Case-Smith's Occupational Therapy for Children and Adolescents

The number one book in pediatric OT is back! Focusing on children from infancy to adolescence, Case-Smith's Occupational Therapy for Children and Adolescents, 8th Edition provides comprehensive, full-color coverage of pediatric conditions and treatment techniques in all settings. Its emphasis on application of evidence-based practice includes: eight new chapters, a focus on clinical reasoning, updated references, research notes, and explanations of the evidentiary basis for specific interventions.
Coverage of new research and theories, new techniques, and current trends, with additional case studies, keeps you in-step with the latest advances in the field. Developmental milestone tables serve as a quick reference throughout the book! NEW! Eight completely new chapters cover Theory and Practice Models for Occupational Therapy With Children, Development of Occupations and Skills From Infancy Through Adolescence, Therapeutic Use of Self, Observational Assessment and Activity Analysis, Evaluation Interpretation, and Goal Writing, Documenting Outcomes, Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, and Vision Impairment.
NEW! A focus on theory and principles Practice Models promote clinical reasoning. NEW! Emphasis on application of theory and frames of reference in practice appear throughout chapters in book. NEW! Developmental milestone tables serve as quick reference guides. NEW! Online materials included to help facilitate your understanding of what’s covered in the text. NEW! Textbook is organized into six sections to fully describe the occupational therapy process and follow OTPF.
- Höfundar: Jane Clifford O'Brien, Heather Kuhaneck
- Útgáfa:8
- Útgáfudagur: 2019-09-26
- Engar takmarkanir á útprentun
- Engar takmarkanir afritun
- Format:ePub
- ISBN 13: 9780323512626
- Print ISBN: 9780323676991
- ISBN 10: 0323512623
- Cover image
- Title page
- Table of Contents
- Copyright
- Dedication
- Contributors
- Reviewers
- Preface
- Acknowledgments
- section 1. Foundational Knowledge for Occupational Therapy for Children and Youth
- 1. The Occupational Therapy Process in Pediatrics: Overview of Essential Concepts
- Introduction to Pediatric Occupational Therapy
- The Process of Occupational Therapy
- Pediatric Practice: Similarities and Differences to Adult Practice
- 2. Using Occupational Therapy Models and Frames of Reference With Children and Youth
- Introduction
- Theory
- Therapeutic Reasoning: Models and Frames of Reference
- Occupational Therapy Models of Practice
- Frames of Reference Used in Pediatric Occupational Therapy
- Combining Frames of Reference
- 3. Working With Families
- The Purpose and Power of Families
- Family Resources and Diversity
- Dynamic Family Systems and Occupations in Context
- Family Subsystems
- Family Life Cycle
- Supporting Participation in Family Life
- Families and The Interprofessional Team
- Communication Strategies
- Home Programs: Blending Therapy into Routines
- Summary
- 4. Occupational Therapy View of Child Development
- Human Development Through an Occupational Science Lens
- Occupational Development Versus Skill Acquisition
- Neurophysiological Development
- Neurophysiological Growth and Occupational Development
- Understanding Development Through Occupational Science Theories
- 5. The Intentional Relationship: Working With Children and Families
- Introduction: Working with Families
- Therapeutic Use of Self
- The Intentional Relationship Model
- Understanding Child and Family Interpersonal Characteristics
- Inevitable Interpersonal Events
- 1. The Occupational Therapy Process in Pediatrics: Overview of Essential Concepts
- 6. Observational Assessment and Activity Analysis
- Activity Observation and Analysis
- 7. Use of Standardized Tests in Pediatric Practice
- Purposes of Standardized Tests
- Becoming A Competent Test User
- Types of Standardized Tests and Measures
- Characteristics and Testing Mechanics
- Scoring Methods
- Ethical Consideration in Testing
- Advantages and Disadvantages of Standarized Testing
- 8. Evaluation, Interpretation, and Goal Writing
- What is evaluation?
