Neuroscience: Exploring the Brain, Enhanced Edition

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Ensk lýsing:
Focusing on how the science and anatomy of brain processes affect speech and hearing, this updated 5th Edition of Dr. Bahtnagar’s best-selling text offers an easy-to-understand, practical overview of the basics of neuroscience. To provide a comprehensive view of the topic, the book is arranged by systems and structures, with the processes that serve higher mental functions and control speech and hearing covered within specific chapters.
In every chapter, the author includes interactive, problem-solving case studies that promote critical thinking and connect neuroscience to the disorders that students will see in practice. Updated to reflect the most recent findings and clinical applications in the field, the 5th Edition and has been meticulously revised to make the study of neuroscience even more user-friendly. Dr. Bhatnagar’s ability to present difficult information in a highly accessible fashion is evident on every page of this beautifully illustrated new edition.
Acclaimed for its clear, friendly style, excellent illustrations, leading author team, and compelling theme of exploration, Neuroscience: Exploring the Brain, Fourth Edition takes a fresh, contemporary approach to the study of neuroscience, emphasizing the biological basis of behavior. The authors' passion for the dynamic field of neuroscience is evident on every page, engaging students and helping them master the material.
In just a few years, the field of neuroscience has been transformed by exciting new technologies and an explosion of knowledge about the brain. The human genome has been sequenced, sophisticated new methods have been developed for genetic engineering, and new methods have been introduced to enable visualization and stimulation of specific types of nerve cells and connections in the brain. The Fourth Edition has been fully updated to reflect these and other rapid advances in the field, while honoring its commitment to be student-friendly with striking new illustrations, additional animations, and an unparalleled array of online resources.
- Höfundar: Mark Bear, Barry Connors, Michael A. Paradiso
- Útgáfa:4
- Útgáfudagur: 2020-03-25
- Engar takmarkanir á útprentun
- Engar takmarkanir afritun
- Format:ePub
- ISBN 13: 9781284403022
- Print ISBN: 9781284211283
- ISBN 10: 1284403025
- Cover
- Halftitle Page
- Title Page
- Copyright Page
- Dedication
- Preface
- User’s Guide
- Acknowledgments
- Path of Discovery Authors
- Images
- Brief Contents
- Expanded Contents
- List of Boxes
- Chapter One Neuroscience: Past, Present, and Future
- Introduction
- The Origins of Neuroscience
- Views of the Brain in Ancient Greece
- Views of the Brain During the Roman Empire
- Views of the Brain from the Renaissance to the Nineteenth Century
- Nineteenth-Century Views of the Brain
- Nerves as Wires
- Localization of Specific Functions to Different Parts of the Brain
- The Evolution of Nervous Systems
- The Neuron: The Basic Functional Unit of the Brain
- Neuroscience Today
- Levels of Analysis
- Molecular Neuroscience
- Cellular Neuroscience
- Systems Neuroscience
- Behavioral Neuroscience
- Cognitive Neuroscience
- Neuroscientists
- The Scientific Process
- Observation
- Replication
- Interpretation
- Verification
- The Use of Animals in Neuroscience Research
- The Animals
- Animal Welfare
- Animal Rights
- The Cost of Ignorance: Nervous System Disorders
- Levels of Analysis
- Concluding Remarks
- Introduction
- The Neuron Doctrine
- The Golgi Stain
- Cajal’s Contribution
- Box 2.1 Of Special Interest: Advances in Microscopy
- The Soma
- The Nucleus
- Neuronal Genes, Genetic Variation, and Genetic Engineering
- Box 2.2 Brain Food: Expressing One’s Mind in the Post-Genomic Era
- Box 2.3 Path of Discovery: Gene Targeting in Mice, by Mario Capecchi
- Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum
- Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum and the Golgi Apparatus
- The Mitochondrion
- The Neuronal Membrane
- The Cytoskeleton
- Microtubules
- Box 2.4 Of Special Interest: Alzheimer’s Disease and the Neuronal Cytoskeleton
- Microfilaments
- Neurofilaments
- Microtubules
- The Axon
- The Axon Terminal
- The Synapse
- Axoplasmic Transport
- Box 2.5 Of Special Interest: Hitching a Ride with Retrograde Transport
- Box 2.6 Of Special Interest: Intellectual Disability and Dendritic Spines
- Classification Based on Neuronal Structure
- Number of Neurites
- Dendrites
- Connections
- Axon Length
- Classification Based on Gene Expression
- Box 2.7 Brain Food: Understanding Neuronal Structure and Function with Incredible Cre
- Astrocytes
- Myelinating Glia
- Other Non-Neuronal Cells
- Introduction
- The Cast of Chemicals
- Cytosol and Extracellular Fluid
- Water
- Ions
- The Phospholipid Membrane
- Protein
- Protein Structure
- Channel Proteins
- Ion Pumps
- Cytosol and Extracellular Fluid
- Diffusion
- Box 3.1 Brain Food: A Review of Moles and Molarity
- Electricity
- Equilibrium Potentials
- Box 3.2 Brain Food: The Nernst Equation
- The Distribution of Ions Across the Membrane
- Relative Ion Permeabilities of the Membrane at Rest
- Box 3.3 Brain Food: The Goldman Equation
- The Wide World of Potassium Channels
- Box 3.4 Path of Discovery: Feeling Around Inside Ion Channels in the Dark, by Chris Miller
- The Importance of Regulating the External Potassium Concentration
- Box 3.5 Of Special Interest: Death by Lethal Injection
- Introduction
- Properties of The Action Potential
- The Ups and Downs of an Action Potential
- Box 4.1 Brain Food: Methods of Recording Action Potentials
- The Generation of an Action Potential
- The Generation of Multiple Action Potentials
- Optogenetics: Controlling Neural Activity with Light
- Box 4.2 Path of Discovery: The Discovery of the Channelrhodopsins, by Georg Nagel
- Optogenetics: Controlling Neural Activity with Light
- The Ups and Downs of an Action Potential
- Membrane Currents and Conductances
- The Ins and Outs of an Action Potential
- The Voltage-Gated Sodium Channel
- Sodium Channel Structure
- Functional Properties of the Sodium Channel
- Box 4.3 Brain Food: The Patch-Clamp Method
- The Effects of Toxins on the Sodium Channel
- Voltage-Gated Potassium Channels
- Putting the Pieces Together
- Factors Influencing Conduction Velocity
- Box 4.4 Of Special Interest: Local Anesthesia
- Myelin and Saltatory Conduction
- Box 4.5 Of Special Interest: Multiple Sclerosis, a Demyelinating Disease
- Box 4.6 Of Special Interest: The Eclectic Electric Behavior of Neurons
- Introduction
- Box 5.1 Of Special Interest: Otto Loewi’s Dream
- Types Of synapses
- Electrical Synapses
- Chemical Synapses
- CNS Chemical Synapses
- Box 5.2 Path of Discovery: For the Love of Dendritic Spines, by Kristen M. Harris
- The Neuromuscular Junction
- CNS Chemical Synapses
- Neurotransmitters
- Neurotransmitter Synthesis and Storage
- Neurotransmitter Release
- Box 5.3 Brain Food: How to Snare a Vesicle
- Neurotransmitter Receptors and Effectors
- Transmitter-Gated Ion Channels
- Box 5.4 Brain Food: Reversal Potentials
- G-Protein-Coupled Receptors
- Autoreceptors
- Transmitter-Gated Ion Channels
- Neurotransmitter Recovery and Degradation
- Neuropharmacology
- Box 5.5 Of Special Interest: Bacteria, Spiders, Snakes, and People
- The Integration of EPSPs
- Quantal Analysis of EPSPs
- EPSP Summation
- The Contribution of Dendritic Properties to Synaptic Integration
- Dendritic Cable Properties
- Excitable Dendrites
- Inhibition
- Box 5.6 Of Special Interest: Startling Mutations and Poisons
- IPSPs and Shunting Inhibition
- The Geometry of Excitatory and Inhibitory Synapses
- Modulation
- Introduction
- Studying Neurotransmitter Systems
