A volume in the Contemporary Perspectives in Rehabilitation Series , curated by Steven L. Wolf, PhD, PT, FAPTA Implement a current, evidence-based approach to the selection, application, and uses of therapeutic modalities as an essential tool for functionally based rehabilitation and as a complement to other types of interventions in a patient-centered model of care. The 7th Edition of this groundbreaking text fosters an in-depth understanding of the science behind each modality, its advantages and limitations, its appropriateness for specific conditions, and its implementation.
A hands-on problem-solving approach promotes the development of essential clinical decision-making skills through a wealth of full-color photographs and illustrations, special features, and challenging cases studies. See what students and practitioners are saying about the previous edition… Recommend this book. “ Great clinical reference for young therapists and seasoned therapists alike.
- Höfundar: James W. Bellew, Thomas P. Nolan Jr.
- Útgáfa:7
- Útgáfudagur: 2022-01-24
- Hægt að prenta út 25 bls.
- Hægt að afrita 25 bls.
- Format:ePub
- ISBN 13: 9781719647663
- Print ISBN: 9781719641999
- ISBN 10: 1719647666
- Cover
- Title Page
- Copyright Page
- Dedication
- Foreword
- Preface to the 7th Edition
- Preface to the 1st Edition
- Acknowledgments
- Biographies
- Contributors
- Contents
- Therapeutic Modalities: Attitudes, Acceptance, Opinions, and Reality
- Therapeutic Modalities as a Curricular Thread
- Chapter Content and Related Curricular Areas
- Section I: Introduction to Therapeutic Modalities
- Chapter 1: Therapeutic Modalities Past, Present, and Future: Their Role in the Patient Care Management Model
- Therapeutic Modalities: A Rightful Place in Rehabilitation
- Modalities as Part of the Comprehensive Plan of Care
- Types of Therapeutic Modalities
- Thermal Modalities: Cold and Heat
- Electromagnetic Modalities
- Mechanical Modalities
- Clinical Applications of Therapeutic Modalities
- Modulation of Pain
- Alteration of Skeletal Muscle Performance: Facilitation and Inhibition
- Decreasing Inflammation and Facilitating Tissue Healing
- Increasing Tissue Extensibility: Flexibility and Range of Motion
- Assessing Clinical Effectiveness of Modalities
- Using the Right Outcome Measures at the Right Time
- Overview of Contraindications and Precautions
- Therapeutic Modalities: A Rightful Place in Rehabilitation
- Chapter 1: Therapeutic Modalities Past, Present, and Future: Their Role in the Patient Care Management Model
- Chapter 2: Cold Therapy Modalities
- Physical Principles
- Conduction
- Convection
- Evaporation
- Biophysical Principles of Tissue Cooling
- Hemodynamic Effects
- Posttraumatic Edema and Inflammation
- Peripheral Nerve Effects
- Muscle Performance Effects
- Neuromuscular Effects
- Clinical Indications for Cold Therapy
- Acute Musculoskeletal Trauma
- Pain and Muscle Spasm
- Myofascial Pain Syndrome
- Migraines
- Guidelines for Cryotherapy
- Selecting a Cooling Agent
- Contraindications and Precautions for Cryotherapy
- Contraindications
- Precautions
- Methods of Providing Cryotherapy
- Cold Packs
- Ice Massage
- Vapocoolant Spray
- Manual and Electric Cold Compression Units
- Cold Baths
- Cold Gel
- Assessment of Effectiveness and Expected Outcomes
- Documentation
- Suggested Laboratory Activities
- Physical Principles
- Chapter 3: Therapeutic Heat
- Biophysical Effects of Temperature Elevation
- Metabolic Reactions
- Vascular Effects
- Neuromuscular Effects
- Connective Tissue Effects
- Physical Principles of Heat
- Heat Transfer
- Conductive Heat Modalities
- Convective Heating: Fluidized Therapy (Fluidotherapy)
- Clinical Application: Principles and Indications
- Contraindications and Precautions to Thermotherapy
- Clinical Decision-Making
- Heat Versus Cold
- Factors to Consider for Therapeutic Heat Techniques
- Wet Versus Dry Heat
- Home Application of Therapeutic Heat Modalities
- Assessment of Effectiveness and Expected Outcomes
- Documentation
- Patient Safety: Thermal Sensation Testing
- Suggested Laboratory Activities
- Complementary Role
