Occupational Therapy for People Experiencing Illness, Injury or Impairment

- ATÞ0110 Athafnir og þátttaka
- EAT0106 Efnisheimur, aðgengi og tækni
- HLH0106 Hreyfing og heilsa
- HSI0110 Hugmyndir og sjónarmið í iðjuþjálfunarfræði
- ÞFR0104190 Þjónustuferli og fagleg rökleiðsla 1: Hreyfanleiki
Occupational Therapy for People Experiencing Illness, Injury or Impairment is a seminal textbook that has been used in preregistration occupational therapy education for more than 40 years. Now in its eighth edition, it reflects significant developments within the occupational profession and the contexts of the delivery of health and social care when working with people who experience illness, injury or impairment to promote occupational participation.
It is highly regarded for its level of detail, its practical approach, and the breadth of its content, with input from multiple authors from around the world. Fully updated and built around the professional concepts and processes to promote occupational participation this invaluable resource will enable occupational therapists link theory with day-to-day practice, reflect on the knowledge, expertise and attitudes that inform their work and practice in a critically reflexive way.
Practical text and online assets link theory with day-to-day practice Collaborative-relationship-focused, inclusive and strengths-based language Summaries and key points for each chapter make navigation easy Focus on working with groups, communities and populations in addition to working with individuals, reflecting the evolving and expanding scope of practice Practice stories throughout the text, and detailed practice stories in Section 5, inviting the reader to reflect on the information, skills and attitudes that inform practice Online multiple choice questions and questions for reflection at the end of each chapter enable readers to assess and apply their knowledge.
- Höfundur: Michael Curtin, Mary Egan, Yeliz Prior, Tracey Parnell, Roshan Galvaan, Katrine Sauvé-Schenk, Daniel
- Útgáfa:8
- Útgáfudagur: 2024-09-17
- Engar takmarkanir á útprentun
- Engar takmarkanir afritun
- Format:ePub
- ISBN 13: 9780323882934
- Print ISBN: 9780323882927
- ISBN 10: 0323882935
- Cover image
- Title page
- Copyright
- Contents
- Foreword
- Preface
- Acknowledgements
- Contributors
- SECTION 1 Contemporary Reflections on Occupational Therapy
- 1 Decoloniality in Occupational Therapy Practice: Preparation and Readiness
- Chapter Outline
- Overview
- Key Points
- Positioning
- Introduction
- What is the Shape and Nature of Your Lens?
- Definitions: Growing a Shared Language of Decoloniality
- Decolonial Approaches: Imagination, Beliefs and Values
- A Message to BIPOC Colleagues
- Decoloniality Is a Team Sport: A Message for Occupational Therapy Educators and Practitioners
- Conclusion
- References
- 2 Critical Perspectives in Occupational Therapy: Problematising Practice to Address the Socio-Political Shaping of Occupation
- Chapter Outline
- Overview
- Key Points
- Introduction
- What Are the Origins of Critical Theory?
- What Is Critical Theory?
- What Would Occupational Therapy Practice Underpinned by Critical Theory Look Like?
- What Are the Implications of Using Critical Theory in Occupational Therapy Practice?
- References
- 3 A Political Project for Occupational Therapists
- Chapter Outline
- Overview
- Key points
- Introduction
- Understanding Inequality and Its Significance in the Political Project for Occupational Therapy
- An Ethical Commitment to Address Moral and Political Inequalities
- A Political Project for Occupational Therapy
- Conclusion
- References
- 4 Social Occupational Therapy: Principles for Action Towards Participation
- Chapter Outline
- Overview
- Key points
- Introduction
- The Social Context
- Working in the Social Field
- Connecting Target Populations and Contexts in/of Social Occupational Therapy
- Social Resources and Technologies of/for Social Occupational Therapy
- Conclusion
- References
- 5 Analysing the Practice Context: A Critical Step in Meeting Professional Obligations
- Chapter Outline
- Overview
- Key points
- Introduction
- Contextual Trends that Can Influence Occupational Therapy Practice
- The Global Context for Professional Practice: Three Competing Logics
- Analysing the Practice Context: Four Steps
- Critical Reflexivity
- Responding Following Analysis
- Conclusion
- References
- 6 Occupation
- Chapter Outline
- Overview
- Key points
- Introduction
- What Is Occupation?
