Mathematics for Economics and Business

- VIÐ102G Stærðfræði A
- STÆ3106 Hagnýt stærðfræði
- 102.6.0. HSTA Hagnýt stærðfræði
- STÆ3106110 Hagnýt stærðfræði I
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This enhanced ebook version of Maths for Economics and Business also contains a selection of additional interactive features specifically designed to support you in your study, including: Self-assessment questions throughout each chapter enabling you to check your understanding of what you have just read. Short videos providing walkthrough explanations of key mathematical procedures to help you build a better understanding.
A reader-friendly introduction to the essential principles in Mathematics for economics and business, whether you are new to economics or looking for comprehensive self-study material. Mathematics for Economics and Business, 10th edition by Ian Jacques, is the essential resource for studying Mathematics as part of your economics, management or business studies courses. Ideal for first-year students in economics and those interested in comprehensive self-study, this book will guide you step-by-step through the key mathematical concepts and techniques you need to succeed, regardless of your level or prior quantitative knowledge.
With its accessible and informal writing style, the book is designed to allow you to progress at your own pace. The worked examples and several new case studies throughout each chapter further illustrate how mathematical concepts and techniques relate to the business world, encouraging you to solve real-world problems yourself. Key features include: A wealth of examples, practice exercises and self-test questions to help you check your understanding of the topics.
Longer exam-style problems to help you revise and improve your exam ability. New material that focuses on the second-order conditions for Lagrange multipliers and a new section on Lorenz curves and Gini coefficients. Also available with MyLab®Math MyLab® is the teaching and learning platform that combines trusted author content with digital assessments, help tools to use at point-of-need, and a flexible platform.
If you would like to purchase both the physical text and MyLab®Math please search for: 9781292720159 Mathematics for Economics and Business, 10th edition ‘MyLab via Bundle’ which consists of: Print textbook eBook MyLab®Math Students, if MyLab®Math is a recommended/mandatory component of the course, please ask your instructor for the correct ISBN and course ID. MyLab Math should only be purchased when required by an instructor.
- Höfundur: Ian Jacques
- Útgáfa:10
- Útgáfudagur: 2023-05-17
- Hægt að prenta út 2 bls.
- Hægt að afrita 2 bls.
- Format:ePub
- ISBN 13: 9781292720142
- Print ISBN: 9781292720128
- ISBN 10: 129272014X
- Cover Page
- Title
- Copyright
- Contents
- Preface
- INTRODUCTION: Getting Started
- Chapter 1 Linear Equations
- 1.1 Introduction to algebra
- 1.1.1 Negative numbers
- 1.1.2 Expressions
- 1.1.3 Brackets
- Key Terms
- Exercise 1.1
- Exercise 1.1*
- 1.2 Further algebra
- 1.2.1 Fractions
- 1.2.2 Equations
- 1.2.3 Inequalities
- Key Terms
- Exercise 1.2
- Exercise 1.2*
- 1.3 Graphs of linear equations
- Key Terms
- Exercise 1.3
- Exercise 1.3*
- 1.4 Algebraic solution of simultaneous linear equations
- Key Term
- Exercise 1.4
- Exercise 1.4*
- 1.5 Supply and demand analysis
- Key Terms
- Exercise 1.5
- Exercise 1.5*
- 1.6 Transposition of formulae
- Key Terms
- Exercise 1.6
- Exercise 1.6*
- 1.7 National income determination
- Key Terms
- Exercise 1.7
- Exercise 1.7*
- Case study
- Formal mathematics
- Multiple-choice questions
- Examination questions
- 1.1 Introduction to algebra
- Chapter 2 Non-linear Equations
- 2.1 Quadratic functions
- Key Terms
- Exercise 2.1
- Exercise 2.1*
- 2.2 Revenue, cost and profit
- Key Terms
- Exercise 2.2
- Exercise 2.2*
- 2.3 Indices and logarithms
- 2.3.1 Index notation
- 2.3.2 Rules of indices
- 2.3.3 Logarithms
- 2.3.4 Summary
- Key Terms
- Exercise 2.3
- Exercise 2.3*
- 2.4 The exponential and natural logarithm functions
- Key Terms
- Exercise 2.4
- Exercise 2.4*
- Case study 2