- Biophysical Effects of Temperature Elevation
- Physical Principles of Ultrasound
- Production of Ultrasound Waves
- Characteristics of the Ultrasound Wave and Treatment Parameters
- Frequency
- Intensity
- Dosage
- Mode
- Other Principles of Therapeutic Ultrasound
- Beam Nonuniformity Ratio
- Treatment Area
- Duration of Treatment and Number and Frequency of Treatments
- Variation in Ultrasound Units
- Variation in Tissue Response to Therapeutic Ultrasound
- Cooling of Tissues After Ultrasound Application
- Variability of Patient Response: Responders and Nonresponders
- Variability in Application Medium
- Thermal Effects of Ultrasound
- Nonthermal Effects
- Treatment Effectiveness of Therapeutic Ultrasound
- Defining Therapeutic Effectiveness
- Ultrasound for Painful Conditions
- Ultrasound for Shoulder Conditions
- Ultrasound for Inflammation
- Ultrasound for Soft Tissue Healing
- Ultrasound for Improving Tissue Extensibility
- Ultrasound for Remodeling Scar Tissue
- Ultrasound for Tissue Swelling
- Ultrasound for Increasing Endothelial Function
- Review of the Evidence
- Contraindications and Precautions
- Other Uses of Therapeutic Ultrasound
- Phonophoresis
- Low-Intensity Pulsed Ultrasound
- Low-Intensity Therapeutic Ultrasound
- Noncontact Low-Frequency Ultrasound
- Complementary Role of Therapeutic Ultrasound
- Laboratory Activities for Therapeutic Ultrasound
- Observing the ERA
- Observing Acoustical Streaming
- Velocity of Soundhead Movement
- Effects of Additives or Coupling Agents to US Gel
- Clinical Applications
- Instructions
- Thought Questions
- Physical Properties of Water
- Buoyancy
- Viscosity, Drag Forces, and Hydrostatic Pressure
- Hydrodynamics
- Thermodynamics: Heat Transfer
- Physiological Effects of Water
- Hemodynamics
- Effects of Water on the Respiratory System
- Effects of Water on Renal Function
- Effects of Water on the Neurological System
- Effects of Water on the Muscular System
- Mechanical Effects of Water
- Aquatic (Pool) Therapy
- Indications, Precautions, and Contraindications
- Pools and Pool Area
- Pool Care and Safety Precautions
- Clinical Applications of Therapeutic Pools
- A Word About Hot Tubs and Jacuzzis®
- Whirlpools
- Types of Whirlpools
- Turbine
- Electrical Safety
- Clinical Applications for Whirlpools
- Preparatory Considerations
- Whirlpool Duration
- Cleaning and Disinfecting Whirlpools
- Indications for Whirlpools
- Musculoskeletal Conditions
- Edema
- Psychological Conditions
- Precautions and Contraindications for Whirlpools
- Contrast Bath
- Effect on Edema
- Recovery from Exercise and Athletic Activity
- Nonimmersion Irrigation of Wounds
- Pulsed Lavage with Suction
- Clinical Application
- Assessment of Effectiveness and Expected Outcomes for Hydrotherapy
- Clinical Decision-Making
- Goals and Outcomes
- Electromagnetic Waves
- Light Therapy
- Laser
- State of Events
- History
- Physical Properties of Lasers
- Physiological Effects of Lasers
- Instrumentation and Clinical Application of Lasers
- Indications for the Use of Lasers
- Contraindications and Precautions for Lasers
- Light-Emitting Diodes
- Contraindications and Precautions for LEDs
- Assessment of Effectiveness of Light Therapy
- Clinical Application of Laser
- Diathermy
- Physical Principles of Diathermy
- Therapeutic Diathermy Devices: Delivery of Electromagnetic Waves to Bodily Tissues
- Physiological Effects of Diathermy
- Clinical Application of Diathermy
- Indications for Diathermy
- Precautions for Diathermy
- Contraindications for Diathermy
- Suggested Laboratory Activities
- Foundations of Traction
- Biomechanical and Physiological Effects of Traction
- Cervical Spine
- Lumbar Spine
- Basic Applications of Clinical Traction
- Components of the Traction Table
- Cervical Spine Traction: Procedures and Practice
- Lumbar Spine Traction: Procedures and Practice
- Patient Safety
- Indications for Traction
- Contraindications for Traction
- Precautions
- Home Traction
- Cervical Spine
- Lumbar Spine
- Patient Outcome Evidence
- Suggested Laboratory Activities
- History and Theory of Application
- Indications for Intermittent Pneumatic Compression
- Edema
