- FJ0176 Fjölmiðlarýni
- SFM3706 Stjórnmál og fjölmiðlar
Ensk lýsing:
For over thirty years, News: The Politics of Illusion has not simply reflected the political communication field—it has played a major role in shaping it. Today, the familiar news organizations of the legacy press are operating in a fragmenting and expanding mediaverse that resembles a big bang of proliferating online competitors that are challenging the very definition of news itself. Audience-powered sites such as the Huffington Post and Vox blend conventional political reporting with opinion blogs, celebrity gossip, and other ephemera aimed at getting clicks and shares.
At the same time, the rise of serious investigative organizations such as ProPublica presents yet a different challenge to legacy journalism. Lance Bennett’s thoroughly revised tenth edition offers the most up-to-date guide to understanding how and why the media and news landscapes are being transformed. It explains the mix of old and new, and points to possible outcomes. Where areas of change are clearly established, key concepts from earlier editions have been revised.
Can real news survive in an era of social media and spin? An updated edition of the “smart, provocative introduction to media and American politics. ”—Paul Freedman, author of Campaign Advertising and American Democracy For over thirty years, News: The Politics of Illusion has not simply reflected the political communication field—it has played a major role in shaping it. Today, the familiar news organizations of the legacy press are operating in a fragmenting and expanding mediaverse as online competitors challenge the very definition of news itself.
We’re inundated with opinions, gossip, clickbait, false equivalencies, targeting, and other challenges—while at the same time, the rise of serious investigative organizations such as ProPublica presents yet a different challenge to legacy journalism. Lance Bennett’s thoroughly revised tenth edition offers an up-to-date guide to understanding how and why the media and news landscapes are being transformed.
It explains the mix of old and new, and points to possible outcomes. Where areas of change are clearly established, key concepts from earlier editions have been revised. There are new case studies, updates on old favorites, and insightful analyses of how novel kinds of information and engagement are affecting our politics. As always, News presents fresh evidence and arguments that invite new ways of thinking about the political information system and its place in democracy.
- Höfundur: W. Lance Bennett
- Útgáfa:10
- Útgáfudagur: 2016-09-14
- Engar takmarkanir á útprentun
- Engar takmarkanir afritun
- Format:ePub
- ISBN 13: 9780226345055
- Print ISBN: 9780226344867
- ISBN 10: 022634505X
- Cover
- Title Page
- Copyright Page
- Contents
- Preface
- 1. News in a Changing Information System
- Why Journalism Matters
- Can the News Be Fixed?
- The Citizen Gap: Who Follows the News?
- Governing with the News
- Politicians and the Media: A Symbiotic Relationship
- Getting Spun: Indexing the News to Political Power
- case study: Political Comedy Reveals the “Truthiness” about News
- What about the People?
- A Definition of News
- The Fragile Link between News and Democracy
- 2. News Stories: Four Information Biases That Matter
- Putting Journalistic Bias in Perspective
- A Different Kind of Bias
- Four Information Biases That Matter: An Overview
- Four Information Biases in the News: An In-Depth Look
- case study: Who Controls the News Narrative?
- Bias and the US Political Information System
- Reform Anyone?
- 3. Citizens and the News: Public Opinion and Information Processing
- News and the Battle for Public Opinion
- Chasing Its Own Tale: How News Formulas Shape Opinion
- The Public in the News Drama
- Selling the Iraq War
- Reaching Inattentive Publics
- case study: National Attention Deficit Disorder?
- Processing the News
- News and Public Opinion: The Citizen’s Dilemma
- Publics in the Digital Age
- 4. How Politicians Make the News
- Are Social Media Replacing the Role of the Press?
- The Politics of Old-Fashioned PR
- case study: How Global Warming Became a Partisan News Story
- Press Politics: Feeding the Beast
- News as Strategic Political Communication
- The Symbolic Uses of Politics
- Symbolic Politics and Strategic Communication
- Why the Press Is So Easily Spun
- Controlling the Situation: From Pseudo-events to Damage Control
- Playing Hardball: The Intimidation of Whistleblowers and Reporters
- Government and the Politics of Newsmaking
- 5. How Journalists Report the News
- How Spin Works
- Journalistic Routines and Professional Norms
- Reporters as a Pack: Pressures to Agree
- The Paradox of Organizational Routines
- The End of Gatekeeping and the Challenges of Change
- The Rise of the New Investigative Journalism
- case study: Hacktivist Journalism: The New Investigative Reporting in the Digital Age
- Democracy with or without Citizens?
- 6. Inside the Profession: The Objectivity Crisis
- The Professional Vocabulary of Objectivity, Fairness, Balance, and Truth
- The Curious Origins of Objective Journalism
- Putting Professional Norms into Practice
- case study: False Balance in the News
- Objectivity Reconsidered
- Journalism and the Crisis of Credibility
- 7. The Political Economy of News
- case study: Adapt or Die: The Future of News in Native Digital Media
- The Legacy Media Try to Hold On
- Ownership Deregulation and the End of Social Responsibility Standards
- The Media Monopoly: Four Decades of Change
- Big Business versus the Public Interest
- The Citizen Movement for Media Reform
- Technology, Economics, and Democracy
- 8. The Future of News in a Time of Change
- Information Technology and Citizenship: Isolation or Deliberation?
- Whither the Public Sphere?
- Three American Myths about Freedom of the Press
- News and Power in America: Myth versus Reality
- Why the Free Press Myth Persists
- Proposals for Citizens, Journalists, and Politicians
- Time for a Public Discussion about the Role of the Press
- case study: Innovation and Change in News Formats
- In Closing: How to Fight the Information Overload
- Acknowledgments
- Notes
- Index
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- Gerð : 208
- Höfundur : 7864
- Útgáfuár : 2016
- Leyfi : 379