- Formal mathematics
- Multiple-choice questions
- Examination questions
- 2.1 Quadratic functions
- Chapter 3 Mathematics of Finance
- 3.1 Percentages
- 3.1.1 Index numbers
- 3.1.2 Inflation
- Key Terms
- Exercise 3.1
- Exercise 3.1*
- 3.2 Compound interest
- Key Terms
- Exercise 3.2
- Exercise 3.2*
- 3.3 Geometric series
- Key Terms
- Exercise 3.3
- Exercise 3.3*
- 3.4 Investment appraisal
- Key Terms
- Exercise 3.4
- Exercise 3.4*
- Case study
- Formal mathematics
- Multiple-choice questions
- Examination questions
- 3.1 Percentages
- Chapter 4 Differentiation
- 4.1 The derivative of a function
- Key Terms
- Exercise 4.1
- Exercise 4.1*
- 4.2 Rules of differentiation
- Rule 1 The constant rule
- Rule 2 The sum rule
- Rule 3 The difference rule
- Key Terms
- Exercise 4.2
- Exercise 4.2*
- 4.3 Marginal functions
- 4.3.1 Revenue and cost
- 4.3.2 Production
- 4.3.3 Consumption and savings
- Key Terms
- Exercise 4.3
- Exercise 4.3*
- 4.4 Further rules of differentiation
- Rule 4 The chain rule
- Rule 5 The product rule
- Rule 6 The quotient rule
- Exercise 4.4
- Exercise 4.4*
- 4.5 Elasticity
- Key Terms
- Exercise 4.5
- Exercise 4.5*
- 4.6 Optimisation of economic functions
- Key Terms
- Exercise 4.6
- Exercise 4.6*
- 4.7 Further optimisation of economic functions
- Key Term
- Exercise 4.7*
- 4.8 The derivative of the exponential and natural logarithm functions
- Exercise 4.8
- Exercise 4.8*
- Case study 4
- Formal mathematics
- Multiple-choice questions
- Examination questions
- 4.1 The derivative of a function
- Chapter 5 Partial Differentiation
- 5.1 Functions of several variables
- Key Terms
- Exercise 5.1
- Exercise 5.1*
- 5.2 Partial elasticity and marginal functions
- 5.2.1 Elasticity of demand
- 5.2.2 Utility
- 5.2.3 Production
- Key Terms
- Exercise 5.2
- Exercise 5.2*
- 5.3 Comparative statics
- Key Terms
- Exercise 5.3*
- 5.4 Unconstrained optimisation
- Key Terms
- Exercise 5.4
- Exercise 5.4*
- 5.5 Constrained optimisation
- Key Terms
- Exercise 5.5
- Exercise 5.5*
- 5.6 Lagrange multipliers
- Key Terms
- Exercise 5.6
- Exercise 5.6*
- Case study 5
- Formal mathematics
- Multiple-choice questions
- Examination questions
- 5.1 Functions of several variables
- Chapter 6 Integration
- 6.1 Indefinite integration
- Key Terms
- Exercise 6.1
- Exercise 6.1*
- 6.2 Definite integration
- 6.2.1 Consumer’s surplus
- 6.2.2 Producer’s surplus
- 6.2.3 Investment flow
- 6.2.4 Discounting
- 6.2.5 Income inequality
- Key Terms
- Exercise 6.2
- Exercise 6.2*
- Case study 6
- Formal mathematics
- Multiple-choice questions
- Examination questions
- 6.1 Indefinite integration
- Chapter 7 Matrices
- 7.1 Basic matrix operations
- 7.1.1 Transposition
- 7.1.2 Addition and subtraction
- 7.1.3 Scalar multiplication
- 7.1.4 Matrix multiplication
- 7.1.5 Summary
- Key Terms
- Exercise 7.1
- Exercise 7.1*
- 7.2 Matrix inversion
- Key Terms
- Exercise 7.2
- Exercise 7.2*
- 7.3 Cramer’s rule
- Key Term
- Exercise 7.3
- Exercise 7.3*
- Case study 7
- Formal mathematics
- Multiple-choice questions
- Examination questions
- 7.1 Basic matrix operations
- Chapter 8 Linear Programming
- 8.1 Graphical solution of linear programming problems
- Key Terms
- Exercise 8.1
- Exercise 8.1*
- 8.2 Applications of linear programming
- Key Terms
- Exercise 8.2
- Exercise 8.2*
- Case study 8
- Formal mathematics
- Multiple-choice questions
- Examination questions
- 8.1 Graphical solution of linear programming problems
- Chapter 9 Dynamics
- 9.1 Difference equations
- 9.1.1 National income determination
- 9.1.2 Supply and demand analysis
- Key Terms
- Exercise 9.1
- Exercise 9.1*
- 9.2 Differential equations
- 9.2.1 National income determination
- 9.2.2 Supply and demand analysis
- Key Terms
- Exercise 9.2
- Exercise 9.2*
- Case study 9
- Formal mathematics
- Multiple-choice questions
- Examination questions
- 9.1 Difference equations
- Answers to Problems
- Chapter 1
- Chapter 2
- Chapter 3
- Chapter 4
- Chapter 5
- Chapter 6
- Chapter 7
- Chapter 8
- Chapter 9
- Glossary
- Index
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- Gerð : 208
- Höfundur : 5627
- Útgáfuár : 2019
- Leyfi : 380