- Prevention of Venous Thromboembolism
- Peripheral Artery Disease
- Venous Stasis Ulcers
- Lymphedema
- Clinical Application of IPC
- Preparation for Treatment
- Possible Complications of Treatment
- Suggested Laboratory Activities
- Overview of Electrotherapy
- Electrotherapy Is Not as Challenging as It May Seem
- Principles of Electricity: Making the Physics Make Sense
- Charge
- Polarity and Creation of Electric Force Fields
- Voltage
- Conductors and Insulators
- Current
- Ohm’s Law: Resistance, Capacitance, and Impedance
- Currents and Waveforms
- The Basic Currents
- Direct Current
- Alternating Current
- Pulsed Current
- Physiological Response to Electrical Current
- Electrochemical Effects
- Electrothermal Effects
- Electrophysical Effects
- Response of Excitable Tissues to Stimulation
- Levels of Response to Electrical Stimulation
- Therapeutic Currents By Name: Variations of the Basic Currents
- Russian Current
- Aussie Current
- High-Volt Pulsed Current
- Interferential Current
- Low-Intensity Direct Current (Microcurrent)
- Symmetrical and Asymmetrical Biphasic Pulsed Currents
- The Bottom Line for Electrotherapy
- Suggested Laboratory Activities
- Instrumentation for Electrotherapy
- Classifying Electrotherapeutic Devices
- Control of Electrical Stimulation: The Dials, Buttons and Touchscreens
- Electrodes: Types and Choices
- Applying Electrodes
- Placement of Electrodes
- Electrode Configurations
- Electrotherapy Application and Techniques: Why Use Electrotherapy?
- Understanding Electrotherapy Language
- Electrotherapy for Activation of Skeletal Muscle: Strengthening and Re-education
- Strengthening: Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation
- Re-education and Retraining: Functional Electrical Stimulation
- Electrical Stimulation of Denervated Muscle
- Electrotherapy for Modulating Pain
- Electrotherapy for Preventing or Reducing Edema
- Electrotherapy for Increasing Circulation
- Electrotherapy for Promoting Tissue Healing
- Iontophoresis
- Physiology of Iontophoresis
- Application of Iontophoresis
- Selecting an Ion
- Electrode Selection and Placement
- Dosage and the Iontophoretic Equation
- Adverse Effects: Current Not Drugs
- Recent Advances in Iontophoresis
- Iontophoresis Versus Tap Water Galvanism
- Precautions and Contraindications
- Safety With Electrotherapeutics: “Primum Non Nocere”
- Chapter 11: Mechanisms of Pain and Use of Therapeutic Modalities
- Types of Pain
- Acute Pain
- Chronic Pain
- Referred Pain
- Pain Pathways
- Peripheral Pain Pathways
- Fundamentals in Clinical Practice
- Central Pain Pathways
- Electrical Stimulation for Pain Control
- History of Electrical Stimulation for Pain Modulation
- Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation
- Physical Principles of TENS
- Fundamental Parameters of TENS
- Modes of TENS
- Conventional TENS
- Acupuncture-like TENS
- Burst Train TENS
- Brief Intense TENS
- Analgesic Mechanisms of TENS
- Analgesic Mechanisms of Low-Frequency TENS
- Analgesic Mechanisms of High-Frequency TENS
- Analgesic Tolerance and TENS
- Importance of Stimulus Intensity
- Caffeine Consumption and TENS
- Clinical Administration of TENS
- Electrodes
- Size of Electrodes
- Electrode Configurations
- Treatment Time
- Clinical Procedures for Use of TENS
- Electrical Currents for Pain Modulation
- Interferential Current
- Carrier Frequency
- Amplitude-Modulated Frequency
- Sweep Frequency
- Sweep Pattern, Swing Pattern, or Sweep Mode
- Treatment Time
- Analgesic Mechanisms of IFC
- Burst-Modulated Alternating Currents
- Summary of Evidence on TENS for Pain Control
- Contraindications and Precautions for TENS
- Suggested Laboratory Activities
- Types of Pain
- Chapter 12: Therapeutic Modalities for Improving Range of Motion
- Clinical Reasoning
- Sources of Loss of Mobility and Range of Motion
- Joint Pain as a Limiter of ROM
- Edema After an Injury
- Joint Stiffness Associated with Arthritis
- Joint Contracture as a Result of Injury and/or Immobilization
- Loss of ROM Secondary to Spasticity
- Assessment of Loss of Motion
- Indications and Evidence for Use of Therapeutic Modalities to Increase ROM