- Localization of Transmitters and Transmitter-Synthesizing Enzymes
- Immunocytochemistry
- In Situ Hybridization
- Studying Transmitter Release
- Studying Synaptic Mimicry
- Studying Receptors
- Neuropharmacological Analysis
- Ligand-Binding Methods
- Box 6.1 Path of Discovery: Finding Opiate Receptors, by Solomon H. Snyder
- Molecular Analysis
- Localization of Transmitters and Transmitter-Synthesizing Enzymes
- Cholinergic Neurons
- Box 6.2 Brain Food: Pumping Ions and Transmitters
- Catecholaminergic Neurons
- Serotonergic Neurons
- Amino Acidergic Neurons
- Other Neurotransmitter Candidates and Intercellular Messengers
- Box 6.3 Of Special Interest: This Is Your Brain on Endocannabinoids
- The Basic Structure of Transmitter-Gated Channels
- Amino Acid-Gated Channels
- Glutamate-Gated Channels
- Box 6.4 Of Special Interest: Exciting Poisons: Too Much of a Good Thing
- GABA-Gated and Glycine-Gated Channels
- Glutamate-Gated Channels
- The Basic Structure of G-Protein-Coupled Receptors
- The Ubiquitous G-Proteins
- G-Protein-Coupled Effector Systems
- The Shortcut Pathway
- Second Messenger Cascades
- Phosphorylation and Dephosphorylation
- The Function of Signal Cascades
- Introduction
- Gross Organization of the Mammalian Nervous System
- Anatomical References
- The Central Nervous System
- The Cerebrum
- The Cerebellum
- The Brain Stem
- The Spinal Cord
- The Peripheral Nervous System
- The Somatic PNS
- The Visceral PNS
- Afferent and Efferent Axons
- The Cranial Nerves
- The Meninges
- The Ventricular System
- Box 7.1 Of Special Interest: Water on the Brain
- New Views of the Brain
- Imaging the Structure of the Living Brain
- Box 7.2 Brain Food: Magnetic Resonance Imaging
- Functional Brain Imaging
- Box 7.3 Brain Food: PET and fMRI
- Imaging the Structure of the Living Brain
- Formation of the Neural Tube
- Box 7.4 Of Special Interest: Nutrition and the Neural Tube
- Three Primary Brain Vesicles
- Differentiation of the Forebrain
- Differentiation of the Telencephalon and Diencephalon
- Forebrain Structure-Function Relationships
- Differentiation of the Midbrain
- Midbrain Structure-Function Relationships
- Differentiation of the Hindbrain
- Hindbrain Structure-Function Relationships
- Differentiation of the Spinal Cord
- Spinal Cord Structure-Function Relationships
- Putting the Pieces Together
- Special Features of the Human CNS
- Types of Cerebral Cortex
- Areas of Neocortex
- Neocortical Evolution and Structure-Function Relationships
- Box 7.5 Path of Discovery: Connecting with the Connectome, by Sebastian Seung
- Neocortical Evolution and Structure-Function Relationships
- Introduction
- Taste
- The Basic Tastes
- Box 8.1 Of Special Interest: Strange Tastes: Fat, Starch, Carbonation, Calcium, Water?
- The Organs of Taste
- Taste Receptor Cells
- Mechanisms of Taste Transduction
- Saltiness
- Sourness
- Bitterness
- Sweetness
- Umami (Amino Acids)
- Central Taste Pathways
- Box 8.2 Of Special Interest: Memories of a Very Bad Meal
- The Neural Coding of Taste
- The Basic Tastes
- Smell
- Box 8.3 Of Special Interest: Human Pheromones?
- The Organs of Smell
- Olfactory Receptor Neurons
- Olfactory Transduction
- Olfactory Receptor Proteins
- cAMP-Gated Channels
- Box 8.4 Path of Discovery: Channels of Vision and Smell, by Geoffrey Gold
- Central Olfactory Pathways
- Spatial and Temporal Representations of Olfactory Information
- Olfactory Population Coding
- Olfactory Maps
- Temporal Coding in the Olfactory System
- Introduction
- Properties of Light
- Light
- Optics
- The Structure of the Eye
- Gross Anatomy of the Eye
- Ophthalmoscopic Appearance of the Eye
- Box 9.1 Of Special Interest: Demonstrating the Blind Regions of Your Eye
- Cross-Sectional Anatomy of the Eye
- Box 9.2 Of Special Interest: Eye Disorders
- Refraction by the Cornea
- Accommodation by the Lens
- Box 9.3 Of Special Interest: Vision Correction
- The Pupillary Light Reflex
