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Operations Research provides a broad focus on algorithmic and practical implementation of Operations Research (OR) techniques, using theory, applications, and computations to teach students OR basics. The book can be used conveniently in a survey course that encompasses all the major tools of operations research, or in two separate courses on deterministic and probabilistic decision-making. provides a broad focus on algorithmic and practical implementation of Operations Research (OR) techniques, using theory, applications, and computations to teach students OR basics.
The book can be used conveniently in a survey course that encompasses all the major tools of operations research, or in two separate courses on deterministic and probabilistic decision-making. With the Tenth Edition, the author preserves classical algorithms by providing essential hand computational algorithms as an important part of OR history. Based on input and submissions from OR students, professors, and practitioners, the author also includes scenarios that show how classical algorithms can be beneficial in practice.
- Höfundur: Hamdy A. Taha
- Útgáfa:10
- Útgáfudagur: 2018-10-19
- Hægt að prenta út 2 bls.
- Hægt að afrita 2 bls.
- Format:Page Fidelity
- ISBN 13: 9781292165561
- Print ISBN: 9781292165547
- ISBN 10: 1292165561
- Title Page
- Copyright Page
- Contents
- What’s New in the Tenth Edition
- Acknowledgments
- About the Author
- Trademarks
- Chapter 1 What is Operations Research?
- 1.1 Introduction
- 1.2 Operations Research Models
- 1.3 Solving the OR Model
- 1.4 Queuing and Simulation Models
- 1.5 Art of Modeling
- 1.6 More than Just Mathematics
- 1.7 Phases of an OR Study
- 1.8 About this Book
- Bibliography
- Problems
- Chapter 2 Modeling with Linear Programming
- 2.1 Two-Variable LP Model
- 2.2 Graphical LP Solution
- 2.2.1 Solution of a Maximization Model
- 2.2.2 Solution of a Minimization Model
- 2.3 Computer Solution with Solver and AMPL
- 2.3.1 LP Solution with Excel Solver
- 2.3.2 LP Solution with AMPL
- 2.4 Linear Programming Applications
- 2.4.1 Investment
- 2.4.2 Production Planning and Inventory Control
- 2.4.3 Workforce Planning
- 2.4.4 Urban Development Planning
- 2.4.5 Blending and Refining
- 2.4.6 Additional LP Applications
- Bibliography
- Problems
- Chapter 3 The Simplex Method and Sensitivity Analysis
- 3.1 LP Model in Equation Form
- 3.2 Transition from Graphical to Algebraic Solution
- 3.3 The Simplex Method
- 3.3.1 Iterative Nature of the Simplex Method
- 3.3.2 Computational Details of the Simplex Algorithm
- 3.3.3 Summary of the Simplex Method
- 3.4 Artificial Starting Solution
- 3.4.1 M-Method
- 3.4.2 Two-Phase Method
- 3.5 Special Cases in the Simplex Method
- 3.5.1 Degeneracy
- 3.5.2 Alternative Optima
- 3.5.3 Unbounded Solution
- 3.5.4 Infeasible Solution
- 3.6 Sensitivity Analysis
- 3.6.1 Graphical Sensitivity Analysis
- 3.6.2 Algebraic Sensitivity Analysis—Changes in the Right-Hand Side
- 3.6.3 Algebraic Sensitivity Analysis—Objective Function
- 3.6.4 Sensitivity Analysis With Tora, Solver, and AMPL
- 3.7 Computational Issues In Linear Programming
- 3.7 Computational Issues In Linear Programming13
- 3.7 Computational Issues In Linear Programming13
- 3.7 Computational Issues In Linear Programming13
- Bibliography
- Problems
- 4.1 Definition of the Dual Problem
- 4.2 Primal–Dual Relationships
- 4.2.1 Review of Simple Matrix Operations
- 4.2.2 Simplex Tableau Layout
- 4.2.3 Optimal Dual Solution
- 4.2.4 Simplex Tableau Computations
- 4.3 Economic Interpretation of Duality
- 4.3.1 Economic Interpretation of Dual Variables
- 4.3.2 Economic Interpretation of Dual Constraints
- 4.4 Additional Simplex Algorithms
- 4.4.1 Dual Simplex Algorithm
- 4.4.2 Generalized Simplex Algorithm
- 4.5 Post-Optimal Analysis
- 4.5.1 Changes Affecting Feasibility
