Museums and Education

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Ensk lýsing:
At the beginning of the 21st century museums are challenged on a number of fronts. The prioritisation of learning in museums in the context of demands for social justice and cultural democracy combined with cultural policy based on economic rationalism forces museums to review their educational purposes, redesign their pedagogies and account for their performance. The need to theorise learning and culture for a cultural theory of learning is very pressing.
If culture acts as a process of signification, a means of producing meaning that shapes worldviews, learning in museums and other cultural organisations is potentially dynamic and profound, producing self-identities. How is this complexity to be ‘measured’? What can this ‘measurement’ reveal about the character of museum-based learning? The calibration of culture is an international phenomenon, and the measurement of the outcomes and impact of learning in museums in England has provided a detailed case study.
At the beginning of the 21st century museums are challenged on a number of fronts. The prioritisation of learning in museums in the context of demands for social justice and cultural democracy combined with cultural policy based on economic rationalism forces museums to review their educational purposes, redesign their pedagogies and account for their performance. The need to theorise learning and culture for a cultural theory of learning is very pressing.
If culture acts as a process of signification, a means of producing meaning that shapes worldviews, learning in museums and other cultural organisations is potentially dynamic and profound, producing self-identities. How is this complexity to be ‘measured’? What can this ‘measurement’ reveal about the character of museum-based learning? The calibration of culture is an international phenomenon, and the measurement of the outcomes and impact of learning in museums in England has provided a detailed case study.
- Höfundur: Eilean Hooper-Greenhill
- Útgáfa:1
- Útgáfudagur: 2007-12-12
- Blaðsíður: 256
- Hægt að prenta út 2 bls.
- Hægt að afrita 2 bls.
- Format:ePub
- ISBN 13: 9781134181681
- Print ISBN: 9780415379359
- ISBN 10: 113418168X
- Cover Page
- Title Page
- Copyright Page
- Plates
- Figures
- Tables
- Acknowledgements
- 1. Museums: Learning and Culture
- Towards the Post-Museum: The Challenge of Changing Times
- Changing Views of Learning
- The ‘Educational Turn’ In Museums
- Inspiration, Learning, Identity – The Potential of the Post-Museum
- 2. Calibrating Culture
- Government and the Remapping of Culture
- Cultural Policies: Education and the Measurement of Social Value
- The Challenge of Prioritising Learning In Cultural Organisations
- The Learning Impact Research Project (LIRP)
- Understanding ‘Measuring’
- Thinking About Learning Outcomes
- Conclusion
- 3. Conceptualising Learning In Cultural Organisations
- Learning: A Problematic Concept
- Edutainment
- Contemporary Ways of Thinking About Learning
- Tacit/Experiential Learning
- Depths and Levels of Learning
- A Critical Approach to Theories of Learning In Museums
- LIRP and Learning
- Conclusion
- 4. The Generic Learning Outcomes: A Conceptual and Interpretive Framework
- Learning and Its Strategies
- Developing an Appropriate Set of Generic Learning Outcomes for the Cultural Sector
- The Five Generic Learning Outcomes
- Piloting the GLOs and the Issues Arising
- The Value of the GLOs to the Cultural Sector
- Conclusions
- 5. The Research Programmes: Background and Method
- The Research Background
- Collecting Evidence of Learning In Museums: Five National Evaluation Research Studies
- Research Methods In the Three Linked RCMG Studies
- Questionnaires for Teachers and Their Pupils
- Gathering Evidence from Interviews, Focus Groups and School Case Studies
- Using the Free Drawing and Writing to Interpret Pupils’ Learning
- Conclusions
- 6. The Pattern of School Use of Museums
- Meeting Government Targets
- Which Schools Use Museums?
- The Geographical Locations of the Schools Using Museums
- How Do Teachers Use Museums?
- Museums and the Curriculum
- Multiple Objectives for Visiting Museums
- Conclusions
- 7. The Value of Museums to Teachers
- Teachers’ Attitudes to the Generic Learning Outcomes
- Pupils’ Attitudes to Their Own Learning
- The Importance of Museums In Teaching
- Conclusions
- 8. Pupils’ Learning Outcomes: The Teachers’ Views
- Enjoyment, Inspiration, Creativity
- Knowledge and Understanding
- Skills
- Attitudes and Values
- Action, Behaviour, Progression
- Conclusions
- 9. Pupils’ Learning Outcomes: Pupils’ Voices
- ‘The Whole Trip Was Inspirational’ (Enjoyment, Inspiration, Creativity)
- ‘When I Came Away My Brain Was Full of Things’ (Knowledge and Understanding)
- ‘It Helped My Social Skills’ (Skills)
- ‘I Never Thought Art Was Interesting or Cool, But Now I Will Have to Consider That Idea’ (Attitudes and Values)
- ‘After It Got Explained to Me, I Understood It (Action, Behaviour, Progression)
- Conclusions
- 10. The Characteristics and Significance of Learning In Museums
- The Power of Museum Learning
- The Integrated Domains of Learning
- Learning and Identity
- Becoming Visible (to Government) Through Performance
- Conclusions
- 11. Learning In The Post-Museum: Issues and Challenges
- Learning At a Glance
- Museum Curricula, Identity and the Politics of Recognition
- The Purposes of Museums and Education
- Issues for the Future
- Notes
- Bibliography
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- Gerð : 208
- Höfundur : 6311
- Útgáfuár : 2007
- Leyfi : 380