- The Visual Field
- Visual Acuity
- The Laminar Organization of the Retina
- Photoreceptor Structure
- Box 9.4 Path of Discovery: Seeing Through the Photoreceptor Mosaic, by David Williams
- Regional Differences in Retinal Structure and Their Visual Consequences
- Phototransduction in Rods
- Phototransduction in Cones
- Color Perception
- Box 9.5 Of Special Interest: The Genetics of Color Vision
- Color Perception
- Calcium’s Role in Light Adaptation
- Local Adaptation of Dark, Light, and Color
- The Receptive Field
- Bipolar Cell Receptive Fields
- Ganglion Cell Receptive Fields
- Structure-Function Relationships
- Color-Opponent Ganglion Cells
- Ganglion Cell Photoreceptors
- Parallel Processing
- Introduction
- The Retinofugal Projection
- The Optic Nerve, Optic Chiasm, and Optic Tract
- Right and Left Visual Hemifields
- Targets of the Optic Tract
- Box 10.1 Of Special Interest: David and Goliath
- Nonthalamic Targets of the Optic Tract
- The Segregation of Input by Eye and by Ganglion Cell Type
- Receptive Fields
- Nonretinal Inputs to the LGN
- Retinotopy
- Lamination of the Striate Cortex
- The Cells of Different Layers
- Inputs and Outputs of the Striate Cortex
- Innervation of Other Cortical Layers from Layer IVC
- Ocular Dominance Columns
- Striate Cortex Outputs
- Cytochrome Oxidase Blobs
- Receptive Fields
- Binocularity
- Orientation Selectivity
- Box 10.2 Brain Food: Cortical Organization Revealed by Optical and Calcium Imaging
- Direction Selectivity
- Simple and Complex Receptive Fields
- Blob Receptive Fields
- Parallel Pathways and Cortical Modules
- Parallel Pathways
- Cortical Modules
- The Dorsal Stream
- Area MT
- Dorsal Areas and Motion Processing
- The Ventral Stream
- Area V4
- Area IT
- Box 10.3 Path of Discovery: Finding Faces in the Brain, by Nancy Kanwisher
- Box 10.4 Of Special Interest: The Magic of Seeing in 3D
- Receptive Field Hierarchy and Perception
- Parallel Processing and Perception
- Introduction
- The Nature of Sound
- Box 11.1 Of Special Interest: Ultrasound and Infrasound
- The Structure of the Auditory System
- The Middle Ear
- Components of the Middle Ear
- Sound Force Amplification by the Ossicles
- The Attenuation Reflex
- The Inner Ear
- Anatomy of the Cochlea
- Physiology of the Cochlea
- The Response of the Basilar Membrane to Sound
- The Organ of Corti and Associated Structures
- Box 11.2 Of Special Interest: The Deaf Shall Hear: Cochlear Implants
- Transduction by Hair Cells
- Hair Cells and the Axons of the Auditory Nerve
- Amplification by Outer Hair Cells
- Box 11.3 Of Special Interest: Hearing with Noisy Ears
- The Anatomy of Auditory Pathways
- Response Properties of Neurons in the Auditory Pathway
- Stimulus Intensity
- Stimulus Frequency, Tonotopy, and Phase Locking
- Tonotopy
- Phase Locking
- Box 11.4 Path of Discovery: Capturing the Beat, by Donata Oertel
- Localization of Sound in the Horizontal Plane
- The Sensitivity of Binaural Neurons to Sound Location
- Localization of Sound in the Vertical Plane
- Neuronal Response Properties
- Box 11.5 Of Special Interest: How Does Auditory Cortex Work? Ask a Specialist
- The Effects of Auditory Cortical Lesions and Ablation
- Box 11.6 Of Special Interest: Auditory Disorders and Their Treatments
- The Vestibular Labyrinth
- The Otolith Organs
- The Semicircular Canals
- Central Vestibular Pathways and Vestibular Reflexes
- The Vestibulo-Ocular Reflex (VOR)
- Vestibular Pathology
- Introduction
- Touch
- Mechanoreceptors of the Skin
- Vibration and the Pacinian Corpuscle
- Mechanosensitive Ion Channels
- Two-Point Discrimination
- Primary Afferent Axons
- The Spinal Cord
- Segmental Organization of the Spinal Cord
- Box 12.1 Of Special Interest: Herpes, Shingles, and Dermatomes
- Sensory Organization of the Spinal Cord
- Segmental Organization of the Spinal Cord
- The Dorsal Column–Medial Lemniscal Pathway
