Benefit from the Mediterranean diet For decades, doctors and nutritional experts have observed—and confirmed—that people in Mediterranean countries have much lower occurrences in vascular disease, obesity, cancer, and diabetes than their counterparts in northern European countries and the United States. Now, Mediterranean Diet Cookbook For Dummies shows you how to cook meals inspired by the cuisines of Italy, Greece, Spain, and southern France so you too can live a healthier life free of excess weight and disease.
The Mediterranean diet—ranked #2 in Best Diets overall, it is high in vegetables, fruits, olive oil, and whole grains, and moderate in protein and animal fats—has proven to be beneficial in reducing the risk for diabetes, heart disease, and stroke. Now, a new study shows it may also be good for the brain. The Mediterranean diet isn't just a fad or a quick fix—it's a healthy lifestyle choice that's here to stay! Create more than 150 tasty recipes Get expert tips on meal planning and exercise regimes Prevent and fight diseases by eating delicious food Find delicious alternatives to unhealthy ingredients Whether you're just discovering the Mediterranean diet or are looking for some new recipes to add to your repertoire, this updated, hands-on guide offering the latest research has everything you need to start living a healthier life.
- Höfundar: Meri Raffetto, Wendy Jo Peterson
- Útgáfa:2
- Útgáfudagur: 06-09-2017
- Hægt að prenta út 10 bls.
- Hægt að afrita 2 bls.
- Format:ePub
- ISBN 13: 9781119404453
- Print ISBN: 9781119404439
- ISBN 10: 1119404452
- Cover
- Introduction
- About This Book
- Conventions Used in This Book
- Foolish Assumptions
- Icons Used in This Book
- Where to Go from Here
- Part 1: Exploring the Mediterranean Lifestyle
- Chapter 1: Introducing the Mediterranean Diet
- Identifying the Flavors of the Mediterranean Coast
- Discovering Where the Food Comes From
- Eating and Living the Mediterranean Way
- Chapter 2: Discovering the Health Benefits of the Mediterranean Diet
- Highlighting the Main Nutrients of the Mediterranean Diet
- Filling Up with Functional Foods
- Understanding the Importance of Wine
- Looking at the Mediterranean Diet’s Effect on Heart Disease
- Fighting Cancer
- Battling Diabetes
- Aging Gracefully: Anti-Aging Tips from the Mediterranean
- Chapter 3: Losing Weight with the Mediterranean Diet
- Focusing on Lifestyle Changes
- Considering Calories without Counting Them
- Suppressing Your Appetite Effortlessly
- Controlling Food Cravings
- Mastering the Art of Mindful Eating
- Chapter 1: Introducing the Mediterranean Diet
- Chapter 4: Planning Your Mediterranean Meals
- Seeing the Importance of Meal Planning
- Changing the Way You Fill Your Plate
- Trying Sample Meals and Lifestyle Plans
- Finding Kid-Friendly Recipes
- Chapter 5: Going to the Market and Stocking Your Kitchen
- Knowing Where to Shop
- Preparing to Shop: Appreciating the Food
- Finding the Right Products
- Stocking Your Kitchen with Must-Have Mediterranean Staples
- Exploring a Few Handy Cooking Tools
- Chapter 6: Mastering Mediterranean Cooking with Helpful Tips and Techniques
- Setting Yourself Up for Success
- Cooking with Oils
- A Pinch of This and a Pinch of That: Using Herbs and Spices
- Including Whole Grains
- Discovering Beans and Lentils
- Chapter 7: Beginning the Day the Right Way
- Waking Up to Breakfast, Mediterranean-Style
- Bringing on the Eggs
- Trying Some Delicious Breakfast Specials
- Chapter 8: Small Appetizers: Starting Off With Tapas, Meze, and Antipasti
- Creating the Classics
- Going for the Yum: That’s So Cheesy!
- Creating Savory Starters
- Chapter 9: Whipping Up Some Sauces
- Making Classic Italian Sauces
- Creating the Mediterranean Standbys
- Chapter 10: Creating Fresh, Delicious Salads
- Eating Your Veggies Fresh from the Garden
- Getting to the Fruit of Things
- Pushing Side Salads Aside: Delicious Entree Salads
- Chapter 11: Savoring Soups and Stews
- Warming Up with a Great Cup of Soup
- Creating Hearty Stews to Warm Your Heart
- Chapter 12: Bringing New Flavor to Vegetable Sides
- Introducing Fall Favorites into Your Mediterranean Diet
- Helping Yourself to Hearty Winter Vegetables
- Springing into Spring
- Loving Light, Fresh Summer Classics
- Chapter 13: Rediscovering Whole Grains
- Exploring Rice and Couscous
- From Mush to Gold: Making Polenta
- Creating Amazing Sides with Bulgur Wheat
- Chapter 14: Enjoying Legumes the Mediterranean Way
- Letting in Lentils
- Bringing Beans to the Table
- Chapter 15: Pasta, Pasta, Pasta!
- Eating Pasta Responsibly
- Going Vegetarian
- Diving into Noodles with Seafood
- Adding Meat to Pasta
- Chapter 16: From Pizza to Pitas: Mastering Fast Food
- Tossing Up Pizza Night
- Gearing Up for Classic Gyros and Pitas
- Munching Sensational Sandwiches
- Chapter 17: Preparing Classic Chicken Entrees
- Crafting Some Chicken Classics from Southern Italy
- Creating Amazing Cretan Chicken Dishes
- Adding a Touch of Morocco and Spain
- Chapter 18: Going Under the Sea with Seafood Options
- Making Light and Healthy Fish Entrees
- Crafting Some Shellfish Specialties
- Putting Together Easy Seafood for Busy People on the Run
- Chapter 19: Making One-of-a-Kind Meat and Pork Entrees
- Enjoying a Great Steak
- Exploring Beef Specialties
- Perfecting Pork
- Chapter 20: Don’t Forget Dessert!
- Devouring Quintessential Mediterranean Desserts
- Adding a Touch of Fruit to Sweeten Your Meal
- Going Cuckoo for Cookies
- Chapter 21: Ten Tips for Getting More Plant-Based Foods in Your Diet
- Keeping Sliced Vegetables on Hand
- Including a Fruit or Vegetable with Every Meal
- Keeping a Fruit Bowl on Your Counter
- Adding Fruit to Your Cereals
- Dressing Up Your Salad with Fresh Fruits and Vegetables
- Sneaking Veggies and Herbs into Your Egg Dishes
- Punching Up Your Pasta with Fresh Produce
- Starting Off with a Little Vegetable Soup
- Supercharging Soups and Stews with Whole Grains
- Adding Beans to, Well, Everything
- Chapter 22: Ten Myths about the Mediterranean Diet
- People Who Live in the Mediterranean Are All Healthy
- You Can Eat as Much Cheese as You Want
- Drinking as Much Wine as You Want Is Heart Healthy
- You Can Eat Desserts Regularly and Manage Your Weight
- Eating Large Bowls of Pasta with Bread Is Totally Fine
- You Don’t Have to Go to the Gym
- The Diet Can’t Be Healthy Because It Contains So Much Fat
- The Health Benefits Are All about the Diet
- People from the Mediterranean Eat Huge Meals and Never Gain Weight
- You Can Continue a Busy Life and Fully Adopt a Mediterranean Diet
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- Gerð : 208
- Höfundur : 10856
- Útgáfuár : 2017
- Leyfi : 380