- 4.5.2 Changes Affecting Optimality
- Bibliography
- Problems
- 5.1 Definition of the Transportation Model
- 5.2 Nontraditional Transportation Models
- 5.3 The Transportation Algorithm
- 5.3.1 Determination of the Starting Solution
- 5.3.2 Iterative Computations of the Transportation Algorithm
- 5.3.3 Simplex Method Explanation of the Method of Multipliers
- 5.4 The Assignment Model
- 5.4.1 The Hungarian Method
- 5.4.2 Simplex Explanation of the Hungarian Method
- Bibliography
- Problems
- 6.1 Scope and Definition of Network Models
- 6.2 Minimal Spanning Tree Algorithm
- 6.3 Shortest-route Problem
- 6.3.1 Examples of the Shortest-Route Applications
- 6.3.2 Shortest-Route Algorithms
- 6.3.3 Linear Programming Formulation of the Shortest-Route Problem
- 6.4 Maximal Flow Model
- 6.4.1 Enumeration of Cuts
- 6.4.2 Maximal Flow Algorithm
- 6.4.3 Linear Programming Formulation of Maximal Flow Mode
- 6.5 CPM and Pert
- 6.5.1 Network Representation
- 6.5.2 Critical Path Method (CPM) Computations
- 6.5.3 Construction of the Time Schedule
- 6.5.4 Linear Programming Formulation of CPM
- 6.5.5 Pert Networks
- Bibliography
- Problems
- 7.1 Simplex Method Fundamentals
- 7.1.1 From Extreme Points to Basic Solutions
- 7.1.2 Generalized Simplex Tableau in Matrix Form
- 7.2 Revised Simplex Method
- 7.2.1 Development of the Optimality and Feasibility Conditions
- 7.2.2 Revised Simplex Algorithm
- 7.2.3 Computational Issues in the Revised Simplex Method
- 7.3 Bounded-Variables Algorithm
- 7.4 Duality
- 7.4.1 Matrix Definition of the Dual Problem
- 7.4.2 Optimal Dual Solution
- 7.5 Parametric Linear Programming
- 7.5.1 Parametric Changes in C
- 7.5.2 Parametric Changes in B
- 7.6 More Linear Programming Topics
- Bibliography
- Problems
- 8.1 A Goal Programming Formulation
- 8.2 Goal Programming Algorithms
- 8.2.1 The Weights Method
- 8.2.2 The Preemptive Method
- Bibliography
- Case Study: Allocation of Operating Room Time in Mount Sinai Hospital
- Problems
- 9.1 Illustrative Applications
- 9.1.1 Capital Budgeting
- 9.1.2 Set-Covering Problem
- 9.1.3 Fixed-Charge Problem
- 9.1.4 Either-Or and If-Then Constraints
- 9.2 Integer Programming Algorithms
- 9.2.1 Branch-and-Bound (B&B) Algorithm
- 9.2.2 Cutting-Plane Algorithm
- 9.2 Integer Programming Algorithms
- Bibliography
- Problems
- 10.1 Introduction
- 10.2 Greedy (Local Search) Heuristics
- 10.2.1 Discrete Variable Heuristic
- 10.2.2 Continuous Variable Heuristic
- 10.3 Metaheuristic
- 10.3.1 Tabu Search Algorithm
- 10.3.2 Simulated Annealing Algorithm
- 10.3.3 Genetic Algorithm
- 10.4 Application of Metaheuristics to Integer Linear Programs
- 10.4.1 ILP Tabu Algorithm
- 10.4.2 ILP Simulated Annealing Algorithm
- 10.4.3 ILP Genetic Algorithm
- 10.5 Introduction To Constraint Programming (CP)
- Bibliography
- Problems
- 11.1 Scope of the TSP
- 11.2 TSP Mathematical Model
- 11.3 Exact TSP Algorithms
- 11.3.1 B&B Algorithm
- 11.3.2 Cutting-Plane Algorithm
- 11.4 Local Search Heuristics
- 11.4.1 Nearest-Neighbor Heuristic
- 11.4.2 Reversal Heuristic
- 11.5 Metaheuristics
- 11.5.1 TSP Tabu Algorithm
- 11.5.2 TSP Simulated Annealing Algorithm
- 11.5.3 TSP Genetic Algorithm
- Bibliography
- Problems
- 12.1 Recursive Nature of Dynamic Programming (DP) Computations
- 12.2 Forward and Backward Recursion
- 12.3 Selected DP Applications
- 12.3.1 Knapsack/Fly-Away Kit/cargo-Loading Model
- 12.3.2 Workforce Size Model
- 12.3.3 Equipment Replacement Model
- 12.3.4 Investment Model
- 12.3.5 Inventory Models
- 12.4 Problem of Dimensionality
- Bibliography
- Case Study: Optimization of Crosscutting and Log Allocation at Weyerhaeuser
- Problems
- 13.1 Inventory Problem: A Supply Chain Perspective
- 13.1.1 An Inventory Metric in Supply Chains
- 13.1.2 Elements of the Inventory Optimization Model
- 13.2 Role of Demand In the Development of Inventory Models
- 13.3 Static Economic-Order-Quantity Models