- Occupation as Core to Occupational Therapy Practice
- Occupational Science as Core to Expanding Knowledge About the Occupation
- Occupation as Core to Human Living and Identity
- Being Reflexive and Embracing the Ongoing Diversification of Knowledge Regarding Occupation
- Occupation as Situated, Relational and Political
- Informing Occupation-Based Practice: Examples Related to the Experience and Organisation of Occupation
- Conclusion
- Further Resources to Support Continued Learning about Occupation
- References
- 7 Reflecting on the Contribution of the Dimensions of the Environment to Occupational Participation
- Chapter Outline
- Overview
- Key Points
- Introduction
- The Relationship Between the Human Being and the Environment
- The Different Dimensions of the Environment
- The Dimensions of the Environment and Promoting Occupational Participation
- Conclusion
- References
- 8 The Continual Evolution of the Occupational Therapy Profession
- Chapter Outline
- Overview
- Key points
- Introduction
- Biomedical Framework of Health
- The Beginning of the Occupational Therapy Profession
- The Biopsychosocial Framework of Health
- The International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) Framework of Health
- Occupational Therapy Practice and the Biopsychosocial and ICF Frameworks
- The Socioecological Framework of Health
- Occupational Therapy and the Socioecological Framework of Health
- Contemporary and Future Challenges for the Occupational Therapy Profession
- Conclusion
- References
- 1 Decoloniality in Occupational Therapy Practice: Preparation and Readiness
- 9 Professional Reasoning
- Chapter Outline
- Overview
- Key Points
- Defining Professional Reasoning
- Globalisation of Professional Reasoning
- The Study of Professional Reasoning
- Types of Professional Reasoning
- Doing Professional Reasoning
- Using Professional Reasoning in the Occupational Therapy Process
- Developing Professional Reasoning
- Conclusion
- Acknowledgement
- References
- 10 An Occupation, Capability and Wellbeing Framework for Occupational Therapy
- Chapter Outline
- Overview
- Key points
- Introduction
- The (Evolving) Aim of Occupational Therapy
- The Present Moment in Occupational Therapy’s Evolution
- The Occupation, Capability and Wellbeing Framework for Occupational Therapy
- Feasibility
- Conclusion
- References
- 11 The Canadian Model of Occupational Participation (CanMOP)
- Chapter Outline
- Overview
- Key points
- Introduction
- Understanding Valued Occupations Within Meaningful Relationships and Contexts
- Distinctive Features of the CanMOP
- Conclusion
- References
- 12 The Collaborative Relationship-Focused Practice and the Canadian Occupational Therapy Practice Process Framework
- Chapter Outline
- Overview
- Key Points
- Introduction
- Collaborative Relationship-Focused Occupational Therapy
- Canadian Occupational Therapy Inter-Relational Practice Process Framework
- Conclusion
- References
- 13 Process of Exploring Occupational Participation
- Chapter Outline
- Overview
- Key Points
- Introduction
- Shifting the Focus of Assessment
- Opening Up the Assessment Process
- Critically Informed Assessment Processes
- An Occupational Focus
- Enacting Assessment Processes
- Assessment Strategies
- Professional and Ethical Commitments
- Conclusion
- References
- 14 Exploring Occupational Needs and Expanding Occupational Possibilities of Collectives
- Chapter Outline
- Overview
- Key Points
- Introduction
- Defining a Community
- Defining Community Development
- Occupational Therapy and Community Development
- Practical Application to Occupational Therapy
- Conclusion
- References
- 15 Exploring the Impact of the Environment on Occupational Participation
- Chapter Outline
- Overview
- Key Points
- Theoretical Aspects of the Context and the Environment
- Occupations are Contextually Situated
- Including and Excluding Environments