- Box 12.2 Brain Food: Lateral Inhibition
- The Trigeminal Touch Pathway
- Somatosensory Cortex
- Cortical Somatotopy
- Box 12.3 Path of Discovery: Cortical Barrels, by Thomas Woolsey
- Cortical Map Plasticity
- The Posterior Parietal Cortex
- Cortical Somatotopy
- Mechanoreceptors of the Skin
- Box 12.4 Of Special Interest: The Misery of Life Without Pain
- Nociceptors and the Transduction of Painful Stimuli
- Types of Nociceptors
- Box 12.5 Of Special Interest: Hot and Spicy
- Hyperalgesia and Inflammation
- Types of Nociceptors
- Itch
- Primary Afferents and Spinal Mechanisms
- Ascending Pain Pathways
- The Spinothalamic Pain Pathway
- The Trigeminal Pain Pathway
- The Thalamus and Cortex
- The Regulation of Pain
- Afferent Regulation
- Descending Regulation
- The Endogenous Opioids
- Box 12.6 Of Special Interest: Pain and the Placebo Effect
- Thermoreceptors
- The Temperature Pathway
- Introduction
- The Somatic Motor System
- The Lower Motor Neuron
- The Segmental Organization of Lower Motor Neurons
- Alpha Motor Neurons
- Graded Control of Muscle Contraction by Alpha Motor Neurons
- Inputs to Alpha Motor Neurons
- Types of Motor Units
- Neuromuscular Matchmaking
- Box 13.1 Of Special Interest: ALS: Glutamate, Genes, and Gehrig
- Neuromuscular Matchmaking
- Box 13.2 Of Special Interest: Myasthenia Gravis
- Muscle Fiber Structure
- The Molecular Basis of Muscle Contraction
- Box 13.3 Of Special Interest: Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy
- Proprioception from Muscle Spindles
- The Stretch Reflex
- Box 13.4 Path of Discovery: Nerve Regeneration Does Not Ensure Full Recovery, by Timothy C. Cope
- The Stretch Reflex
- Proprioception from the Joints
- Inhibitory Input
- Excitatory Input
- Introduction
- Descending Spinal Tracts
- The Lateral Pathways
- The Effects of Lateral Pathway Lesions
- Box 14.1 Of Special Interest: Paresis, Paralysis, Spasticity, and Babinski
- The Effects of Lateral Pathway Lesions
- The Lateral Pathways
- The Ventromedial Pathways
- The Vestibulospinal Tracts
- The Tectospinal Tract
- The Pontine and Medullary Reticulospinal Tracts
- Motor Cortex
- The Contributions of Posterior Parietal and Prefrontal Cortex
- Neuronal Correlates of Motor Planning
- Box 14.2 Of Special Interest: Behavioral Neurophysiology
- Mirror Neurons
- Anatomy of the Basal Ganglia
- Direct and Indirect Pathways through the Basal Ganglia
- Basal Ganglia Disorders
- Box 14.3 Of Special Interest: Do Neurons in Diseased Basal Ganglia Commit Suicide?
- Box 14.4 Of Special Interest: Destruction and Stimulation: Useful Therapies for Brain Disorders
- Basal Ganglia Disorders
- The Input–Output Organization of M1
- The Coding of Movement in M1
- Box 14.5 Path of Discovery: Distributed Coding in the Superior Colliculus, by James T. McIlwain
- The Malleable Motor Map
- Box 14.6 Of Special Interest: Involuntary Movements—Normal and Abnormal
- Anatomy of the Cerebellum
- The Motor Loop through the Lateral Cerebellum
- Programming the Cerebellum
- Introduction
- The Secretory Hypothalamus
- An Overview of the Hypothalamus
- Homeostasis
- Structure and Connections of the Hypothalamus
- Pathways to the Pituitary
- Hypothalamic Control of the Posterior Pituitary
- Hypothalamic Control of the Anterior Pituitary
- Box 15.1 Of Special Interest: Stress and the Brain
- An Overview of the Hypothalamus
- ANS Circuits
- Sympathetic and Parasympathetic Divisions
- The Enteric Division
- Central Control of the ANS
- Neurotransmitters and the Pharmacology of Autonomic Function
- Preganglionic Neurotransmitters
- Postganglionic Neurotransmitters
- Anatomy and Functions of the Diffuse Modulatory Systems
- Box 15.2 Of Special Interest: You Eat What You Are
- The Noradrenergic Locus Coeruleus
- Box 15.3 Path of Discovery: Exploring the Central Noradrenergic Neurons, by Floyd Bloom
- The Serotonergic Raphe Nuclei
- The Dopaminergic Substantia Nigra and Ventral Tegmental Area
