Microbial Biotechnology

- LÍÖF1106 Líftæknileg örverufræði.
Knowledge in microbiology is growing exponentially through the determination of genomic sequences of hundreds of microorganisms and the invention of new technologies such as genomics, transcriptomics, and proteomics, to deal with this avalanche of information. These genomic data are now exploited in thousands of applications, ranging from those in medicine, agriculture, organic chemistry, public health, biomass conversion, to biomining.
Microbial Biotechnology. Fundamentals of Applied Microbiology focuses on uses of major societal importance, enabling an in-depth analysis of these critically important applications. Some, such as wastewater treatment, have changed only modestly over time, others, such as directed molecular evolution, or 'green' chemistry, are as current as today's headlines. This fully revised second edition provides an exciting interdisciplinary journey through the rapidly changing landscape of discovery in microbial biotechnology.
- Höfundar: Alexander N. Glazer, Hiroshi Nikaido
- Útgáfa:2
- Útgáfudagur: 2007-10-01
- Hægt að prenta út 5 bls.
- Hægt að afrita 5 bls.
- Format:ePub
- ISBN 13: 9781316099360
- Print ISBN: 9780521842105
- ISBN 10: 1316099369
- Cover
- Half-Title Page
- Title Page
- Copyright Page
- Dedication
- Contents in brief
- Contents
- Preamble
- Acknowledgments
- 1 Microbial Diversity
- Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes
- The Importance of the Identification and Classification of Microorganisms
- Plasmids and the Classification of Bacteria
- Analysis of Microbial Populations in Natural Environments
- Taxonomic Diversity of Bacteria with Uses in Biotechnology
- Characteristics of the Fungi
- Classification of the Fungi
- Culture Collections and the Preservation of Microorganisms
- Summary
- Selected References and Online Resources
- 2 Microbial Biotechnology: Scope, Techniques, Examples
- Human Therapeutics
- Agriculture
- Food Technology
- Single-Cell Protein
- Environmental Applications of Microorganisms
- Microbial Whole-Cell Bioreporters
- Organic Chemistry
- Summary
- Selected References and Online Resources
- 3 Production of Proteins in Bacteria and Yeast
- Production of Proteins in Bacteria
- Production of Proteins in Yeast
- Summary
- Selected References
- 4 The World of “Omics”: Genomics, Transcriptomics, Proteomics, and Metabolomics
- Genomics
- Transcriptomics
- Proteomics
- Metabolomics and Systems Biology
- Summary
- Selected References
- 5 Recombinant and Synthetic Vaccines
- Problems with Traditional Vaccines
- Impact of Biotechnology on Vaccine Development
- Mechanisms for Producing Immunity
- Improving the Effectiveness of Subunit Vaccines
- Fragments of Antigen Subunit Used as Synthetic Peptide Vaccines
- DNA Vaccines
- Vaccines in Development
- Summary
- Selected References
- 6 Plant–Microbe Interactions
- Use of Symbionts
- Production of Transgenic Plants
- Summary
- Selected References
- 7 Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) Toxins: Microbial Insecticides
- Bacillus thuringiensis
- Insect-Resistant Transgenic Crops
- Benefit and Risk Assessment of Bt Crops
- Summary
- Selected References and On-Line Resources
- 8 Microbial Polysaccharides and Polyesters
- Polysaccharides
- Xanthan Gum
- Polyesters
- Summary
- References
- 9 Primary Metabolites: Organic Acids and Amino Acids
- Citric Acid
- Amino Acid: l-Glutamate
- Amino Acids Other Than Glutamate
- Amino Acid Production with Enzymes
- Summary
- Selected References
- 10 Secondary Metabolites: Antibiotics and More
- Activities of Secondary Metabolites
- Primary Goals of Antibiotic Research
- Development of Aminoglycosides
- Development of the β-Lactams
- Production of Antibiotics
- Problem of Antibiotic Resistance
- Summary
- Selected References
- 11 Biocatalysis in Organic Chemistry
- Microbial Transformation of Steroids and Sterols
- Asymmetric Catalysis in the Pharmaceutical and Agrochemical Industries
- Microbial Diversity: A Vast Reservoir of Distinctive Enzymes
- High-Throughput Screening of Environmental DNA for Natural Enzyme Variants with Desired Catalytic Properties: An Example
- Approaches to Optimization of the “Best Available” Natural Enzyme Variants
- Rational Methods of Protein Engineering
- Large-Scale Biocatalytic Processes
- Summary
- References
- 12 Biomass
- Major Components of Plant Biomass
- Degradation of Lignocellulose by Fungi and Bacteria
- Degradation of Lignin
- Degradation of Cellulose
- Degradation of Hemicelluloses
- The Promise of Enzymatic Lignocellulose Biodegradation
- Summary
- References and Online Resources
- 13 Ethanol
- Stage I: From Feedstocks to Fermentable Sugars
- Stage II: From Sugars to Alcohol
- Simultaneous Saccharification and Fermentation: Stages I and II Combined
- Prospects of Fuel Ethanol from Biomass
- Summary
- References and Online Resources
- 14 Environmental Applications
- Degradative Capabilities of Microorganisms and Origins of Organic Compounds
- Wastewater Treatment
- Microbiological Degradation of Xenobiotics
- Microorganisms in Mineral Recovery
- Microorganisms in the Removal of Heavy Metals from Aqueous Effluent
- Summary
- References
- Index
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- Gerð : 208
- Höfundur : 6041
- Útgáfuár : 2007
- Leyfi : 380