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Ensk lýsing:
MATLAB: A Practical Introduction to Programming and Problem Solving , winner of TAA’s 2017 Textbook Excellence Award ("Texty"), guides the reader through both programming and built-in functions to easily exploit MATLAB's extensive capabilities for tackling engineering and scientific problems. Assuming no knowledge of programming, this book starts with programming concepts, such as variables, assignments, and selection statements, moves on to loops, and then solves problems using both the programming concept and the power of MATLAB.
The fifth edition has been updated to reflect the functionality of the current version of MATLAB (R2018a), including the addition of local functions in scripts, the new string type, coverage of recently introduced functions to import data from web sites, and updates to the Live Editor and App Designer. Presents programming concepts and MATLAB built-in functions side by side, giving students the ability to program efficiently and exploit the power of MATLAB to solve technical problems Offers sections on common pitfalls and programming guidelines that direct students to best practice procedures Tests conceptual understanding of the material with Quick Questions! and Practice sections within each chapter NEW TO THE FIFTH EDITION Use of MATLAB Version R2018a A revised Text Manipulation chapter, which includes manipulating character vectors as well as the new string type Introduction to alternate MATLAB platforms, including MATLAB Mobile Local functions within scripts The new output format for most expression types Introduction to the RESTFUL web functions which import data from web sites Increased coverage of App Designer Introduction to recording audio from a built-in device such as a microphone Modified and new end-of-chapter exercises More coverage of data structures including categorical arrays and tables Increased coverage of built-in functions in MATLAB.
MATLAB: A Practical Introduction to Programming and Problem Solving , winner of TAA’s 2017 Textbook Excellence Award ("Texty"), guides the reader through both programming and built-in functions to easily exploit MATLAB’s extensive capabilities for tackling engineering and scientific problems. Assuming no knowledge of programming, this book starts with programming concepts, such as variables, assignments, and selection statements, moves on to loops, and then solves problems using both the programming concept and the power of MATLAB.
The sixth edition has been updated to reflect the functionality of the current version of MATLAB (R2021a), including the introduction of machine learning concepts and the Machine Learning Toolbox, and new sections on data formats and data scrubbing. Presents programming concepts and MATLAB built-in functions side by side, giving students the ability to program efficiently and exploit the power of MATLAB to solve technical problems Offers sections on common pitfalls and programming guidelines that direct students to best practice procedures Tests conceptual understanding of the material with Quick Questions! and Practice sections within each chapter Full color treatment of charts, graphs, grids and special chapter sections such as Quick Questions and Key Terms enhances readability and learning of MATLAB programming concepts and functions Content in this edition has been updated to MATLAB version R2021a where appropriate For this edition, new sections introducing concepts relevant to machine learning have been added to the end of every chapter along with a new Introduction to Machine Learning chapter.
- Höfundur: Dorothy C. Attaway
- Útgáfa:6
- Útgáfudagur: 2022-05-04
- Engar takmarkanir á útprentun
- Engar takmarkanir afritun
- Format:ePub
- ISBN 13: 9780323986113
- Print ISBN: 9780323917506
- ISBN 10: 0323986110
- Cover
- Title page
- Table of Contents
- Copyright
- Preface
- Motivation
- Modifications in The Sixth Edition
- Key Features
- Layout of Text
- Part 1: Introduction to Programming Using MATLAB