- The Cholinergic Basal Forebrain and Brain Stem Complexes
- Drugs and the Diffuse Modulatory Systems
- Hallucinogens
- Stimulants
- Introduction
- The Hypothalamus, Homeostasis, and Motivated Behavior
- The Long-Term Regulation of Feeding Behavior
- Energy Balance
- Hormonal and Hypothalamic Regulation of Body Fat and Feeding
- Body Fat and Food Consumption
- Box 16.1 Of Special Interest: The Starving Brains of the Obese
- The Hypothalamus and Feeding
- The Effects of Elevated Leptin Levels on the Hypothalamus
- The Effects of Decreased Leptin Levels on the Hypothalamus
- The Control of Feeding by Lateral Hypothalamic Peptides
- Body Fat and Food Consumption
- Appetite, Eating, Digestion, and Satiety
- Box 16.2 Of Special Interest: Marijuana and the Munchies
- Ghrelin
- Gastric Distension
- Cholecystokinin
- Insulin
- Box 16.3 Of Special Interest: Diabetes Mellitus and Insulin Shock
- Reinforcement and Reward
- Box 16.4 Of Special Interest: Self-Stimulation of the Human Brain
- The Role of Dopamine in Motivation
- Box 16.5 Of Special Interest: Dopamine and Addiction
- Box 16.6 Path of Discovery: Learning to Crave, by Julie Kauer
- Serotonin, Food, and Mood
- Drinking
- Temperature Regulation
- Box 16.7 Of Special Interest: Neuroeconomics
- Introduction
- Sex and Gender
- The Genetics of Sex
- Sex Chromosome Abnormalities
- Sexual Development and Differentiation
- The Genetics of Sex
- The Hormonal Control of Sex
- The Principal Male and Female Hormones
- The Control of Sex Hormones by the Pituitary and Hypothalamus
- The Neural Basis of Sexual Behaviors
- Reproductive Organs and Their Control
- Mammalian Mating Strategies
- The Neurochemistry of Reproductive Behavior
- Box 17.1 Path of Discovery: Bonding with Voles, by Thomas Insel
- Love, Bonding, and the Human Brain
- Why and How Male and Female Brains Differ
- Sexual Dimorphisms of the Central Nervous System
- Sexual Dimorphisms of Cognition
- Sex Hormones, The Brain, and Behavior
- Box 17.2 Of Special Interest: Bird Songs and Bird Brains
- Masculinization of the Fetal Brain
- Mismatches between Genetic Sex and Hormone Action
- Box 17.3 Of Special Interest: David Reimer and the Basis of Gender Identity
- Direct Genetic Effects on Behavior and Sexual Differentiation of the Brain
- The Activational Effects of Sex Hormones
- Brain Changes Associated with Maternal and Paternal Behavior
- Estrogen Effects on Neuron Function, Memory, and Disease
- Sexual Orientation
- Introduction
- Early Theories of Emotion
- The James–Lange Theory
- The Cannon–Bard Theory
- Box 18.1 Of Special Interest: Butterflies in the Stomach
- Implications of Unconscious Emotion
- The Limbic System
- Broca’s Limbic Lobe
- The Papez Circuit
- Box 18.2 Of Special Interest: Phineas Gage
- Difficulties with the Concept of a Single System for Emotions
- Emotion Theories and Neural Representations
- Basic Emotion Theories
- Dimensional Emotion Theories
- What is an Emotion?
- Box 18.3 Path of Discovery: Concepts and Names in Everyday Science, by Antonio Damasio
- The Klüver–Bucy Syndrome
- Anatomy of the Amygdala
- Effects of Amygdala Stimulation and Lesions
- A Neural Circuit for Learned Fear
- The Amygdala and Aggression
- Surgery to Reduce Human Aggression
- Box 18.4 Of Special Interest: The Frontal Lobotomy
- Surgery to Reduce Human Aggression
- Anger, Aggression, and the Hypothalamus
- The Midbrain and Aggression
- Introduction
- The Electroencephalogram
- Recording Brain Waves
- Box 19.1 Path of Discovery: The Puzzle of Brain Rhythms, by Stephanie R. Jones
- EEG Rhythms
- Mechanisms and Meanings of Brain Rhythms
- The Generation of Synchronous Rhythms
- Functions of Brain Rhythms
- The Seizures of Epilepsy
- Recording Brain Waves
- Sleep
- The Functional States of the Brain
- The Sleep Cycle
- Box 19.2 Of Special Interest: Walking, Talking, and Screaming in Your Sleep
- Why Do We Sleep?