- Areas of Evaluation
- Purpose of Evaluation
- Top-Down Evaluation
- Capturing The Parent’s and Child’s Perspective
- Evaluation Process
- Interpretation
- Goal Writing
- 9. Documenting Outcomes
- Introduction to Outcomes and Data Collection
- Data Collection to Determine Efficacy of Services
- 10. Assessment and Treatment of Feeding, Eating, and Swallowing
- Feeding, Eating and Swallowing: Overview
- Feeding Disorders: Incidence and Influences
- Specialized Knowledge Required for Feeding and Swallowing Evaluation
- Comprehensive Evaluation of the Development of Feeding and Swallowing
- General Intervention Considerations
- Case Application: Occupational Therapy Intervention Considerations
- 11. Assessment and Treatment of Play
- Introduction
- Defining Play
- Theories of Play
- Occupational Therapy’s Early Contributions to Play Literature
- Impact of Play Deprivation
- Leisure
- Play and Leisure Assessment in Occupational Therapy
- Play Goals
- Play in Occupational Therapy Intervention
- 12. Assessment and Treatment of Activities of Daily Living, Sleep, Rest, and Sexuality
- Importance of Deveoping Adl Occupations
- Factors Affecting Performance
- Evaluation of Activities of Daily Living
- Intervention Strategies and Approaches
- Specific Intervention Techniques for Selected Adl Tasks
- Sleep and Rest
- Education About Sleep and Rest
- Summary
- 13. Assessment and Treatment of Instrumental Activities of Daily Living and Leisure
- Defining Instrumental Activities of Daily Living (IADL)
- IADL Performance in Relationship to Participation
- How Children Learn to Perform and Participate in Iadls
- IADLs and Environment
- Self-Determination and IADLs
- Person, Environment, and Occupation Factors That Influence IADLs
- Evaluation Approaches to Target IADLs
- Intervention Approaches to Target IADLs
- 14. Assessment and Intervention of Social Participation and Social Skills
- Overview of Social Participation
- Environmental Influences on Social Participation
- Outcomes of Successful Social Participation
- Theoretical Basis of Social Skill Challenges
- Goals for Social Participation and Social Skills
- Influence of Common Mental Health Conditions on Social Participation
- 15. Assessment and Treatment of Educational Performance
- Education as an Occupation
- Roles of the Student
- The Occupational Therapy Evaluation Process in Schools
- Interventions
- Focused Areas of Intervention for Educational Performance
- 16. Application of Motor Control and Motor Learning
- Introduction
- Motor Control and Motor Learning: Definitions
- Overview of Guiding Theories
- Principles of Motor Control
- The Process of Motor Learning
- Application of Motor Control/Learning Theory in Occupational Therapy Practice
- 17. Cognitive Interventions
- Theoretical Foundations of Cognitive Approaches
- Cognitive Strategies
- Rationale for Using Cognitive Approaches
- Cognitive Interventions
- Cognitive Orientation to Daily Occupational Performance (CO-OP)
- Evidence for Using Cognitive Approaches
- 18. Mobility
- Mobility for Occupational Performance
- Occupational Therapy Theory, Frame of Reference, and Models of Practice
- Mobility is Complex and More Than a Physical Skill
- Mobility Evaluation
- Seating and Mobility Intervention
- 19. Assistive Technology
- Introduction to Assistive Technology
- Influencing Children’s Growth and Development with Assistive Technology
- The Reasoning Process for AT
- The AT Evaluation
- Occupational Therapy Intervention and AT
- Important Uses for AT
- Specific Types of AT
- Changing The Landscape in Education: Planning for Every Student in The Twenty-First Century
- Technology Discontinuance or Abandonment
- 20. Sensory Integration
- Introduction to Sensory Integration
- When Problems in Sensory Integration Occur
- Sensory Integration and Impact on Participation
- Assessment of Sensory Integrative Functions
- Interventions for Children with Sensory Integrative Problems
- 21. Behavioral Approaches
- Introduction
- Understanding Behavior
- Interventions Based on Behavior Theory
- 22. Neonatal Intensive Care Unit
- The Neonatal Intensive Care Unit in Broad Context
- Occupational Roles of Infants and Caregivers in the NICU Setting
- The Evolving NICU Care Environment
- The NICU Patient
- Foundations of Developmental Family-Integrative Care in the NICU
- Neuroprotectoin of the Developing Brain and the NICU Caregiving Environment
- Evaluation of the Infant
- Specific Therapeutic Interventions in the NICU
- Partnering With Families in the NICU
- Reflective Practice
- 23. Early Intervention Services
- Definition and Purpose of Early Intervention Programs
- Best Practices in Early Intervention
- Occupational Therapy Early Intervention Practices
- 24. School-Based Occupational Therapy
- Federal Legislation and State-Led Initiatives Influencing School-Based Practice
- Occupational Therapy Services for Children and Youth in Schools
- Occupational Therapy Services
- School Mental Health: Emerging Roles for Occupational Therapy
- 25. Transition Services
- Making the Transition to Young Adulthood
- Additional Laws, Policies, and Trends Influencing Transition services
- Seamless Transition: the Alignment of Outcomes
- Evidence-Based Practices in Transition Services
- 26. Hospital and Pediatric Rehabilitation Services
- Characteristics of Children’s Hospitals
- Occupational Therapy Services for Children and Youth Within a Hospital
- Acute Care Units
- Rehabiltation Services
- Outpatient Services
- 27. Pediatric Hand Therapy
- Assessment
- Intervention Principles and Strategies
- Interventions for Specific Conditions
- 28. Mental Health Conditions
- Introduction to Childhood Mental HealtH Disorders
- Mental Health Conditions of Children and Adolescents
- Occupational Performance in Children with Mental Health Conditions
- Caregiver Strain and Parent/Family Supports
- Occupational Therapy Evaluation: Process
- Strengths-Bases Occupational Therapy Intervention to Address Mental Health
- Strength-Based Occupational Therapy Intervention to Address Mental Health
- 29. Neuromotor Conditions: Cerebral Palsy
- Introduction
- Evaluation Process and Methods
- Medical-Based Interventions
- Occupation-Focused Intervention for Children with Cerebral Palsy
- 30. Autism Spectrum Disorder
- Introduction to Autism Spectrum Disorder
- Occupational Performance in Autism Specturm Disorder
- Autism Spectrum Disorder: Impact on the Family
- The Role of Occupational Therapy in Autism Spectrum Disorder
- 31. Trauma-Induced Conditions
- Introduction
- Spinal Cord Injury
- Traumatic Brain Injury
- Burn Injury
- Therapeutic Relationships
- Posttrauma Occupational Therapy Assessment and Interventions
- Interprofessional Team Collaboration
- Posttrauma Continuum of Care
- 32. Vision Impairment
- The Importance of Understanding Vision for Pediatric Occupational Therapists
- Models of Vision
- Prevalence of Vision Problems in Children
- Vision Screening for Occupational Therapists
- Intervention
- Vision Therapy Procedures
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- Gerð : 208
- Höfundur : 8841
- Útgáfuár : 2014
- Leyfi : 380