- Complex Environments as the Basis for Occupational Participation
- Assessing the Environment
- Adapting and Redesigning the Environment to enhance occupational participation
- Conclusion
- References
- 16 Exploring Occupational Participation Using the Canadian Occupational Performance Measure
- Chapter Outline
- Overview
- Key Points
- Introduction
- The Canadian Occupational Performance Measure
- The COPM Process
- Psychometric Properties of the COPM
- Conclusion
- References
- 17 Exploring Occupational Participation Using Task, Activity and Occupational Analyses
- Chapter Outline
- Overview
- Key Points
- The Meaning of Occupation for Analysis of Activities and Occupations
- Continuum of Analyses: Task, Activity and Occupation
- Occupational Analysis: A Cornerstone of Occupational Therapy Practice
- Theoretical Influences on Occupational Analysis
- Application of Occupational Analyses
- Conclusion
- References
- 18 Dynamic Performance Analysis
- Chapter Outline
- Overview
- Key Points
- Introduction
- The Hierarchy of Occupational Performance
- Performance Analysis
- Dynamic Performance Analysis
- A Skill for development
- Conclusion
- References
- 19 Co-Designing Plans to Access, Initiate and Sustain Occupational Participation
- Chapter Outline
- Overview
- Key Points
- Introduction
- Focus on Occupation
- Relationship-Focused Occupational Therapy
- What Is Co-design?
- Conclusion
- References
- 20 Exploring Safety and Risk to Promote Occupational Participation
- Chapter Outline
- Overview
- Key Points
- Introduction
- Safety at Home
- Safety and Risk: Embracing Uncertainty and Both Positive and Negative Outcomes
- Relational Considerations
- A Collaborative Relationship-Focused Approach to Examining Risk
- Conclusion
- References
- 21 Advocacy
- Chapter Outline
- Overview
- Key Points
- Introduction
- Concepts
- Advocacy Practice Principles
- Intervention Technologies Used by Occupational Therapists in Advocacy
- Conclusion
- References
- 22 Education
- Chapter Outline
- Overview
- Key Points
- Introduction
- Education Interventions in Occupational Therapy
- Theories, Models and Frameworks to Guide Education
- Applications of Theories, Models and Frameworks in Practice
- Considerations When Planning and Implementing Education Interventions
- Evaluating the Outcome of Education Interventions
- Conclusion
- References
- 23 Health Promotion
- Chapter Outline
- Overview
- Key Points
- Introduction
- Definition and Terms
- A Brief History of Health Promotion
- Global Public Health and Social Determinants of Health
- Health Promotion and Occupational Therapy
- Underlying Theories of Health Promotion
- Applying Professional Reasoning
- Conclusion
- References
- 24 Lifestyle and Self-Management
- Chapter Outline
- Overview
- Key Points
- Introduction
- Building on a Person’s Assets and Social Capital in Self-Management Strategies
- Occupation Focused Self-Management Lifestyle Strategies
- Conclusions
- References
- 25 Sexuality
- Chapter Outline
- Overview
- Key Points
- Understanding Sexuality
- The Individualised Nature of Sexuality
- Supporting Sexuality Within Health Care
- Sexuality Within the Occupational Therapy Practice Process
- Cementing the Role of Occupational Therapy
- Providing Sexuality Support
- Conclusion
- Acknowledgement
- References
- 26 Work Participation
- Chapter Outline
- Overview
- Key points
- An Introduction to Understanding Work as an Occupation
- Employment
- Occupational Therapy and Work Rehabilitation
- Conclusion
- References
- 27 Occupational Performance Coaching
- Chapter Outline
- Overview
- Keypoints
- Defining Coaching
- Coaching Interventions: Similarities and Differences
- Theories, Contexts, Mechanisms and Outcomes in Coaching Models
- Contexts of Application of Coaching in Occupational Therapy
- Effectiveness of Coaching Used in Occupational Therapy
- Occupational Performance Coaching
- Self-Assessment and Reflection on OPC Skills
- Conclusion
