19: NMR Spectroscopy: Hold onto Your Hats, You’re Going Nuclear!
- Why NMR?
- How NMR Works
- The NMR Spectrum
- The NMR Spectrum Manual: Dissecting the Pieces
- Considering Carbon NMR
- Checklist: Putting the Pieces Together
- Chapter 20: Following the Clues: Solving Problems in NMR
- Follow the Clues
- Working Problems
- Three Common Mistakes in NMR Problem Solving
- Chapter 21: Ten (Or So) Great Organic Chemists
- August Kekulé
- Friedrich Wöhler
- Archibald Scott Couper
- Johan Josef Loschmidt
- Louis Pasteur
- Emil Fischer
- Percy Julian
- Robert Burns Woodward
- Linus Pauling
- Dorothy Hodgkin
- John Pople
- Chapter 22: Ten Cool Organic Discoveries
- Explosives and Dynamite!
- Fermentation
- The Synthesis of Urea
- The Handedness of Tartaric Acid
- Diels–Alder Reaction
- Buckyballs
- Soap
- Aspartame
- Penicillin
- Teflon
- Chapter 23: Ten Cool Organic Molecules
- Octanitrocubane
- Fenestrane
- Carbon Nanotubes
- Bullvalene
- The Norbornyl Cation
- Capsaicin
- Indigo
- Maitotoxin
- Molecular Cages
- Fucitol
- Appendix A: Working Multistep Synthesis Problems
- Why Multistep Synthesis?
- The Five Commandments
- Appendix B: Working Reaction Mechanisms
- The Two Unspoken Mechanism Types
- Do’s and Don’ts for Working Mechanisms
- Types of Mechanisms
- Appendix C: Glossary
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- Gerð : 208
- Höfundur : 10827
- Útgáfuár : 2016
- Leyfi : 380