Take an inward journey for a happier, healthier life Meditation has been used for centuries to reduce stress, increase energy, and enhance overall health and well-being—so it's no wonder more and more people in today's fast-paced and stress-centric world are adopting this age-old practice. If you want to achieve a greater state of calmness, physical relaxation, and psychological balance, Meditation For Dummies is your life raft.
Covering the latest research on the health benefits of meditation, this new edition explains in plain English how you can put meditation into practice today and start reaping the benefits of living a more mindful life. Whether you're new to meditation or a seasoned practitioner coming back for a refresher course, this plain-English guide provides a wealth of tips and techniques for sitting (or lying) down with your mind to meditate successfully.
From preparing your body for meditation to focusing your awareness and being open to the present moment, it covers everything you need to put distractions to rest and open yourself up to a meditation practice that works for you. Provides the latest research on the causes of happiness and how meditation can improve your mood Includes a new chapter on the growing trend of meditation in the workplace Explains how meditation and other mindfulness practices have made their way into hospitals, schools, prison, and military groups Illustrates the benefits of taking time to consciously cultivate mindfulness through meditation If you're ready to find some zen and benefit from all meditation has to offer, this friendly guide sets you up for success.
- Höfundur: Stephan Bodian
- Útgáfa:4
- Útgáfudagur: 2016-05-10
- Hægt að prenta út 10 bls.
- Hægt að afrita 2 bls.
- Format:ePub
- ISBN 13: 9781119251170
- Print ISBN: 9781119251163
- ISBN 10: 1119251176
- Cover
- Foreword
- Introduction
- About This Book
- Foolish Assumptions
- Icons Used in This Book
- Beyond the Book
- Where to Go from Here
- Part 1: Getting Started with Meditation
- Chapter 1: Embarking on Your Meditation Journey
- Getting an Overview of How the Journey Unfolds
- Developing and Directing Awareness: The Key to Meditation
- Making Meditation Your Own
- Chapter 2: Why Meditate?
- How Life Drives You — to Meditate
- How to Survive the 21st Century — with Meditation
- A Dozen More Great Reasons to Meditate
- Chapter 3: Zen and Now: Where Meditation Comes From
- Making the Indian Connection
- To the Roof of the World — and Beyond
- From the Middle East to the Rest of the West
- The Americanization of Meditation
- The Latest Developments in Meditation
- Chapter 4: Your Brain on Meditation and How It Impacts Your Life
- Tracing the Origins of Meditation Research
- Mapping the Meditative Brain
- Chapter 1: Embarking on Your Meditation Journey
- Chapter 5: Laying the Foundation: Motivation, Attitude, and Beginner’s Mind
- Beginning (and Ending) with Beginner’s Mind
- Exploring What Motivates You to Meditate
- Living in Harmony with Your Meditation
- Chapter 6: How Your Mind Stresses You Out and What You Can Do about It
- Taking a Tour of Your Inner Terrain
- The Bad News: How Your Mind Stresses You Out
- The Good News: How Meditation Relieves Suffering and Stress
- Chapter 7: Mindfulness Meditation: Awareness of the Here and Now
- Turning Your Attention Inward
- Relaxing Your Body
- Developing Mindfulness
- Training Your Puppy: Reining In Your Wandering Mind
- Chapter 8: Preparing Your Body for Meditation
- Putting a Snake into a Stick of Bamboo — or the Subtle Art of Sitting Still
- How to Sit Up Straight — and Live to Tell About It
- Chapter 9: Where to Sit, What to Wear, and Other Practical Stuff
- What to Wear: Choosing Comfort over Fashion
- When to Meditate: Any Time’s the Right Time
- How Long to Meditate: From Quickies to the Long Haul
- What to Eat and Drink — and Avoid — before You Meditate
- Where to Meditate: Creating Sacred Space
- Chapter 10: Just Doing It: Discipline, Effort, and Letting Go
- Discipline Just Means “Again and Again”
- The Right Kind of Effort: Not Too Tight or Too Loose
- Knowing How to Let Go and What to Let Go Of
- Chapter 11: Opening Your Heart with Love and Compassion
- How Your Heart Closes — and How You Can Open It Again
- Generating Love for Yourself and Others
- Transforming Suffering with Compassion
- Chapter 12: Meditating with Challenging Emotions and Habitual Patterns
- Making Friends with Your Experience
- Meditating with Challenging Emotions
- Unraveling Habitual Patterns with Awareness
- Setting Patterns Aside — for Now
- When Meditation May Not Be Right for You Now
- Choosing a Therapist to Help with Your Patterns
- Chapter 13: Troubleshooting Common Roadblocks and Side Effects
- Navigating the Roadblocks on Your Meditative Journey
- Enjoying the Side Effects of Meditation without Getting Sidetracked
- Chapter 14: Developing a Practice That Works for You
- Fitting the Puzzle Pieces Together
- Whenever Two or More of You: Meditating with Others
- Chapter 15: Cultivating Spirituality
- What Does Spirituality Mean, Anyway?
- The Path of Devotion: In Search of Union
- The Path of Insight: Discovering Who You Are
- How to Find a Teacher — and Why You May Want to Bother
- Chapter 16: Don’t Worry, Be Happy — with Meditation
- Checking Out the Hallmarks of Genuine Happiness
- Studying Up on the Art and Science of Happiness
- Finding True Happiness with Meditation
- Chapter 17: Meditating in Everyday Life
- Being at Peace with Every Step: Extending Meditation in Action
- The Family That Meditates Together: Partners, Children, and Other Loved Ones
- Chapter 18: Using Meditation for Healing and Performance Enhancement
- Meditation Has the Power to Help Heal Your Body, Too
- Meditation Can Enhance Your Performance at Work and Play
- Chapter 19: Ten Commonly Asked Questions about Meditation
- Will Meditation Make Me Too Relaxed or Spaced Out to Succeed at Work or School?
- How Can I Find the Time to Meditate in My Busy Schedule?
- Can I Meditate in a Chair or Lying Down Instead of Cross-Legged on the Floor?
- What Should I Do about the Restlessness or Discomfort I Experience While Meditating?
- What Should I Do If I Keep Falling Asleep While I Meditate?
- How Do I Know If I’m Meditating the Right Way?
- Can I Meditate While I’m Driving My Car or Sitting at My Computer?
- Do I Have to Give Up My Religious Beliefs to Meditate?
- What Should I Do If My Loved Ones Don’t Support My Meditation Practice?
- Can Meditation Really Improve My Health?
- Chapter 20: Ten Favorite All-Purpose Meditations
- Practicing Relaxation
- Following Your Breath
- Walking Meditation
- Mindful Eating
- Cultivating Lovingkindness
- Softening Your Belly
- Healing with Light
- Grounding into the Earth
- Practicing a Half Smile
- Peaceful Place
- Appendix A: Meditation Resources
- Organizations and Centers
- Websites
- Books
- Appendix B: About the Audio Tracks
- How to Access the Audio Tracks
- What You’ll Find on Dummies.com
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- Gerð : 208
- Höfundur : 11028
- Útgáfuár : 2016
- Leyfi : 380