- References
- 28 Cognitive Orientation to Daily Occupational Performance (CO-OP) Approach*
- Chapter Outline
- Overview
- Key points
- Introduction
- Cognitive Strategy Use: An Overview
- The CO-OP Approach
- The CO-OP Approach and Adults with Neurological Impairments
- Lessons Learned from the CO-OP Approach Used with People Who Have Had a Cerebrovascular Accident or Traumatic Brain Injury
- Conclusion
- References
- 29 Home Modification and Universal Design
- Chapter Outline
- Overview
- Key points
- Introduction
- Key Concepts in Universal Design
- Key Concepts in Home Modification
- Importance of Collaborative Relationship-Focused Practice in Home Modifications
- Smart Home Assistive Technologies
- Self-Determination as Exemplified Through Practice Stories
- Home Modification in Occupational Therapy Practice
- Evidence of Home Modifications’ Effectiveness
- Home Assessment and Follow-Up
- Barriers to Home Modification Intervention
- Conclusion
- References
- 30 Embracing a Critical Community Development Orientation and Strategy in Occupational Therapy Practice
- Chapter Outline
- Overview
- Key points
- Introduction
- Community Development Practice as Critical Occupational Therapy
- Orientation and Priorities of a Community Development-Focused Occupational Therapy Practice
- Occupation-Based Community Development as Critical Community Development in Occupational Therapy: Key Features
- Conclusion: An invitation
- Acknowledgements
- References
- 31 Assistive Technology
- Chapter Outline
- Overview
- Key Points
- Introduction
- Defining Assistive Technology
- Humans and Technology
- The Capability Approach
- Assistive, Universal, Inclusive Design and the Technology Chain
- Assistive Technology in the Context of Other Interventions
- Assistive Products, and the Services or Supports that Fit Products to Person, Occupation and Environment
- Practice Stories: Occupational Therapy Practice in at Provision and the Impact of Context
- The Impact of Societal Context
- The Impact of Practice Context
- Conclusion
- References
- 32 Walking and Falls
- Chapter Outline
- Overview
- Key Points
- Introduction
- The Gait Cycle
- Physiological Components of Walking
- Cognitive Components of Walking
- Barriers to Walking
- Walking and Occupational Participation
- Assessing Walking Impairment
- Falls in Community-Dwelling Older People
- Environmental Fall-Hazard Assessment
- Conclusion
- References
- 33 Wheeled Mobility and Seating Systems
- Chapter Outline
- Overview
- Key Points
- Introduction to wheeled mobility
- Wheeled Mobility Provision Process
- Conclusion
- References
- 34 Driving and Transportation for Community Mobility
- Chapter Outline
- Overview
- Key points
- Introduction
- Community Mobility Concepts and Definitions
- Driving and Community Mobility Practice through the Canadian Model of Occupational Participation Lens
- Community Mobility Practice with the Canadian Occupational Therapy Inter-Relational Practice Process Framework
- Conclusion
- References
- 35 Moving and Positioning of People
- Chapter Outline
- Overview
- Key points
- Introduction
- Impact of Moving and Positioning on the Body: Risks to the Occupational Therapist
- Principles of Movement
- Biomechanical Principles
- Legislation
- Risk Assessment
- Principles of Safer Moving and Positioning
- Conclusion
- Acknowledgement
- References
- 36 Biomechanical Strategies to Initiate and Sustain Occupational Participation
- Chapter Outline
- Overview
- Key Points
- Introduction
- Biomechanical Concepts
- The Biomechanical Frame of Reference and Conceptual Models of Practice
- Biomechanics as Part of Human Occupation
- Applying Biomechanical Knowledge
- Assessments of Biomechanical Capacities
- Biomechanical Interventions
- Conclusion
- References
- 37 Managing Fatigue
- Chapter Outline
- Overview
- Key Points
- The Concept of Fatigue
- Assessment
- Fatigue Approaches and Interventions
- Conclusion
