Learn, review, and self-test with these bestselling flash cards! Fun, fast, and in full color, Netter's Anatomy Flash Cards are a portable study tool for a solid foundation in the anatomy you need to know for coursework and exams. Each card presents art by Dr. Frank H. Netter (with several paintings by Dr. Carlos Machado), numbered labels with hidden answers for self-quizzing, and concise comments and clinical notes.
Cards provide a quick, focused review of anatomy terms and high-yield synopses of anatomic and clinical relevance. A dual sorting system using easy-to-spot colors and icons allows you to sort cards by region or system, both in print and in the eBook. Access to more than 300 multiple-choice questions and label quiz enhancements online. A perfect study aid and complement to Netter’s Atlas of Human Anatomy, Netter’s Anatomy Coloring Book, Netter’s Clinical Anatomy, Netter’s Physiology Flash Cards, and Netter’s Neuroscience Flash Cards.
- Höfundur: John T. Hansen
- Útgáfa:6
- Útgáfudagur: 2021-12-14
- Engar takmarkanir á útprentun
- Engar takmarkanir afritun
- Format:ePub
- ISBN 13: 9780323871204
- Print ISBN: 9780323834179
- ISBN 10: 0323871208
- Instructions for online access
- Cover Image
- Title Page
- Copyright
- Table of Contents
- Preface
- Alternate Systems-Based Table of Contents
- 1 Head and Neck
- Skeletal System
- Bones and Joints
- Muscular System
- Nervous System
- Nerves
- Cardiovascular System
- Vessels
- Viscera
- Respiratory System
- Nervous System
- Respiratory System
- Digestive System
- Nervous System
- Respiratory System
- 2 Back and Spinal Cord
- Skeletal System
- Bones and Joints
- Muscular System
- Muscles
- Nervous System
- Nerves
- Cardiovascular System
- Vessels
- 3 Thorax
- Skeletal System
- Bones and Joints
- Muscular System
- Muscles
- Nervous System
- Nerves
- Cardiovascular System
- Vessels
- Reproductive and Urinary Systems
- Viscera
- Respiratory System
- Cardiovascular System
- 4 Abdomen
- Skeletal System
- Bones and Joints
- Muscular System
- Muscles
- Nervous System
- Nerves
- Cardiovascular System
- Vessels
- Reproductive and Urinary Systems
- Cardiovascular System
- Digestive System
- Viscera
- Reproductive and Urinary Systems
- Digestive System
- 5 Pelvis and Perineum
- Skeletal System
- Bones and Joints
- Muscular System
- Muscles
- Nervous System
- Nerves
- Cardiovascular System
- Vessels
- Reproductive System
- Reproductive and Urinary Systems
- Reproductive and Urinary Systems
- Reproductive and Urinary Systems
- 6 Upper Limb
- Skeletal System
- Bones and Joints
- Muscular System
- Muscles
- Nervous System
- Nerves
- Vessels
- Cardiovascular System
- 7 Lower Limb
- Skeletal System
- Bones and Joints
- Muscular System
- Muscles
- Nervous System
- Nerves
- Vessels
- Cardiovascular System
- Cardiovascular
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- Gerð : 208
- Höfundur : 14511
- Útgáfuár : 2017
- Leyfi : 380