- 13.3.1 Classical EOQ Model
- 13.3.2 EOQ with Price Breaks
- 13.3.3 Multi-Item EOQ With Storage Limitation
- 13.4 Dynamic EOQ Models
- 13.4.1 No-Setup EOQ Model
- 13.4.2 Setup EOQ Model
- 13.5 Sticky Issues in Inventory Modeling
- Bibliography
- Case Study: Kroger Improves Pharmacy Inventory Management
- Problems
- 14.1 Laws of Probability
- 14.1.1 Addition Law of Probability
- 14.1.2 Conditional Law of Probability
- 14.2 Random Variables and Probability Distributions
- 14.3 Expectation of a Random Variable
- 14.3.1 Mean and Variance (Standard Deviation) of a Random Variable
- 14.3.2 Joint Random Variables
- 14.4 Four Common Probability Distributions
- 14.4.1 Binomial Distribution
- 14.4.2 Poisson Distribution
- 14.4.3 Negative Exponential Distribution
- 14.4.4 Normal Distribution
- 14.5 Empirical Distributions
- Bibliography
- Problems
- 15.1 Decision Making Under Certainty—Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP)
- 15.2 Decision Making Under Risk
- 15.2.1 Decision Tree–Based Expected Value Criterion
- 15.2.2 Variants of the Expected Value Criterion
- 15.3 Decision Under Uncertainty
- 15.4 Game Theory
- 15.4.1 Optimal Solution of Two-Person Zero-Sum Games
- 15.4.2 Solution of Mixed Strategy Games
- Bibliography
- Case Study: Booking Limits in Hotel Reservations
- Problems
- 16.1 Continuous Review Models
- 16.1.1 “Probabilitized” EOQ Model
- 16.1.2 Probabilistic EOQ Model
- 16.2 Single-Period Models
- 16.2.1 No-Setup Model (Newsvendor Model)
- 16.2.2 Setup Model (s-S Policy)
- 16.3 Multiperiod Model
- Bibliography
- Problems
- 17.1 Definition of a Markov Chain
- 17.2 Absolute and n-Step Transition Probabilities
- 17.3 Classification of the States in a Markov Chain
- 17.4 Steady-State Probabilities and Mean Return Times of Ergodic Chains
- 17.5 First Passage Time
- 17.6 Analysis of Absorbing States
- Bibliography
- Problems
- 18.1 Why Study Queues?
- 18.2 Elements of a Queuing Model
- 18.3 Role of Exponential Distribution
- 18.4 Pure Birth and Death Models (Relationship Between the Exponential and Poisson Distributions)
- 18.4.1 Pure Birth Model
- 18.4.2 Pure Death Model
- 18.5 General Poisson Queuing Model
- 18.6 Specialized Poisson Queues
- 18.6.1 Steady-State Measures of Performance
- 18.6.2 Single-Server Models
- 18.6.3 Multiple-Server Models
- 18.6.4 Machine Servicing Model—(M/M/R):(GD/K/K), R<K
- 18.7 (M/G/1):(GD/∞/∞)—Pollaczek–Khintchine (P–K) Formula
- 18.8 Other Queuing Models
- 18.9 Queuing Decision Models
- 18.9.1 Cost Models
- 18.9.2 Aspiration Level Model
- Bibliography
- Case Study: Analysis of an Internal Transport System in a Manufacturing Plant
- Problems
- 19.1 Monte Carlo Simulation
- 19.2 Types of Simulation
- 19.3 Elements of Discrete Event Simulation
- 19.3.1 Generic Definition of Events
- 19.3.2 Sampling From Probability Distributions
- 19.4 Generation of Random Numbers
- 19.5 Mechanics of Discrete Simulation
- 19.5.1 Manual Simulation of a Single-Server Model
- 19.5.2 Spreadsheet-Based Simulation of the Single-Server Model
- 19.6 Methods for Gathering Statistical Observations
- 19.6.1 Subinterval Method
- 19.6.2 Replication Method
- 19.7 Simulation Languages
- Bibiliography
- Problems
- 20.1 Unconstrained Problems
- 20.1.1 Necessary and Sufficient Conditions
- 20.1.2 The Newton–Raphson Method
- 20.2 Constrained Problems
- 20.2.1 Equality Constraints
- 20.2.2 Inequality Constraints—Karush–Kuhn–Tucker (KKT) Conditions
- Bibliography
- Problems
- 21.1 Unconstrained Algorithms
- 21.1.1 Direct Search Method
- 21.1.2 Gradient Method
- 21.2 Constrained Algorithms
- 21.2.1 Separable Programming
- 21.2.2 Quadratic Programming
- 21.2.3 Chance-Constrained Programming
- 21.2.4 Linear Combinations Method
- 21.2.5 Sumt Algorithm
- Bibliography
- Problems
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- Gerð : 208
- Höfundur : 9647
- Útgáfuár : 2017
- Leyfi : 380