Natural Area Tourism
- LAN209F Ferðamennska og umhverfi
- LAN410G Ferðamennska og umhverfi
Natural Area Tourism provides a comprehensive description of tourism in natural areas allowing readers to understand the scope of, complexities arising from, and possibilities of undertaking successful tourism developments in natural areas. Furthermore, the second edition contains an overview of recent developments, such as mountain biking, adventure activities in protected areas and geotourism. There is new content and examples from the Asian region on managing the tourism industry and management effectiveness.
The book also considers important new developments in monitoring, such as remote sensing and the use of GIS, as well as the use of electronic educational resources in delivering interpretation. Attention is given to the implications of climate change, inadequate protected area security and the ever-increasing influence of the landscape matrix. Moreover, the second edition includes a comprehensive review of the new literature that has emerged since the publication of the first edition more than a decade ago.
- Höfundar: David Newsome, Susan A. Moore, Ross K. Dowling
- Útgáfa:2
- Útgáfudagur: 2012-12-21
- Hægt að prenta út 10 bls.
- Hægt að afrita 10 bls.
- Format:ePub
- ISBN 13: 9781845413842
- Print ISBN: 9781845413811
- ISBN 10: 1845413849
- Cover
- Title
- Copyright
- Contents
- List of Figures
- List of Tables
- List of Boxes
- Acknowledgements
- Preface
- 1 Introduction
- Tourism and the Natural Environment
- Natural Areas as a Focus for Tourism
- Nature and Naturalness
- Human Approaches to Nature
- Types of Natural Area
- Tourism and Tourists
- Defining Sustainable Tourism
- Natural Area Tourism in Context
- The Spectrum of Natural Area Tourism
- Key Issues for Natural Area Tourism in the 21st Century
- Outline of the Book
- 2 The Ecological Perspective
- Introduction
- An Introduction to Ecosystems and Landscapes
- Ecological Characteristics and Tourism Activity in Different Types of Ecosystem
- Wildlife as a Specific Component of Ecosystems
- Conclusion
- 3 Environmental Impacts
- Introduction
- Sources of Impact
- Trampling
- Access Roads and Trails
- Use of Built Facilities and Camping Areas
- Use of Water Edges
- Recreation and Tourism in Mountainous Areas
- Recreation and Tourism in and around Caves
- The Observation of Wildlife
- Wildflower Tourism
- Recreation and Tourism Focused on Sites of Geological Interest
- Social Impacts
- The Impacts of Natural Area Tourism in the Context of Wider Environmental Issues
- Conclusion
- 4 Visitor Planning
- Introduction
- Stakeholder Involvement in Visitor Planning
- Planning Concepts
- Recreation/Tourism Planning Frameworks
- Conclusion
- 5 Management Strategies and Actions
- Introduction
- Creating Protected Areas
- Governance and Joint Management
- Zoning
- Site Management Actions
- Visitor Management Actions
- Choosing Management Actions
- Managing the Tourism Industry
- Conclusion
- 6 Interpretation for Nature Tourism
- Introduction
- Principles
- Stages of the Interpretive Experience
- Application of Interpretation
- Techniques Used in the Delivery of Interpretation
- The Role and Effectiveness of Interpretation
- Enhancing and Valuing the Role of the Tour Guide: Some Important Issues
- The Tour Operator as a Role Model
- Views on the Effectiveness of Interpretation
- Conclusion
- 7 Monitoring
- Introduction
- Definition
- Reasons for Monitoring
- Principles of Monitoring
- Developing a Monitoring Programme
- Monitoring Visitor Impacts on Natural Areas
- Monitoring Visitors to Natural Areas
- System-Wide and Integrated Approaches
- Conclusion
- 8 Conclusion
- Introduction
- The Ecological Underpinnings of Natural Area Tourism
- Tourism’s Impacts on Natural Areas
- Appropriate Planning and Management Strategies
- Monitoring – The Ongoing Commitment to Natural Area Management
- Interpretation – The Bridge Between Visitation and Connection
- Big Picture Issues – Sustainability and Climate Change
- Emerging Research Trends
- References
- Index
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- Gerð : 208
- Höfundur : 15593
- Útgáfuár : 2012
- Leyfi : 379