- Box 19.3 Of Special Interest: The Longest All-Nighter
- Functions of Dreaming and REM Sleep
- Neural Mechanisms of Sleep
- Wakefulness and the Ascending Reticular Activating System
- Box 19.4 Of Special Interest: Narcolepsy
- Falling Asleep and the Non-REM State
- Mechanisms of REM Sleep
- Sleep-Promoting Factors
- Gene Expression during Sleeping and Waking
- Wakefulness and the Ascending Reticular Activating System
- Biological Clocks
- The Suprachiasmatic Nucleus: A Brain Clock
- Box 19.5 Of Special Interest: Mutant Hamster Clocks
- SCN Mechanisms
- Introduction
- What is Language?
- Human Sound and Speech Production
- Box 20.1 Of Special Interest: Thinking in Different Languages
- Language in Animals
- Language Acquisition
- Genes Involved in Language
- FOXP2 and Verbal Dyspraxia
- Genetic Factors in Specific Language Impairment and Dyslexia
- Human Sound and Speech Production
- Broca’s Area and Wernicke’s Area
- Box 20.2 Of Special Interest: Assessing Hemispheric Language Dominance
- Box 20.3 Path of Discovery: Uncovering Language Areas of the Brain, by Nina Dronkers
- Broca’s Aphasia
- Wernicke’s Aphasia
- The Wernicke–Geschwind Model of Language and Aphasia
- Conduction Aphasia
- Aphasia in Bilinguals and Deaf People
- Language Processing in Split-Brain Humans
- Left Hemisphere Language Dominance
- Language Functions of the Right Hemisphere
- Anatomical Asymmetry and Language
- The Effects of Brain Stimulation on Language
- Imaging of Language Processing in the Human Brain
- Box 20.4 Of Special Interest: Hearing Sight and Seeing Touch
- Introduction
- Resting State Brain Activity
- The Brain’s Default Mode Network
- Functions of the Default Network
- The Brain’s Default Mode Network
- Box 21.1 Of Special Interest: Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
- Behavioral Consequences of Attention
- Attention Enhances Visual Sensitivity
- Attention Speeds Reaction Times
- Physiological Effects of Attention
- Functional MRI Imaging of Human Attention to Location
- PET Imaging of Human Attention to Features
- Attention Enhances Responses of Neurons in Parietal Cortex
- Attention Focuses Receptive Fields in Area V4
- Brain Circuits for the Control of Attention
- The Pulvinar, a Subcortical Component
- The Frontal Eye Fields, Eye Movements, and Attention
- Directing Attention with Salience and Priority Maps
- A Priority Map in the Parietal Lobe
- Box 21.2 Of Special Interest: Hemispatial Neglect Syndrome
- The Frontoparietal Attention Network
- What Is Consciousness?