- Heat or Cold
- Electrical Stimulation
- Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy
- Special Considerations for Use of Therapeutic Modalities for Contractures
- Contractures from Burn Scars
- Contractures Postcancer and Necrotizing Fasciitis
- Further Clinical Considerations
- Documenting Improvement in ROM
- Home Versus Clinic Use of Modalities for Loss of Motion
- Decision-Making for Selection of Physical Agents
- Clinical Application for Thermal Physical Agents
- Clinical Application for Electrical Physical Agents
- Suggested Laboratory Activities
- Chapter 13: Electrotherapy for Musculoskeletal Disorders
- Rationale for Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation
- NMES for Muscle Strengthening
- Examination, Evaluation, and Prognosis
- Intervention
- Voluntary Versus NMES Exercise: Differences in Muscle Recruitment
- Selecting a Stimulator
- Stimulation Parameters
- Electrode Placement
- Intensity or Dosage
- Monitoring Treatment
- NMES and Motor Unit Recruitment
- Limitations of NMES
- Electrical Muscle Stimulation Applied to Denervated Muscle
- Examination, Evaluation, and Prognosis
- Intervention
- Biofeedback
- Recording and Displaying the EMG Signal
- Electrode Type and Electrode Placement Considerations for EMG Biofeedback
- Patient Training Strategies With EMG Biofeedback
- Suggested Laboratory Activities
- Chapter 14: Electrical Stimulation in Patients with Neurological Diagnoses
- Examination Needs
- Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation
- NMES for Muscle Strengthening
- NMES for Increasing Range of Motion
- NMES for Decreasing Spasticity
- NMES for Decreasing Urinary Incontinence
- Functional Electrical Stimulation
- FES for Shoulder Subluxation
- FES for Upper-Extremity Function
- FES for Ambulation
- FES for Exercise
- FES for Other Functional Activities
- Biofeedback
- Suggested Laboratory Activities
- Chapter 15: Therapeutic Modalities for Tissue Healing
- The Normal Healing Process
- Conventional Ultrasound
- Low-Frequency Ultrasound
- Ultraviolet Light
- Electrical Stimulation
- Infrared Energy
- Intermittent Pneumatic Compression
- Superficial Heating Modalities
- Cryotherapy
- Hydrotherapy
- Laser Therapy
- Negative-Pressure Wound Therapy
- Suggested Laboratory Activities
- Chapter 16: Alternative Modalities for Pain and Tissue Healing
- Magnet Therapy
- Physical Principles of Magnets
- Pulsed Magnetic Fields
- Proposed Physiological Effects of Static Magnets
- Review of the Literature on Static Magnet Therapy
- Clinical Applications of Magnet Therapy
- Monochromatic Infrared Photo Energy
- Physical Principles of MIRE
- Proposed Physiological Effects of MIRE
- Review of the Literature on MIRE
- Clinical Applications of MIRE
- Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy
- Physical Principles of HBOT
- Proposed Physiological Effects of HBOT
- Review of the Literature on HBOT
- Clinical Applications of HBOT
- Extracorporeal Shock Wave and Radial Pressure Wave Therapy
- Physical Principles of ESWT
- Physiological Effects of ESWT
- Review of the Literature on ESWT
- Clinical Applications of ESWT
- Documentation Tips for Alternative Modalities
- Magnet Therapy
- What is Electroneuromyography?
- Anatomy and Physiology Review
- Peripheral Nerve Structure
- Peripheral Nerve Function
- Equipment to Conduct ENMG
- Indications: Who Needs ENMG Testing?
- Clinical Examples of Diagnostic Dilemma for Which ENMG Testing Is Important
- Precautions
- Nerve Conduction Studies
- General Influencing Factors
- Motor Nerve Conduction Study
- Sensory Nerve Conduction Study
- Central Conduction and Long-Loop Responses: F-Wave and H-Reflex
- Coming to Some Conclusions: What Do We Know So Far?
- Clinical Electromyography
- What Can Be Learned by Needle EMG That Has Not Already Been Determined by the NCS?
- Insertion
- Rest
- Minimal Activation
- Maximal Activation (Recruitment)
- Interpretation of Electrophysiological Evaluation Findings
- Does ENMG Bear Any Relationship to EMG Biofeedback?
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- Gerð : 208
- Höfundur : 8734
- Útgáfuár : 2021
- Leyfi : 380