- Part II: Advanced Topics for Problem Solving With MATLAB
- Path Through the Book
- Pedagogical Features
- Additional Book Resources
- MathWorks® Contact Information
- Acknowledgments
- Part 1: Introduction to Programming Using MATLAB®
- Chapter 1: Introduction to MATLAB®
- 1.1: Getting into MATLAB
- 1.2: The MATLAB Desktop Environment
- 1.3: Variables and Assignment Statements
- 1.4: Numerical Expressions
- 1.5: Characters and Strings
- 1.6: Relational Expressions
- 1.7: Type Ranges and Type Casting
- 1.8: Built-in Numerical Functions
- 1.9: Using MAT-Files for Variables
- 1.10: Additional MATLAB Products
- Summary
- Chapter 2: Vectors and Matrices
- Abstract
- 2.1: Vectors and Matrices
- 2.2: Vectors and Matrices as Function Arguments
- 2.3: Scalar and Array Operations on Vectors and Matrices
- 2.4: Logical Vectors
- 2.5: Matrix Operations and Matrix Properties
- Summary
- Chapter 3: Introduction to MATLAB Programming
- Abstract
- 3.1: Algorithms
- 3.2: MATLAB Scripts
- 3.3: Input and Output
- 3.4: Scripts with Input and Output
- 3.5: Scripts to Produce and Customize Simple Plots
- 3.6: Introduction to File Input/Output (Load and Save)
- 3.7: User-Defined Functions that Return a Single Value
- 3.8: Local Functions in Scripts
- 3.9: Commands and Functions
- 3.10: Introduction to Live Scripts
- Summary
- Chapter 4: Selection Statements
- Abstract
- 4.1: The if Statement
- 4.2: The if-else Statement
- 4.3: Nested if-else Statements
- 4.4: The Switch Statement
- 4.5: The “is” Functions in MATLAB
- Summary
- Chapter 5: Loop Statements and Vectorizing Code
- Abstract
- 5.1: The for Loop
- 5.2: Nested for Loops
- 5.3: While Loops
- 5.4: Loops with Vectors and Matrices; Vectorizing
- 5.5: Timing
- Summary
- Chapter 6: MATLAB Programs
- Abstract
- 6.1: More Types of User-Defined Functions
- 6.2: MATLAB Program Organization
- 6.3: Application: Menu-Driven Modular Program
- 6.4: Variable Scope
- 6.5: Debugging Techniques
- 6.6: Tasks in Live Scripts, Code Cells, and Publishing Code
- Summary
- Chapter 7: Text Manipulation
- Abstract
- 7.1: Characters, Character Vectors, and String Arrays
- 7.2: Operations on Text
- 7.3: The “is” Functions for Text
- 7.4: Converting Between Text and Number Types
- Summary
- Chapter 8: Data Structures
- Abstract
- 8.1: Cell Arrays
- 8.2: Structures
- 8.3: Advanced Data Structures
- 8.4: Sorting
- Summary
- Chapter 1: Introduction to MATLAB®
- Chapter 9: Data Transfer
- Abstract
- 9.1: Writing and reading spreadsheet and csv files
- 9.2: Lower-Level File I/O Functions
- 9.3: Data Transfer with Web Sites
- Summary
- Chapter 10: Advanced Functions
- Abstract
- 10.1: Variable Numbers of Arguments
- 10.2: Validating Function Arguments
- 10.3: Anonymous Functions and Function Handles
- 10.4: Uses of Function Handles
- 10.5: Nested Functions
- 10.6: Recursive Functions
- Summary
- Chapter 11: Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming and Graphics
- Abstract
- 11.1: Object-Oriented Programming
- 11.2: Using Objects with Graphics and Plot Properties
- 11.3: User-Defined Classes and Objects
- Summary
- Chapter 12: Advanced Plotting Techniques
- Abstract
- 12.1: Plot Functions and Customizing Plots
- 12.2: 3D Plots
- 12.3: Primitive Graphics Objects
- 12.4: Plot Applications
- 12.5: Saving and Printing Plots
- Summary
- Chapter 13: Sights and Sounds
- Abstract
- 13.1: Image Processing
- 13.2: Introduction to Apps and Graphical User Interfaces
- 13.3: App Designer
- 13.4: Sound Files
- Summary
- Chapter 14: Advanced Mathematics
- Abstract
- 14.1: Set Operations
- 14.2: Complex Numbers
- 14.3: Matrix Solutions to Systems of Linear Algebraic Equations
- 14.4: Symbolic Mathematics
- 14.5: Calculus: Integration and Differentiation
- Summary
- Chapter 15: Basic Machine Learning Algorithms and Concepts
- Abstract
- 15.1: Preprocessing Data, Basic Workflow
- 15.2: Algorithms and Model Performance
- 15.3: Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox™
- Summary
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- Gerð : 208
- Höfundur : 5993
- Útgáfuár : 2022
- Leyfi : 380