- Neural Correlates of Consciousness
- Box 21.3 Path of Discovery: Tracking the Neuronal Footprints of Consciousness, by Christof Koch
- Neuronal Correlates of Alternating Perception in Binocular Rivalry
- Visual Awareness and Human Brain Activity
- Challenges in the Study of Consciousness
- Introduction
- Mental Illness and The Brain
- Psychosocial Approaches to Mental Illness
- Biological Approaches to Mental Illness
- The Promise and Challenge of Molecular Medicine in Psychiatry
- A Description of Anxiety Disorders
- Panic Disorder
- Agoraphobia
- Box 22.1 Of Special Interest: Agoraphobia with Panic Attacks
- Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
- Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
- The Stress Response
- Regulation of the HPA Axis by the Amygdala and Hippocampus
- Psychotherapy
- Anxiolytic Medications
- A Description of Affective Disorders
- Major Depression
- Bipolar Disorder
- Box 22.2 Of Special Interest: A Magical Orange Grove in a Nightmare
- The Monoamine Hypothesis
- The Diathesis–Stress Hypothesis
- Anterior Cingulate Cortex Dysfunction
- Electroconvulsive Therapy
- Psychotherapy
- Antidepressants
- Lithium
- Deep Brain Stimulation
- Box 22.3 Path of Discovery: Tuning Depression Circuits, by Helen Mayberg
- A Description of Schizophrenia
- Biological Bases of Schizophrenia
- Genes and the Environment
- The Dopamine Hypothesis
- The Glutamate Hypothesis
- Treatments for Schizophrenia
- Introduction
- The Genesis of Neurons
- Cell Proliferation
- Box 23.1 Of Special Interest: Neurogenesis in Adult Humans
- Cell Migration
- Cell Differentiation
- Differentiation of Cortical Areas
- Box 23.2 Path of Discovery: Making a Map of the Mind, by Pasko Rakic
- Cell Proliferation
- The Growing Axon
- Axon Guidance
- Guidance Cues
- Establishing Topographic Maps
- Box 23.3 Of Special Interest: Why Our CNS Axons Don’t Regenerate
- Box 23.4 Of Special Interest: The Mystery of Autism
- Cell Death
- Changes in Synaptic Capacity
- Synaptic Segregation
- Segregation of Retinal Inputs to the LGN
- Segregation of LGN Inputs in the Striate Cortex
- Box 23.5 Brain Food: Three-Eyed Frogs, Ocular Dominance Columns, and Other Oddities
- Box 23.6 Brain Food: The Critical Period Concept
- Excitatory Synaptic Transmission in the Immature Visual System
- Long-Term Synaptic Potentiation
- Long-Term Synaptic Depression
- Introduction
- Types of Memory and Amnesia
- Declarative and Nondeclarative Memory
- Box 24.1 Of Special Interest: Extraordinary Memory
- Types of Procedural Memory
- Nonassociative Learning
- Associative Learning
- Types of Declarative Memory
- Amnesia
- Declarative and Nondeclarative Memory
- Working Memory
- The Prefrontal Cortex and Working Memory
- Imaging Working Memory in the Human Brain
- Area LIP and Working Memory
- The Prefrontal Cortex and Working Memory
- Declarative Memory
- The Neocortex and Declarative Memory
- Hebb and the Cell Assembly
- Studies Implicating the Medial Temporal Lobes
- Anatomy of the Medial Temporal Lobe
- Electrical Stimulation of the Human Temporal Lobes
- Neural Recordings from the Human Medial Temporal Lobe
- Temporal Lobe Amnesia
- The Case of H.M.: Temporal Lobectomy and Amnesia
- An Animal Model of Human Amnesia
- Box 24.2 Of Special Interest: Korsakoff’s Syndrome and the Case of N.A.
- The Neocortex and Declarative Memory
- Memory Functions of the Hippocampal System
- The Effects of Hippocampal Lesions in Rats
- Spatial Memory, Place Cells, and Grid Cells
- Box 24.3 Path of Discovery: How the Brain Makes Maps, by Edvard and May-Britt Moser
- Hippocampal Functions Beyond Spatial Memory
- Consolidating Memories and Retaining Engrams
- Standard and Multiple Trace Models of Consolidation
- Reconsolidation
- Box 24.4 Of Special Interest: Introducing False Memories and Erasing Bad Memories
- The Striatum and Procedural Memory in Rodents
- Habit Learning in Humans and Nonhuman Primates
- Introduction
- Memory Acquisition
- Cellular Reports of Memory Formation
- Distributed Memory Storage
- Box 25.1 Path of Discovery: What Attracted Me to the Study of Learning and Memory in Aplysia? by Eric Kandel
- Distributed Memory Storage
- Cellular Reports of Memory Formation
- Strengthening Synapses
- Anatomy of the Hippocampus
- Properties of LTP in CA1
- Mechanisms of LTP in CA1
- Box 25.2 Brain Food: Synaptic Plasticity: Timing Is Everything
- Box 25.3 Path of Discovery: Memories of Memory, by Leon Cooper
- Box 25.4 Brain Food: The Wide World of Long-Term Synaptic Depression
- Mechanisms of LTD in CA1
- Glutamate Receptor Trafficking
- Box 25.5 Of Special Interest: Memory Mutants
- Metaplasticity
- Synaptic Scaling
- Persistently Active Protein Kinases
- Protein Kinase M Zeta
- Protein Synthesis and Memory Consolidation
- Synaptic Tagging and Capture
- CREB and Memory
- Structural Plasticity and Memory
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- Gerð : 208
- Höfundur : 15508
- Útgáfuár : 2020
- Leyfi : 380