- References
- 38 Managing Pain
- Chapter Outline
- Overview
- Key Points
- Introduction
- The Impact of Chronic Pain on Occupational Participation
- Models of Practice
- Understanding the Experiences of Three People With Chronic Pain and Illustrating the Occupational Therapist’s Contribution
- Examples of Evidence-Based Strategies for People With Chronic Pain
- Conclusion
- References
- Useful websites and resources for students
- 39 Improving Arm Function After Acquired Brain Impairment
- Chapter Outline
- Overview
- Key Points
- Introduction
- Essential Skills, Knowledge and Attitudes for Improving Motor Performance
- Analysing Movement
- Teaching Motor Skills
- Evaluating Changes in Performance
- Evidence-Based Interventions to Improve Upper Limb Motor Performance and Sensation
- Preventing and Managing Secondary Impairments
- Future Directions
- Conclusion
- References
- 40 Hand Therapy and Orthotics
- Chapter Outline
- Overview
- Key Points
- Introduction
- Hand Anatomy
- Hand Injuries
- Hand Conditions
- Assessment of the Hand
- Goal Setting and Intervention Planning
- Conclusion
- References
- 41 Working with People Living with Vision Impairment
- Chapter Outline
- Overview
- Key Points
- Introduction
- Multidisciplinary Team Members in Vision Rehabilitation
- Assessment of Person with Vision Impairment
- Enabling Skills and Strategies
- Adaptive Technology and Vision Impairment
- Ergonomics and Vision Impairment
- Falls Prevention and Vision Impairment
- Conclusion
- Acknowledgement
- Resources
- References
- 42 Cognition and Perception
- Chapter Outline
- Overview
- Key Points
- Introduction
- Information Processing and Cognitive Strategies
- Addressing Cognitive Strategy Application During Participation
- Observing Cognitive Strategy Application
- Conclusion
- References
- 43 Mrs Tremblay: Continuum of Care From Hospital to Community Following a Stroke
- Chapter Outline
- Introduction
- Acute Care (Katrine)
- Inpatient Rehabilitation (Dorothy)
- PART 3: Outpatient Rehabilitation (Valerie)
- References
- 44 Mr Fitch: Work Retention Vocational Rehabilitation
- Chapter Outline
- Introduction
- Referral to Occupational Therapy
- The Six Action Domains of the Canadian Occupational Therapy Inter-relationship Practice Process (COTIPP)
- Conclusion
- References
- 45 Arthur: Promoting Occupational Participation of a Person with a Life-Limiting Illness
- Chapter Outline
- Palliative Care and Occupational Therapy
- Connect
- Explore Occupational Participation
- Co-Design Priorities, Goals, Outcomes and Plans
- Trial the Plan, Explore Change and Refine the Plan
- Plan for Transition
- References
- 46 Person-Centred Risk Assessment and Planning
- Chapter Outline
- Introduction
- Person-Centred Approach
- Enabling Emergency Preparedness
- Person-Centred Emergency Preparedness (P-CEP)
- Summary
- References
- 47 Disaster Preparedness and Risk Reduction
- Chapter Outline
- Introduction
- Disaster Preparedness and Response
- Disasters and Occupations
- Moving Towards a Disaster-Prepared Future
- References
- 48 Wellness 2 Age Program
- Chapter Outline
- Introduction
- Wellness 2 Age Program: Introducing Three Participants
- Overview of the Wellness 2 Age Program
- Wellness 2 Age Program: Impact on Three Participants
- Conclusion
- References
- 49 Pabllo and their Dissidence of Gender and Sexuality
- Chapter Outline
- Introduction
- Conclusion
- References
- 50 Building Connections and Accessing Diverse Networks During the COVID-19 Pandemic: National and Provincial Advocacy and Lobbying in South Africa
- Chapter Outline
- Introduction
- COVID-19 Pandemic in South Africa
- Kashifa and IPA’s Story
- Fadia and a Community-Based Response to the Pandemic
- Key Recommendations that Were Identified Across the Two Practice Stories
- Conclusion
- References
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- Gerð : 208
- Höfundur : 8840
- Útgáfuár : 2017
- Leyfi : 380